# Define some meta-data about the simulation MetaData: run_name: Idealised-Cluster-M15-fid # Define the system of units to use internally. InternalUnitSystem: UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98841e43 # 10^10 M_sun in grams UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e21 # kpc in centimeters UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # km/s in centimeters per second UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # Amperes UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # Kelvin # Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.) TimeIntegration: time_begin: 0. # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units). time_end: 8.184 # The end time of the simulation 8 Gyr (in internal units). dt_min: 1e-16 # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). dt_max: 1e-2 # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units). # Parameters governing the snapshots Snapshots: basename: cluster # Common part of the name of output files time_first: 0. # (Optional) Time of the first output if non-cosmological time-integration (in internal units) delta_time: 0.01023 # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units) 0.01023 TU = 10 Myr compression: 4 # Compress the snapshots recording_triggers_part: [-1, -1] # Not recording as we have many snapshots recording_triggers_bpart: [-1, -1] # Not recording as we have many snapshots # Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics Statistics: delta_time: 1.01 scale_factor_first: 0.01 # Parameters for the self-gravity scheme Gravity: eta: 0.025 # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration. MAC: geometric # Use the geometric opening angle condition theta_cr: 0.7 # Opening angle (Multipole acceptance criterion) use_tree_below_softening: 0 max_physical_baryon_softening: 1.2 # Maximal Plummer-equivalent softening length in physical coordinates for baryon particles (in internal units). # Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme SPH: resolution_eta: 1.2348 # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel). h_min_ratio: 0.01 # Minimal smoothing length in units of softening. h_max: 800. # Maximal smoothing length in co-moving internal units. CFL_condition: 0.2 # Courant-Friedrich-Levy condition for time integration. minimal_temperature: 100.0 # (internal units) particle_splitting: 1 # Particle splitting is ON particle_splitting_mass_threshold: 3e-3 # (internal units, i.e. 7e6 Msun ~ 4x initial gas particle mass) H_mass_fraction: 0.756 # Parameters of the stars neighbour search Stars: resolution_eta: 1.1642 # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation h_tolerance: 7e-3 luminosity_filename: ./photometry birth_time: -9.207 # (Optional) Initial birth times of *all* the stars to be used if we are overwriting them. (-1 means the stars remain inactive feedback-wise througout the run). overwrite_birth_time: 1 # (Optional) Do we want to overwrite the birth time of the stars read from the ICs? (default: 0). Scheduler: max_top_level_cells: 16 cell_split_size: 200 Restarts: onexit: 1 delta_hours: 6.0 max_run_time: 71.5 # Three days minus fergie time resubmit_on_exit: 1 resubmit_command: ./resub.sh # Parameters related to the initial conditions InitialConditions: file_name: M15_fiducial.hdf5 # The file to read periodic: 0 # Are we running with periodic ICs? stars_smoothing_length: 0.5 # NFW potential parameters NFWPotential: useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions position: [0.0,0.0,0.0] # Location of centre of the NFW potential with respect to centre of the box (internal units) if useabspos=0 otherwise with respect to the 0,0,0, coordinates. concentration: 5.6 # Concentration of the halo M_200: 10000.0 # Mass of the halo (M_200 in internal units) h: 0.704 # Critical density (internal units). timestep_mult: 0.01 # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition, basically determines fraction of orbital time we need to do an integration step bulgefraction: 0.0025 # Bulge mass fraction epsilon: 1.2 # Softening of the NFW potential # Impose primoridal metallicity EAGLEChemistry: init_abundance_metal: 0.004457 # Inital fraction of particle mass in *all* metals init_abundance_Hydrogen: 0.749796 