Strömgen Sphere example in 2D ----------------------------- This directory contains two examples in one: - run a Strömgren sphere example, where a single central star ionizes the surrounding medium in a 2D plane. To run this example, use the provided `` script. This script will then make use of the `` and `` script. - run a propagation test of photons emitted from a single central source in an otherwise uniform 2D plane. To run this example, use the provided `` script. This script will then make use of the `` and `` script. Additional scripts: - ``: Plots a projection of the radiation quantities (energies, fluxes). NOTE: you might need to change the 'snapshot_base' variable at the top of the script depending on which solutions you want to plot. To use the GEAR RT (with gizmo-mfv solver) model, compile with : --with-rt=GEAR_1 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-hydro-dimension=2 --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-stars=GEAR --with-feedback=none --with-grackle=$GRACKLE_ROOT To use the GEAR RT (with sphenix SPH solver) model, compile with : --with-rt=GEAR_1 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-hydro-dimension=2 --with-hydro=sphenix --with-stars=GEAR --with-feedback=none --with-grackle=$GRACKLE_ROOT To use the SPHM1 RT model, compile with : --with-rt=SPHM1RT_4 --with-hydro-dimension=2 --with-stars=basic --with-feedback=none --with-sundials=$SUNDIALS_ROOT IMPORTANT: Need SUNDIALS version = 5 . SUNDIALS_ROOT is the root directory that contains the lib and include directories, e.g. on cosma: SUNDIALS_ROOT=/cosma/local/sundials/5.1.0/