import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import argparse from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import h5py # Parse user input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Plot multiple density profiles against theoretical prediction" ) parser.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="snapshot files to be imaged") parser.add_argument("--notex", action="store_true", help="Flag to not use LaTeX markup") parser.add_argument( "-a", type=float, default=0.1, help="Softening length of theoretical model" ) parser.add_argument( "-M", type=float, default=1.0e-5, help="Total Mass of theoretical model" ) parser.add_argument("-Rmin", type=float, default=0.01, help="Min Radius") parser.add_argument("-Rmax", type=float, default=2.1, help="Max Radius") parser.add_argument( "-nbsamples", type=int, default=64, help="Number of radii to sample (bins)" ) parser.add_argument( "-shift", type=float, default=2.0, help="Shift applied to particles in params.yml" ) args = parser.parse_args() fnames = args.files # Limit number of snapshots to plot if len(fnames) > 20: raise ValueError( "Too many ({:d}) files provided (cannot plot more than 20).".format(len(fnames)) ) # Set parameters tex = not args.notex if tex: plt.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": tex, "font.size": 14, "": "serif"}) else: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 12}) figsize = 7 # Model Parameters (Mestel surface density) G = 4.299581e04 rsp = np.logspace(np.log10(args.Rmin), np.log10(args.Rmax), args.nbsamples) def plummer_analytical(r): return ( 3.0 * args.M / (4.0 * np.pi * args.a ** 3) * (1.0 + r ** 2 / args.a ** 2) ** (-2.5) ) # Plot densities fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1.2 * figsize, figsize)) for fname in fnames: print(fname) f = h5py.File(fname, "r") pos = np.array(f["DMParticles"]["Coordinates"]) - args.shift time = ( f["Header"].attrs["Time"][0] * f["Units"].attrs["Unit time in cgs (U_t)"][0] / 31557600.0e9 ) mass = np.array(f["DMParticles"]["Masses"]) x = pos[:, 0] y = pos[:, 1] r = np.sqrt(np.sum(pos ** 2, 1)) # Methods to compute density profile def mass_ins(R): return ((r < R) * mass).sum() mass_ins_vect = np.vectorize(mass_ins) def density(R): return np.diff(mass_ins_vect(R)) / np.diff(R) / (4.0 * np.pi * R[1:] ** 2) dens = density(rsp) rs = rsp[1:] # remove empty bins c = dens > 0 dens = np.compress(c, dens) rs = np.compress(c, rs) # Plot # ax.loglog(rsp[1:], density(rsp), "o", ms=1.7, label=r"$t=$ {:.3f} Gyr".format(time)) ax.plot(rs, dens, label=r"$t=$ {:.3f} Gyr".format(time)) ax.plot(rsp, plummer_analytical(rsp), c="black", label="Analytical Prediction") ax.set_xlabel("r [kpc]") ax.legend() ax.loglog() ax.set_title( r"Plummer Density Profile: $a = {:.1e}$ kpc, $M = {:.1e}$ M$_{{\odot}}$".format( args.a, args.M * 1e10 ) ) plt.tight_layout() ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rho(r)$ [$M_{\odot}$ kpc$^{-3}$]") plt.savefig("density_profile.png")