# Define the system of units to use internally.
  UnitMass_in_cgs:     1.988e+33 # Solar mass
  UnitLength_in_cgs:   3.086e+21 # kpc
  UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5       # km / s
  UnitCurrent_in_cgs:  1         # Amperes
  UnitTemp_in_cgs:     1         # Kelvin

# Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.)
  time_begin:          0.      # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units).
  time_end:            0.6     # The end time of the simulation (in internal units).
  dt_min:              1e-8    # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
  dt_max:              1e-1    # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).

# Parameters governing the snapshots
  basename:            output  # Common part of the name of output files
  time_first:          0.      # Time of the first output (in internal units)
  delta_time:          1e-3    # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units)

# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
  delta_time:          1e-3    # Time between statistics output

# Parameters related to the initial conditions
  file_name:          test_nfw.hdf5 # The file to read
  shift_x:            0.          # (Optional) A shift to apply to all particles read from the ICs (in internal units).
  shift_y:            0.
  shift_z:            0.
  periodic:           0

# Isothermal potential parameters
  useabspos:          0
  position:           [0.0,0.0,0.0]      # Location of centre of potential with respect to centre of the box (internal units)
  concentration:      8.
  M_200:              2.0e+12  # Virial mass (internal units)
  epsilon:            0.8
  h:                  0.7
  timestep_mult:      0.01     # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition