* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "cooling.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "forcing.h"
#include "potential.h"
#include "rt.h"
#include "timeline.h"
* @brief Compute a valid integer time-step form a given time-step
* We consider the minimal time-bin of any neighbours and prevent particles
* to differ from it by a fixed constant `time_bin_neighbour_max_delta_bin`.
* If min_ngb_bin is set to `num_time_bins`, then no limit from the neighbours
* is imposed.
* @param new_dt The time-step to convert.
* @param old_bin The old time bin.
* @param min_ngb_bin Minimal time-bin of any neighbour of this particle.
* @param ti_current The current time on the integer time-line.
* @param time_base_inv The inverse of the system's minimal time-step.
__attribute__((always_inline, const)) INLINE static integertime_t
make_integer_timestep(const float new_dt, const timebin_t old_bin,
const timebin_t min_ngb_bin,
const integertime_t ti_current,
const double time_base_inv) {
/* Convert to integer time */
integertime_t new_dti = (integertime_t)(new_dt * time_base_inv);
/* Are we allowed to use this bin given the neighbours? */
timebin_t new_bin = get_time_bin(new_dti);
new_bin = min(new_bin, min_ngb_bin + time_bin_neighbour_max_delta_bin);
new_dti = get_integer_timestep(new_bin);
/* Current time-step */
const integertime_t current_dti = get_integer_timestep(old_bin);
const integertime_t ti_end = get_integer_time_end(ti_current, old_bin);
/* Limit timestep increase */
if (old_bin > 0) new_dti = min(new_dti, 2 * current_dti);
/* Put this timestep on the time line */
integertime_t dti_timeline = max_nr_timesteps;
while (new_dti < dti_timeline) dti_timeline /= ((integertime_t)2);
new_dti = dti_timeline;
/* Make sure we are allowed to increase the timestep size */
if (new_dti > current_dti) {
if ((max_nr_timesteps - ti_end) % new_dti > 0) new_dti = current_dti;
if (new_dti == 0) error("Computed an integer time-step of size 0");
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #gpart
* @param gp The #gpart.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_gpart_timestep(
const struct gpart *restrict gp, const struct engine *restrict e) {
if (gp->time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
error("Trying to compute time step for an extra particle.");
float new_dt_self = FLT_MAX, new_dt_ext = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity)
new_dt_ext = external_gravity_timestep(e->time, e->external_potential,
e->physical_constants, gp);
const float a_hydro[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
if (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity)
new_dt_self = gravity_compute_timestep_self(
gp, a_hydro, e->gravity_properties, e->cosmology);
/* Take the minimum of all */
float new_dt = min(new_dt_self, new_dt_ext);
/* Apply the maximal displacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min)
error("gpart (id=%lld) wants a time-step (%e) below dt_min (%e)",
gp->id_or_neg_offset, new_dt, e->dt_min);
/* Convert to integer time */
const integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, gp->time_bin, num_time_bins, e->ti_current, e->time_base_inv);
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #part
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart partner of p.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
* @param new_dti_rt The new radiation integer time step.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_part_timestep(
const struct part *restrict p, const struct xpart *restrict xp,
const struct engine *restrict e, const integertime_t new_dti_rt) {
/* Compute the next timestep (hydro condition) */
const float new_dt_hydro =
hydro_compute_timestep(p, xp, e->hydro_properties, e->cosmology);
/* Compute the next timestep (MHD condition) */
const float new_dt_mhd =
mhd_compute_timestep(p, xp, e->hydro_properties, e->cosmology);
/* Compute the next timestep (cooling condition) */
float new_dt_cooling = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_cooling)
new_dt_cooling =
cooling_timestep(e->cooling_func, e->physical_constants, e->cosmology,
e->internal_units, e->hydro_properties, p, xp);
/* Compute the next timestep (gravity condition) */
float new_dt_grav = FLT_MAX, new_dt_self_grav = FLT_MAX,
new_dt_ext_grav = FLT_MAX;
if (p->gpart != NULL) {
if (e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity)
new_dt_ext_grav = external_gravity_timestep(
e->time, e->external_potential, e->physical_constants, p->gpart);
if (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity)
new_dt_self_grav = gravity_compute_timestep_self(
p->gpart, p->a_hydro, e->gravity_properties, e->cosmology);
new_dt_grav = min(new_dt_self_grav, new_dt_ext_grav);
/* Compute the next timestep (forcing terms condition) */
const float new_dt_forcing = forcing_terms_timestep(
e->time, e->forcing_terms, e->physical_constants, p, xp);
/* Compute the next timestep (chemistry condition, e.g. diffusion) */
const float new_dt_chemistry =
chemistry_timestep(e->physical_constants, e->cosmology, e->internal_units,
e->hydro_properties, e->chemistry, p);
/* Take the minimum of all */
float new_dt = min3(new_dt_hydro, new_dt_cooling, new_dt_grav);
new_dt = min4(new_dt, new_dt_mhd, new_dt_chemistry, new_dt_forcing);
/* Limit change in smoothing length */
const float dt_h_change =
(p->force.h_dt != 0.0f)
? fabsf(e->hydro_properties->log_max_h_change * p->h / p->force.h_dt)
new_dt = min(new_dt, dt_h_change);
/* Apply the maximal displacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min)
error("part (id=%lld) wants a time-step (%e) below dt_min (%e)", p->id,
new_dt, e->dt_min);
/* Convert to integer time */
integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, p->time_bin, p->limiter_data.min_ngb_time_bin, e->ti_current,
if (e->policy & engine_policy_rt) {
if (new_dti_rt <= new_dti) {
/* enforce dt_hydro <= nsubcycles * dt_rt. The rare case where
* new_dti_rt > new_dti will be handled in the parent function
* that calls this one. */
integertime_t max_subcycles = max(e->max_nr_rt_subcycles, 1);
if (max_nr_timesteps / max_subcycles < new_dti_rt) {
/* multiplication new_dti_rt * max_subcycles would overflow. This can
* happen in rare cases, especially if the total physical time the
* simulation should cover is small. So limit max_subcycles to a
* reasonable value.
