* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "runner.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "active.h"
#include "adaptive_softening.h"
#include "black_holes.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "feedback.h"
#include "mhd.h"
#include "rt.h"
#include "sink.h"
#include "space_getsid.h"
#include "star_formation.h"
#include "stars.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "timestep_limiter.h"
#include "tracers.h"
/* Import the density loop functions. */
#define FUNCTION density
#include "runner_doiact_hydro.h"
/* Import the stars density loop functions. */
#define FUNCTION density
#include "runner_doiact_stars.h"
/* Import the black hole density loop functions. */
#define FUNCTION density
#include "runner_doiact_black_holes.h"
/* Import the sink density loop functions. */
#define FUNCTION density
#include "runner_doiact_sinks.h"
* @brief Intermediate task after the density to check that the smoothing
* lengths are correct.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_stars_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
struct spart *restrict sparts = c->stars.parts;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct unit_system *us = e->internal_units;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const int with_rt = (e->policy & engine_policy_rt);
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct feedback_props *feedback_props = e->feedback_props;
const struct rt_props *rt_props = e->rt_props;
const float stars_h_max = e->hydro_properties->h_max;
const float stars_h_min = e->hydro_properties->h_min;
const float eps = e->stars_properties->h_tolerance;
const float stars_eta_dim =
const int max_smoothing_iter = e->stars_properties->max_smoothing_iterations;
int redo = 0, scount = 0;
/* Running value of the maximal smoothing length */
float h_max = c->stars.h_max;
float h_max_active = c->stars.h_max_active;
if (c->nodeID != e->nodeID)
error("Running the star ghost on a foreign node!");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->stars.count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_active_stars(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_stars_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
/* Update h_max */
h_max = max(h_max, c->progeny[k]->stars.h_max);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->stars.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Init the list of active particles that have to be updated. */
int *sid = NULL;
float *h_0 = NULL;
float *left = NULL;
float *right = NULL;
if ((sid = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * c->stars.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for sid.");
if ((h_0 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->stars.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for h_0.");
if ((left = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->stars.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for left.");
if ((right = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->stars.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for right.");
for (int k = 0; k < c->stars.count; k++)
if (spart_is_active(&sparts[k], e) &&
(feedback_is_active(&sparts[k], e) || with_rt)) {
sid[scount] = k;
h_0[scount] = sparts[k].h;
left[scount] = 0.f;
right[scount] = stars_h_max;
/* While there are particles that need to be updated... */
for (int num_reruns = 0; scount > 0 && num_reruns < max_smoothing_iter;
num_reruns++) {
ghost_stats_account_for_stars(&c->ghost_statistics, num_reruns, scount,
sparts, sid);
/* Reset the redo-count. */
redo = 0;
/* Loop over the remaining active parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct spart *sp = &sparts[sid[i]];
/* Is this part within the timestep? */
if (!spart_is_active(sp, e))
error("Ghost applied to inactive particle");
if (!feedback_is_active(sp, e) && !with_rt)
error("Ghost applied to particle inactive for feedback and RT");
/* Get some useful values */
const float h_init = h_0[i];
const float h_old = sp->h;
const float h_old_dim = pow_dimension(h_old);
const float h_old_dim_minus_one = pow_dimension_minus_one(h_old);
float h_new;
int has_no_neighbours = 0;
if (sp->density.wcount < 1.e-5 * kernel_root) { /* No neighbours case */
ghost_stats_no_ngb_star_iteration(&c->ghost_statistics, num_reruns);
/* Flag that there were no neighbours */
has_no_neighbours = 1;
/* Double h and try again */
h_new = 2.f * h_old;
} else {
/* Finish the density calculation */
stars_end_density(sp, cosmo);
/* Compute one step of the Newton-Raphson scheme */
const float n_sum = sp->density.wcount * h_old_dim;
const float n_target = stars_eta_dim;
const float f = n_sum - n_target;
const float f_prime =
sp->density.wcount_dh * h_old_dim +
hydro_dimension * sp->density.wcount * h_old_dim_minus_one;
/* Improve the bisection bounds */
if (n_sum < n_target)
left[i] = max(left[i], h_old);
else if (n_sum > n_target)
right[i] = min(right[i], h_old);
/* Check the validity of the left and right bounds */
if (left[i] > right[i])
error("Invalid left (%e) and right (%e)", left[i], right[i]);
/* Skip if h is already h_max and we don't have enough neighbours
/* Same if we are below h_min */
if (((sp->h >= stars_h_max) && (f < 0.f)) ||
((sp->h <= stars_h_min) && (f > 0.f))) {
/* Only do feedback if stars have a reasonable birth time */
if (feedback_is_active(sp, e)) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(sp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, sp->time_bin);
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
dt_star = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_star = get_timestep(sp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Calculate age of the star at current time */
const double star_age_end_of_step =
stars_compute_age(sp, e->cosmology, e->time, with_cosmology);
/* Has this star been around for a while ? */
if (star_age_end_of_step > 0.) {
/* Get the length of the enrichment time-step */
const double dt_enrichment = feedback_get_enrichment_timestep(
sp, with_cosmology, cosmo, e->time, dt_star);
const double star_age_beg_of_step =
star_age_end_of_step - dt_enrichment;
/* Compute the stellar evolution */
feedback_prepare_feedback(sp, feedback_props, cosmo, us,
phys_const, star_age_beg_of_step,
dt_enrichment, e->time, ti_begin,
} else {
/* Reset the feedback fields of the star particle */
feedback_reset_feedback(sp, feedback_props);
} else {
feedback_reset_feedback(sp, feedback_props);
if (with_rt) {
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
/* get star's age and time step for stellar emission rates */
