* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "space.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "cell.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "memswap.h"
/*! Expected maximal number of strays received at a rebuild */
extern int space_expected_max_nr_strays;
/*! Counter for cell IDs (when debugging) */
#if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH)
extern unsigned long long last_cell_id;
extern unsigned long long last_leaf_cell_id;
* @brief Re-build the top-level cells as well as the whole hierarchy.
* @param s The #space in which to update the cells.
* @param repartitioned Did we just repartition?
* @param verbose Print messages to stdout or not
void space_rebuild(struct space *s, int repartitioned, int verbose) {
const ticks tic = getticks();
/* Be verbose about this. */
if (s->e->nodeID == 0 || verbose) message("(re)building space");
#if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH)
/* Reset the cell counter */
last_cell_id = 1ULL;
last_leaf_cell_id = 1ULL;
/* Re-grid if necessary, or just re-set the cell data. */
space_regrid(s, verbose);
/* Allocate extra space for particles that will be created */
if (s->with_star_formation || s->with_sink) space_allocate_extras(s, verbose);
struct cell *cells_top = s->cells_top;
const integertime_t ti_current = (s->e != NULL) ? s->e->ti_current : 0;
const int local_nodeID = s->e->nodeID;
/* The current number of particles */
size_t nr_parts = s->nr_parts;
size_t nr_gparts = s->nr_gparts;
size_t nr_sparts = s->nr_sparts;
size_t nr_bparts = s->nr_bparts;
size_t nr_sinks = s->nr_sinks;
/* The number of particles we allocated memory for */
size_t size_parts = s->size_parts;
size_t size_gparts = s->size_gparts;
size_t size_sparts = s->size_sparts;
size_t size_bparts = s->size_bparts;
size_t size_sinks = s->size_sinks;
/* Counter for the number of inhibited particles found on the node */
size_t count_inhibited_parts = 0;
size_t count_inhibited_gparts = 0;
size_t count_inhibited_sparts = 0;
size_t count_inhibited_bparts = 0;
size_t count_inhibited_sinks = 0;
/* Counter for the number of extra particles found on the node */
size_t count_extra_parts = 0;
size_t count_extra_gparts = 0;
size_t count_extra_sparts = 0;
size_t count_extra_bparts = 0;
size_t count_extra_sinks = 0;
/* Number of particles we expect to have after strays exchange */
const size_t h_index_size = size_parts + space_expected_max_nr_strays;
const size_t g_index_size = size_gparts + space_expected_max_nr_strays;
const size_t s_index_size = size_sparts + space_expected_max_nr_strays;
const size_t b_index_size = size_bparts + space_expected_max_nr_strays;
const size_t sink_index_size = size_sinks + space_expected_max_nr_strays;
/* Allocate arrays to store the indices of the cells where particles
belong. We allocate extra space to allow for particles we may
receive from other nodes */
int *h_index = (int *)swift_malloc("h_index", sizeof(int) * h_index_size);
int *g_index = (int *)swift_malloc("g_index", sizeof(int) * g_index_size);
int *s_index = (int *)swift_malloc("s_index", sizeof(int) * s_index_size);
int *b_index = (int *)swift_malloc("b_index", sizeof(int) * b_index_size);
int *sink_index =
(int *)swift_malloc("sink_index", sizeof(int) * sink_index_size);
if (h_index == NULL || g_index == NULL || s_index == NULL ||
b_index == NULL || sink_index == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary particle indices.");
/* Allocate counters of particles that will land in each cell */
int *cell_part_counts =
(int *)swift_malloc("cell_part_counts", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
int *cell_gpart_counts =
(int *)swift_malloc("cell_gpart_counts", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
int *cell_spart_counts =
(int *)swift_malloc("cell_spart_counts", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
int *cell_bpart_counts =
(int *)swift_malloc("cell_bpart_counts", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
int *cell_sink_counts =
(int *)swift_malloc("cell_sink_counts", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
if (cell_part_counts == NULL || cell_gpart_counts == NULL ||
cell_spart_counts == NULL || cell_bpart_counts == NULL ||
cell_sink_counts == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate cell particle count buffer.");
/* Initialise the counters, including buffer space for future particles */
for (int i = 0; i < s->nr_cells; ++i) {
cell_part_counts[i] = 0;
cell_gpart_counts[i] = 0;
cell_spart_counts[i] = 0;
cell_bpart_counts[i] = 0;
cell_sink_counts[i] = 0;
/* Run through the particles and get their cell index. */
if (nr_parts > 0)
space_parts_get_cell_index(s, h_index, cell_part_counts,
&count_inhibited_parts, &count_extra_parts,
if (nr_gparts > 0)
space_gparts_get_cell_index(s, g_index, cell_gpart_counts,
&count_inhibited_gparts, &count_extra_gparts,
if (nr_sparts > 0)
space_sparts_get_cell_index(s, s_index, cell_spart_counts,
&count_inhibited_sparts, &count_extra_sparts,
if (nr_bparts > 0)
space_bparts_get_cell_index(s, b_index, cell_bpart_counts,
&count_inhibited_bparts, &count_extra_bparts,
if (nr_sinks > 0)
space_sinks_get_cell_index(s, sink_index, cell_sink_counts,
&count_inhibited_sinks, &count_extra_sinks,
/* Some safety checks */
if (repartitioned && count_inhibited_parts)
error("We just repartitioned but still found inhibited parts.");
if (repartitioned && count_inhibited_sparts)
error("We just repartitioned but still found inhibited sparts.");
if (repartitioned && count_inhibited_gparts)
error("We just repartitioned but still found inhibited gparts.");
if (repartitioned && count_inhibited_bparts)
error("We just repartitioned but still found inhibited bparts.");
if (repartitioned && count_inhibited_sinks)
error("We just repartitioned but still found inhibited sinks.");
if (count_extra_parts != s->nr_extra_parts)
"Number of extra parts in the part array not matching the space "
if (count_extra_gparts != s->nr_extra_gparts)
"Number of extra gparts in the gpart array not matching the space "
if (count_extra_sparts != s->nr_extra_sparts)
"Number of extra sparts in the spart array not matching the space "
if (count_extra_bparts != s->nr_extra_bparts)
"Number of extra bparts in the bpart array not matching the space "
if (count_extra_sinks != s->nr_extra_sinks)
"Number of extra sinks in the sink array not matching the space "
const ticks tic2 = getticks();
/* Move non-local parts and inhibited parts to the end of the list. */
if (!repartitioned && (s->e->nr_nodes > 1 || count_inhibited_parts > 0)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_parts; /* void */) {
/* Inhibited particle or foreign particle */
if (h_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[h_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
/* One fewer particle */
nr_parts -= 1;
/* Swap the particle */
memswap(&s->parts[k], &s->parts[nr_parts], sizeof(struct part));
/* Swap the link with the gpart */
if (s->parts[k].gpart != NULL) {
s->parts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -k;
if (s->parts[nr_parts].gpart != NULL) {
s->parts[nr_parts].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -nr_parts;
/* Swap the xpart */
memswap(&s->xparts[k], &s->xparts[nr_parts], sizeof(struct xpart));
/* Swap the index */
memswap(&h_index[k], &h_index[nr_parts], sizeof(int));
} else {
/* Increment when not exchanging otherwise we need to retest "k".*/
/* Check that all parts are in the correct places. */
size_t check_count_inhibited_part = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_parts; k++) {
if (h_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[h_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to move all non-local parts to send list");
for (size_t k = nr_parts; k < s->nr_parts; k++) {
if (h_index[k] != -1 && cells_top[h_index[k]].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to remove local parts from send list");
if (h_index[k] == -1) ++check_count_inhibited_part;
if (check_count_inhibited_part != count_inhibited_parts)
error("Counts of inhibited particles do not match!");
/* Move non-local sparts and inhibited sparts to the end of the list. */
if (!repartitioned && (s->e->nr_nodes > 1 || count_inhibited_sparts > 0)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sparts; /* void */) {
/* Inhibited particle or foreign particle */
if (s_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[s_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
/* One fewer particle */
nr_sparts -= 1;
/* Swap the particle */
memswap(&s->sparts[k], &s->sparts[nr_sparts], sizeof(struct spart));
/* Swap the link with the gpart */
if (s->sparts[k].gpart != NULL) {
s->sparts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -k;
if (s->sparts[nr_sparts].gpart != NULL) {
s->sparts[nr_sparts].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -nr_sparts;
/* Swap the index */
memswap(&s_index[k], &s_index[nr_sparts], sizeof(int));
} else {
/* Increment when not exchanging otherwise we need to retest "k".*/
/* Check that all sparts are in the correct place. */
size_t check_count_inhibited_spart = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sparts; k++) {
if (s_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[s_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to move all non-local sparts to send list");
for (size_t k = nr_sparts; k < s->nr_sparts; k++) {
if (s_index[k] != -1 && cells_top[s_index[k]].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to remove local sparts from send list");
if (s_index[k] == -1) ++check_count_inhibited_spart;
if (check_count_inhibited_spart != count_inhibited_sparts)
error("Counts of inhibited s-particles do not match!");
/* Move non-local bparts and inhibited bparts to the end of the list. */
if (!repartitioned && (s->e->nr_nodes > 1 || count_inhibited_bparts > 0)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_bparts; /* void */) {
/* Inhibited particle or foreign particle */
if (b_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[b_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
/* One fewer particle */
nr_bparts -= 1;
/* Swap the particle */
memswap(&s->bparts[k], &s->bparts[nr_bparts], sizeof(struct bpart));
/* Swap the link with the gpart */
if (s->bparts[k].gpart != NULL) {
s->bparts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -k;
if (s->bparts[nr_bparts].gpart != NULL) {
s->bparts[nr_bparts].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -nr_bparts;
/* Swap the index */
memswap(&b_index[k], &b_index[nr_bparts], sizeof(int));
} else {
/* Increment when not exchanging otherwise we need to retest "k".*/
/* Check that all bparts are in the correct place. */
size_t check_count_inhibited_bpart = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_bparts; k++) {
if (b_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[b_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to move all non-local bparts to send list");
for (size_t k = nr_bparts; k < s->nr_bparts; k++) {
if (b_index[k] != -1 && cells_top[b_index[k]].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to remove local bparts from send list");
if (b_index[k] == -1) ++check_count_inhibited_bpart;
if (check_count_inhibited_bpart != count_inhibited_bparts)
error("Counts of inhibited b-particles do not match!");
/* Move non-local sinks and inhibited sinks to the end of the list. */
if (!repartitioned && (s->e->nr_nodes > 1 || count_inhibited_sinks > 0)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sinks; /* void */) {
/* Inhibited particle or foreign particle */
if (sink_index[k] == -1 ||
cells_top[sink_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
/* One fewer particle */
nr_sinks -= 1;
/* Swap the particle */
memswap(&s->sinks[k], &s->sinks[nr_sinks], sizeof(struct sink));
/* Swap the link with the gpart */
if (s->sinks[k].gpart != NULL) {
s->sinks[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -k;
if (s->sinks[nr_sinks].gpart != NULL) {
s->sinks[nr_sinks].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -nr_sinks;
/* Swap the index */
memswap(&sink_index[k], &sink_index[nr_sinks], sizeof(int));
} else {
/* Increment when not exchanging otherwise we need to retest "k".*/
/* Check that all sinks are in the correct place. */
size_t check_count_inhibited_sinks = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sinks; k++) {
if (sink_index[k] == -1 ||
cells_top[sink_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to move all non-local sinks to send list");
