* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "lock.h"
/* Some standard headers. */
/* Pre-declarations */
struct phys_const;
struct space;
struct unit_system;
* @brief Quantities collected for physics statistics
struct statistics {
/*! Kinetic energy (internal units)*/
double E_kin;
/*! Internal energy (internal units)*/
double E_int;
/*! Self potential energy (internal units)*/
double E_pot_self;
/*! External potential energy (internal units)*/
double E_pot_ext;
/*! Radiated energy (internal units) */
double E_rad;
/*! Entropy (internal units) */
double entropy;
/*! Total mass (internal units)*/
double total_mass;
/*! Total dm mass (internal units)*/
double dm_mass;
/*! Total gas mass (internal units)*/
double gas_mass;
/*! Total sink mass (internal units)*/
double sink_mass;
/*! Total stellar mass (internal units)*/
double star_mass;
/*! Total BH mass (internal units)*/
double bh_mass;
/*! Total BH subgrid mass (internal units)*/
double bh_subgrid_mass;
/*! Total metal mass in gas (internal units)*/
double gas_Z_mass;
/*! Total metal mass in stars (internal units)*/
double star_Z_mass;
/*! Total metal mass in BH (internal units)*/
double bh_Z_mass;
/*! Sum of instantaneous accretion rate of all BHs (internal units)*/
double bh_accretion_rate;
/*! Total accreted mass of all BHs (internal units)*/
double bh_accreted_mass;
/* Total BH bolometric luminosity of all BHs (internal units) */
double bh_bolometric_luminosity;
/* Total jet power of all BHs (internal units) */
double bh_jet_power;
/*! Momentum (internal units)*/
double mom[3];
/*! Angular momentum (internal units) */
double ang_mom[3];
/*! Centre of mass (internal units)*/
double centre_of_mass[3];
/*! Total gas mass that is in Hydrogen (all species) */
double gas_H_mass;
/*! Total gas mass that is in Molecular Hydrogen */
double gas_H2_mass;
/*! Total gas mass that is in Atomic Hydrogen */
double gas_HI_mass;
/*! Total gas mass that is in Helium (all species) */
double gas_He_mass;
/*! Total Magnetic Energy */
double E_mag;
/*! Total divB error */
double divB_error;
/*! Total Cross Helicity */
double H_cross;
/*! Total Magnetic helicity */
double H_mag;
/*! Lock for threaded access */
swift_lock_type lock;
void stats_collect(const struct space* s, struct statistics* stats);
void stats_add(struct statistics* a, const struct statistics* b);
void stats_write_file_header(FILE* file, const struct unit_system* us,
const struct phys_const* phys_const);
void stats_write_to_file(FILE* file, const struct statistics* stats,
const double time, const double a, const double z,
const int step);
void stats_init(struct statistics* s);
void stats_finalize(struct statistics* s);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
extern MPI_Datatype statistics_mpi_type;
extern MPI_Op statistics_mpi_reduce_op;
void stats_create_mpi_type(void);
void stats_free_mpi_type(void);