#!/bin/bash . tap-functions plan_no_plan is "$(./test_argparse -f --path=/path/to/file a 2>&1)" 'force: 1 path: /path/to/file argc: 1 argv[0]: a' is "$(./test_argparse -f -f --force --no-force 2>&1)" 'force: 2' is "$(./test_argparse -i 2>&1)" 'error: option `-i` requires a value' is "$(./test_argparse -i 2 2>&1)" 'int_num: 2' is "$(./test_argparse -i2 2>&1)" 'int_num: 2' is "$(./test_argparse -ia 2>&1)" 'error: option `-i` expects an integer value' is "$(./test_argparse -i 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2>&1)" \ 'error: option `-i` Numerical result out of range' is "$(./test_argparse -s 2.4 2>&1)" 'flt_num: 2.4' is "$(./test_argparse -s2.4 2>&1)" 'flt_num: 2.4' is "$(./test_argparse -sa 2>&1)" 'error: option `-s` expects a numerical value' is "$(./test_argparse -s 1e999 2>&1)" \ 'error: option `-s` Numerical result out of range' is "$(./test_argparse -f -- do -f -h 2>&1)" 'force: 1 argc: 3 argv[0]: do argv[1]: -f argv[2]: -h' is "$(./test_argparse -tf 2>&1)" 'force: 1 test: 1' is "$(./test_argparse --read --write 2>&1)" 'perms: 3' is "$(./test_argparse -h)" 'Usage: test_argparse [options] [[--] args] or: test_argparse [options] A brief description of what the program does and how it works. -h, --help show this help message and exit Basic options -f, --force force to do -t, --test test only -p, --path= path to read -i, --int= selected integer -s, --float= selected float Bits options --read read perm --write write perm --exec exec perm Additional description of the program after the description of the arguments.'