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, sp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_step =
dt_star = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_star = get_timestep(sp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Calculate age of the star at current time */
const double star_age_end_of_step =
stars_compute_age(sp, e->cosmology, e->time, with_cosmology);
rt_compute_stellar_emission_rate(sp, e->time,
star_age_end_of_step, dt_star,
rt_props, phys_const, us);
/* Ok, we are done with this particle */
/* Normal case: Use Newton-Raphson to get a better value of h */
/* Avoid floating point exception from f_prime = 0 */
h_new = h_old - f / (f_prime + FLT_MIN);
/* Be verbose about the particles that struggle to converge */
if (num_reruns > max_smoothing_iter - 10) {
"Smoothing length convergence problem: iter=%d p->id=%lld "
"h_init=%12.8e h_old=%12.8e h_new=%12.8e f=%f f_prime=%f "
"n_sum=%12.8e n_target=%12.8e left=%12.8e right=%12.8e",
num_reruns, sp->id, h_init, h_old, h_new, f, f_prime, n_sum,
n_target, left[i], right[i]);
/* Safety check: truncate to the range [ h_old/2 , 2h_old ]. */
h_new = min(h_new, 2.f * h_old);
h_new = max(h_new, 0.5f * h_old);
/* Verify that we are actually progrssing towards the answer */
h_new = max(h_new, left[i]);
h_new = min(h_new, right[i]);
/* Check whether the particle has an inappropriate smoothing length
if (fabsf(h_new - h_old) > eps * h_old) {
/* Ok, correct then */
/* Case where we have been oscillating around the solution */
if ((h_new == left[i] && h_old == right[i]) ||
(h_old == left[i] && h_new == right[i])) {
/* Bisect the remaining interval */
sp->h = pow_inv_dimension(
0.5f * (pow_dimension(left[i]) + pow_dimension(right[i])));
} else {
/* Normal case */
sp->h = h_new;
/* If below the absolute maximum, try again */
if (sp->h < stars_h_max && sp->h > stars_h_min) {
/* Flag for another round of fun */
sid[redo] = sid[i];
h_0[redo] = h_0[i];
left[redo] = left[i];
right[redo] = right[i];
redo += 1;
/* Re-initialise everything */
/* Off we go ! */
} else if (sp->h <= stars_h_min) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
sp->h = stars_h_min;
} else if (sp->h >= stars_h_max) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
sp->h = stars_h_max;
/* Do some damage control if no neighbours at all were found */
if (has_no_neighbours) {
stars_spart_has_no_neighbours(sp, cosmo);
} else {
"Fundamental problem with the smoothing length iteration "
/* We now have a particle whose smoothing length has converged */
/* Set the correct depth */
cell_set_spart_h_depth(sp, c);
/* Check if h_max has increased */
h_max = max(h_max, sp->h);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, sp->h);
ghost_stats_converged_star(&c->ghost_statistics, sp);
/* Only do feedback if stars have a reasonable birth time */
if (feedback_is_active(sp, e)) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(sp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, sp->time_bin);
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
dt_star = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_star = get_timestep(sp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Calculate age of the star at current time */
const double star_age_end_of_step =
stars_compute_age(sp, e->cosmology, e->time, with_cosmology);
/* Has this star been around for a while ? */
if (star_age_end_of_step > 0.) {
/* Get the length of the enrichment time-step */
const double dt_enrichment = feedback_get_enrichment_timestep(
sp, with_cosmology, cosmo, e->time, dt_star);
const double star_age_beg_of_step =
star_age_end_of_step - dt_enrichment;
/* Compute the stellar evolution */
feedback_prepare_feedback(sp, feedback_props, cosmo, us, phys_const,
star_age_beg_of_step, dt_enrichment,
e->time, ti_begin, with_cosmology);
} else {
/* Reset the feedback fields of the star particle */
feedback_reset_feedback(sp, feedback_props);
} else {
/* Reset the feedback fields of the star particle */
feedback_reset_feedback(sp, feedback_props);
if (with_rt) {
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
/* get star's age and time step for stellar emission rates */
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, sp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(sp->time_bin);
dt_star = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_star = get_timestep(sp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Calculate age of the star at current time */
const double star_age_end_of_step =
stars_compute_age(sp, e->cosmology, e->time, with_cosmology);
rt_compute_stellar_emission_rate(sp, e->time, star_age_end_of_step,
dt_star, rt_props, phys_const, us);
/* We now need to treat the particles whose smoothing length had not
* converged again */
/* Re-set the counter for the next loop (potentially). */
scount = redo;
if (scount > 0) {
/* Climb up the cell hierarchy. */
for (struct cell *finger = c; finger != NULL; finger = finger->parent) {
/* Run through this cell's density interactions. */
for (struct link *l = finger->stars.density; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
if (l->t->ti_run < r->e->ti_current)
error("Density task should have been run.");
/* Self-interaction? */
if (l->t->type == task_type_self)
runner_doself_subset_branch_stars_density(r, finger, sparts, sid,
/* Otherwise, pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
r, finger, sparts, sid, scount, l->t->cj);
r, finger, sparts, sid, scount, l->t->ci);
/* Otherwise, sub-self interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_self)
runner_dosub_self_subset_stars_density(r, finger, sparts, sid,
scount, 1);
/* Otherwise, sub-pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dosub_pair_subset_stars_density(r, finger, sparts, sid,
scount, l->t->cj, 1);
runner_dosub_pair_subset_stars_density(r, finger, sparts, sid,
scount, l->t->ci, 1);
if (scount) {
"Smoothing length failed to converge for the following star "
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
struct spart *sp = &sparts[sid[i]];
warning("ID: %lld, h: %g, wcount: %g", sp->id, sp->h,
error("Smoothing length failed to converge on %i particles.", scount);
/* Be clean */
/* Update h_max */
c->stars.h_max = h_max;
c->stars.h_max_active = h_max_active;
for (int i = 0; i < c->stars.count; ++i) {
const struct spart *sp = &c->stars.parts[i];
const float h = c->stars.parts[i].h;
if (spart_is_inhibited(sp, e)) continue;
if (h > c->stars.h_max)
error("Particle has h larger than h_max (id=%lld)", sp->id);
if (spart_is_active(sp, e) && h > c->stars.h_max_active)
error("Active particle has h larger than h_max_active (id=%lld)", sp->id);
/* The ghost may not always be at the top level.
