# Define the system of units to use internally. InternalUnitSystem: UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98848e43 # 10^10 M_sun in grams UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e21 # kpc in centimeters UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # km/s in centimeters per second UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # Amperes UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # Kelvin Scheduler: max_top_level_cells: 16 # Parameters governing the time integration TimeIntegration: time_begin: 0. # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units). time_end: 0.1 # The end time of the simulation (in internal units). dt_min: 1e-10 # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). dt_max: 0.1 # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). max_dt_RMS_factor: 0.25 # (Optional) Dimensionless factor for the maximal displacement allowed based on the RMS velocities. # Parameters governing the snapshots Snapshots: subdir: snap # snapshot directory basename: snapshot # Common part of the name of output files time_first: 0. # Time of the first output (in internal units) delta_time: 1e-2 # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units) compression: 4 recording_triggers_part: [-1, -1] # Not recording as we have many snapshots recording_triggers_bpart: [-1, -1] # Not recording as we have many snapshots # Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics Statistics: delta_time: 1e-3 # Time between statistics output # Parameters for the self-gravity scheme Gravity: MAC: adaptive # Choice of mulitpole acceptance criterion: 'adaptive' OR 'geometric'. epsilon_fmm: 0.001 # Tolerance parameter for the adaptive multipole acceptance criterion. theta_cr: 0.7 # Opening angle for the purely gemoetric criterion. eta: 0.025 # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration. max_physical_baryon_softening: 0.05 # Physical softening length (in internal units) max_physical_DM_softening: 0.05 # Physical softening length (in internal units) # Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme SPH: resolution_eta: 1.2348 # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel). CFL_condition: 0.1 # Courant-Friedrich-Levy condition for time integration. minimal_temperature: 10. # Kelvin h_max: 10. # (Optional) Maximal allowed smoothing length in internal units. Defaults to FLT_MAX if unspecified. # Parameters related to the initial conditions InitialConditions: file_name: ./galaxy_multi_component.hdf5 # The file to read periodic: 0 # Non-periodic BCs shift: [750,750,750] # Centre the box # Parameters for the stars neighbour search Stars: resolution_eta: 1.1642 # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation h_tolerance: 7e-3 overwrite_birth_time: 1 # Make sure the stars in the ICs do not do any feedback birth_time: -1. # by setting all of their birth times to -1 timestep_age_threshold_Myr: 10. # Age at which stars switch from young to old (in Mega-years). max_timestep_young_Myr: 0.1 # Maximal time-step length of young stars (in Mega-years). max_timestep_old_Myr: 1.0 # Maximal time-step length of old stars (in Mega-years). luminosity_filename: ./photometry # Standard EAGLE cooling options EAGLECooling: dir_name: ./coolingtables/ # Location of the Wiersma+09 cooling tables H_reion_z: 7.5 # Redshift of Hydrogen re-ionization H_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 # Energy inject by Hydrogen re-ionization in electron-volt per Hydrogen atom He_reion_z_centre: 3.5 # Redshift of the centre of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_z_sigma: 0.5 # Spread in redshift of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 # Energy inject by Helium re-ionization in electron-volt per Hydrogen atom # PS2020 cooling parameters PS2020Cooling: dir_name: ./UV_dust1_CR1_G1_shield1.hdf5 # Location of the Ploeckinger+20 cooling tables H_reion_z: 7.5 # Redshift of Hydrogen re-ionization (Planck 2018) H_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 He_reion_z_centre: 3.5 # Redshift of the centre of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_z_sigma: 0.5 # Spread in redshift of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 # Energy inject by Helium re-ionization in electron-volt per Hydrogen atom delta_logTEOS_subgrid_properties: 0.3 # delta log T above the EOS below which the subgrid properties use Teq assumption rapid_cooling_threshold: 0.333333 # Switch to rapid cooling regime for dt / t_cool above this threshold. # Use solar abundances EAGLEChemistry: init_abundance_metal: 0.0129 init_abundance_Hydrogen: 0.7065 init_abundance_Helium: 0.2806 init_abundance_Carbon: 0.00207 init_abundance_Nitrogen: 0.000836 init_abundance_Oxygen: 0.00549 init_abundance_Neon: 0.00141 init_abundance_Magnesium: 0.000591 init_abundance_Silicon: 0.000683 init_abundance_Iron: 0.0011 # EAGLE star formation parameters EAGLEStarFormation: SF_threshold: Zdep # Zdep (Schaye 2004) or Subgrid SF_model: PressureLaw # PressureLaw (Schaye et al. 2008) or SchmidtLaw KS_normalisation: 1.515e-4 # The normalization of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law in Msun / kpc^2 / yr. KS_exponent: 1.4 # The exponent of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. min_over_density: 100.0 # The over-density above which star-formation is allowed. KS_high_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e3 # Hydrogen number density above which the Kennicut-Schmidt law changes slope in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. KS_high_density_exponent: 2.0 # Slope of the Kennicut-Schmidt law above the high-density threshold. EOS_entropy_margin_dex: 0.3 # When using Z-based SF threshold, logarithm base 10 of the maximal entropy above the EOS at which stars can form. threshold_norm_H_p_cm3: 0.1 # When using Z-based SF threshold, normalisation of the metal-dependant density threshold for star formation in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. threshold_Z0: 0.002 # When