* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* 2016 John A. Regan (john.a.regan@durham.ac.uk)
* Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* Includes. */
#include "hydro_space.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "space_unique_id.h"
#include "velociraptor_struct.h"
/* Avoid cyclic inclusions */
struct cell;
struct cosmology;
struct gravity_props;
struct star_formation;
struct hydro_props;
/* Some constants. */
#define space_cellallocchunk 1000
#define space_splitsize_default 400
#define space_maxsize_default 8000000
#define space_grid_split_threshold_default 400
#define space_extra_parts_default 0
#define space_extra_gparts_default 200
#define space_extra_sparts_default 200
#define space_extra_bparts_default 0
#define space_extra_sinks_default 0
#define space_expected_max_nr_strays_default 100
#define space_subsize_pair_hydro_default 256000000
#define space_subsize_self_hydro_default 32000
#define space_subsize_pair_stars_default 256000000
#define space_subsize_self_stars_default 32000
#define space_subsize_pair_grav_default 256000000
#define space_subsize_self_grav_default 32000
#define space_recurse_size_self_hydro_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_pair_hydro_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_self_stars_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_pair_stars_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_self_black_holes_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_pair_black_holes_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_self_sinks_default 100
#define space_recurse_size_pair_sinks_default 100
#define space_subdepth_diff_grav_default 4
#define space_max_top_level_cells_default 12
#define space_stretch 1.10f
#define space_maxreldx 0.1f
/* Maximum allowed depth of cell splits. */
#define space_cell_maxdepth 52
/* Globals needed in contexts without a space struct. Remember to dump and
* restore these. */
extern int space_splitsize;
extern int space_maxsize;
extern int space_grid_split_threshold;
extern int space_subsize_pair_hydro;
extern int space_subsize_self_hydro;
extern int space_subsize_pair_stars;
extern int space_subsize_self_stars;
extern int space_subsize_pair_grav;
extern int space_subsize_self_grav;
extern int space_subdepth_diff_grav;
extern int space_recurse_size_self_hydro;
extern int space_recurse_size_pair_hydro;
extern int space_recurse_size_self_stars;
extern int space_recurse_size_pair_stars;
extern int space_recurse_size_self_black_holes;
extern int space_recurse_size_pair_black_holes;
extern int space_recurse_size_self_sinks;
extern int space_recurse_size_pair_sinks;
extern int space_extra_parts;
extern int space_extra_gparts;
extern int space_extra_sparts;
extern int space_extra_bparts;
extern int space_extra_sinks;
extern double engine_redistribute_alloc_margin;
extern double engine_foreign_alloc_margin;
* @brief The space in which the cells and particles reside.
struct space {
/*! Spatial extent. */
double dim[3];
/*! Is the space periodic? */
int periodic;
/*! Extra space information needed for some hydro schemes. */
struct hydro_space hs;
/*! Are we doing hydrodynamics? */
int with_hydro;
/*! Are we doing gravity? */
int with_self_gravity;
/*! Are we doing star formation? */
int with_star_formation;
/*! Are we doing star formation through sink particles? */
int with_sink;
/*! Are we running with some regular DM particles? */
int with_DM;
/*! Are we running with some DM background particles? */
int with_DM_background;
/*! Are we running with neutrino particles? */
int with_neutrinos;
/*! Width of the top-level cells. */
double width[3];
/*! Inverse of the top-level cell width */
double iwidth[3];
/*! The minimum top-level cell width allowed. */
double cell_min;
/*! Space dimensions in number of top-cells. */
int cdim[3];
/*! Maximal depth reached by the tree */
int maxdepth;
/*! Number of top-level cells. */
int nr_cells;
/*! Total number of cells (top- and sub-) */
int tot_cells;
/*! Number of *local* top-level cells */
int nr_local_cells;
/*! Number of *local* top-level cells with tasks */
int nr_local_cells_with_tasks;
/*! Number of top-level cells that have >0 particle (of any kind) */
int nr_cells_with_particles;
/*! Number of top-level cells that have >0 particle (of any kind) */
int nr_local_cells_with_particles;
/*! The (level 0) cells themselves. */
struct cell *cells_top;
/*! Buffer of unused cells for the sub-cells. One chunk per thread. */
struct cell **cells_sub;
/*! The multipoles associated with the top-level (level 0) cells */
struct gravity_tensors *multipoles_top;
/*! Buffer of unused multipoles for the sub-cells. One chunk per thread. */
struct gravity_tensors **multipoles_sub;
/*! The indices of the *local* top-level cells */
int *local_cells_top;
/*! The indices of the *local* top-level cells with tasks */
int *local_cells_with_tasks_top;
/*! The indices of the top-level cells that have >0 particles (of any kind) */
int *cells_with_particles_top;
/*! The indices of the top-level cells that have >0 particles (of any kind) */
int *local_cells_with_particles_top;
/*! The total number of #part in the space. */
size_t nr_parts;
/*! The total number of #gpart in the space. */
size_t nr_gparts;
/*! The total number of #spart in the space. */
size_t nr_sparts;
/*! The total number of #bpart in the space. */
size_t nr_bparts;
/*! The total number of #sink in the space. */
size_t nr_sinks;
/*! The total number of neutrino #gpart in the space. */
size_t nr_nuparts;
/*! The total number of #part we allocated memory for */
size_t size_parts;
/*! The total number of #gpart we allocated memory for */
size_t size_gparts;
/*! The total number of #spart we allocated memory for */
size_t size_sparts;
/*! The total number of #bpart we allocated memory for */
size_t size_bparts;
/*! The total number of #sink we allocated memory for. */
size_t size_sinks;
/*! Number of inhibted gas particles in the space */
size_t nr_inhibited_parts;
/*! Number of inhibted gravity particles in the space */
size_t nr_inhibited_gparts;
/*! Number of inhibted star particles in the space */
size_t nr_inhibited_sparts;
/*! Number of inhibted black hole particles in the space */
size_t nr_inhibited_bparts;
/*! Number of inhibted sinks in the space */
size_t nr_inhibited_sinks;
/*! Number of extra #part we allocated (for on-the-fly creation) */
size_t nr_extra_parts;
/*! Number of extra #gpart we allocated (for on-the-fly creation) */
size_t nr_extra_gparts;
/*! Number of extra #spart we allocated (for on-the-fly creation) */
size_t nr_extra_sparts;
/*! Number of extra #bpart we allocated (for on-the-fly creation) */
size_t nr_extra_bparts;
/*! Number of extra #sink we allocated (for on-the-fly creation) */
size_t nr_extra_sinks;
/*! The particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct part *parts;
/*! The extended particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct xpart *xparts;
/*! The g-particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct gpart *gparts;
/*! The s-particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct spart *sparts;
/*! The b-particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct bpart *bparts;
/*! The sink particle data (cells have pointers to this). */
struct sink *sinks;
/*! Minimal mass of all the #part */
float min_part_mass;
/*! Minimal mass of all the dark-matter #gpart */
float min_gpart_mass;
/*! Minimal mass of all the #spart */
float min_spart_mass;
/*! Minimal mass of all the #sink */
float min_sink_mass;
/*! Minimal mass of all the #bpart */
float min_bpart_mass;
/*! Sum of the norm of the velocity of all the #part */
float sum_part_vel_norm;
/*! Sum of the norm of the velocity of all the dark-matter #gpart */
float sum_gpart_vel_norm;
/*! Sum of the norm of the velocity of all the #spart */
float sum_spart_vel_norm;
/*! Sum of the norm of the velocity of all the #sink */
float sum_sink_vel_norm;
/*! Sum of the norm of the velocity of all the #bpart */
float sum_bpart_vel_norm;
/*! Minimal gravity acceleration accross all particles */
float min_a_grav;
/*! Max gravity softening accross all particles */
float max_softening;
/*! Max multipole power accross all top-level cells */
float max_mpole_power[SELF_GRAVITY_MULTIPOLE_ORDER + 1];
/* Initial mean mass of each particle type in the system. */
double initial_mean_mass_particles[swift_type_count];
/* Initial count of each particle type in the system. */
long long initial_count_particles[swift_type_count];
/*! Initial shift that was applied to all particles upon start-up. */
double initial_shift[3];
/*! Initial value of the smoothing length read from the parameter file */
float initial_spart_h;
/*! Initial value of the smoothing length read from the parameter file */
float initial_bpart_h;
/*! General-purpose lock for this space. */
swift_lock_type lock;
/*! Number of queues in the system. */
int nr_queues;
/*! The associated engine. */
struct engine *e;
/*! The group information returned by VELOCIraptor for each #gpart. */
struct velociraptor_gpart_data *gpart_group_data;
/*! Structure dealing with the computation of a unique ID */
struct unique_id unique_id;
/*! Have the top-level cells' time-steps been updated? */
char *cells_top_updated;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/*! Buffers for parts that we will receive from foreign cells. */
struct part *parts_foreign;
size_t nr_parts_foreign, size_parts_foreign;
/*! Buffers for g-parts that we will receive from foreign cells. */
struct gpart *gparts_foreign;
size_t nr_gparts_foreign, size_gparts_foreign;
/*! Buffers for s-parts that we will receive from foreign cells. */
struct spart *sparts_foreign;
size_t nr_sparts_foreign, size_sparts_foreign;
/*! Buffers for b-parts that we will receive from foreign cells. */
struct bpart *bparts_foreign;
size_t nr_bparts_foreign, size_bparts_foreign;
/*! Buffers for sink-parts that we will receive from foreign cells. */
struct sink *sinks_foreign;
size_t nr_sinks_foreign, size_sinks_foreign;
/* Function prototypes. */
void space_free_buff_sort_indices(struct space *s);
void space_parts_sort(struct part *parts, struct xpart *xparts, int *ind,
int *counts, int num_bins, ptrdiff_t parts_offset);
void space_gparts_sort(struct gpart *gparts, struct part *parts,
struct sink *sinks, struct spart *sparts,
struct bpart *bparts, int *ind, int *counts,
int num_bins);
void space_sparts_sort(struct spart *sparts, int *ind, int *counts,
int num_bins, ptrdiff_t sparts_offset);
void space_bparts_sort(struct bpart *bparts, int *ind, int *counts,
int num_bins, ptrdiff_t bparts_offset);