* Therefore we need to update h_max between the super- and top-levels */
if (c->stars.density_ghost) {
for (struct cell *tmp = c->parent; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->parent) {
atomic_max_f(&tmp->stars.h_max, h_max);
atomic_max_f(&tmp->stars.h_max_active, h_max_active);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_stars_ghost);
* @brief Intermediate task after the density to check that the smoothing
* lengths are correct.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_black_holes_density_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c,
int timer) {
struct bpart *restrict bparts = c->black_holes.parts;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const float black_holes_h_max = e->hydro_properties->h_max;
const float black_holes_h_min = e->hydro_properties->h_min;
const float eps = e->black_holes_properties->h_tolerance;
const float black_holes_eta_dim =
const int max_smoothing_iter = e->hydro_properties->max_smoothing_iterations;
int redo = 0, bcount = 0;
/* Running value of the maximal smoothing length */
float h_max = c->black_holes.h_max;
float h_max_active = c->black_holes.h_max_active;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->black_holes.count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_active_black_holes(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_black_holes_density_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
/* Update h_max */
h_max = max(h_max, c->progeny[k]->black_holes.h_max);
h_max_active =
max(h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->black_holes.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Init the list of active particles that have to be updated. */
int *sid = NULL;
float *h_0 = NULL;
float *left = NULL;
float *right = NULL;
if ((sid = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * c->black_holes.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for sid.");
if ((h_0 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->black_holes.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for h_0.");
if ((left = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->black_holes.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for left.");
if ((right = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->black_holes.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for right.");
for (int k = 0; k < c->black_holes.count; k++)
if (bpart_is_active(&bparts[k], e)) {
sid[bcount] = k;
h_0[bcount] = bparts[k].h;
left[bcount] = 0.f;
right[bcount] = black_holes_h_max;
/* While there are particles that need to be updated... */
for (int num_reruns = 0; bcount > 0 && num_reruns < max_smoothing_iter;
num_reruns++) {
ghost_stats_account_for_black_holes(&c->ghost_statistics, num_reruns,
bcount, bparts, sid);
/* Reset the redo-count. */
redo = 0;
/* Loop over the remaining active parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < bcount; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct bpart *bp = &bparts[sid[i]];
/* Is this part within the timestep? */
if (!bpart_is_active(bp, e))
error("Ghost applied to inactive particle");
/* Get some useful values */
const float h_init = h_0[i];
const float h_old = bp->h;
const float h_old_dim = pow_dimension(h_old);
const float h_old_dim_minus_one = pow_dimension_minus_one(h_old);
float h_new;
int has_no_neighbours = 0;
if (bp->density.wcount < 1.e-5 * kernel_root) { /* No neighbours case */
/* Flag that there were no neighbours */
has_no_neighbours = 1;
/* Double h and try again */
h_new = 2.f * h_old;
} else {
/* Finish the density calculation */
black_holes_end_density(bp, cosmo);
/* Compute one step of the Newton-Raphson scheme */
const float n_sum = bp->density.wcount * h_old_dim;
const float n_target = black_holes_eta_dim;
const float f = n_sum - n_target;
const float f_prime =
bp->density.wcount_dh * h_old_dim +
hydro_dimension * bp->density.wcount * h_old_dim_minus_one;
/* Improve the bisection bounds */
if (n_sum < n_target)
left[i] = max(left[i], h_old);
else if (n_sum > n_target)
right[i] = min(right[i], h_old);
/* Check the validity of the left and right bounds */
if (left[i] > right[i])
error("Invalid left (%e) and right (%e)", left[i], right[i]);
/* Skip if h is already h_max and we don't have enough neighbours
/* Same if we are below h_min */
if (((bp->h >= black_holes_h_max) && (f < 0.f)) ||
((bp->h <= black_holes_h_min) && (f > 0.f))) {
/* Ok, we are done with this particle */
/* Normal case: Use Newton-Raphson to get a better value of h */
/* Avoid floating point exception from f_prime = 0 */
h_new = h_old - f / (f_prime + FLT_MIN);
/* Be verbose about the particles that struggle to converge */
if (num_reruns > max_smoothing_iter - 10) {
"Smoothing length convergence problem: iter=%d p->id=%lld "
"h_init=%12.8e h_old=%12.8e h_new=%12.8e f=%f f_prime=%f "
"n_sum=%12.8e n_target=%12.8e left=%12.8e right=%12.8e",
num_reruns, bp->id, h_init, h_old, h_new, f, f_prime, n_sum,
n_target, left[i], right[i]);
/* Safety check: truncate to the range [ h_old/2 , 2h_old ]. */
h_new = min(h_new, 2.f * h_old);
h_new = max(h_new, 0.5f * h_old);
/* Verify that we are actually progrssing towards the answer */
h_new = max(h_new, left[i]);
h_new = min(h_new, right[i]);
/* Check whether the particle has an inappropriate smoothing length
if (fabsf(h_new - h_old) > eps * h_old) {
/* Ok, correct then */
/* Case where we have been oscillating around the solution */
if ((h_new == left[i] && h_old == right[i]) ||
(h_old == left[i] && h_new == right[i])) {
/* Bisect the remaining interval */
bp->h = pow_inv_dimension(
0.5f * (pow_dimension(left[i]) + pow_dimension(right[i])));
} else {
/* Normal case */
bp->h = h_new;
/* If below the absolute maximum, try again */
if (bp->h < black_holes_h_max && bp->h > black_holes_h_min) {
/* Flag for another round of fun */
sid[redo] = sid[i];
