#!/usr/bin/env python """ Usage: combine_ics.py input_file.0.hdf5 merged_file.hdf5 gzip_level This file combines Gadget-2 type 2 (i.e. hdf5) initial condition files into a single file that can be digested by SWIFT. This has mainly be tested for DM-only (parttype1) files but also works smoothly for ICs including gas. The special case of a mass-table for the DM particles is handled. No unit conversions are applied nor are any scale-factors or h-factors changed. The script applies some compression and checksum filters to the output to save disk space. The last argument `gzip_level` is used to specify the level of compression to apply to all the fields in the file. Use 0 to cancel all coompression. The default value is `4`. This file is part of SWIFT. Copyright (C) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl) All Rights Reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import sys import h5py as h5 import numpy as np # Store the compression level gzip_level = 4 if len(sys.argv) > 3: gzip_level = int(sys.argv[3]) # First, we need to collect some information from the master file main_file_name = str(sys.argv[1])[:-7] print("Merging snapshots files with name", main_file_name) master_file_name = main_file_name + ".0.hdf5" print("Reading master information from", master_file_name) master_file = h5.File(master_file_name, "r") grp_header = master_file["/Header"] num_files = grp_header.attrs["NumFilesPerSnapshot"] tot_num_parts = grp_header.attrs["NumPart_Total"] tot_num_parts_high_word = grp_header.attrs["NumPart_Total_HighWord"] entropy_flag = grp_header.attrs["Flag_Entropy_ICs"] box_size = grp_header.attrs["BoxSize"] time = grp_header.attrs["Time"] # Combine the low- and high-words tot_num_parts = tot_num_parts.astype(np.int64) for i in range(6): tot_num_parts[i] += np.int64(tot_num_parts_high_word[i]) << 32 tot_num_parts_swift = np.copy(tot_num_parts) tot_num_parts_swift[2] += tot_num_parts_swift[3] tot_num_parts_swift[3] = 0 # Some basic information print("Reading", tot_num_parts, "particles from", num_files, "files.") # Check whether there is a mass table DM_mass = 0.0 mtable = grp_header.attrs.get("MassTable") if mtable is not None: DM_mass = grp_header.attrs["MassTable"][1] if DM_mass != 0.0: print("DM mass set to", DM_mass, "from the header mass table.") else: print("Reading DM mass from the particles.") # Create the empty file output_file_name = sys.argv[2] output_file = h5.File(output_file_name, "w-") # Header grp = output_file.create_group("/Header") grp.attrs["NumFilesPerSnapshot"] = 1 grp.attrs["NumPart_Total"] = tot_num_parts_swift grp.attrs["NumPart_Total_HighWord"] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] grp.attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"] = tot_num_parts_swift grp.attrs["MassTable"] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] grp.attrs["BoxSize"] = box_size grp.attrs["Flag_Entropy_ICs"] = entropy_flag grp.attrs["Time"] = time # Create the particle groups if tot_num_parts[0] > 0: grp0 = output_file.create_group("/PartType0") if tot_num_parts[1] > 0: grp1 = output_file.create_group("/PartType1") if tot_num_parts_swift[2] > 0: grp2 = output_file.create_group("/PartType2") if tot_num_parts[4] > 0: grp4 = output_file.create_group("/PartType4") if tot_num_parts[5] > 0: grp5 = output_file.create_group("/PartType5") # Helper function to create the datasets we need def create_set(grp, name, size, dim, dtype): if dim == 1: grp.create_dataset( name, (size,), dtype=dtype, chunks=True, compression="gzip", compression_opts=gzip_level, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True, maxshape=(size,), ) else: grp.create_dataset( name, (size, dim), dtype=dtype, chunks=True, compression="gzip", compression_opts=gzip_level, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True, maxshape=(size, dim), ) # Create the required datasets if tot_num_parts[0] > 0: create_set(grp0, "Coordinates", tot_num_parts[0], 3, "d") create_set(grp0, "Velocities", tot_num_parts[0], 3, "f") create_set(grp0, "Masses", tot_num_parts[0], 