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Lazyness %----------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\corresponds}{\mathrel{\widehat{=}}} % equals with hat \newcommand {\arctanh}{\mathrm{arctanh}} % Atanh \newcommand{\arccot}{\mathrm{arccot }} % Acotanh \newcommand{\limz}[1]{\lim\limits_{#1 \rightarrow 0}} % Limes of something towards zero \newcommand{\bm}{\boldmath} % Bold font in math \newcommand{\dps}{\displaystyle} \newcommand{\e}{\mbox{e}} % e noncursive in math mode \newcommand{\del}{\partial} % partial diff operator \newcommand{\de}{\mathrm{d}} % differential d \newcommand{\D}{\mathrm{d}} % differential d \newcommand{\GRAD}{\mathrm{grad}\ } % gradient \newcommand{\DIV}{\mathrm{div}\ } % divergence \newcommand{\ROT}{\mathrm{rot}\ } % rotation \newcommand{\CONST}{\mathrm{const.\ }} % constant \newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{var}} % variance \newcommand{\g}{^\circ} % degrees \newcommand{\degr}{^\circ} % degrees \newcommand{\msol}{M_\odot} % solar mass \newcommand{\Lsol}{L_\odot} % solar luminosity \newcommand{\Lsun}{L_\odot} % solar luminosity \newcommand{\order}{\mathcal{O}} % order, e.g. O(h^2) \newcommand{\x}{\mathbf{x}} % x vector \newcommand{\xdot}{\dot{\mathbf{x}}} % x dot vector \newcommand{\xddot}{\ddot{\mathbf{x}}} % x doubledot vector \newcommand{\R}{\mathbf{r}} % r vector \newcommand{\rdot}{\dot{\mathbf{r}}} % r dot vector \newcommand{\rddot}{\ddot{\mathbf{r}}} % r doubledot vector \newcommand{\vel}{\mathbf{v}} % v vector \newcommand{\V}{\mathbf{v}} % v vector \newcommand{\vdot}{\dot{\mathbf{v}}} % v dot vector \newcommand{\vddot}{\ddot{\mathbf{v}}} % v doubledot vector \newcommand{\dete}{\mathrm{d}t} % dt \newcommand{\delte}{\del t} % partial t \newcommand{\dex}{\mathrm{d}x} % dx \newcommand{\delx}{\del x} % partial x \newcommand{\der}{\mathrm{d}r} % dr \newcommand{\delr}{\del r} % partial r \newcommand{\deldx}{\frac{\del}{\del x}} % shortcut partial derivative, in line \newcommand{\ddx}{\frac{\de}{\de x}} % shortcut total derivative, in line \newcommand{\DELDX}[1]{\frac{\del #1}{\del x}} % shortcut partial derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\DDX}[1]{\frac{\de #1}{\de x}} % shortcut total derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\deldvecx}{\frac{\del}{\del \x}} % shortcut partial derivative, in line \newcommand{\ddvecx}{\frac{\de}{\de \x}} % shortcut total derivative, in line \newcommand{\DELDVECX}[1]{\frac{\del #1}{\del \x}} % shortcut partial derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\DDVECX}[1]{\frac{\de #1}{\de \x}} % shortcut total derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\deldr}{\frac{\del}{\del r}} % shortcut partial derivative, in line \newcommand{\ddr}{\frac{\de}{\de r}} % shortcut total derivative, in line \newcommand{\DELDR}[1]{\frac{\del #1}{\del r}} % shortcut partial derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\DDR}[1]{\frac{\de #1}{\de r}} % shortcut total derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\deldt}{\frac{\del}{\del t}} % shortcut partial derivative, in line \newcommand{\ddt}{\frac{\de}{\de t}} % shortcut total derivative, in line \newcommand{\DELDT}[1]{\frac{\del #1}{\del t}} % shortcut partial derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\DDT}[1]{\frac{\de #1}{\de t}} % shortcut total derivative, on fraction \newcommand{\deldxalpha}{\frac{\del}{\del x^\alpha}} \newcommand{\DELDXALPHA}[1]{\frac{\del #1}{\del x^\alpha}} \newcommand{\ddxalpha}{\frac{\de}{\de x^\alpha}} \newcommand{\DDXALPHA}[1]{\frac{\de #1}{\de x^\alpha}}