h_0[redo] = h_0[i];
left[redo] = left[i];
right[redo] = right[i];
redo += 1;
/* Re-initialise everything */
/* Off we go ! */
} else if (bp->h <= black_holes_h_min) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
bp->h = black_holes_h_min;
} else if (bp->h >= black_holes_h_max) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
bp->h = black_holes_h_max;
/* Do some damage control if no neighbours at all were found */
if (has_no_neighbours) {
black_holes_bpart_has_no_neighbours(bp, cosmo);
} else {
"Fundamental problem with the smoothing length iteration "
/* We now have a particle whose smoothing length has converged */
ghost_stats_converged_black_hole(&c->ghost_statistics, bp);
/* Set the correct depth */
cell_set_bpart_h_depth(bp, c);
/* Check if h_max has increased */
h_max = max(h_max, bp->h);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, bp->h);
/* We now need to treat the particles whose smoothing length had not
* converged again */
/* Re-set the counter for the next loop (potentially). */
bcount = redo;
if (bcount > 0) {
/* Climb up the cell hierarchy. */
for (struct cell *finger = c; finger != NULL; finger = finger->parent) {
/* Run through this cell's density interactions. */
for (struct link *l = finger->black_holes.density; l != NULL;
l = l->next) {
if (l->t->ti_run < r->e->ti_current)
error("Density task should have been run.");
/* Self-interaction? */
if (l->t->type == task_type_self)
runner_doself_subset_branch_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid,
/* Otherwise, pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dopair_subset_branch_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid,
bcount, l->t->cj);
runner_dopair_subset_branch_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid,
bcount, l->t->ci);
/* Otherwise, sub-self interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_self)
runner_dosub_subset_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid, bcount,
NULL, 1);
/* Otherwise, sub-pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dosub_subset_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid, bcount,
l->t->cj, 1);
runner_dosub_subset_bh_density(r, finger, bparts, sid, bcount,
l->t->ci, 1);
if (bcount) {
"Smoothing length failed to converge for the following BH "
for (int i = 0; i < bcount; i++) {
struct bpart *bp = &bparts[sid[i]];
warning("ID: %lld, h: %g, wcount: %g", bp->id, bp->h,
error("Smoothing length failed to converge on %i particles.", bcount);
/* Be clean */
/* Update h_max */
c->black_holes.h_max = h_max;
c->black_holes.h_max_active = h_max_active;
for (int i = 0; i < c->black_holes.count; ++i) {
const struct bpart *bp = &c->black_holes.parts[i];
const float h = c->black_holes.parts[i].h;
if (bpart_is_inhibited(bp, e)) continue;
if (h > c->black_holes.h_max)
error("Particle has h larger than h_max (id=%lld)", bp->id);
if (bpart_is_active(bp, e) && h > c->black_holes.h_max_active)
error("Active particle has h larger than h_max_active (id=%lld)", bp->id);
/* The ghost may not always be at the top level.
* Therefore we need to update h_max between the super- and top-levels */
if (c->black_holes.density_ghost) {
for (struct cell *tmp = c->parent; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->parent) {
atomic_max_f(&tmp->black_holes.h_max, h_max);
atomic_max_f(&tmp->black_holes.h_max_active, h_max_active);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_black_holes_ghost);
* @brief Intermediate task after the BHs have done their swallowing step.
* This is used to update the BH quantities if necessary.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_black_holes_swallow_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c,
int timer) {
struct bpart *restrict bparts = c->black_holes.parts;
const int count = c->black_holes.count;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int with_cosmology = e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->black_holes.count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_active_black_holes(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_do_black_holes_swallow_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Loop over the parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct bpart *bp = &bparts[i];
if (bpart_is_active(bp, e)) {
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(bp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, bp->time_bin);
dt = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt = get_timestep(bp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Compute the final operations for repositioning of this BH */
black_holes_end_reposition(bp, e->black_holes_properties,
e->physical_constants, e->cosmology, dt,
/* Compute variables required for the feedback loop */
black_holes_prepare_feedback(bp, e->black_holes_properties,
e->physical_constants, e->cosmology,
e->cooling_func, e->entropy_floor, e->time,
with_cosmology, dt, e->ti_current);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_black_holes_ghost);
* @brief Intermediate task after the gradient loop that does final operations
* on the gradient quantities and optionally slope limits the gradients
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_extra_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const int count = c->hydro.count;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct pressure_floor_props *pressure_floor = e->pressure_floor_props;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_do_extra_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Loop over the parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct part *restrict p = &parts[i];
struct xpart *restrict xp = &xparts[i];
if (part_is_active(p, e)) {
/* Finish the gradient calculation */
/* As of here, particle force variables will be set. */
/* Calculate the time-step for passing to hydro_prepare_force.
