This directory contains a series of examples using an idealised cluster that contains a intracluster medium (ICM), a NFW profile for the dark matter halo and a Hernquist (1990) profile for the central galaxy. The ICs are the same as presented in Nobels et al. (2022), see There are 3 example directories for the three different halo masse used in Nobels et al. (2022). The fiducial ICs for the 10^13 Msun and 10^14 Msun idealised cluster contain resolution variations for 5 different resolutions. For each halo mass the central temperature variations discussed in the paper are provided. The 10^15 Msun halo of the same series introduced by Husko et al. (2022) is also available at different resolution and different central temperatures. The code should be configured using a NFW profile and the desired subgrid models: ./configure --with-subgrid=x --with-ext-potential=nfw --enable-fixed-boundary-particles=2 where x is EAGLE if the desired subgrid model is similar to that used in Nobels et al. (2022) and SPIN_JET_EAGLE for the model used in Husko et al. (2022), which has jet AGN feedback instead of thermal isotropic feedback. The remaining arguments set the external potential to an NFW profile and pin the supermassive BH of the simulation to the centre of the halo. These ICs are ideal for testing galaxy formation subgrid model implementation.