for (size_t k = nr_sinks; k < s->nr_sinks; k++) {
if (sink_index[k] != -1 &&
cells_top[sink_index[k]].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to remove local sinks from send list");
if (sink_index[k] == -1) ++check_count_inhibited_sinks;
if (check_count_inhibited_sinks != count_inhibited_sinks)
error("Counts of inhibited sink-particles do not match!");
/* Move non-local gparts and inhibited parts to the end of the list. */
if (!repartitioned && (s->e->nr_nodes > 1 || count_inhibited_gparts > 0)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_gparts; /* void */) {
/* Inhibited particle or foreign particle */
if (g_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[g_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
/* One fewer particle */
nr_gparts -= 1;
/* Swap the particle */
memswap_unaligned(&s->gparts[k], &s->gparts[nr_gparts],
sizeof(struct gpart));
/* Swap the link with part/spart */
if (s->gparts[k].type == swift_type_gas) {
s->parts[-s->gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &s->gparts[k];
} else if (s->gparts[k].type == swift_type_stars) {
s->sparts[-s->gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &s->gparts[k];
} else if (s->gparts[k].type == swift_type_sink) {
s->sinks[-s->gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &s->gparts[k];
} else if (s->gparts[k].type == swift_type_black_hole) {
s->bparts[-s->gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &s->gparts[k];
if (s->gparts[nr_gparts].type == swift_type_gas) {
s->parts[-s->gparts[nr_gparts].id_or_neg_offset].gpart =
} else if (s->gparts[nr_gparts].type == swift_type_stars) {
s->sparts[-s->gparts[nr_gparts].id_or_neg_offset].gpart =
} else if (s->gparts[nr_gparts].type == swift_type_sink) {
s->sinks[-s->gparts[nr_gparts].id_or_neg_offset].gpart =
} else if (s->gparts[nr_gparts].type == swift_type_black_hole) {
s->bparts[-s->gparts[nr_gparts].id_or_neg_offset].gpart =
/* Swap the index */
memswap(&g_index[k], &g_index[nr_gparts], sizeof(int));
} else {
/* Increment when not exchanging otherwise we need to retest "k".*/
if (verbose)
message("Moving non-local particles took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic2), clocks_getunit());
/* Check that all gparts are in the correct place. */
size_t check_count_inhibited_gpart = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_gparts; k++) {
if (g_index[k] == -1 || cells_top[g_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to move all non-local gparts to send list");
for (size_t k = nr_gparts; k < s->nr_gparts; k++) {
if (g_index[k] != -1 && cells_top[g_index[k]].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
error("Failed to remove local gparts from send list");
if (g_index[k] == -1) ++check_count_inhibited_gpart;
if (check_count_inhibited_gpart != count_inhibited_gparts)
error("Counts of inhibited g-particles do not match!");
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Exchange the strays, note that this potentially re-allocates
the parts arrays. This can be skipped if we just repartitioned space
as there should be no strays in that case */
if (!repartitioned) {
size_t nr_parts_exchanged = s->nr_parts - nr_parts;
size_t nr_gparts_exchanged = s->nr_gparts - nr_gparts;
size_t nr_sparts_exchanged = s->nr_sparts - nr_sparts;
size_t nr_bparts_exchanged = s->nr_bparts - nr_bparts;
size_t nr_sinks_exchanged = s->nr_sinks - nr_sinks;
engine_exchange_strays(s->e, nr_parts, &h_index[nr_parts],
&nr_parts_exchanged, nr_gparts, &g_index[nr_gparts],
&nr_gparts_exchanged, nr_sparts, &s_index[nr_sparts],
&nr_sparts_exchanged, nr_bparts, &b_index[nr_bparts],
&nr_bparts_exchanged, nr_sinks,
&sink_index[nr_sinks], &nr_sinks_exchanged);
/* Set the new particle counts. */
s->nr_parts = nr_parts + nr_parts_exchanged;
s->nr_gparts = nr_gparts + nr_gparts_exchanged;
s->nr_sparts = nr_sparts + nr_sparts_exchanged;
s->nr_bparts = nr_bparts + nr_bparts_exchanged;
s->nr_sinks = nr_sinks + nr_sinks_exchanged;
} else {
if (s->nr_parts != nr_parts)
error("Number of parts changing after repartition");
if (s->nr_sparts != nr_sparts)