* First find an integer guess for the maximal permissible number
* of sub-cycles. Then find highest power-of-two below that guess.
* Divide the guess by a factor of 2 to simplify the subsequent while
* loop. The max() is there to prevent bad things happening. */
const integertime_t max_subcycles_guess =
max(1LL, max_nr_timesteps / (new_dti_rt * 2LL));
max_subcycles = 1LL;
while (max_subcycles_guess > max_subcycles) max_subcycles *= 2LL;
new_dti = min(new_dti, new_dti_rt * max_subcycles);
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #part
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart partner of p.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_part_rt_timestep(
const struct part *restrict p, const struct xpart *restrict xp,
const struct engine *restrict e) {
if (!(e->policy & engine_policy_rt))
return get_integer_timestep(num_time_bins);
float new_dt =
rt_compute_timestep(p, xp, e->rt_props, e->cosmology, e->hydro_properties,
e->physical_constants, e->internal_units);
if ((e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology))
/* Apply the maximal displacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
/* Proper error will be caught in get_part_timestep(), so keep this as
* debugging check only. */
const float f = (float)max(e->max_nr_rt_subcycles, 1);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min / f)
"part (id=%lld) wants an RT time-step (%e) below dt_min/nr_subcycles "
p->id, new_dt, e->dt_min / f);
const integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, p->rt_time_data.time_bin, p->rt_time_data.min_ngb_time_bin,
e->ti_current, e->time_base_inv);
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #spart
* @param sp The #spart.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_spart_timestep(
const struct spart *restrict sp, const struct engine *restrict e) {
/* Stellar time-step */
float new_dt_stars = stars_compute_timestep(
sp, e->stars_properties, (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology),
e->cosmology, e->time);
/* Gravity time-step */
float new_dt_self = FLT_MAX, new_dt_ext = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity)
new_dt_ext = external_gravity_timestep(e->time, e->external_potential,
e->physical_constants, sp->gpart);
const float a_hydro[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
if (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity)
new_dt_self = gravity_compute_timestep_self(
sp->gpart, a_hydro, e->gravity_properties, e->cosmology);
float new_dt_rt = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_rt)
new_dt_rt = rt_compute_spart_timestep(sp, e->rt_props, e->cosmology);
/* Take the minimum of all */
float new_dt = min4(new_dt_stars, new_dt_self, new_dt_ext, new_dt_rt);
/* Apply the maximal displacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min) {
error("spart (id=%lld) wants a time-step (%e) below dt_min (%e)", sp->id,
new_dt, e->dt_min);
/* Convert to integer time */
const integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, sp->time_bin, num_time_bins, e->ti_current, e->time_base_inv);
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #bpart
* @param bp The #bpart.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_bpart_timestep(
const struct bpart *restrict bp, const struct engine *restrict e) {
/* Black hole internal time-step */
float new_dt_black_holes = black_holes_compute_timestep(
bp, e->black_holes_properties, e->physical_constants, e->cosmology);
/* Gravity time-step */
float new_dt_self = FLT_MAX, new_dt_ext = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity)
new_dt_ext = external_gravity_timestep(e->time, e->external_potential,
e->physical_constants, bp->gpart);
const float a_hydro[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
if (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity)
new_dt_self = gravity_compute_timestep_self(
bp->gpart, a_hydro, e->gravity_properties, e->cosmology);
/* Take the minimum of all */
float new_dt = min3(new_dt_black_holes, new_dt_self, new_dt_ext);
/* Apply the maximal dibslacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min) {
error("bpart (id=%lld) wants a time-step (%e) below dt_min (%e)", bp->id,
new_dt, e->dt_min);
/* Convert to integer time */
const integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, bp->time_bin, num_time_bins, e->ti_current, e->time_base_inv);
return new_dti;
* @brief Compute the new (integer) time-step of a given #sink.
* @param sink The #sink.
* @param e The #engine (used to get some constants).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static integertime_t get_sink_timestep(
const struct sink *restrict sink, const struct engine *restrict e) {
/* Sink time-step */
float new_dt_sink = sink_compute_timestep(
sink, e->sink_properties, (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology),
e->cosmology, e->gravity_properties, e->time, e->time_base);
/* Gravity time-step */
float new_dt_self = FLT_MAX, new_dt_ext = FLT_MAX;
if (e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity)
new_dt_ext = external_gravity_timestep(e->time, e->external_potential,
e->physical_constants, sink->gpart);
const float a_hydro[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
if (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity)
new_dt_self = gravity_compute_timestep_self(
sink->gpart, a_hydro, e->gravity_properties, e->cosmology);
/* Take the minimum of all */
float new_dt = min3(new_dt_sink, new_dt_self, new_dt_ext);
/* Apply the maximal dibslacement constraint (FLT_MAX if non-cosmological)*/
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max_RMS_displacement);
/* Apply cosmology correction (This is 1 if non-cosmological) */
new_dt *= e->cosmology->time_step_factor;
/* Limit timestep within the allowed range */
new_dt = min(new_dt, e->dt_max);
if (new_dt < e->dt_min) {
error("sink (id=%lld) wants a time-step (%e) below dt_min (%e)", sink->id,
new_dt, e->dt_min);
/* Convert to integer time */
const integertime_t new_dti = make_integer_timestep(
new_dt, sink->time_bin, num_time_bins, e->ti_current, e->time_base_inv);
return new_dti;
#endif /* SWIFT_TIMESTEP_H */