* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* 2016 John A. Regan (john.a.regan@durham.ac.uk)
* Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* MPI headers. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* This object's header. */
#include "runner.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "active.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "chemistry.h"
#include "cooling.h"
#include "csds.h"
#include "csds_io.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "feedback.h"
#include "fof.h"
#include "forcing.h"
#include "gravity.h"
#include "hydro.h"
#include "potential.h"
#include "pressure_floor.h"
#include "rt.h"
#include "runner_doiact_sinks.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "star_formation.h"
#include "star_formation_logger.h"
#include "stars.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "timestep_limiter.h"
#include "tracers.h"
extern const int sort_stack_size;
* @brief Calculate gravity acceleration from external potential
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_grav_external(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
struct gpart *restrict gparts = c->grav.parts;
const int gcount = c->grav.count;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct external_potential *potential = e->external_potential;
const struct phys_const *constants = e->physical_constants;
const double time = r->e->time;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_grav_external(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Loop over the gparts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < gcount; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct gpart *restrict gp = &gparts[i];
if (gp->time_bin == time_bin_not_created)
error("Found an extra particle in external gravity.");
/* Is this part within the time step? */
if (gpart_is_active(gp, e)) {
external_gravity_acceleration(time, potential, constants, gp);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_dograv_external);
* @brief Calculate change in thermal state of particles induced
* by radiative cooling and heating.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_cooling(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const struct cooling_function_data *cooling_func = e->cooling_func;
const struct phys_const *constants = e->physical_constants;
const struct unit_system *us = e->internal_units;
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct entropy_floor_properties *entropy_floor_props = e->entropy_floor;
const struct pressure_floor_props *pressure_floor = e->pressure_floor_props;
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
const double time = e->time;
/* Anything to do here? (i.e. does this cell need updating?) */
if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) {
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_cooling(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Loop over the parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[i];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[i];
/* Anything to do here? (i.e. does this particle need updating?) */
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
double dt_cool, dt_therm;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_cool =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
dt_therm = cosmology_get_therm_kick_factor(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_cool = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
dt_therm = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* Let's cool ! */
cooling_cool_part(constants, us, cosmo, hydro_props,
entropy_floor_props, pressure_floor, cooling_func, p,
xp, dt_cool, dt_therm, time);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_cooling);
* @brief Spawns some stars from the sink particles.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_star_formation_sink(struct runner *r, struct cell *c,
int timer) {
struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const struct sink_props *sink_props = e->sink_properties;
const int count = c->sinks.count;
struct sink *restrict sinks = c->sinks.parts;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const int with_feedback = (e->policy & engine_policy_feedback);
const struct unit_system *restrict us = e->internal_units;
const int current_stars_count = c->stars.count;
if (c->nodeID != e->nodeID)
error("Running star formation task on a foreign node!");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (count == 0 || !cell_is_active_sinks(c, e)) {
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
/* Load the child cell */
struct cell *restrict cp = c->progeny[k];
/* Do the recursion */
runner_do_star_formation_sink(r, cp, 0);
/* Update the h_max */
c->stars.h_max = max(c->stars.h_max, cp->stars.h_max);
c->stars.h_max_active =
max(c->stars.h_max_active, cp->stars.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Loop over the sink particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct sink *restrict s = &sinks[k];
/* Only work on active particles */
if (sink_is_active(s, e)) {
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
/* Update the sink properties before spwaning stars */
sink_update_sink_properties_before_star_formation(s, e, sink_props,
/* Spawn as many stars as necessary
- loop counter for the random seed.
- Start by 1 as 0 is used at init (sink_copy_properties) */
for (int star_counter = 1; sink_spawn_star(
s, e, sink_props, cosmo, with_cosmology, phys_const, us);
star_counter++) {
/* Create a new star with a mass s->target_mass */
struct spart *sp = cell_spawn_new_spart_from_sink(e, c, s);
if (sp == NULL)
error("Run out of available star particles or gparts");
/* Copy the properties to the star particle */
sink_copy_properties_to_star(s, sp, e, sink_props, cosmo,
with_cosmology, phys_const, us);
/* Verify that we do not have too many stars in the leaf for
* the sort task to be able to act. */
if (c->stars.count > (1LL << sort_stack_size))
"Too many stars in the cell tree leaf! The sorting task will "
"not be able to perform its duties. Possible solutions: (1) "
"The code need to be run with different star formation "
"parameters to reduce the number of star particles created. OR "
"(2) The size of the sorting stack must be increased in "
/* Update the h_max */
c->stars.h_max = max(c->stars.h_max, sp->h);
c->stars.h_max_active = max(c->stars.h_max_active, sp->h);
/* Update sink properties */
s, sp, e, sink_props, phys_const, star_counter);
} /* Loop over the stars to spawn */
/* Update the sink after star formation */
sink_update_sink_properties_after_star_formation(s, e, sink_props,
} /* if sink_is_active */
} /* Loop over the particles */
/* If we formed any stars, the star sorts are now invalid. We need to
* re-compute them. */
if (with_feedback && (c == c->top) &&
(current_stars_count != c->stars.count)) {
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_star_formation);
* @brief Convert some hydro particles into stars depending on the star
* formation model.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_star_formation(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct star_formation *sf_props = e->star_formation;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const int with_feedback = (e->policy & engine_policy_feedback);
const struct hydro_props *restrict hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct unit_system *restrict us = e->internal_units;
struct cooling_function_data *restrict cooling = e->cooling_func;
const struct entropy_floor_properties *entropy_floor = e->entropy_floor;
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
const int current_stars_count = c->stars.count;
if (c->nodeID != e->nodeID)
error("Running star formation task on a foreign node!");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->hydro.count == 0 || !cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) {
/* Reset the SFR */
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
/* Load the child cell */
struct cell *restrict cp = c->progeny[k];
/* Do the recursion */
runner_do_star_formation(r, cp, 0);
/* Update current cell using child cells */
star_formation_logger_add(&c->stars.sfh, &cp->stars.sfh);
/* Update the h_max */
c->stars.h_max = max(c->stars.h_max, cp->stars.h_max);
c->stars.h_max_active =
max(c->stars.h_max_active, cp->stars.h_max_active);
/* Update the dx_max */
if (star_formation_need_update_dx_max) {
c->hydro.dx_max_part =
max(cp->hydro.dx_max_part, c->hydro.dx_max_part);
c->hydro.dx_max_sort =
max(cp->hydro.dx_max_sort, c->hydro.dx_max_sort);
} else {
/* Loop over the gas particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[k];
/* Only work on active particles */
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
/* Is this particle star forming? */
if (star_formation_is_star_forming(p, xp, sf_props, phys_const, cosmo,
hydro_props, us, cooling,
entropy_floor)) {
/* Time-step size for this particle */
double dt_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_star =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_star = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* Compute the SF rate of the particle */
star_formation_compute_SFR(p, xp, sf_props, phys_const, hydro_props,
cosmo, dt_star);
/* Add the SFR and SFR*dt to the SFH struct of this cell */
star_formation_logger_log_active_part(p, xp, &c->stars.sfh, dt_star);
/* Are we forming a star particle from this SF rate? */
if (star_formation_should_convert_to_star(p, xp, sf_props, e,
dt_star)) {
/* Convert the gas particle to a star particle */
const int n_spart_spawn =
star_formation_number_spart_to_spawn(p, xp, sf_props);
const int n_spart_convert =
star_formation_number_spart_to_convert(p, xp, sf_props);
if (n_spart_convert > 1 || n_spart_convert < 0)
error("Invalid number of sparts to convert");
int n_spart_to_create = n_spart_spawn + n_spart_convert;
while (n_spart_to_create > 0) {
struct spart *sp = NULL;
int part_converted;
/* Are we using a model that actually generates star particles? */
if (swift_star_formation_model_creates_stars) {
/* Check if we should create a new particle or transform one */
if (n_spart_to_create == 1 && n_spart_convert == 1) {
/* Convert the gas particle to a star particle */