error("Number of sparts changing after repartition");
if (s->nr_gparts != nr_gparts)
error("Number of gparts changing after repartition");
if (s->nr_sinks != nr_sinks)
error("Number of sinks changing after repartition");
/* Clear non-local cell counts. */
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_cells; k++) {
if (s->cells_top[k].nodeID != local_nodeID) {
cell_part_counts[k] = 0;
cell_spart_counts[k] = 0;
cell_gpart_counts[k] = 0;
cell_bpart_counts[k] = 0;
cell_sink_counts[k] = 0;
/* Re-allocate the index array for the parts if needed.. */
if (s->nr_parts + 1 > h_index_size) {
int *ind_new;
if ((ind_new = (int *)swift_malloc(
"h_index", sizeof(int) * (s->nr_parts + 1))) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary particle indices.");
memcpy(ind_new, h_index, sizeof(int) * nr_parts);
swift_free("h_index", h_index);
h_index = ind_new;
/* Re-allocate the index array for the sparts if needed.. */
if (s->nr_sparts + 1 > s_index_size) {
int *sind_new;
if ((sind_new = (int *)swift_malloc(
"s_index", sizeof(int) * (s->nr_sparts + 1))) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary s-particle indices.");
memcpy(sind_new, s_index, sizeof(int) * nr_sparts);
swift_free("s_index", s_index);
s_index = sind_new;
/* Re-allocate the index array for the bparts if needed.. */
if (s->nr_bparts + 1 > b_index_size) {
int *bind_new;
if ((bind_new = (int *)swift_malloc(
"b_index", sizeof(int) * (s->nr_bparts + 1))) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary b-particle indices.");
memcpy(bind_new, b_index, sizeof(int) * nr_bparts);
swift_free("b_index", b_index);
b_index = bind_new;
/* Re-allocate the index array for the sinks if needed.. */
if (s->nr_sinks + 1 > sink_index_size) {
int *sink_ind_new;
if ((sink_ind_new = (int *)swift_malloc(
"sink_index", sizeof(int) * (s->nr_sinks + 1))) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary sink-particle indices.");
memcpy(sink_ind_new, sink_index, sizeof(int) * nr_sinks);
swift_free("sink_index", sink_index);
sink_index = sink_ind_new;
const int cdim[3] = {s->cdim[0], s->cdim[1], s->cdim[2]};
const double ih[3] = {s->iwidth[0], s->iwidth[1], s->iwidth[2]};
/* Assign each received part to its cell. */
for (size_t k = nr_parts; k < s->nr_parts; k++) {
const struct part *const p = &s->parts[k];
h_index[k] =
cell_getid(cdim, p->x[0] * ih[0], p->x[1] * ih[1], p->x[2] * ih[2]);
if (cells_top[h_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID)
error("Received part that does not belong to me (nodeID=%i).",
nr_parts = s->nr_parts;
/* Assign each received spart to its cell. */
for (size_t k = nr_sparts; k < s->nr_sparts; k++) {
const struct spart *const sp = &s->sparts[k];
s_index[k] =
cell_getid(cdim, sp->x[0] * ih[0], sp->x[1] * ih[1], sp->x[2] * ih[2]);
if (cells_top[s_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID)
error("Received s-part that does not belong to me (nodeID=%i).",
nr_sparts = s->nr_sparts;
/* Assign each received bpart to its cell. */
for (size_t k = nr_bparts; k < s->nr_bparts; k++) {
const struct bpart *const bp = &s->bparts[k];
b_index[k] =
cell_getid(cdim, bp->x[0] * ih[0], bp->x[1] * ih[1], bp->x[2] * ih[2]);
if (cells_top[b_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID)
error("Received s-part that does not belong to me (nodeID=%i).",
nr_bparts = s->nr_bparts;
/* Assign each received sink to its cell. */
for (size_t k = nr_sinks; k < s->nr_sinks; k++) {
const struct sink *const sink = &s->sinks[k];
sink_index[k] = cell_getid(cdim, sink->x[0] * ih[0], sink->x[1] * ih[1],
sink->x[2] * ih[2]);
if (cells_top[sink_index[k]].nodeID != local_nodeID)
error("Received sink-part that does not belong to me (nodeID=%i).",
nr_sinks = s->nr_sinks;
#else /* WITH_MPI */
/* Update the part, spart and bpart counters */
s->nr_parts = nr_parts;
s->nr_sparts = nr_sparts;
s->nr_bparts = nr_bparts;
s->nr_sinks = nr_sinks;
#endif /* WITH_MPI */
/* Sort the parts according to their cells. */
if (nr_parts > 0)
space_parts_sort(s->parts, s->xparts, h_index, cell_part_counts,
s->nr_cells, 0);
/* Verify that the part have been sorted correctly. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_parts; k++) {