void space_sinks_sort(struct sink *sinks, int *ind, int *counts, int num_bins,
ptrdiff_t sinks_offset);
void space_getcells(struct space *s, int nr_cells, struct cell **cells,
const short int tid);
void space_init(struct space *s, struct swift_params *params,
const struct cosmology *cosmo, double dim[3],
const struct hydro_props *hydro_properties, struct part *parts,
struct gpart *gparts, struct sink *sinks, struct spart *sparts,
struct bpart *bparts, size_t Npart, size_t Ngpart, size_t Nsink,
size_t Nspart, size_t Nbpart, size_t Nnupart, int periodic,
int replicate, int remap_ids, int generate_gas_in_ics,
int hydro, int gravity, int star_formation, int with_sink,
int with_DM, int with_DM_background, int neutrinos, int verbose,
int dry_run, int nr_nodes);
void space_sanitize(struct space *s);
void space_map_cells_pre(struct space *s, int full,
void (*fun)(struct cell *c, void *data), void *data);
void space_map_parts(struct space *s,
void (*fun)(struct part *p, struct cell *c, void *data),
void *data);
void space_map_parts_xparts(struct space *s,
void (*fun)(struct part *p, struct xpart *xp,
struct cell *c));
void space_map_cells_post(struct space *s, int full,
void (*fun)(struct cell *c, void *data), void *data);
void space_rebuild(struct space *s, int repartitioned, int verbose);
void space_recycle(struct space *s, struct cell *c);
void space_recycle_list(struct space *s, struct cell *cell_list_begin,
struct cell *cell_list_end,
struct gravity_tensors *multipole_list_begin,
struct gravity_tensors *multipole_list_end);
void space_regrid(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_allocate_extras(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_split(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_reorder_extras(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_list_useful_top_level_cells(struct space *s);
void space_parts_get_cell_index(struct space *s, int *ind, int *cell_counts,
size_t *count_inhibited_parts,
size_t *count_extra_parts, int verbose);
void space_gparts_get_cell_index(struct space *s, int *gind, int *cell_counts,
size_t *count_inhibited_gparts,
size_t *count_extra_gparts, int verbose);
void space_sparts_get_cell_index(struct space *s, int *sind, int *cell_counts,
size_t *count_inhibited_sparts,
size_t *count_extra_sparts, int verbose);
void space_bparts_get_cell_index(struct space *s, int *sind, int *cell_counts,
size_t *count_inhibited_bparts,
size_t *count_extra_bparts, int verbose);
void space_sinks_get_cell_index(struct space *s, int *sind, int *cell_counts,
size_t *count_inhibited_sinks,
size_t *count_extra_sinks, int verbose);
void space_synchronize_particle_positions(struct space *s);
void space_first_init_parts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_first_init_gparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_first_init_sparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_first_init_bparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_first_init_sinks(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_collect_mean_masses(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_init_parts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_init_gparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_init_sparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_init_bparts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_init_sinks(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_after_snap_tracer(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_mark_cell_as_updated(struct space *s, const struct cell *c);
void space_convert_quantities(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_convert_rt_quantities(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_post_init_parts(struct space *s, int verbose);
void space_link_cleanup(struct space *s);
void space_check_drift_point(struct space *s, integertime_t ti_drift,
int multipole);
void space_check_top_multipoles_drift_point(struct space *s,
integertime_t ti_drift);
void space_check_timesteps(const struct space *s);
void space_check_limiter(struct space *s);
void space_check_swallow(struct space *s);
void space_check_sort_flags(struct space *s);
void space_remap_ids(struct space *s, int nr_nodes, int verbose);
long long space_get_max_parts_id(struct space *s);
void space_replicate(struct space *s, int replicate, int verbose);
void space_generate_gas(struct space *s, const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const struct hydro_props *hydro_properties,
const int periodic, const int with_DM_background,
const int with_neutrinos, const double dim[3],
const int verbose);
void space_check_cosmology(struct space *s, const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const int with_hydro, const int rank,
const int check_neutrinos);
void space_reset_task_counters(struct space *s);
void space_clean(struct space *s);
void space_free_cells(struct space *s);
void space_free_foreign_parts(struct space *s, const int clear_cell_pointers);
void space_struct_dump(struct space *s, FILE *stream);
void space_struct_restore(struct space *s, FILE *stream);
void space_write_cell_hierarchy(const struct space *s, int j);
void space_compute_star_formation_stats(const struct space *s,
struct star_formation *star_form);
void space_check_unskip_flags(const struct space *s);
#endif /* SWIFT_SPACE_H */