# Define the system of units to use internally. InternalUnitSystem: UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.9891E43 # 10^10 solar masses UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758E21 # 1 kpc UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1E5 # km/s UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # Amperes UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # Kelvin # Parameters for the self-gravity scheme Gravity: eta: 0.025 # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration. MAC: geometric theta_cr: 0.7 # Opening angle (Multipole acceptance criterion). max_physical_DM_softening: 0.7 # Physical softening length (in internal units). max_physical_baryon_softening: 0.7 # Physical softening length (in internal units). # Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.) TimeIntegration: time_begin: 0. # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units). time_end: 10 # The end time of the simulation (in internal units). dt_min: 1e-6 # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). dt_max: 1e-2 # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). # Parameters governing the snapshots Snapshots: basename: output # Common part of the name of output files time_first: 0. # (Optional) Time of the first output if non-cosmological time-integration (in internal units) delta_time: 0.1 # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units) Scheduler: max_top_level_cells: 16 # Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics Statistics: delta_time: 1e-2 # Time between statistics output time_first: 0. # (Optional) Time of the first stats output if non-cosmological time-integration (in internal units) # Parameters related to the initial conditions InitialConditions: file_name: 3e11-star-only-DM-halo-galaxy.hdf5 # The file to read periodic: 0 # Are we running with periodic ICs?