const struct part *p = &s->parts[k];
if (p->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited)
error("Inhibited particle sorted into a cell!");
/* New cell index */
const int new_ind =
cell_getid(s->cdim, p->x[0] * s->iwidth[0], p->x[1] * s->iwidth[1],
p->x[2] * s->iwidth[2]);
/* New cell of this part */
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[new_ind];
if (h_index[k] != new_ind)
error("part's new cell index not matching sorted index.");
if (p->x[0] < c->loc[0] || p->x[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] ||
p->x[1] < c->loc[1] || p->x[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] ||
p->x[2] < c->loc[2] || p->x[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2])
error("part not sorted into the right top-level cell!");
/* Sort the sparts according to their cells. */
if (nr_sparts > 0)
space_sparts_sort(s->sparts, s_index, cell_spart_counts, s->nr_cells, 0);
/* Verify that the spart have been sorted correctly. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sparts; k++) {
const struct spart *sp = &s->sparts[k];
if (sp->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited)
error("Inhibited particle sorted into a cell!");
/* New cell index */
const int new_sind =
cell_getid(s->cdim, sp->x[0] * s->iwidth[0], sp->x[1] * s->iwidth[1],
sp->x[2] * s->iwidth[2]);
/* New cell of this spart */
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[new_sind];
if (s_index[k] != new_sind)
error("spart's new cell index not matching sorted index.");
if (sp->x[0] < c->loc[0] || sp->x[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] ||
sp->x[1] < c->loc[1] || sp->x[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] ||
sp->x[2] < c->loc[2] || sp->x[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2])
error("spart not sorted into the right top-level cell!");
/* Sort the bparts according to their cells. */
if (nr_bparts > 0)
space_bparts_sort(s->bparts, b_index, cell_bpart_counts, s->nr_cells, 0);
/* Verify that the bpart have been sorted correctly. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_bparts; k++) {
const struct bpart *bp = &s->bparts[k];
if (bp->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited)
error("Inhibited particle sorted into a cell!");
/* New cell index */
const int new_bind =
cell_getid(s->cdim, bp->x[0] * s->iwidth[0], bp->x[1] * s->iwidth[1],
bp->x[2] * s->iwidth[2]);
/* New cell of this bpart */
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[new_bind];
if (b_index[k] != new_bind)
error("bpart's new cell index not matching sorted index.");
if (bp->x[0] < c->loc[0] || bp->x[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] ||
bp->x[1] < c->loc[1] || bp->x[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] ||
bp->x[2] < c->loc[2] || bp->x[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2])
error("bpart not sorted into the right top-level cell!");
/* Sort the sink according to their cells. */
if (nr_sinks > 0)
space_sinks_sort(s->sinks, sink_index, cell_sink_counts, s->nr_cells, 0);
/* Verify that the sink have been sorted correctly. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sinks; k++) {
const struct sink *sink = &s->sinks[k];
if (sink->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited)
error("Inhibited particle sorted into a cell!");
/* New cell index */
const int new_sink_ind =
cell_getid(s->cdim, sink->x[0] * s->iwidth[0],
sink->x[1] * s->iwidth[1], sink->x[2] * s->iwidth[2]);
/* New cell of this sink */
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[new_sink_ind];
if (sink_index[k] != new_sink_ind)
error("sink's new cell index not matching sorted index.");
if (sink->x[0] < c->loc[0] || sink->x[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] ||
sink->x[1] < c->loc[1] || sink->x[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] ||
sink->x[2] < c->loc[2] || sink->x[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2])
error("sink not sorted into the right top-level cell!");
/* Extract the cell counts from the sorted indices. Deduct the extra
* particles. */
size_t last_index = 0;
h_index[nr_parts] = s->nr_cells; // sentinel.
