* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl).
* Copyright (C) 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* MPI headers. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
/* Some standard headers. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "error.h"
#include "version.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "version_string.h"
* @brief Return the hostname
* Will return the name of the host.
* @result the hostname.
const char *hostname(void) {
static char buf[256];
static int initialised = 0;
if (!initialised) {
buf[255] = '\0';
if (gethostname(buf, 255)) sprintf(buf, "%s", "Unknown host");
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief Return the source code git revision
* The SHA of the code checked out when the library was last built.
* Will include -dirty if they are local modifications.
* @result the git version.
const char *git_revision(void) {
static char buf[256];
static int initialised = 0;
static const char *revision = GIT_REVISION;
if (!initialised) {
if (strlen(revision) == 0)
sprintf(buf, "%s", "unknown");
sprintf(buf, "%s", revision);
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief Return the source code git branch
* The name of the current branch when the code was last built.
* @result git branch
const char *git_branch(void) {
static char buf[256];
static int initialised = 0;
static const char *branch = GIT_BRANCH;
if (!initialised) {
if (strlen(branch) == 0)
sprintf(buf, "%s", "unknown");
sprintf(buf, "%s", branch);
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief Return the date of the commit in the git repository
* The date of the commit of the code we are running.
* @result git branch
const char *git_date(void) {
static char buf[256];
static int initialised = 0;
static const char *date = GIT_DATE;
if (!initialised) {
if (strlen(date) == 0)
sprintf(buf, "%s", "unknown");
sprintf(buf, "%s", date);
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief Return the options passed to the 'configure' script
* @result List of configuration options within simple quotes (').
const char *configuration_options(void) {
static char buf[1024];
static int initialised = 0;
static const char *config = SWIFT_CONFIG_FLAGS;
if (!initialised) {
snprintf(buf, 1024, "'%.1021s'", config);
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief Return the CFLAGS the code was compiled with
* @result List of CFLAGS within simple quotes (').
const char *compilation_cflags(void) {
static char buf[1024];
static int initialised = 0;
static const char *cflags = SWIFT_CFLAGS;
if (!initialised) {
snprintf(buf, 1024, "'%.1021s'", cflags);
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief The version of SWIFT
* @result the package version
const char *package_version(void) {
static const char *version = PACKAGE_VERSION;
return version;
* @brief A description of the package version and code status.
* @result description of the package version
const char *package_description(void) {
static char buf[256];
static int initialised = 0;
if (!initialised) {
sprintf(buf, "SWIFT version: %s, at revision: %s, branch: %s",
initialised = 1;
return buf;
* @brief return the name of the compiler used to build SWIFT.
* @result description of the compiler.
const char *compiler_name(void) {
static char compiler[256] = {0};
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
sprintf(compiler, "ICC");
#elif defined(__clang__)
sprintf(compiler, "LLVM/Clang");
#elif defined(__xlc__)
sprintf(compiler, "IBM XL");
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
sprintf(compiler, "GCC");
if (strlen(compiler) == 0) sprintf(compiler, "Unknown compiler");
return compiler;
* @brief return compiler version used to build SWIFT.
* @result description of the compiler.
const char *compiler_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
const int major = __INTEL_COMPILER / 100;
const int minor = __INTEL_COMPILER - major * 100;
sprintf(version, "%i.%i.%i", major, minor, __INTEL_COMPILER_BUILD_DATE);
#elif defined(__clang__)
sprintf(version, "%i.%i.%i", __clang_major__, __clang_minor__,
#elif defined(__xlc__)
const int major = __IBMC__ / 100;
const int minor = (__IBMC__ - major * 100) / 10;
const int patch = (__IBMC__ - major * 100 - minor * 10);
sprintf(version, "%i.%i.%i", major, minor, patch);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
sprintf(version, "%i.%i.%i", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__);
if (strlen(version) == 0) sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the MPI version, runtime if possible otherwise that used when
* built.
* @result description of the MPI version.
const char *mpi_version(void) {
static char version[80] = {0};
#ifdef WITH_MPI
int std_version, std_subversion;
/* Check that the library implements the version string routine */
static char lib_version[MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING] = {0};
int len;
MPI_Get_library_version(lib_version, &len);
/* Find first \n and truncate string to this length, can get many lines from
* some MPIs (MPICH). */
char *ptr = strchr(lib_version, '\n');
if (ptr != NULL) *ptr = '\0';
/* Also arbitrarily truncate to keep down to one line, Open MPI,
* check for last comma and keep to ~60 chars max. */
strcpy(lib_version + 60, "...");
ptr = strrchr(lib_version, ',');
if (ptr != NULL) *ptr = '\0';
/* Use autoconf guessed value. */
static char lib_version[60] = {0};
snprintf(lib_version, 60, "%.60s", SWIFT_MPI_LIBRARY);
/* Numeric version. */
MPI_Get_version(&std_version, &std_subversion);
snprintf(version, 80, "%.60s (MPI std v%i.%i)", lib_version, std_version,
sprintf(version, "Code was not compiled with MPI support");
return version;
* @brief return the HDF5 version in use at runtime.