sp = cell_convert_part_to_spart(e, c, p, xp);
part_converted = 1;
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
/* Write the particle */
/* Logs all the fields request by the user */
// TODO select only the requested fields
csds_log_part(e->csds, p, xp, e, /* log_all */ 1,
csds_flag_change_type, swift_type_stars);
} else {
/* Spawn a new spart (+ gpart) */
sp = cell_spawn_new_spart_from_part(e, c, p, xp);
part_converted = 0;
} else {
/* We are in a model where spart don't exist
* --> convert the part to a DM gpart */
cell_convert_part_to_gpart(e, c, p, xp);
part_converted = 1;
/* Did we get a star? (Or did we run out of spare ones?) */
if (sp != NULL) {
/* Copy the properties of the gas particle to the star particle
p, xp, sp, e, sf_props, cosmo, with_cosmology, phys_const,
hydro_props, us, cooling, part_converted);
/* Update the Star formation history */
star_formation_logger_log_new_spart(sp, &c->stars.sfh);
/* Update the h_max */
c->stars.h_max = max(c->stars.h_max, sp->h);
c->stars.h_max_active = max(c->stars.h_max_active, sp->h);
/* Update the displacement information */
if (star_formation_need_update_dx_max) {
const float dx2_part = xp->x_diff[0] * xp->x_diff[0] +
xp->x_diff[1] * xp->x_diff[1] +
xp->x_diff[2] * xp->x_diff[2];
const float dx2_sort =
xp->x_diff_sort[0] * xp->x_diff_sort[0] +
xp->x_diff_sort[1] * xp->x_diff_sort[1] +
xp->x_diff_sort[2] * xp->x_diff_sort[2];
const float dx_part = sqrtf(dx2_part);
const float dx_sort = sqrtf(dx2_sort);
/* Note: no need to update quantities further up the tree as
this task is always called at the top-level */
c->hydro.dx_max_part = max(c->hydro.dx_max_part, dx_part);
c->hydro.dx_max_sort = max(c->hydro.dx_max_sort, dx_sort);
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
if (spawn_spart) {
/* Set to zero the csds data. */
} else {
/* Copy the properties back to the stellar particle */
sp->csds_data = xp->csds_data;
/* Write the s-particle */
csds_log_spart(e->csds, sp, e, /* log_all */ 1,
/* data */ 0);
} else if (swift_star_formation_model_creates_stars) {
/* Do something about the fact no star could be formed.
Note that in such cases a tree rebuild to create more free
slots has already been triggered by the function
cell_convert_part_to_spart() */
star_formation_no_spart_available(e, p, xp);
/* We have spawned a particle, decrease the counter of particles
* to create */
} /* while n_spart_to_create > 0 */
} else { /* Are we not star-forming? */
/* Update the particle to flag it as not star-forming */
star_formation_update_part_not_SFR(p, xp, e, sf_props,
} /* Not Star-forming? */
} else { /* is active? */
/* Check if the particle is not inhibited */
if (!part_is_inhibited(p, e)) {
star_formation_logger_log_inactive_part(p, xp, &c->stars.sfh);
} /* Loop over particles */
/* If we formed any stars, the star sorts are now invalid. We need to
* re-compute them. */
if (with_feedback && (c == c->top) &&
(current_stars_count != c->stars.count)) {
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_star_formation);
* @brief Creates sink particles.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
void runner_do_sink_formation(struct runner *r, struct cell *c) {
struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct sink_props *sink_props = e->sink_properties;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const struct hydro_props *restrict hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct unit_system *restrict us = e->internal_units;
struct cooling_function_data *restrict cooling = e->cooling_func;
const struct entropy_floor_properties *entropy_floor = e->entropy_floor;
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
if (c->nodeID != e->nodeID)
error("Running sink formation task on a foreign node!");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->hydro.count == 0 || !cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) {
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
/* Load the child cell */
struct cell *restrict cp = c->progeny[k];
/* Do the recursion */
runner_do_sink_formation(r, cp);
/* Update the h_max */
c->sinks.h_max = max(c->sinks.h_max, cp->sinks.h_max);
c->sinks.h_max_active =
max(c->sinks.h_max_active, cp->sinks.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Loop over the gas particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[k];
/* Only work on active particles */
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
/* Loop over all particles to find the neighbours within r_acc. Then, */
/* compute all quantities you need to decide to form a sink or not. */
runner_do_prepare_part_sink_formation(r, c, p, xp);
/* Is this particle star forming? */
if (sink_is_forming(p, xp, sink_props, phys_const, cosmo, hydro_props,
us, cooling, entropy_floor)) {
/* Time-step size for this particle */