using Z-based SF threshold, reference metallicity (metal mass fraction) for the metal-dependant threshold for star formation. threshold_slope: -0.64 # When using Z-based SF threshold, slope of the metal-dependant star formation threshold threshold_max_density_H_p_cm3: 10.0 # When using Z-based SF threshold, maximal density of the metal-dependant density threshold for star formation in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. threshold_temperature1_K: 1000 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid temperature below which gas is star-forming. threshold_temperature2_K: 31622 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid temperature below which gas is star-forming if also above the density limit. threshold_number_density_H_p_cm3: 10 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid number density above which gas is star-forming if also below the second temperature limit. # Parameters for the EAGLE "equation of state" EAGLEEntropyFloor: Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e-4 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Jeans_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor can kick in. Jeans_temperature_norm_K: 800 # Temperature of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. Jeans_gamma_effective: 1.3333333 # Slope the of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e-5 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Cool_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor can kick in. Cool_temperature_norm_K: 10. # Temperature of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. (NOTE: This is below the min T and hence this floor does nothing) Cool_gamma_effective: 1. # Slope the of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor # EAGLE feedback model with constant feedback energy fraction EAGLEFeedback: use_SNII_feedback: 1 # Global switch for SNII thermal (stochastic) feedback. use_SNIa_feedback: 1 # Global switch for SNIa thermal (continuous) feedback. use_AGB_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from AGB stars. use_SNII_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from SNII stars. use_SNIa_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from SNIa stars. filename: ./yieldtables/ # Path to the directory containing the EAGLE yield tables. IMF_min_mass_Msun: 0.1 # Minimal stellar mass considered for the Chabrier IMF in solar masses. IMF_max_mass_Msun: 100.0 # Maximal stellar mass considered for the Chabrier IMF in solar masses. SNII_min_mass_Msun: 8.0 # Minimal mass considered for SNII stars in solar masses. SNII_max_mass_Msun: 100.0 # Maximal mass considered for SNII stars in solar masses. SNII_feedback_model: MinimumDistance # Feedback modes: Random, Isotropic, MinimumDistance, MinimumDensity SNII_sampled_delay: 1 # Sample the SNII lifetimes to do feedback. SNII_delta_T_K: 3.16228e7 # Change in temperature to apply to the gas particle in a SNII thermal feedback event in Kelvin. SNII_delta_v_km_p_s: 200 # Velocity kick applied by the stars when doing SNII feedback (in km/s). SNII_energy_erg: 1.0e51 # Energy of one SNII explosion in ergs. SNII_energy_fraction_function: EAGLE # Type of functional form to use for scaling the energy fraction with density and metallicity ('EAGLE', 'Separable', or 'Independent'). SNII_energy_fraction_min: 1.0 # Minimal fraction of energy applied in a SNII feedback event. SNII_energy_fraction_max: 1.0 # Maximal fraction of energy applied in a SNII feedback event. SNII_energy_fraction_Z_0: 0.0012663729 # Pivot point for the metallicity dependance of the SNII energy fraction (metal mass fraction). SNII_energy_fraction_n_0_H_p_cm3: 1.4588 # Pivot point for the birth density dependance of the SNII energy fraction in cm^-3. SNII_energy_fraction_n_Z: 0.8686 # Power-law for the metallicity dependance of the SNII energy fraction. SNII_energy_fraction_n_n: 0.8686 # Power-law for the birth density dependance of the SNII energy fraction. SNII_energy_fraction_use_birth_density: 0 # Are we using the density at birth to compute f_E or at feedback time? SNII_energy_fraction_use_birth_metallicity: 0 # Are we using the metallicity at birth to compuote f_E or at feedback time? SNIa_DTD: Exponential # Functional form of the SNIa delay time distribution. SNIa_DTD_delay_Gyr: 0.04 # Stellar age after which SNIa start in Gyr (40 Myr corresponds to stars ~ 8 Msun). SNIa_DTD_exp_timescale_Gyr: 2.0 # Time-scale of the exponential decay of the SNIa rates in Gyr. SNIa_DTD_exp_norm_p_Msun: 0.002 # Normalisation of the SNIa rates in inverse solar masses. SNIa_energy_erg: 1.0e51 # Energy of one SNIa explosion in ergs. AGB_ejecta_velocity_km_p_s: 10.0 # Velocity of the AGB ejectas in km/s. stellar_evolution_age_cut_Gyr: 0.1 # Age in Gyr above which the enrichment is downsampled. stellar_evolution_sampling_rate: 10 # Number of time-steps in-between two enrichment events for a star above the age threshold. SNII_yield_factor_Hydrogen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Hydrogen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Helium: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Helium yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Carbon: 0.5 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Carbon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Nitrogen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Nitrogen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Oxygen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Oxygen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Neon: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Neon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Magnesium: 2.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Magnesium yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Silicon: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Silicon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Iron: 0.5 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Iron yield from the SNII channel.