import numpy as np import h5py as h5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import glob # Get the total number of snapshots file_list = glob.glob("CoolingHalo_*") n_snaps = len(file_list) # some constants OMEGA = 0.3 # Cosmological matter fraction at z = 0 PARSEC_IN_CGS = 3.0856776e18 KM_PER_SEC_IN_CGS = 1.0e5 CONST_G_CGS = 6.672e-8 h = 0.67777 # hubble parameter gamma = 5.0 / 3.0 eta = 1.2349 H_0_cgs = 100.0 * h * KM_PER_SEC_IN_CGS / (1.0e6 * PARSEC_IN_CGS) # read some header/parameter information from the first snapshot filename = "CoolingHalo_0000.hdf5" f = h5.File(filename, "r") params = f["Parameters"] unit_mass_cgs = float(params.attrs["InternalUnitSystem:UnitMass_in_cgs"]) unit_length_cgs = float(params.attrs["InternalUnitSystem:UnitLength_in_cgs"]) unit_velocity_cgs = float(params.attrs["InternalUnitSystem:UnitVelocity_in_cgs"]) unit_time_cgs = unit_length_cgs / unit_velocity_cgs v_c = float(params.attrs["SoftenedIsothermalPotential:vrot"]) v_c_cgs = v_c * unit_velocity_cgs header = f["Header"] N = header.attrs["NumPart_Total"][0] box_centre = np.array(header.attrs["BoxSize"]) # calculate r_vir and M_vir from v_c r_vir_cgs = v_c_cgs / (10.0 * H_0_cgs * np.sqrt(OMEGA)) M_vir_cgs = r_vir_cgs * v_c_cgs ** 2 / CONST_G_CGS potential_energy_array = [] internal_energy_array = [] kinetic_energy_array = [] time_array_cgs = [] for i in range(n_snaps): filename = "CoolingHalo_%04d.hdf5" % i f = h5.File(filename, "r") coords_dset = f["PartType0/Coordinates"] coords = np.array(coords_dset) # translate coords by centre of box header = f["Header"] snap_time = header.attrs["Time"] snap_time_cgs = snap_time * unit_time_cgs time_array_cgs = np.append(time_array_cgs, snap_time_cgs) coords[:, 0] -= box_centre[0] / 2.0 coords[:, 1] -= box_centre[1] / 2.0 coords[:, 2] -= box_centre[2] / 2.0 radius = np.sqrt(coords[:, 0] ** 2 + coords[:, 1] ** 2 + coords[:, 2] ** 2) radius_cgs = radius * unit_length_cgs radius_over_virial_radius = radius_cgs / r_vir_cgs r = radius_over_virial_radius total_potential_energy = np.sum(v_c ** 2 * np.log(r)) potential_energy_array = np.append(potential_energy_array, total_potential_energy) vels_dset = f["PartType0/Velocities"] vels = np.array(vels_dset) speed_squared = vels[:, 0] ** 2 + vels[:, 1] ** 2 + vels[:, 2] ** 2 total_kinetic_energy = 0.5 * np.sum(speed_squared) kinetic_energy_array = np.append(kinetic_energy_array, total_kinetic_energy) u_dset = f["PartType0/InternalEnergy"] u = np.array(u_dset) total_internal_energy = np.sum(u) internal_energy_array = np.append(internal_energy_array, total_internal_energy) # get the radiated energy energy_array = np.genfromtxt("energy.txt", skip_header=1) # rad_energy_time = energy_array[:,0] # rad_energy_time_cgs = rad_energy_time * unit_time_cgs rad_energy_array = energy_array[:, 6] # only use every 10th term in the rad_energy_array rad_energy_array = rad_energy_array[0::10] # put energies in units of v_c^2 and rescale by number of particles pe = potential_energy_array / (N * v_c ** 2) ke = kinetic_energy_array / (N * v_c ** 2) ie = internal_energy_array / (N * v_c ** 2) re = rad_energy_array / (N * v_c ** 2) te = pe + ke + ie # + re print(pe) print(ke) print(ie) # print re print(te) dyn_time_cgs = r_vir_cgs / v_c_cgs time_array = time_array_cgs / dyn_time_cgs # rad_time_array = rad_energy_time_cgs / dyn_time_cgs plt.plot(time_array, ke, label="Kinetic Energy") plt.plot(time_array, pe, label="Potential Energy") plt.plot(time_array, ie, label="Internal Energy") # plt.plot(time_array,re,label = "Radiated Energy") plt.plot(time_array, te, label="Total Energy") plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.xlabel(r"$t / t_{dyn}$") plt.ylabel(r"$E / v_c^2$") plt.title( r"$%d \, \, \mathrm{particles} \,,\, v_c = %.1f \, \mathrm{km / s}$" % (N, v_c) ) # plt.ylim((-4,2)) # plot_filename = "density_profile_%03d.png" %i