double dt_sink;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_sink =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_sink = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* Are we forming a sink particle? */
if (sink_should_convert_to_sink(p, xp, sink_props, e, dt_sink)) {
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
/* Convert the gas particle to a sink particle */
struct sink *sink = NULL;
/* Convert the gas particle to a sink particle */
sink = cell_convert_part_to_sink(e, c, p, xp);
/* Did we get a sink? (Or did we run out of spare ones?) */
if (sink != NULL) {
/* Copy the properties of the gas particle to the star particle */
sink_copy_properties(p, xp, sink, e, sink_props, cosmo,
with_cosmology, phys_const, hydro_props, us,
/* Update the cell h_max if necessary */
c->sinks.h_max = max(c->sinks.h_max, sink->h);
c->sinks.h_max_active = max(c->sinks.h_max_active, sink->h);
} /* Loop over particles */
* @brief End the hydro force calculation of all active particles in a cell
* by multiplying the acccelerations by the relevant constants
* @param r The #runner thread.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_end_hydro_force(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int with_cosmology = e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_end_hydro_force(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
/* Loop over the gas particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[k];
double dt = 0;
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
if (with_cosmology) {
/* Compute the time step. */
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt = cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt = get_timestep(p->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Finish the force loop */
hydro_end_force(p, cosmo);
mhd_end_force(p, cosmo);
chemistry_end_force(p, cosmo, with_cosmology, e->time, dt);
/* Apply the forcing terms (if any) */
forcing_terms_apply(e->time, e->forcing_terms, e->s,
e->physical_constants, p, xp);
/* Get the ID of the part */
const long long id = p->id;
/* Cancel hdyro forces of these particles */
/* Don't move ! */
#if defined(GIZMO_MFV_SPH) || defined(GIZMO_MFM_SPH)
/* Some values need to be reset in the Gizmo case. */
hydro_prepare_force(p, &c->hydro.xparts[k], cosmo,
e->hydro_properties, e->pressure_floor_props,
/*dt_alpha=*/0, /*dt_therm=*/0);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_end_hydro_force);
* @brief End the gravity force calculation of all active particles in a cell
* by multiplying the acccelerations by the relevant constants
* @param r The #runner thread.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_end_grav_force(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int with_self_gravity = (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity);
const int with_black_holes = (e->policy & engine_policy_black_holes);
const int with_sinks = (e->policy & engine_policy_sinks);
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_end_grav_force(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
const struct space *s = e->s;
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const float G_newton = e->physical_constants->const_newton_G;
/* Potential normalisation in the case of periodic gravity */
float potential_normalisation = 0.;
if (periodic && with_self_gravity) {
const double volume = s->dim[0] * s->dim[1] * s->dim[2];
const double r_s = e->mesh->r_s;
potential_normalisation = 4. * M_PI * e->total_mass * r_s * r_s / volume;
const int gcount = c->grav.count;
struct gpart *restrict gparts = c->grav.parts;
/* Loop over the g-particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < gcount; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the gpart. */
struct gpart *restrict gp = &gparts[k];
if (gpart_is_active(gp, e)) {
/* Finish the force calculation */
gravity_end_force(gp, G_newton, potential_normalisation, periodic,
/* Negate the gravity forces */
gp->a_grav[0] *= -1.f;
gp->a_grav[1] *= -1.f;
gp->a_grav[2] *= -1.f;
/* Get the ID of the gpart */
long long id = 0;
if (gp->type == swift_type_gas)
id = e->s->parts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_stars)
id = e->s->sparts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_sink)
id = e->s->sinks[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_black_hole)
id = e->s->bparts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
id = gp->id_or_neg_offset;
/* Cancel gravity forces of these particles */
/* Don't move ! */
gp->a_grav[0] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav[1] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav[2] = 0.f;
if ((e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity) &&
!(e->policy & engine_policy_black_holes) &&
!(e->policy & engine_policy_star_formation) &&
!(e->policy & engine_policy_sinks)) {
/* Let's add a self interaction to simplify the count */
/* Check that this gpart has interacted with all the other
