# Scripts to plot task graphs EXTRA_DIST = task_plots/plot_tasks.py task_plots/analyse_tasks.py \ task_plots/process_plot_tasks_MPI.py task_plots/process_plot_tasks.py # Scripts to plot threadpool 'task' graphs EXTRA_DIST += task_plots/analyse_threadpool_tasks.py \ task_plots/plot_threadpool.py \ task_plots/process_plot_threadpool # Script for scaling plot EXTRA_DIST += plot_scaling_results.py \ plot_scaling_results_breakdown.py # Script for gravity accuracy EXTRA_DIST += plot_gravity_checks.py # Combine ICs. EXTRA_DIST += combine_ics.py \ parallel_replicate_ICs.py # Scripts to analyse the raw runtime EXTRA_DIST += analyse_runtime.py # Python plot style sheets EXTRA_DIST += stylesheets/mnras.mplstyle \ stylesheets/README # Task dependencies plots EXTRA_DIST += plot_task_dependencies.py \ plot_task_level.py # Cell hierarchies EXTRA_DIST += make_cell_hierarchy.py \ data/cell_hierarchy.html # Cell dumps EXTRA_DIST += analyse_dump_cells.py \ process_cells \ process_cells_helper # Checking scripts EXTRA_DIST += check_interactions.sh \ check_ngbs.py \ check_mpireports.py