MetaData: run_name: Heating Test # Define the system of units to use internally. InternalUnitSystem: UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98848e33 # 1 M_sun in grams UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e18 # 1 pc in cm UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # 1 km/s in cm/s UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # Amperes UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # Kelvin # Parameters governing the time integration TimeIntegration: max_nr_rt_subcycles: 1 time_begin: 0. # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units). dt_min: 1.0208453377e-08 # 0.01 yr dt_max: 0.0010208453 # 1 kyr time_end: 4.10084 # 4 Myr # Parameters governing the snapshots Snapshots: basename: output # Common part of the name of output files time_first: 0. # Time of the first output (in internal units) output_list_on: 1 # (Optional) Enable the output list output_list: snaplist.txt # (Optional) File containing the output times (see documentation in "Parameter File" section) # Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics Statistics: time_first: 0. delta_time: 1. # Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme SPH: resolution_eta: 1.2348 # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel). CFL_condition: 0.6 # Courant-Friedrich-Levy condition for time integration. minimal_temperature: 10. # Kelvin # Parameters related to the initial conditions InitialConditions: file_name: ./heating_test.hdf5 # The file to read periodic: 1 # periodic ICs GEARRT: f_reduce_c: 1e-6 # We don't care about the radiation propagation in this test, so let's speed things up CFL_condition: 0.9 # CFL condition for RT, independent of hydro photon_groups_Hz: [3.288e15, 5.945e15, 13.157e15] # Lower photon frequency group bin edges in Hz. Needs to have exactly N elements, where N is the configured number of bins --with-RT=GEAR_N stellar_luminosity_model: const # Which model to use to determine the stellar luminosities. const_stellar_luminosities_LSol: [1., 1., 1.] # (Conditional) constant star luminosities for each photon frequency group to use if stellar_luminosity_model:const is set, in units of Solar Luminosity. set_equilibrium_initial_ionization_mass_fractions: 0 # (Optional) set the initial ionization fractions depending on gas temperature assuming ionization equilibrium. hydrogen_mass_fraction: 0.76 # total hydrogen mass fraction stellar_spectrum_type: 1 # Which radiation spectrum to use. 0: constant from 0 until some max frequency set by stellar_spectrum_const_max_frequency_Hz. 1: blackbody spectrum. stellar_spectrum_blackbody_temperature_K: 1.e5 # (Conditional) if stellar_spectrum_type=1, use this temperature (in K) for the blackbody spectrum. case_B_recombination: 0 # (Optional) use case B recombination interaction rates.