1D advection test for cosmological radiative transfer. Test that your method is TVD and the propagation speed of the photons is correct. The ICs set up three photon groups: - The first is a top hat function initial distribution where outside values are zero. - The second is a top hat function initial distribution where outside values are nonzero. This distinction is important to test because photon energies can't be negative, so these cases need to be tested individually. - the third is a smooth Gaussian. This way, you can test multiple initial condition scenarios simultaneously. There are no stars to act as sources. Also make sure that you choose your photon frequencies in a way that doesn't interact with gas! There are 3 parameter files available: - rt_advection1D_low_redshift.yml for a test at very low redshift (almost no cosmological expansion) - rt_advection1D_medium_redshift.yml for a test at moderate redshift (z=10) - rt_advection1D_high_redshift.yml for a test at high redshift (z=110) Select one and give it to the run.sh script via command line argument: ./run.sh rt_advection1D_[redshift_of_your_choice].yml The ICs are created to be compatible with GEAR_RT and SPHM1RT. Recommended configuration: GEAR_RT: --with-rt=GEAR_3 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-hydro-dimension=1 --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv \ --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-stars=GEAR --with-feedback=none --with-grackle=$GRACKLE_ROOT