* particles (via direct or multipoles) in the box */
if (gp->num_interacted !=
e->total_nr_gparts - e->count_inhibited_gparts) {
/* Get the ID of the gpart */
long long my_id = 0;
if (gp->type == swift_type_gas)
my_id = e->s->parts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_stars)
my_id = e->s->sparts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_sink)
my_id = e->s->sinks[-gp->id_or_neg_offset].id;
else if (gp->type == swift_type_black_hole)
error("Unexisting type");
my_id = gp->id_or_neg_offset;
"g-particle (id=%lld, type=%s) did not interact "
"gravitationally with all other gparts "
"gp->num_interacted=%lld, total_gparts=%lld (local "
"num_gparts=%zd inhibited_gparts=%lld)",
my_id, part_type_names[gp->type], gp->num_interacted,
e->total_nr_gparts, e->s->nr_gparts, e->count_inhibited_gparts);
/* Deal with black holes' need of potentials */
if (with_black_holes && gp->type == swift_type_black_hole) {
const size_t offset = -gp->id_or_neg_offset;
black_holes_store_potential_in_bpart(&s->bparts[offset], gp);
if (with_black_holes && gp->type == swift_type_gas) {
const size_t offset = -gp->id_or_neg_offset;
&s->parts[offset].black_holes_data, gp);
/* Deal with sinks' need of potentials */
if (with_sinks && gp->type == swift_type_gas) {
const size_t offset = -gp->id_or_neg_offset;
sink_store_potential_in_part(&s->parts[offset].sink_data, gp);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_end_grav_force);
* @brief Write the required particles through the csds.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_csds(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
const struct engine *e = r->e;
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
struct gpart *restrict gparts = c->grav.parts;
struct spart *restrict sparts = c->stars.parts;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
const int gcount = c->grav.count;
const int scount = c->stars.count;
if (c->black_holes.count != 0) {
error("Black holes are not implemented in the csds.");
if (c->sinks.count != 0) {
error("Sink particles are not implemented in the csds.");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e) && !cell_is_active_gravity(c, e) &&
!cell_is_active_stars(c, e))
/* Recurse? Avoid spending too much time in useless cells. */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_csds(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Loop over the parts in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[k];
/* If particle needs to be log */
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
if (csds_should_write(&xp->csds_data, e->csds)) {
/* Write particle */
/* Currently writing everything, should adapt it through time */
csds_log_part(e->csds, p, xp, e, /* log_all_fields= */ 0,
csds_flag_none, /* flag_data= */ 0);
} else
/* Update counter */
xp->csds_data.steps_since_last_output += 1;
/* Loop over the gparts in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < gcount; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct gpart *restrict gp = &gparts[k];
/* Write only the dark matter particles */
if (gp->type != swift_type_dark_matter &&
gp->type != swift_type_dark_matter_background)
/* If particle needs to be log */
if (gpart_is_active(gp, e)) {
if (csds_should_write(&gp->csds_data, e->csds)) {
/* Write particle */
/* Currently writing everything, should adapt it through time */
csds_log_gpart(e->csds, gp, e, /* log_all_fields= */ 0,
csds_flag_none, /* flag_data= */ 0);
} else
/* Update counter */
gp->csds_data.steps_since_last_output += 1;
/* Loop over the sparts in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < scount; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct spart *restrict sp = &sparts[k];
/* If particle needs to be log */
if (spart_is_active(sp, e)) {
if (csds_should_write(&sp->csds_data, e->csds)) {
/* Write particle */
/* Currently writing everything, should adapt it through time */
csds_log_spart(e->csds, sp, e, /* Log_all_fields= */ 0,
csds_flag_none, /* flag_data= */ 0);
} else
/* Update counter */
sp->csds_data.steps_since_last_output += 1;
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_csds);
error("CSDS disabled, please enable it during configuration");
* @brief Recursively search for FOF groups in a single cell.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_fof_search_self(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
#ifdef WITH_FOF
const struct engine *e = r->e;
struct space *s = e->s;
const double dim[3] = {s->dim[0], s->dim[1], s->dim[2]};
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const struct gpart *const gparts = s->gparts;
const double search_r2 = e->fof_properties->l_x2;
rec_fof_search_self(e->fof_properties, dim, search_r2, periodic, gparts, c);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_fof_self);
error("SWIFT was not compiled with FOF enabled!");
* @brief Recursively search for FOF groups between a pair of cells.