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Hydrogen init_abundance_Helium: 0.245747 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Helium init_abundance_Carbon: 0.000788 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Carbon init_abundance_Nitrogen: 0.000231 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Nitrogen init_abundance_Oxygen: 0.001911 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Oxygen init_abundance_Neon: 0.000419 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Neon init_abundance_Magnesium: 0.000236 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Magnesium init_abundance_Silicon: 0.000222 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Silicon init_abundance_Iron: 0.000431 # Inital fraction of particle mass in Iron # PS2020 cooling parameters PS2020Cooling: dir_name: ./UV_dust1_CR1_G1_shield1.hdf5 # Location of the cooling tables H_reion_z: 7.5 # Redshift of Hydrogen re-ionization (Planck 2018) H_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 He_reion_z_centre: 3.5 # Redshift of the centre of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_z_sigma: 0.5 # Spread in redshift of the Helium re-ionization Gaussian He_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 # Energy inject by Helium re-ionization in electron-volt per Hydrogen atom delta_logTEOS_subgrid_properties: 0.3 # delta log T above the EOS below which the subgrid properties use Teq assumption rapid_cooling_threshold: 0.333333 # Switch to rapid cooling regime for dt / t_cool above this threshold. # EAGLE star formation parameters EAGLEStarFormation: SF_threshold: Subgrid # Zdep (Schaye 2004) or Subgrid SF_model: PressureLaw # PressureLaw (Schaye et al. 2008) or SchmidtLaw KS_normalisation: 1.515e-4 # The normalization of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law in Msun / kpc^2 / yr. KS_exponent: 1.4 # The exponent of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. min_over_density: 100.0 # The over-density above which star-formation is allowed. KS_high_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e8 # Hydrogen number density above which the Kennicut-Schmidt law changes slope in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. KS_high_density_exponent: 2.0 # Slope of the Kennicut-Schmidt law above the high-density threshold. EOS_entropy_margin_dex: 0.3 # When using Z-based SF threshold, logarithm base 10 of the maximal entropy above the EOS at which stars can form. threshold_norm_H_p_cm3: 0.1 # When using Z-based SF threshold, normalisation of the metal-dependant density threshold for star formation in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. threshold_Z0: 0.002 # When using Z-based SF threshold, reference metallicity (metal mass fraction) for the metal-dependant threshold for star formation. threshold_slope: -0.64 # When using Z-based SF threshold, slope of the metal-dependant star formation threshold threshold_max_density_H_p_cm3: 10.0 # When using Z-based SF threshold, maximal density of the metal-dependant density threshold for star formation in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. threshold_temperature1_K: 1000 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid temperature below which gas is star-forming. threshold_temperature2_K: 31622 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid temperature below which gas is star-forming if also above the density limit. threshold_number_density_H_p_cm3: 10 # When using subgrid-based SF threshold, subgrid number density above which gas is star-forming if also below the second temperature limit. # Parameters for the EAGLE "equation of state" EAGLEEntropyFloor: Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e-4 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Jeans_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor can kick in. Jeans_temperature_norm_K: 800 # Temperature of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. Jeans_gamma_effective: 1.3333333 # Slope the of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e-5 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Cool_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor can kick in. Cool_temperature_norm_K: 10. # Temperature