* This is the physical time between the start and end of the time-step
* without any scale-factor powers. */
double dt_alpha, dt_therm;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_alpha =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
dt_therm = cosmology_get_therm_kick_factor(cosmo, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_alpha = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
dt_therm = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* Compute variables required for the force loop */
hydro_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, pressure_floor, dt_alpha,
mhd_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, dt_alpha);
timestep_limiter_prepare_force(p, xp);
/* The particle force values are now set. Do _NOT_
try to read any particle density variables! */
/* Prepare the particle for the force loop over neighbours */
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_extra_ghost);
error("SWIFT was not compiled with the extra hydro loop activated.");
* @brief Intermediate task after the density to check that the smoothing
* lengths are correct.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *restrict xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct space *s = e->s;
const struct hydro_space *hs = &s->hs;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct chemistry_global_data *chemistry = e->chemistry;
const struct star_formation *star_formation = e->star_formation;
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct pressure_floor_props *pressure_floor = e->pressure_floor_props;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const int with_rt = (e->policy & engine_policy_rt);
const float hydro_h_max = e->hydro_properties->h_max;
const float hydro_h_min = e->hydro_properties->h_min;
const float eps = e->hydro_properties->h_tolerance;
const float hydro_eta_dim =
const int use_mass_weighted_num_ngb =
const int max_smoothing_iter = e->hydro_properties->max_smoothing_iterations;
int redo = 0, count = 0;
/* Running value of the maximal smoothing length */
float h_max = c->hydro.h_max;
float h_max_active = c->hydro.h_max_active;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->hydro.count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
/* Update h_max */
h_max = max(h_max, c->progeny[k]->hydro.h_max);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->hydro.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Init the list of active particles that have to be updated and their
* current smoothing lengths. */
int *pid = NULL;
float *h_0 = NULL;
float *left = NULL;
float *right = NULL;
if ((pid = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * c->hydro.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for pid.");
if ((h_0 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->hydro.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for h_0.");
if ((left = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->hydro.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for left.");
if ((right = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->hydro.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for right.");
for (int k = 0; k < c->hydro.count; k++)
if (part_is_active(&parts[k], e)) {
pid[count] = k;
h_0[count] = parts[k].h;
left[count] = 0.f;
right[count] = hydro_h_max;
/* While there are particles that need to be updated... */
for (int num_reruns = 0; count > 0 && num_reruns < max_smoothing_iter;
num_reruns++) {
ghost_stats_account_for_hydro(&c->ghost_statistics, num_reruns, count,
parts, pid);
/* Reset the redo-count. */
redo = 0;
/* Loop over the remaining active parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct part *p = &parts[pid[i]];
struct xpart *xp = &xparts[pid[i]];
/* Is this part within the timestep? */
if (!part_is_active(p, e)) error("Ghost applied to inactive particle");
/* Get some useful values */
const float h_init = h_0[i];
const float h_old = p->h;
const float h_old_dim = pow_dimension(h_old);
const float h_old_dim_minus_one = pow_dimension_minus_one(h_old);
float h_new;
int has_no_neighbours = 0;
if (p->density.wcount < 1.e-5 * kernel_root) { /* No neighbours case */
ghost_stats_no_ngb_hydro_iteration(&c->ghost_statistics, num_reruns);
/* Flag that there were no neighbours */
has_no_neighbours = 1;
/* Double h and try again */
h_new = 2.f * h_old;
} else {
/* Finish the density calculation */
hydro_end_density(p, cosmo);
adaptive_softening_end_density(p, e->gravity_properties);
mhd_end_density(p, cosmo);
chemistry_end_density(p, chemistry, cosmo);
star_formation_end_density(p, xp, star_formation, cosmo);
/* Are we using the alternative definition of the
number of neighbours? */
if (use_mass_weighted_num_ngb) {
#if defined(GIZMO_MFV_SPH) || defined(GIZMO_MFM_SPH) || defined(SHADOWFAX_SPH)
"Can't use alternative neighbour definition with this scheme!");
const float inv_mass = 1.f / hydro_get_mass(p);
p->density.wcount = p->rho * inv_mass;
p->density.wcount_dh = p->density.rho_dh * inv_mass;
/* Compute one step of the Newton-Raphson scheme */
const float n_sum = p->density.wcount * h_old_dim;
const float n_target = hydro_eta_dim;
const float f = n_sum - n_target;
const float f_prime =
p->density.wcount_dh * h_old_dim +
hydro_dimension * p->density.wcount * h_old_dim_minus_one;
/* Improve the bisection bounds */
if (n_sum < n_target)
left[i] = max(left[i], h_old);
else if (n_sum > n_target)
right[i] = min(right[i], h_old);
/* Check the validity of the left and right bounds */
if (left[i] > right[i])
error("Invalid left (%e) and right (%e)", left[i], right[i]);
/* Skip if h is already h_max and we don't have enough neighbours */
/* Same if we are below h_min */
if (((p->h >= hydro_h_max) && (f < 0.f)) ||
((p->h <= hydro_h_min) && (f > 0.f))) {
/* We have a particle whose smoothing length is already set (wants
* to be larger but has already hit the maximum OR wants to be
* smaller but has already reached the minimum). So, just tidy up
* as if the smoothing length had converged correctly */
/* As of here, particle gradient variables will be set. */
/* The force variables are set in the extra ghost. */
/* Compute variables required for the gradient loop */
hydro_prepare_gradient(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, pressure_floor);
mhd_prepare_gradient(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props);
/* The particle gradient values are now set. Do _NOT_
try to read any particle density variables! */
/* Prepare the particle for the gradient loop over neighbours
/* Calculate the time-step for passing to hydro_prepare_force, used
* for the evolution of alpha factors (i.e. those involved in the
* artificial viscosity and thermal conduction terms) */
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
double dt_alpha, dt_therm;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_alpha =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
dt_therm = cosmology_get_therm_kick_factor(cosmo, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_alpha = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
dt_therm = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* As of here, particle force variables will be set. */
/* Compute variables required for the force loop */