* @result description of the current HDF5 version.
const char *hdf5_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
unsigned int majnum, minnum, relnum;
H5get_libversion(&majnum, &minnum, &relnum);
sprintf(version, "%u.%u.%u", majnum, minnum, relnum);
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the METIS version used when SWIFT was built.
* @result description of the METIS version.
const char *metis_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(WITH_MPI) && defined(HAVE_METIS)
sprintf(version, "%i.%i.%i", METIS_VER_MAJOR, METIS_VER_MINOR,
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the ParMETIS version used when SWIFT was built.
* @result description of the ParMETIS version.
const char *parmetis_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(WITH_MPI) && defined(HAVE_PARMETIS)
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the FFTW version used when SWIFT was built.
* @result description of the FFTW version.
const char *fftw3_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(HAVE_FFTW)
sprintf(version, "%s", "3.x (details not available)");
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the GSL version used when SWIFT was built.
* @result description of the GSL version.
const char *libgsl_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(HAVE_LIBGSL)
sprintf(version, "%.255s", gsl_version);
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the SUNDIALS version used when SWIFT was built.
* @result description of the SUNDIALS version.
const char *sundials_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(HAVE_SUNDIALS)
SUNDIALSGetVersion(version, 256);
sprintf(version, "Unknown version");
return version;
* @brief return the thread barrier used in SWIFT.
* @result description of the thread barriers
const char *thread_barrier_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
sprintf(version, "%s", "pthread");
sprintf(version, "homemade");
return version;
* @brief return the allocator library used in SWIFT.
* @result description of the allocation library
const char *allocator_version(void) {
static char version[256] = {0};
#if defined(HAVE_TBBMALLOC)
sprintf(version, "TBB malloc");
#elif defined(HAVE_TCMALLOC)
sprintf(version, "tc-malloc");
#elif defined(HAVE_JEMALLOC)
sprintf(version, "je-malloc");
sprintf(version, "Compiler version (probably glibc)");
return version;
* @brief Prints a greeting message to the standard output containing code
* version and revision number
* This was constructed using the 'figlet' tool and the 'slant' font. The
* lower-bar of the f is then lengthened.
* @param fof Is this for the FOF greeting?
void greetings(int fof) {
if (!fof) {
printf(" Welcome to the cosmological hydrodynamical code\n");
printf(" ______ _________________\n");
printf(" / ___/ | / / _/ ___/_ __/\n");
printf(" \\__ \\| | /| / // // /_ / / \n");
printf(" ___/ /| |/ |/ // // __/ / / \n");
printf(" /____/ |__/|__/___/_/ /_/ \n");
printf(" SPH With Inter-dependent Fine-grained Tasking\n\n");
} else {
printf(" Welcome to the particle group finding tool\n");
printf(" ______ __________________ __________ ______\n");
printf(" / ___/ | / / _/ ____/_ __/ / ____/ __ \\/ ____/\n");
printf(" \\__ \\| | /| / // // /__ / /_____/ /__ / / / / /__ \n");
printf(" ___/ /| |/ |/ // // ___/ / /_____/ ___// /_/ / ___/ \n");
printf("/____/ |__/|__/___/_/ /_/ /_/ \\____/_/ \n");
" SPH With Inter-dependent Fine-grained Tasking - "
printf(" Version : %s\n", package_version());
printf(" Revision: %s, Branch: %s, Date: %s\n", git_revision(), git_branch(),
printf(" Webpage : %s\n\n", PACKAGE_URL);
printf(" Config. options: %s\n\n", configuration_options());
printf(" Compiler: %s, Version: %s\n", compiler_name(), compiler_version());
printf(" CFLAGS : %s\n", compilation_cflags());
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
printf(" HDF5 library version : %s\n", hdf5_version());
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
printf(" FFTW library version : %s\n", fftw3_version());
printf(" GSL library version : %s\n", libgsl_version());
printf(" SUNDIALS library version : %s\n", sundials_version());
#ifdef WITH_MPI
printf(" MPI library version : %s\n", mpi_version());
printf(" METIS library version : %s\n", metis_version());
printf(" ParMETIS library version : %s\n", parmetis_version());