of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. (NOTE: This is below the min T and hence this floor does nothing) Cool_gamma_effective: 1. # Slope the of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor # EAGLE feedback model EAGLEFeedback: use_SNII_feedback: 1 # Global switch for SNII thermal (stochastic) feedback. use_SNIa_feedback: 1 # Global switch for SNIa thermal (continuous) feedback. use_AGB_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from AGB stars. use_SNII_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from SNII stars. use_SNIa_enrichment: 1 # Global switch for enrichement from SNIa stars. filename: ./yieldtables/ # Path to the directory containing the EAGLE yield tables. IMF_min_mass_Msun: 0.1 # Minimal stellar mass considered for the Chabrier IMF in solar masses. IMF_max_mass_Msun: 100.0 # Maximal stellar mass considered for the Chabrier IMF in solar masses. SNII_min_mass_Msun: 8.0 # Minimal mass considered for SNII stars in solar masses. SNII_max_mass_Msun: 100.0 # Maximal mass considered for SNII stars in solar masses. SNII_feedback_model: MinimumDistance # Feedback modes: Random, Isotropic, MinimumDistance, MinimumDensity SNII_sampled_delay: 1 # Sample the SNII lifetimes to do feedback. SNII_delta_T_K: 3.16228e7 # Change in temperature to apply to the gas particle in a SNII thermal feedback event in Kelvin. SNII_energy_erg: 1.0e51 # Energy of one SNII explosion in ergs. SNII_energy_fraction_function: Independent # Type of functional form to use for scaling the energy fraction with density and metallicity ('EAGLE', 'Separable', or 'Independent'). SNII_energy_fraction_min: 0.5 # Minimal fraction of energy applied in a SNII feedback event. SNII_energy_fraction_max: 1.0 # Maximal fraction of energy applied in a SNII feedback event. SNII_energy_fraction_delta_E_n: 6.0 # Maximal energy increase due to high density (only used if SNII_energy_fraction_function is 'Independent'). SNII_energy_fraction_Z_0: 0.0012663729 # Pivot point for the metallicity dependance of the SNII energy fraction (metal mass fraction). SNII_energy_fraction_n_0_H_p_cm3: 1.4588 # Pivot point for the birth density dependance of the SNII energy fraction in cm^-3. SNII_energy_fraction_n_Z: 0.8686 # Power-law for the metallicity dependance of the SNII energy fraction. SNII_energy_fraction_n_n: 0.8686 # Power-law for the birth density dependance of the SNII energy fraction. SNII_energy_fraction_use_birth_density: 0 # Are we using the density at birth to compute f_E or at feedback time? SNII_energy_fraction_use_birth_metallicity: 0 # Are we using the metallicity at birth to compuote f_E or at feedback time? SNIa_DTD: Exponential # Functional form of the SNIa delay time distribution. SNIa_DTD_delay_Gyr: 0.04 # Stellar age after which SNIa start in Gyr (40 Myr corresponds to stars ~ 8 Msun). SNIa_DTD_exp_timescale_Gyr: 2.0 # Time-scale of the exponential decay of the SNIa rates in Gyr. SNIa_DTD_exp_norm_p_Msun: 0.002 # Normalisation of the SNIa rates in inverse solar masses. SNIa_energy_erg: 1.0e51 # Energy of one SNIa explosion in ergs. AGB_ejecta_velocity_km_p_s: 10.0 # Velocity of the AGB ejectas in km/s. stellar_evolution_age_cut_Gyr: 0.1 # Stellar age in Gyr above which the enrichment is down-sampled. stellar_evolution_sampling_rate: 10 # Number of time-steps in-between two enrichment events for a star above the age threshold. SNII_yield_factor_Hydrogen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Hydrogen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Helium: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Helium yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Carbon: 0.5 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Carbon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Nitrogen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Nitrogen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Oxygen: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Oxygen yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Neon: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Neon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Magnesium: 2.