hydro_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, pressure_floor,
dt_alpha, dt_therm);
mhd_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, dt_alpha);
timestep_limiter_prepare_force(p, xp);
/* The particle force values are now set. Do _NOT_
try to read any particle density variables! */
/* Prepare the particle for the force loop over neighbours */
#endif /* EXTRA_HYDRO_LOOP */
if (with_rt) {
rt_debugging_check_nr_subcycles(p, e->rt_props);
rt_reset_part(p, cosmo);
/* Ok, we are done with this particle */
/* Normal case: Use Newton-Raphson to get a better value of h */
/* Avoid floating point exception from f_prime = 0 */
h_new = h_old - f / (f_prime + FLT_MIN);
/* Be verbose about the particles that struggle to converge */
if (num_reruns > max_smoothing_iter - 10) {
"Smoothing length convergence problem: iter=%d p->id=%lld "
"h_init=%12.8e h_old=%12.8e h_new=%12.8e f=%f f_prime=%f "
"n_sum=%12.8e n_target=%12.8e left=%12.8e right=%12.8e",
num_reruns, p->id, h_init, h_old, h_new, f, f_prime, n_sum,
n_target, left[i], right[i]);
if (((f > 0.f && h_new > h_old) || (f < 0.f && h_new < h_old)) &&
(h_old < 0.999f * hydro_props->h_max))
"Smoothing length correction not going in the right direction");
/* Safety check: truncate to the range [ h_old/2 , 2h_old ]. */
h_new = min(h_new, 2.f * h_old);
h_new = max(h_new, 0.5f * h_old);
/* Verify that we are actually progrssing towards the answer */
h_new = max(h_new, left[i]);
h_new = min(h_new, right[i]);
/* Check whether the particle has an inappropriate smoothing length
if (fabsf(h_new - h_old) > eps * h_old) {
/* Ok, correct then */
/* Case where we have been oscillating around the solution */
if ((h_new == left[i] && h_old == right[i]) ||
(h_old == left[i] && h_new == right[i])) {
/* Bisect the remaining interval */
p->h = pow_inv_dimension(
0.5f * (pow_dimension(left[i]) + pow_dimension(right[i])));
} else {
/* Normal case */
p->h = h_new;
/* If within the allowed range, try again */
if (p->h < hydro_h_max && p->h > hydro_h_min) {
/* Flag for another round of fun */
pid[redo] = pid[i];
h_0[redo] = h_0[i];
left[redo] = left[i];
right[redo] = right[i];
redo += 1;
/* Re-initialise everything */
hydro_init_part(p, hs);
chemistry_init_part(p, chemistry);
star_formation_init_part(p, star_formation);
tracers_after_init(p, xp, e->internal_units, e->physical_constants,
with_cosmology, e->cosmology,
e->hydro_properties, e->cooling_func, e->time);
/* Off we go ! */
} else if (p->h <= hydro_h_min) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
p->h = hydro_h_min;
} else if (p->h >= hydro_h_max) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
p->h = hydro_h_max;
/* Do some damage control if no neighbours at all were found */
if (has_no_neighbours) {
hydro_part_has_no_neighbours(p, xp, cosmo);
mhd_part_has_no_neighbours(p, xp, cosmo);
chemistry_part_has_no_neighbours(p, xp, chemistry, cosmo);
star_formation_part_has_no_neighbours(p, xp, star_formation,
} else {
"Fundamental problem with the smoothing length iteration "
/* We now have a particle whose smoothing length has converged */
/* Set the correct depth */
cell_set_part_h_depth(p, c);
/* Check if h_max has increased */
h_max = max(h_max, p->h);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, p->h);
ghost_stats_converged_hydro(&c->ghost_statistics, p);
/* Update gravitational softening (in adaptive softening case) */
if (p->gpart)
gravity_update_softening(p->gpart, p, e->gravity_properties);
/* As of here, particle gradient variables will be set. */
/* The force variables are set in the extra ghost. */
/* Compute variables required for the gradient loop */
hydro_prepare_gradient(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, pressure_floor);
mhd_prepare_gradient(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props);
/* The particle gradient values are now set. Do _NOT_
try to read any particle density variables! */
/* Prepare the particle for the gradient loop over neighbours */
/* Calculate the time-step for passing to hydro_prepare_force, used
* for the evolution of alpha factors (i.e. those involved in the
* artificial viscosity and thermal conduction terms) */
const double time_base = e->time_base;
const integertime_t ti_current = e->ti_current;
double dt_alpha, dt_therm;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(ti_current - 1, p->time_bin);
dt_alpha =
cosmology_get_delta_time(cosmo, ti_begin, ti_begin + ti_step);
dt_therm = cosmology_get_therm_kick_factor(cosmo, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt_alpha = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
dt_therm = get_timestep(p->time_bin, time_base);
/* As of here, particle force variables will be set. */
/* Compute variables required for the force loop */
hydro_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, pressure_floor, dt_alpha,
mhd_prepare_force(p, xp, cosmo, hydro_props, dt_alpha);
timestep_limiter_prepare_force(p, xp);
/* The particle force values are now set. Do _NOT_
try to read any particle density variables! */
/* Prepare the particle for the force loop over neighbours */
#endif /* EXTRA_HYDRO_LOOP */
if (with_rt) {
rt_debugging_check_nr_subcycles(p, e->rt_props);
rt_reset_part(p, cosmo);
/* We now need to treat the particles whose smoothing length had not
* converged again */
/* Re-set the counter for the next loop (potentially). */
count = redo;
if (count > 0) {
/* Climb up the cell hierarchy. */
for (struct cell *finger = c; finger != NULL; finger = finger->parent) {
/* Run through this cell's density interactions. */
for (struct link *l = finger->hydro.density; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
if (l->t->ti_run < r->e->ti_current)
error("Density task should have been run.");
/* Self-interaction? */
if (l->t->type == task_type_self)
runner_doself_subset_branch_density(r, finger, parts, pid, count);
/* Otherwise, pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dopair_subset_branch_density(r, finger, parts, pid,
count, l->t->cj);
runner_dopair_subset_branch_density(r, finger, parts, pid,
count, l->t->ci);
/* Otherwise, sub-self interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_self)
runner_dosub_self_subset_density(r, finger, parts, pid, count, 1);
/* Otherwise, sub-pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dosub_pair_subset_density(r, finger, parts, pid, count,
l->t->cj, 1);
runner_dosub_pair_subset_density(r, finger, parts, pid, count,
l->t->ci, 1);
if (count) {
"Smoothing length failed to converge for the following gas "
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
struct part *p = &parts[pid[i]];
warning("ID: %lld, h: %g, wcount: %g", p->id, p->h, p->density.wcount);
error("Smoothing length failed to converge on %i particles.", count);
/* Be clean */
/* Update h_max */
c->hydro.h_max = h_max;
c->hydro.h_max_active = h_max_active;
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count; ++i) {
const struct part *p = &c->hydro.parts[i];
const float h = c->hydro.parts[i].h;
if (part_is_inhibited(p, e)) continue;
if (h > c->hydro.h_max)
error("Particle has h larger than h_max (id=%lld)", p->id);
if (part_is_active(p, e) && h > c->hydro.h_max_active)
error("Active particle has h larger than h_max_active (id=%lld)", p->id);
/* The ghost may not always be at the top level.
