#!/bin/bash # Run a RT test with EAGLE ICs. # # To use GEAR-RT, configure SWIFT with # # --with-stars=basic --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-rt=GEAR_1 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-feedback=none # [technically, any other feedback scheme should work as well.] # # # To use the DEBUG RT scheme, configure SWIFT with # --with-stars=basic --with-rt=debug --with-feedback=none # [technically, any other feedback scheme should work as well.] # Generate the initial conditions if they are not present. if [ ! -e EAGLE_ICs_12.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching initial conditions for the EAGLE 12Mpc example..." ./getIC.sh fi ../../../swift \ --hydro --threads=8 --stars --self-gravity \ --feedback --radiation \ eagle_12_rt_test.yml