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_parts; k++) {
if (h_index[k] < h_index[k + 1]) {
cells_top[h_index[k]].hydro.count =
k - last_index + 1 - space_extra_parts;
last_index = k + 1;
/* Extract the cell counts from the sorted indices. Deduct the extra
* particles. */
size_t last_sindex = 0;
s_index[nr_sparts] = s->nr_cells; // sentinel.
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sparts; k++) {
if (s_index[k] < s_index[k + 1]) {
cells_top[s_index[k]].stars.count =
k - last_sindex + 1 - space_extra_sparts;
last_sindex = k + 1;
/* Extract the cell counts from the sorted indices. Deduct the extra
* particles. */
size_t last_bindex = 0;
b_index[nr_bparts] = s->nr_cells; // sentinel.
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_bparts; k++) {
if (b_index[k] < b_index[k + 1]) {
cells_top[b_index[k]].black_holes.count =
k - last_bindex + 1 - space_extra_bparts;
last_bindex = k + 1;
/* Extract the cell counts from the sorted indices. Deduct the extra
* particles. */
size_t last_sink_index = 0;
sink_index[nr_sinks] = s->nr_cells; // sentinel.
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sinks; k++) {
if (sink_index[k] < sink_index[k + 1]) {
cells_top[sink_index[k]].sinks.count =
k - last_sink_index + 1 - space_extra_sinks;
last_sink_index = k + 1;
/* We no longer need the indices as of here. */
swift_free("h_index", h_index);
swift_free("cell_part_counts", cell_part_counts);
swift_free("s_index", s_index);
swift_free("cell_spart_counts", cell_spart_counts);
swift_free("b_index", b_index);
swift_free("cell_bpart_counts", cell_bpart_counts);
swift_free("sink_index", sink_index);
swift_free("cell_sink_counts", cell_sink_counts);
/* Update the slice of unique IDs. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Re-allocate the index array for the gparts if needed.. */
if (s->nr_gparts + 1 > g_index_size) {
int *gind_new;
if ((gind_new = (int *)swift_malloc(
"g_index", sizeof(int) * (s->nr_gparts + 1))) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary g-particle indices.");
memcpy(gind_new, g_index, sizeof(int) * nr_gparts);
swift_free("g_index", g_index);
g_index = gind_new;
/* Assign each received gpart to its cell. */
for (size_t k = nr_gparts; k < s->nr_gparts; k++) {
const struct gpart *const p = &s->gparts[k];
g_index[k] =
cell_getid(cdim, p->x[0] * ih[0], p->x[1] * ih[1], p->x[2] * ih[2]);
if (cells_top[g_index[k]].nodeID != s->e->nodeID)
error("Received g-part that does not belong to me (nodeID=%i).",
nr_gparts = s->nr_gparts;
#else /* WITH_MPI */
/* Update the gpart counter */
s->nr_gparts = nr_gparts;
#endif /* WITH_MPI */
/* Mark that there are no inhibited particles left */
s->nr_inhibited_parts = 0;
s->nr_inhibited_gparts = 0;
s->nr_inhibited_sparts = 0;
s->nr_inhibited_bparts = 0;
s->nr_inhibited_sinks = 0;
/* Sort the gparts according to their cells. */
if (nr_gparts > 0)
space_gparts_sort(s->gparts, s->parts, s->sinks, s->sparts, s->bparts,
g_index, cell_gpart_counts, s->nr_cells);
/* Verify that the gpart have been sorted correctly. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_gparts; k++) {
const struct gpart *gp = &s->gparts[k];
if (gp->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited)
error("Inhibited particle sorted into a cell!");
/* New cell index */
const int new_gind =
cell_getid(s->cdim, gp->x[0] * s->iwidth[0], gp->x[1] * s->iwidth[1],
gp->x[2] * s->iwidth[2]);
/* New cell of this gpart */
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[new_gind];
if (g_index[k] != new_gind)
error("gpart's new cell index not matching sorted index.");
if (gp->x[0] < c->loc[0] || gp->x[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] ||
gp->x[1] < c->loc[1] || gp->x[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] ||
gp->x[2] < c->loc[2] || gp->x[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2])
error("gpart not sorted into the right top-level cell!");
/* Extract the cell counts from the sorted indices. Deduct the extra
* particles. */