* Therefore we need to update h_max between the super- and top-levels */
if (c->hydro.ghost) {
for (struct cell *tmp = c->parent; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->parent) {
atomic_max_f(&tmp->hydro.h_max, h_max);
atomic_max_f(&tmp->hydro.h_max_active, h_max_active);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_ghost);
* @brief Intermediate task after the injection to compute the total
* photon emission rates experienced by the hydro particles.
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_rt_ghost1(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int with_cosmology = (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology);
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
int count = c->hydro.count;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_rt_active(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_rt_ghost1(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) {
struct part *restrict p = &(c->hydro.parts[pid]);
/* Skip inhibited parts */
if (part_is_inhibited(p, e)) continue;
/* Skip inactive parts */
if (!part_is_rt_active(p, e)) continue;
/* First reset everything that needs to be reset for the following
* subcycle */
const integertime_t ti_current_subcycle = e->ti_current_subcycle;
const integertime_t ti_step =
const integertime_t ti_begin = get_integer_time_begin(
ti_current_subcycle + 1, p->rt_time_data.time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_end = ti_begin + ti_step;
const float dt =
rt_part_dt(ti_begin, ti_end, e->time_base, with_cosmology, cosmo);
rt_reset_part_each_subcycle(p, cosmo, dt);
/* Now finish up injection */
rt_finalise_injection(p, e->rt_props);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_rt_ghost1);
* @brief Intermediate task after the gradient computation to finish
* up the gradients and prepare for the transport step
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_rt_ghost2(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
int count = c->hydro.count;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_rt_active(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_rt_ghost2(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) {
struct part *restrict p = &(c->hydro.parts[pid]);
/* Skip inhibited parts */
if (part_is_inhibited(p, e)) continue;
/* Skip inactive parts */
if (!part_is_rt_active(p, e)) continue;
rt_end_gradient(p, cosmo);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_rt_ghost2);
* @brief Intermediate task after the density to check that the smoothing
* lengths are correct, finish density calculations
* and calculate accretion rates for the particle swallowing step
* @param r The runner thread.
* @param c The cell.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_sinks_density_ghost(struct runner *r, struct cell *c,
int timer) {
struct sink *restrict sinks = c->sinks.parts;
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const int with_cosmology = e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology;
const float sinks_h_max = e->hydro_properties->h_max;
const float sinks_h_min = e->hydro_properties->h_min;
const float eps = e->sink_properties->h_tolerance;
const float sinks_eta_dim = pow_dimension(e->sink_properties->eta_neighbours);
const int max_smoothing_iter = e->hydro_properties->max_smoothing_iterations;
int redo = 0, scount = 0;
/* Running value of the maximal smoothing length */
float h_max = c->sinks.h_max;
float h_max_active = c->sinks.h_max_active;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (c->sinks.count == 0) return;
if (!cell_is_active_sinks(c, e)) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_do_sinks_density_ghost(r, c->progeny[k], 0);
/* Update h_max */
h_max = max(h_max, c->progeny[k]->sinks.h_max);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->sinks.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Init the list of active particles that have to be updated. */
int *sid = NULL;
float *h_0 = NULL;
float *left = NULL;
float *right = NULL;
if ((sid = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * c->sinks.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for sid.");
if ((h_0 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->sinks.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for h_0.");
if ((left = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->sinks.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for left.");
if ((right = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * c->sinks.count)) == NULL)
error("Can't allocate memory for right.");
for (int k = 0; k < c->sinks.count; k++)
if (sink_is_active(&sinks[k], e)) {
sid[scount] = k;
h_0[scount] = sinks[k].h;
left[scount] = 0.f;
right[scount] = sinks_h_max;
if (e->sink_properties->use_fixed_r_cut) {
/* If we're using a fixed cutoff rather than a smoothing length, just
* finish up the density task and leave sp->h untouched. */
/* Loop over the active sinks in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct sink *sp = &sinks[sid[i]];
/* Is this part within the timestep? */
if (!sink_is_active(sp, e)) error("Ghost applied to inactive particle");
/* Finish the density calculation */
sink_end_density(sp, cosmo);
/* Set these variables to the fixed cutoff radius for the rest of the
