from swiftsimio import load from swiftsimio.visualisation.volume_render import render_gas import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from unyt import s, pc, Myr, kb, mp, cm, K, erg, g, G, km import h5py import glob def analyse_snapshot(i, chi, rho_cl0, m_cl0, resolution): print("analysing snapshot", i) try: data = load("./{}/blob_{:0=4d}.hdf5".format(resolution, i)) except OSError: print("snapshot {} is not found".format(i)) exit() cloud = data.gas.densities.value > rho_cl0 / 3 m_cl = np.sum(data.gas.masses.value[cloud]) dense_mass = m_cl / m_cl0 # Resample onto a 16^3 grid # Naive histogram x_cl = np.median(data.gas.coordinates[:, 0].value[cloud]) bins_y = np.linspace(0, 1, 17) bins_z = np.linspace(0, 1, 17) bins_x = np.linspace(0, 4, 4 * 16 + 1) # Shift x_bins such that x_cl is in the centre of a bin bin_space_x = 1 / 16 bins_x += x_cl - bin_space_x / 2 bins_x = np.sort(bins_x % 4) print(bins_x) binned_masses, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z] ) binned_masses = binned_masses * data.gas.masses.units densities_resampled = binned_masses / (data.metadata.boxsize[1] / 16) ** 3 densities_resampled = cloud_resampled = densities_resampled.value > rho_cl0 / 3 m_cl_resampled = np.sum(binned_masses.value[cloud_resampled]) # For volume rendering we compute the mass from the density and the volume dense_mass_resampled_16 = m_cl_resampled / m_cl0 # Resample onto a 32^3 grid # Naive histogram x_cl = np.median(data.gas.coordinates[:, 0].value[cloud]) bins_y = np.linspace(0, 1, 33) bins_z = np.linspace(0, 1, 33) bins_x = np.linspace(0, 4, 4 * 32 + 1) # Shift x_bins such that x_cl is in the centre of a bin bin_space_x = 1 / 32 bins_x += x_cl - bin_space_x / 2 bins_x = np.sort(bins_x % 4) print(bins_x) binned_masses, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z] ) binned_masses = binned_masses * data.gas.masses.units densities_resampled = binned_masses / (data.metadata.boxsize[1] / 32) ** 3 densities_resampled = cloud_resampled = densities_resampled.value > rho_cl0 / 3 m_cl_resampled = np.sum(binned_masses.value[cloud_resampled]) # For volume rendering we compute the mass from the density and the volume dense_mass_resampled_32 = m_cl_resampled / m_cl0 t = # Convert internal energies to temperatures temperatures = (((5 / 3 - 1) * data.gas.internal_energies / kb) * mp).value data.gas.temperatures = temperatures if chi == 100: m_t_intermediate = ( np.sum( data.gas.masses.value[ (data.gas.temperatures > 10 ** 4.5) & (data.gas.temperatures < 10 ** 5.5) ] ) / m_cl0 ) elif chi == 10: m_t_intermediate = ( np.sum( data.gas.masses.value[ (data.gas.temperatures > 10 ** 4.25) & (data.gas.temperatures < 10 ** 4.75) ] ) / m_cl0 ) """ resample the intermediate temperature gas to 32^3 resolution """ x_cl = np.median(data.gas.coordinates[:, 0].value[cloud]) bins_y = np.linspace(0, 1, 33) bins_z = np.linspace(0, 1, 33) bins_x = np.linspace(0, 4, 4 * 32 + 1) # Shift x_bins such that x_cl is in the centre of a bin bin_space_x = 1 / 32 bins_x += x_cl - bin_space_x / 2 bins_x = np.sort(bins_x % 4) print(bins_x) binned_masses, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z] ) binned_masstemp, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v * data.gas.temperatures, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z], ) binned_temperatures = binned_masstemp / binned_masses binned_masses = binned_masses * data.gas.masses.units if chi == 100: mask = (binned_temperatures > 10 ** 4.5) & (binned_temperatures < 10 ** 5.5) m_t_intermediate_resampled_32 = np.sum(binned_masses.v[mask]) / m_cl0 elif chi == 10: mask = (binned_temperatures > 10 ** 4.25) & (binned_temperatures < 10 ** 4.75) m_t_intermediate_resampled_32 = np.sum(binned_masses.v[mask]) / m_cl0 """ resample the intermediate temperature gas to 16^3 resolution """ x_cl = np.median(data.gas.coordinates[:, 0].value[cloud]) bins_y = np.linspace(0, 1, 17) bins_z = np.linspace(0, 1, 17) bins_x = np.linspace(0, 4, 4 * 16 + 1) # Shift x_bins such that x_cl is in the centre of a bin bin_space_x = 1 / 16 bins_x += x_cl - bin_space_x / 2 bins_x = np.sort(bins_x % 4) print(bins_x) binned_masses, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z] ) binned_masstemp, _ = np.histogramdd( data.gas.coordinates.v, weights=data.gas.masses.v * data.gas.temperatures, bins=[bins_x, bins_y, bins_z], ) binned_temperatures = binned_masstemp / binned_masses binned_masses = binned_masses * data.gas.masses.units if chi == 100: mask = (binned_temperatures > 10 ** 4.5) & (binned_temperatures < 10 ** 5.5) m_t_intermediate_resampled_16 = np.sum(binned_masses.v[mask]) / m_cl0 elif chi == 10: mask = (binned_temperatures > 10 ** 4.25) & (binned_temperatures < 10 ** 4.75) m_t_intermediate_resampled_16 = np.sum(binned_masses.v[mask]) / m_cl0 return ( t, dense_mass, m_t_intermediate, dense_mass_resampled_16, m_t_intermediate_resampled_16, dense_mass_resampled_32, m_t_intermediate_resampled_32, ) def load_first_snapshot(chi, resolution): # Load snapshot 0 try: data_0 = load("./{}/blob_0000.hdf5".format(resolution)) except OSError: print("snapshot 0 is not found") v_wind0 = data_0.gas.velocities[ 0, 0 ] # All wind particles have the same initial velocity r_cl0 = data_0.metadata.boxsize[1] * 0.1 # The cloud is 0.1 * boxsize rho_cl0 = chi * np.percentile(data_0.gas.densities.value, 50) cloud_0 = ( data_0.gas.densities.value > rho_cl0 / 3 ) # Create a mask for the dense gas m_cl0 = np.sum(data_0.gas.masses.value[cloud_0]) t_cc = (np.sqrt(chi) * r_cl0 / v_wind0).to(s) # Cloud crushing time # This will give the number of snapshots + 1 IC file hdf5counter = len(glob.glob1("./{}".format(resolution), "*.hdf5")) # Subtract the IC file from the count steps = hdf5counter - 1 return rho_cl0, m_cl0, steps, t_cc # What is the number of (particles)^1/3? resolution = 128 # What is the density contrast? chi = 10 rho_cl0, m_cl0, steps, t_cc = load_first_snapshot(chi, resolution) time = np.zeros(steps) dense_mass = np.zeros(steps) intermediate_temp_mass = np.zeros(steps) dense_mass_16 = np.zeros(steps) intermediate_temp_mass_16 = np.zeros(steps) dense_mass_32 = np.zeros(steps) intermediate_temp_mass_32 = np.zeros(steps) for i in range(steps): time[i], dense_mass[i], intermediate_temp_mass[i], dense_mass_16[ i ], intermediate_temp_mass_16[i], dense_mass_32[i], intermediate_temp_mass_32[ i ] = analyse_snapshot( i, chi, rho_cl0, m_cl0, resolution ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 15)) ax[0, 0].plot(time / t_cc, dense_mass) ax[0, 0].set_title("Dense Mass") ax[0, 1].plot(time / t_cc, intermediate_temp_mass) ax[0, 1].set_title("Intermediate-temperature Mass") ax[1, 0].plot(time / t_cc, dense_mass_16) ax[1, 0].set_title("Dense Mass resampled 16^3") ax[1, 1].plot(time / t_cc, intermediate_temp_mass_16) ax[1, 1].set_title("Intermediate-temperature Mass resampled 16^3") ax[2, 0].plot(time / t_cc, dense_mass_32) ax[2, 0].set_title("Dense Mass resampled 32^3") ax[2, 1].plot(time / t_cc, intermediate_temp_mass_32) ax[2, 1].set_title("Intermediate-temperature Mass resampled 32^3") plt.savefig("cloud_evolution") plt.close()