* @param r runner task
* @param ci cell i
* @param cj cell j
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_fof_search_pair(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci,
struct cell *cj, int timer) {
#ifdef WITH_FOF
if (ci->nodeID != cj->nodeID) error("Searching foreign cells!");
const struct engine *e = r->e;
struct space *s = e->s;
const double dim[3] = {s->dim[0], s->dim[1], s->dim[2]};
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const struct gpart *const gparts = s->gparts;
const double search_r2 = e->fof_properties->l_x2;
rec_fof_search_pair(e->fof_properties, dim, search_r2, periodic, gparts, ci,
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_fof_pair);
error("SWIFT was not compiled with FOF enabled!");
* @brief Recursively search for FOF groups in a single cell.
* @param r runner task
* @param c cell
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_fof_attach_self(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
#ifdef WITH_FOF
const struct engine *e = r->e;
struct space *s = e->s;
const double dim[3] = {s->dim[0], s->dim[1], s->dim[2]};
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const struct gpart *const gparts = s->gparts;
const double attach_r2 = e->fof_properties->l_x2;
rec_fof_attach_self(e->fof_properties, dim, attach_r2, periodic, gparts,
s->nr_gparts, c);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_fof_self);
error("SWIFT was not compiled with FOF enabled!");
* @brief Recursively search for FOF groups between a pair of cells.
* @param r runner task
* @param ci cell i
* @param cj cell j
* @param timer 1 if the time is to be recorded.
void runner_do_fof_attach_pair(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci,
struct cell *cj, int timer) {
#ifdef WITH_FOF
const struct engine *e = r->e;
struct space *s = e->s;
const double dim[3] = {s->dim[0], s->dim[1], s->dim[2]};
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const struct gpart *const gparts = s->gparts;
const double attach_r2 = e->fof_properties->l_x2;
rec_fof_attach_pair(e->fof_properties, dim, attach_r2, periodic, gparts,
s->nr_gparts, ci, cj, e->nodeID == ci->nodeID,
e->nodeID == cj->nodeID);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_fof_pair);
error("SWIFT was not compiled with FOF enabled!");
* @brief Finish up the transport step and do the thermochemistry
* for radiative transfer
* @param r The #runner thread.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_rt_tchem(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
struct rt_props *rt_props = e->rt_props;
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const struct unit_system *us = e->internal_units;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_rt_active(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_rt_tchem(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
/* Loop over the gas particles in this cell. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
/* Get a handle on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[k];
/* Skip inhibited parts */
if (part_is_inhibited(p, e)) continue;
/* Skip inactive parts */
if (!part_is_rt_active(p, e)) continue;
/* Finish the force loop */
const integertime_t ti_current_subcycle = e->ti_current_subcycle;
const integertime_t ti_step =
const integertime_t ti_begin = get_integer_time_begin(
ti_current_subcycle + 1, p->rt_time_data.time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_end = ti_begin + ti_step;
const double dt =
rt_part_dt(ti_begin, ti_end, e->time_base, with_cosmology, cosmo);
if (ti_begin != ti_current_subcycle)
"Particle in wrong time-bin, ti_end=%lld, ti_begin=%lld, "
"ti_step=%lld time_bin=%d wakeup=%d ti_current=%lld",
ti_end, ti_begin, ti_step, p->time_bin, p->limiter_data.wakeup,
if (dt < 0.)
error("Got part with negative time-step: %lld, %.6g", p->id, dt);
rt_finalise_transport(p, rt_props, dt, cosmo);
/* And finally do thermochemistry */
rt_tchem(p, xp, rt_props, cosmo, hydro_props, phys_const, us, dt);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_rt_tchem);