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Magnesium yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Silicon: 1.0 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Silicon yield from the SNII channel. SNII_yield_factor_Iron: 0.5 # (Optional) Correction factor to apply to the Iron yield from the SNII channel. # EAGLE AGN model EAGLEAGN: subgrid_seed_mass_Msun: 1.0e4 # Black hole subgrid mass at creation time in solar masses. use_multi_phase_bondi: 0 # Compute Bondi rates per neighbour particle? use_subgrid_bondi: 0 # Compute Bondi rates using the subgrid extrapolation of the gas properties around the BH? with_angmom_limiter: 0 # Are we applying the Rosas-Guevara et al. (2015) viscous time-scale reduction term? viscous_alpha: 1e6 # Normalisation constant of the viscous time-scale in the accretion reduction term with_boost_factor: 0 # Are we using the model from Booth & Schaye (2009)? boost_alpha_only: 0 # If using the boost factor, are we using a constant boost only? boost_alpha: 1. # Lowest value for the accretion effeciency for the Booth & Schaye 2009 accretion model. boost_beta: 2. # Slope of the power law for the Booth & Schaye 2009 model, set beta to zero for constant alpha models. boost_n_h_star_H_p_cm3: 0.1 # Normalization of the power law for the Booth & Schaye 2009 model in cgs (cm^-3). with_fixed_T_near_EoS: 0 # Are we using a fixed temperature to compute the sound-speed of gas on the entropy floor in the Bondy-Hoyle accretion term? fixed_T_above_EoS_dex: 0.3 # Distance above the entropy floor for which we use a fixed sound-speed fixed_T_near_EoS_K: 8000 # Fixed temperature assumed to compute the sound-speed of gas on the entropy floor in the Bondy-Hoyle accretion term radiative_efficiency: 0.1 # Fraction of the accreted mass that gets radiated. use_nibbling: 1 # Continuously transfer small amounts of mass from all gas neighbours to a black hole [1] or stochastically swallow whole gas particles [0]? min_gas_mass_for_nibbling_Msun: 4e6 # Minimum mass for a gas particle to be nibbled from [M_Sun]. Only used if use_nibbling is 1. max_eddington_fraction: 1. # Maximal allowed accretion rate in units of the Eddington rate. eddington_fraction_for_recording: 0.1 # Record the last time BHs reached an Eddington ratio above this threshold. coupling_efficiency: 0.1 # Fraction of the radiated energy that couples to the gas in feedback events. AGN_feedback_model: MinimumDistance # Feedback modes: Random, Isotropic, MinimumDistance, MinimumDensity AGN_use_deterministic_feedback: 1 # Deterministic (reservoir) [1] or stochastic [0] AGN feedback? use_variable_delta_T: 1 # Switch to enable adaptive calculation of AGN dT [1], rather than using a constant value [0]. AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T: 1 # Switch to enable additional dependence of AGN dT on local gas density and temperature (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_norm: 3e8 # Normalisation temperature of AGN dT scaling with BH subgrid mass [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_reference: 1e8 # BH subgrid mass at which the normalisation temperature set above applies [M_Sun] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_exponent: 0.666667 # Power-law index of AGN dT scaling with BH subgrid mass (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_crit_factor: 1.0 # Multiple of critical dT for numerical efficiency (Dalla Vecchia & Schaye 2012) to use as dT floor (only used if use_variable_delta_T and AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T are both 1). AGN_delta_T_background_factor: 0.0 # Multiple of local gas temperature to use as dT floor (only used if use_variable_delta_T and AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T are both 1). AGN_delta_T_min: 1e7 # Minimum allowed value of AGN dT [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_max: 3e9 # Maximum allowed value of AGN dT [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_K: 3.16228e8 # Change in temperature to apply to the gas particle in an AGN feedback event [K] (used if use_variable_delta_T is 0 or AGN_use_nheat_with_fixed_dT is 1 AND to initialise the BHs). AGN_use_nheat_with_fixed_dT: 0 # Switch to use the constant AGN dT, rather than the adaptive one, for calculating the energy reservoir threshold. AGN_use_adaptive_energy_reservoir_threshold: 0 # Switch to calculate an adaptive AGN energy reservoir threshold. AGN_num_ngb_to_heat: 1. # Target number of gas neighbours to heat in an AGN feedback event (only used if AGN_use_adaptive_energy_reservoir_threshold is 0). max_reposition_mass: 1e20 # Maximal BH mass considered for BH repositioning in solar masses (large number implies we always reposition). max_reposition_distance_ratio: 3.0 # Maximal distance a BH can be repositioned, in units of the softening length. with_reposition_velocity_threshold: 0 # Should we only reposition to particles that move slowly w.r.t. the black hole? max_reposition_velocity_ratio: 0.5 # Maximal velocity offset of a particle to reposition a BH to, in units of the ambient sound speed of the BH. Only meaningful if with_reposition_velocity_threshold is 1. min_reposition_velocity_threshold: -1.0 # Minimal value of the velocity threshold for repositioning [km/s], set to < 0 for no effect. Only meaningful if with_reposition_velocity_threshold is 1. set_reposition_speed: 0 # Should we reposition black holes with (at most) a prescribed speed towards the potential minimum? with_potential_correction: 1 # Should the BH's own contribution to the potential be removed from the neighbour's potentials when looking for repositioning targets. threshold_major_merger: 0.333 # Mass ratio threshold to consider a BH merger as 'major' threshold_minor_merger: 0.1 # Mass ratio threshold to consider a BH merger as 'minor' merger_threshold_type: DynamicalEscapeVelocity # Type of velocity threshold for BH mergers ('CircularVelocity', 'EscapeVelocity', 'DynamicalEscapeVelocity'). merger_max_distance_ratio: 3.0 # Maximal distance over which two BHs can merge, in units of the softening length. minimum_timestep_Myr: 0.1 # Minimum of the accretion-limited time-step length. # Spin and jet AGN model (Husko et al. 2022) SPINJETAGN: subgrid_seed_mass_Msun: 1.0e4 # Black hole subgrid mass at creation time in solar masses. use_multi_phase_bondi: 0 # Compute Bondi rates per neighbour particle? use_subgrid_bondi: 0 # Compute Bondi rates using the subgrid extrapolation of the gas properties around the BH? with_angmom_limiter: 0 # Are we applying the Rosas-Guevara et al. (2015) viscous time-scale reduction term? viscous_alpha: 1e6 # Normalisation constant of the viscous time-scale in the accretion reduction term with_boost_factor: 0 # Are we using the model from Booth & Schaye (2009)? boost_alpha_only: 0 # If using the boost factor, are we using a constant boost only? boost_alpha: 1. # Lowest value for the accretion effeciency for the Booth & Schaye 2009 accretion model. boost_beta: 2. # Slope of the power law for the Booth & Schaye 2009 model, set beta to zero for constant alpha models. boost_n_h_star_H_p_cm3: 0.1 # Normalization of the power law for the Booth & Schaye 2009 model in cgs (cm^-3). with_fixed_T_near_EoS: 0 # Are we using a fixed temperature to compute the sound-speed of gas on the entropy floor in the Bondy-Hoyle accretion term? fixed_T_above_EoS_dex: 0.3 # Distance above the entropy floor for which we use a fixed sound-speed fixed_T_near_EoS_K: 8000 # Fixed temperature assumed to compute the sound-speed of gas on the entropy floor in the Bondy-Hoyle accretion term radiative_efficiency: 0.1 # Fraction of the accreted mass that gets radiated. use_nibbling: 1 # Continuously transfer small amounts of mass from all gas neighbours to a black hole [1] or stochastically swallow whole gas particles [0]? min_gas_mass_for_nibbling_Msun: 9e5 # Minimum mass for a gas particle to be nibbled from [M_Sun]. Only used if use_nibbling is 1. max_eddington_fraction: 1. # Maximal allowed accretion rate in units of the Eddington rate. eddington_fraction_for_recording: 0.1 # Record the last time BHs reached an Eddington ratio above this threshold. coupling_efficiency: 0.1 # Fraction of the radiated energy that couples to the gas in feedback events. AGN_feedback_model: MinimumDistance # Feedback modes: Random, Isotropic, MinimumDistance, MinimumDensity AGN_use_deterministic_feedback: 1 # Deterministic (reservoir) [1] or stochastic [0] AGN feedback? use_variable_delta_T: 1 # Switch to enable adaptive calculation of AGN dT [1], rather than using a constant value [0]. AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T: 