size_t last_gindex = 0;
g_index[nr_gparts] = s->nr_cells;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_gparts; k++) {
if (g_index[k] < g_index[k + 1]) {
cells_top[g_index[k]].grav.count =
k - last_gindex + 1 - space_extra_gparts;
last_gindex = k + 1;
/* We no longer need the indices as of here. */
swift_free("g_index", g_index);
swift_free("cell_gpart_counts", cell_gpart_counts);
/* Verify that the links are correct */
if ((nr_gparts > 0 && nr_parts > 0) || (nr_gparts > 0 && nr_sparts > 0) ||
(nr_gparts > 0 && nr_bparts > 0) || (nr_gparts > 0 && nr_sinks > 0))
part_verify_links(s->parts, s->gparts, s->sinks, s->sparts, s->bparts,
nr_parts, nr_gparts, nr_sinks, nr_sparts, nr_bparts,
/* Hook the cells up to the parts. Make list of local and non-empty cells */
const ticks tic3 = getticks();
struct part *finger = s->parts;
struct xpart *xfinger = s->xparts;
struct gpart *gfinger = s->gparts;
struct spart *sfinger = s->sparts;
struct bpart *bfinger = s->bparts;
struct sink *sink_finger = s->sinks;
s->nr_cells_with_particles = 0;
s->nr_local_cells_with_particles = 0;
s->nr_local_cells = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_cells; k++) {
struct cell *restrict c = &cells_top[k];
c->hydro.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->grav.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->grav.ti_old_multipole = ti_current;
c->stars.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->sinks.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->black_holes.ti_old_part = ti_current;
#if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH)
cell_assign_top_level_cell_index(c, s->cdim, s->dim, s->iwidth);
const int is_local = (c->nodeID == engine_rank);
const int has_particles =
(c->hydro.count > 0) || (c->grav.count > 0) || (c->stars.count > 0) ||
(c->black_holes.count > 0) || (c->sinks.count > 0);
if (is_local) {
c->hydro.parts = finger;
c->hydro.xparts = xfinger;
c->grav.parts = gfinger;
c->stars.parts = sfinger;
c->black_holes.parts = bfinger;
c->sinks.parts = sink_finger;
/* Store the state at rebuild time */
c->stars.parts_rebuild = c->stars.parts;
c->sinks.parts_rebuild = c->sinks.parts;
c->grav.parts_rebuild = c->grav.parts;
c->hydro.count_total = c->hydro.count + space_extra_parts;
c->grav.count_total = c->grav.count + space_extra_gparts;
c->stars.count_total = c->stars.count + space_extra_sparts;
c->sinks.count_total = c->sinks.count + space_extra_sinks;
c->black_holes.count_total = c->black_holes.count + space_extra_bparts;
finger = &finger[c->hydro.count_total];
xfinger = &xfinger[c->hydro.count_total];
gfinger = &gfinger[c->grav.count_total];
sfinger = &sfinger[c->stars.count_total];
bfinger = &bfinger[c->black_holes.count_total];
sink_finger = &sink_finger[c->sinks.count_total];
/* Add this cell to the list of local cells */
s->local_cells_top[s->nr_local_cells] = k;
if (is_local && has_particles) {
/* Add this cell to the list of non-empty cells */
s->local_cells_with_particles_top[s->nr_local_cells_with_particles] = k;
if (verbose) {
message("Have %d local top-level cells with particles (total=%d)",
s->nr_local_cells_with_particles, s->nr_cells);
message("Have %d local top-level cells (total=%d)", s->nr_local_cells,
message("hooking up cells took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic3), clocks_getunit());
/* Re-order the extra particles such that they are at the end of their cell's
memory pool. */
if (s->with_star_formation || s->with_sink) space_reorder_extras(s, verbose);
/* At this point, we have the upper-level cells. Now recursively split each
cell to get the full AMR grid. */
space_split(s, verbose);
/* Check that the multipole construction went OK */
if (s->with_self_gravity)
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_cells; k++)
cell_check_multipole(&s->cells_top[k], s->e->gravity_properties);
/* Clean up any stray sort indices in the cell buffer. */
if (verbose)
message("took %.3f %s.", clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic),