#!/bin/bash # This example is based on the AGORA disk article (DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/833/2/202) # set the resolution (LOW or MED) sim=LOW # make run.sh fail if a subcommand fails set -e # Generate the initial conditions if they are not present. if [ ! -e agora_disk.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching initial glass file for the Sedov blast example..." ./getIC.sh $sim fi # Get the Grackle cooling table if [ ! -e CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5 ] then echo "Fetching the Cloudy tables required by Grackle..." ./getGrackleCoolingTable.sh fi # Run SWIFT ../../../swift --sync --limiter --cooling --hydro --self-gravity --star-formation --feedback --stars --threads=8 agora_disk.yml 2>&1 | tee output.log