1 # Switch to enable additional dependence of AGN dT on local gas density and temperature (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_norm: 3e8 # Normalisation temperature of AGN dT scaling with BH subgrid mass [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_reference: 1e8 # BH subgrid mass at which the normalisation temperature set above applies [M_Sun] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_mass_exponent: 0.666667 # Power-law index of AGN dT scaling with BH subgrid mass (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_crit_factor: 1.0 # Multiple of critical dT for numerical efficiency (Dalla Vecchia & Schaye 2012) to use as dT floor (only used if use_variable_delta_T and AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T are both 1). AGN_delta_T_background_factor: 0.0 # Multiple of local gas temperature to use as dT floor (only used if use_variable_delta_T and AGN_with_locally_adaptive_delta_T are both 1). AGN_delta_T_min: 1e7 # Minimum allowed value of AGN dT [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_max: 3e9 # Maximum allowed value of AGN dT [K] (only used if use_variable_delta_T is 1). AGN_delta_T_K: 3.16228e8 # Change in temperature to apply to the gas particle in an AGN feedback event [K] (used if use_variable_delta_T is 0 or AGN_use_nheat_with_fixed_dT is 1 AND to initialise the BHs). AGN_heating_temperature_model: Constant # How AGN jet velocities are calculated. If 'Constant', a single value is used. If 'BlackHoleMass', then an empirical relation between halo mass and black hole mass is used to calculate jet velocities. 'HaloMass' is currently not supported. delta_T_xi: 1. # The numerical multiplier by which the heating temperature formula is scaled, if 'AGN_heating_temperature_model' is 'Local'. If a value of 1 is used, the formulas are used as derived, i.e. they are not rescaled. AGN_use_nheat_with_fixed_dT: 0 # Switch to use the constant AGN dT, rather than the adaptive one, for calculating the energy reservoir threshold. AGN_use_adaptive_energy_reservoir_threshold: 0 # Switch to calculate an adaptive AGN energy reservoir threshold. AGN_num_ngb_to_heat: 1. # Target number of gas neighbours to heat in an AGN feedback event (only used if AGN_use_adaptive_energy_reservoir_threshold is 0). max_reposition_mass: 1e20 # Maximal BH mass considered for BH repositioning in solar masses (large number implies we always reposition). max_reposition_distance_ratio: 3.0 # Maximal distance a BH can be repositioned, in units of the softening length. with_reposition_velocity_threshold: 0 # Should we only reposition to particles that move slowly w.r.t. the black hole? max_reposition_velocity_ratio: 0.5 # Maximal velocity offset of a particle to reposition a BH to, in units of the ambient sound speed of the BH. Only meaningful if with_reposition_velocity_threshold is 1. min_reposition_velocity_threshold: -1.0 # Minimal value of the velocity threshold for repositioning [km/s], set to < 0 for no effect. Only meaningful if with_reposition_velocity_threshold is 1. set_reposition_speed: 0 # Should we reposition black holes with (at most) a prescribed speed towards the potential minimum? with_potential_correction: 1 # Should the BH's own contribution to the potential be removed from the neighbour's potentials when looking for repositioning targets. threshold_major_merger: 0.333 # Mass ratio threshold to consider a BH merger as 'major' threshold_minor_merger: 0.1 # Mass ratio threshold to consider a BH merger as 'minor' merger_threshold_type: DynamicalEscapeVelocity # Type of velocity threshold for BH mergers ('CircularVelocity', 'EscapeVelocity', 'DynamicalEscapeVelocity'). merger_max_distance_ratio: 3.0 # Maximal distance over which two BHs can merge, in units of the softening length. minimum_timestep_Myr: 0.1 # Minimum of the accretion-limited time-step length. include_jets: 1 # Global switch whether to include jet feedback [1] or not [0]. turn_off_radiative_feedback: 0 # Global switch whether to turn off radiative (thermal) feedback [1] or not [0]. This should only be used if 'include_jets' is set to 1, since we want feedback in some form or another. alpha_acc: 0.2 # Viscous alpha of the subgrid accretion disks. Likely to be within the 0.1-0.3 range. The main effect is that it sets the transition accretion rate between the thin and thick disk, as dot(m) = 0.2 * alpha^2. mdot_crit_ADAF: 0.01 # The transition normalized accretion rate (Eddington ratio) at which the disc goes from thick (low accretion rates) to thin (high accretion rates). The feedback also changes from kinetic jets to thermal isotropic, respectively. seed_spin: 0.01 # The (randomly-directed) black hole spin assigned to BHs when they are seeded. Should be strictly between 0 and 1. AGN_jet_velocity_model: Constant # How AGN jet velocities are calculated. If 'Constant', a single value is used. If 'BlackHoleMass', then an empirical relation between halo mass and black hole mass is used to calculate jet velocities. 'HaloMass' is currently not supported. v_jet_km_p_s: 5000. # Jet velocity to use if 'AGN_jet_velocity_model' is 'Constant'. Units are km/s. opening_angle_in_degrees: 7.5 # The half-opening angle of the jet in degrees. Should use values < 15 unless for tests. N_jet: 2 # Target number of particles to kick as part of a single jet feedback event. Should be a multiple of 2 to ensure approximate momentum conservation (we always kick particles in pairs, one from each 'side' of the BH, relative to the spin vector). AGN_jet_feedback_model: MinimumDistance # Which particles to kick from the black hole smoothing kernels. Should be 'SpinAxis', 'MinimumDistance', 'MaximumDistance' or 'MinimumDensity' eps_f_jet: 1. # Coupling efficiency for jet feedback. No reason to expect this to be less than 1. fix_jet_efficiency: 0 # Global switch whether to fix jet efficiency to a particular value [1], or use a spin-dependant formula [0]. jet_efficiency: 0.1 # The constant jet efficiency used if 'fix_jet_efficiency' is set to 1. fix_jet_direction: 0 # Global switch whether to fix the jet direction to be along the z-axis, instead of along the spin vector. accretion_efficiency_mode: Constant # How the accretion efficiencies are calculated for the thick accretion disc. If 'Constant', the value of 'accretion_efficiency_thick' will be used. If 'Variable', the accretion efficiency will scale with Eddington ratio. accretion_efficiency_thick: 0.01 # The accretion efficiency (suppression factor of the accretion rate) to use in the thick disc (ADAF), to represent the effects of subgrid ADIOS winds that take away most of the mass flowing through the accretion disc. accretion_efficiency_slim: 1 # The constant accretion efficiency to use in the slim disc, at super-Eddington rates. fix_radiative_efficiency: 0 # Global switch whether to fix the radiative efficiency to a particular value [1], or use a spin-dependant formula [0]. radiative_efficiency: 0.1 # The constant jet efficiency used if 'fix_radiative_efficiency' is set to 1. Otherwise, this value is used to define the Eddington accretion rate. TD_region: B # How to treat the subgrid accretion disk if it is thin, according to the Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) model. If set to B, region b will be used. If set to C, region c will be used. include_GRMHD_spindown: 1 # Whether to include high jet spindown rates from GRMHD simulations [1], or use an analytical formula that assumes extraction of energy from the rotational mass/energy of the BH. delta_ADAF: 0.2 # Electron heating parameter, which controls the strength of radiative feedback in thick disks. Should be between 0.1 and 0.5. This parameter is only used if turn_off_secondary_feedback is set to 0. include_slim_disk: 0 # Global switch whether to include super-Eddington accretion, modeled as the slim disk. If set to 0, disks will be considered thin even at very large accretion rates. use_jets_in_thin_disc: 1 # Whether to use jets alongside radiation in the thin disc at moderate Eddington ratios. use_ADIOS_winds: 0 # Whether to include ADIOS winds in the thick disc as thermal isotropic feedback (same channel as thin disc quasar feedback, but with a different efficiency). slim_disc_wind_factor: 0 # The relative efficiency of slim disc winds at super-Eddington rates. If '1', full winds will be used, while '0' will lead to no winds. Any value in between those can also be used. The wind is implemented in the thermal isotropic feedback channel.