1, "f") create_set(grp0, "ParticleIDs", tot_num_parts[0], 1, "l") create_set(grp0, "InternalEnergy", tot_num_parts[0], 1, "f") create_set(grp0, "SmoothingLength", tot_num_parts[0], 1, "f") if tot_num_parts[1] > 0: create_set(grp1, "Coordinates", tot_num_parts[1], 3, "d") create_set(grp1, "Velocities", tot_num_parts[1], 3, "f") create_set(grp1, "Masses", tot_num_parts[1], 1, "f") create_set(grp1, "ParticleIDs", tot_num_parts[1], 1, "l") if tot_num_parts_swift[2] > 0: create_set(grp2, "Coordinates", tot_num_parts_swift[2], 3, "d") create_set(grp2, "Velocities", tot_num_parts_swift[2], 3, "f") create_set(grp2, "Masses", tot_num_parts_swift[2], 1, "f") create_set(grp2, "ParticleIDs", tot_num_parts_swift[2], 1, "l") if tot_num_parts[4] > 0: create_set(grp4, "Coordinates", tot_num_parts[4], 3, "d") create_set(grp4, "Velocities", tot_num_parts[4], 3, "f") create_set(grp4, "Masses", tot_num_parts[4], 1, "f") create_set(grp4, "ParticleIDs", tot_num_parts[4], 1, "l") if tot_num_parts[5] > 0: create_set(grp5, "Coordinates", tot_num_parts[5], 3, "d") create_set(grp5, "Velocities", tot_num_parts[5], 3, "f") create_set(grp5, "Masses", tot_num_parts[5], 1, "f") create_set(grp5, "ParticleIDs", tot_num_parts[5], 1, "l") # Heavy-lifting ahead. Leave a last message. print("Datasets created in output file") # Special case of the non-zero mass table if DM_mass != 0.0: masses = np.ones(tot_num_parts[1], dtype=np.float) * DM_mass grp1["Masses"][:] = masses # Cumulative number of particles read/written cumul_parts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Loop over all the files that are part of the snapshots for f in range(num_files): file_name = main_file_name + "." + str(f) + ".hdf5" file = h5.File(file_name, "r") file_header = file["/Header"] num_parts = file_header.attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"] print( "Copying data from file", f, "/", num_files, ": num_parts = [", num_parts[0], num_parts[1], num_parts[2], num_parts[3], num_parts[4], num_parts[5], "]", ) sys.stdout.flush() # Helper function to copy data def copy_grp(name_new, name_old, ptype): full_name_new = "/PartType" + str(ptype) + "/" + name_new full_name_old = "/PartType" + str(ptype) + "/" + name_old output_file[full_name_new][ cumul_parts[ptype] : cumul_parts[ptype] + num_parts[ptype] ] = file[full_name_old] def copy_grp_same_name(name, ptype): copy_grp(name, name, ptype) def copy_grp_pt3(name): full_name_new = "/PartType2/" + name full_name_old = "/PartType3/" + name output_file[full_name_new][ cumul_parts[2] : cumul_parts[2] + num_parts[3] ] = file[full_name_old] if num_parts[0] > 0: copy_grp_same_name("Coordinates", 0) copy_grp_same_name("Velocities", 0) copy_grp_same_name("Masses", 0) copy_grp_same_name("ParticleIDs", 0) copy_grp_same_name("InternalEnergy", 0) copy_grp_same_name("SmoothingLength", 0) if num_parts[1] > 0: copy_grp_same_name("Coordinates", 1) copy_grp_same_name("Velocities", 1) copy_grp_same_name("ParticleIDs", 1) if DM_mass == 0.0: # Do not overwrite values if there was a mass table copy_grp_same_name("Masses", 1) if num_parts[2] > 0: copy_grp_same_name("Coordinates", 2) copy_grp_same_name("Velocities", 2) copy_grp_same_name("ParticleIDs", 2) copy_grp_same_name("Masses", 2) # Need to update part counter for pt2 already here, so we append 3 in correct place cumul_parts[2] += num_parts[2] if num_parts[3] > 0: copy_grp_pt3("Coordinates") copy_grp_pt3("Velocities") copy_grp_pt3("ParticleIDs") copy_grp_pt3("Masses") if num_parts[4] > 0: copy_grp_same_name("Coordinates", 4) copy_grp_same_name("Velocities", 4) copy_grp_same_name("Masses", 4) copy_grp_same_name("ParticleIDs", 4) if num_parts[5] > 0: copy_grp_same_name("Coordinates", 5) copy_grp_same_name("Velocities", 5) copy_grp_same_name("Masses", 5) copy_grp_same_name("ParticleIDs", 5) cumul_parts[0] += num_parts[0] cumul_parts[1] += num_parts[1] cumul_parts[2] += num_parts[3] # Need to adjust for added pt-3 cumul_parts[4] += num_parts[4] cumul_parts[5] += num_parts[5] file.close() print("All done! SWIFT is waiting.")