# Host: ga003.pri.cosma.local # Branch: (HEAD detached at fa5d752fe) # Revision: v2025.01-35-gfa5d752f # Compiler: LLVM/Clang, Version: 19.0.0 # Number of threads: 4 # Number of MPI ranks: 1 # Hydrodynamic scheme: SPHENIX (Borrow+ 2020) # Hydrodynamic kernel: Cubic spline (M4) # No. of neighbours: 48.00 +/- 0.0144 # Eta: 1.234800 # Config: '--with-parmetis --enable-debugging-checks --disable-vec --enable-debug --with-ext-potential=point-mass' # CFLAGS: '-g -O0 -debug inline-debug-info -O3 -ansi-alias -fma -ftz -fomit-frame-pointer -march=core-avx2 -mavx2 -no-vec -Qunused-arguments -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wshadow -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes' # Step Properties: Rebuild=1, Redistribute=2, Repartition=4, Statistics=8, Snapshot=16, Restarts=32 STF=64, FOF=128, mesh=256 # Step Time Scale-factor Redshift Time-step Time-bins Updates g-Updates s-Updates Sink-Updates b-Updates Wall-clock time [ms] Props Dead time [ms] 0 1.276048e-02 0.9090909 0.1000000 0.000000e+00 1 56 800648 1661079 29847 0 0 68602.977 281 32.326