# Define the system of units to use internally.
    UnitMass_in_cgs:        1e27        # Sets Earth mass = 5.972
    UnitLength_in_cgs:      1e8         # Sets Earth radius = 6.371
    UnitVelocity_in_cgs:    1e8         # Sets time in seconds
    UnitCurrent_in_cgs:     1           # Amperes
    UnitTemp_in_cgs:        1           # Kelvin

# Parameters related to the initial conditions
    file_name:  demo_impactor_n70.hdf5  # The initial conditions file to read
    periodic:   0                       # Are we running with periodic ICs?

# Parameters governing the time integration
    time_begin:     0                   # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units).
    time_end:       10000               # The end time of the simulation (in internal units).
    dt_min:         0.000001            # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
    dt_max:         1000                # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).

# Parameters governing the snapshots
    subdir:             snapshots       # Sub-directory in which to write the snapshots. Defaults to "" (i.e. the directory where SWIFT is run).
    basename:           demo_impactor_n70  # Common part of the name of output files
    time_first:         0               # Time of the first output (in internal units)
    delta_time:         2000            # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units)

# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
    time_first: 0                       # Time of the first output (in internal units)
    delta_time: 1000                    # Time between statistics output

# Parameters controlling restarts
    enable:             1               # Whether to enable dumping restarts at fixed intervals.
    save:               1               # Whether to save copies of the previous set of restart files (named .prev)
    subdir:             restart         # Name of subdirectory for restart files.
    basename:           demo_impactor_n70  # Prefix used in naming restart files.
    delta_hours:        10.0            # Decimal hours between dumps of restart files.

# Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme
    resolution_eta:     1.2348          # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel).
    delta_neighbours:   0.1             # The tolerance for the targetted number of neighbours.
    CFL_condition:      0.2             # Courant-Friedrich-Levy condition for time integration.
    h_max:              1.0             # Maximal allowed smoothing length (in internal units).
    viscosity_alpha:    1.5             # Override for the initial value of the artificial viscosity.

# Parameters for the self-gravity scheme
    eta:                            0.025       # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration.
    MAC:                            adaptive    # Choice of mulitpole acceptance criterion: 'adaptive' OR 'geometric'.
    epsilon_fmm:                    0.001       # Tolerance parameter for the adaptive multipole acceptance criterion.
    theta_cr:                       0.5         # Opening angle for the purely gemoetric criterion.
    max_physical_baryon_softening:  0.04        # Physical softening length (in internal units).

# Parameters related to the equation of state
    # Select which planetary EoS material(s) to enable for use.
    planetary_use_ANEOS_forsterite:   1     # ANEOS forsterite (Stewart et al. 2019), material ID 400
    planetary_use_ANEOS_Fe85Si15:     1     # ANEOS Fe85Si15 (Stewart 2020), material ID 402
    # Tablulated EoS file paths.
    planetary_ANEOS_forsterite_table_file:  ../EoSTables/ANEOS_forsterite_S19.txt
    planetary_ANEOS_Fe85Si15_table_file:    ../EoSTables/ANEOS_Fe85Si15_S20.txt