* ghost task */
h_max = sp->h;
h_max_active = sp->h;
} else {
/* Otherwise we need to iterate to update the smoothing lengths */
/* While there are particles that need to be updated... */
for (int num_reruns = 0; scount > 0 && num_reruns < max_smoothing_iter;
num_reruns++) {
/* Reset the redo-count. */
redo = 0;
/* Loop over the remaining active parts in this cell. */
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct sink *sp = &sinks[sid[i]];
/* Is this part within the timestep? */
if (!sink_is_active(sp, e))
error("Ghost applied to inactive particle");
/* Get some useful values */
const float h_init = h_0[i];
const float h_old = sp->h;
const float h_old_dim = pow_dimension(h_old);
const float h_old_dim_minus_one = pow_dimension_minus_one(h_old);
float h_new;
int has_no_neighbours = 0;
if (sp->density.wcount <
1.e-5 * kernel_root) { /* No neighbours case */
/* Flag that there were no neighbours */
has_no_neighbours = 1;
/* Double h and try again */
h_new = 2.f * h_old;
} else {
/* Finish the density calculation */
sink_end_density(sp, cosmo);
/* Compute one step of the Newton-Raphson scheme */
const float n_sum = sp->density.wcount * h_old_dim;
const float n_target = sinks_eta_dim;
const float f = n_sum - n_target;
const float f_prime =
sp->density.wcount_dh * h_old_dim +
hydro_dimension * sp->density.wcount * h_old_dim_minus_one;
/* Improve the bisection bounds */
if (n_sum < n_target)
left[i] = max(left[i], h_old);
else if (n_sum > n_target)
right[i] = min(right[i], h_old);
/* Check the validity of the left and right bounds */
if (left[i] > right[i])
error("Invalid left (%e) and right (%e)", left[i], right[i]);
/* Skip if h is already h_max and we don't have enough neighbours
/* Same if we are below h_min */
if (((sp->h >= sinks_h_max) && (f < 0.f)) ||
((sp->h <= sinks_h_min) && (f > 0.f))) {
/* Ok, we are done with this particle */
/* Normal case: Use Newton-Raphson to get a better value of h */
/* Avoid floating point exception from f_prime = 0 */
h_new = h_old - f / (f_prime + FLT_MIN);
/* Be verbose about the particles that struggle to converge */
if (num_reruns > max_smoothing_iter - 10) {
"Smoothing length convergence problem: iter=%d p->id=%lld "
"h_init=%12.8e h_old=%12.8e h_new=%12.8e f=%f f_prime=%f "
"n_sum=%12.8e n_target=%12.8e left=%12.8e right=%12.8e",
num_reruns, sp->id, h_init, h_old, h_new, f, f_prime, n_sum,
n_target, left[i], right[i]);
/* Safety check: truncate to the range [ h_old/2 , 2h_old ]. */
h_new = min(h_new, 2.f * h_old);
h_new = max(h_new, 0.5f * h_old);
/* Verify that we are actually progrssing towards the answer */
h_new = max(h_new, left[i]);
h_new = min(h_new, right[i]);
/* Check whether the particle has an inappropriate smoothing length
if (fabsf(h_new - h_old) > eps * h_old) {
/* Ok, correct then */
/* Case where we have been oscillating around the solution */
if ((h_new == left[i] && h_old == right[i]) ||
(h_old == left[i] && h_new == right[i])) {
/* Bisect the remaining interval */
sp->h = pow_inv_dimension(
0.5f * (pow_dimension(left[i]) + pow_dimension(right[i])));
} else {
/* Normal case */
sp->h = h_new;
/* If below the absolute maximum, try again */
if (sp->h < sinks_h_max && sp->h > sinks_h_min) {
/* Flag for another round of fun */
sid[redo] = sid[i];
h_0[redo] = h_0[i];
left[redo] = left[i];
right[redo] = right[i];
redo += 1;
/* Re-initialise everything */
/* Off we go ! */
} else if (sp->h <= sinks_h_min) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
sp->h = sinks_h_min;
} else if (sp->h >= sinks_h_max) {
/* Ok, this particle is a lost cause... */
sp->h = sinks_h_max;
/* Do some damage control if no neighbours at all were found */
if (has_no_neighbours) {
sinks_sink_has_no_neighbours(sp, cosmo);
} else {
"Fundamental problem with the smoothing length iteration "
/* We now have a particle whose smoothing length has converged */
/* Set the correct depth */
cell_set_sink_h_depth(sp, c);
/* Check if h_max has increased */
h_max = max(h_max, sp->h);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, sp->h);
/* We now need to treat the particles whose smoothing length had not
* converged again */
/* Re-set the counter for the next loop (potentially). */
scount = redo;
if (scount > 0) {
/* Climb up the cell hierarchy. */
for (struct cell *finger = c; finger != NULL;
finger = finger->parent) {
/* Run through this cell's density interactions. */
for (struct link *l = finger->sinks.density; l != NULL;
l = l->next) {
if (l->t->ti_run < r->e->ti_current)
error("Density task should have been run.");
/* Self-interaction? */
if (l->t->type == task_type_self)
runner_doself_subset_branch_sinks_density(r, finger, sinks, sid,
/* Otherwise, pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
r, finger, sinks, sid, scount, l->t->cj);
r, finger, sinks, sid, scount, l->t->ci);
/* Otherwise, sub-self interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_self)
runner_dosub_subset_sinks_density(r, finger, sinks, sid, scount,
NULL, 1);
/* Otherwise, sub-pair interaction? */
else if (l->t->type == task_type_sub_pair) {
/* Left or right? */
if (l->t->ci == finger)
runner_dosub_subset_sinks_density(r, finger, sinks, sid,
scount, l->t->cj, 1);
runner_dosub_subset_sinks_density(r, finger, sinks, sid,
scount, l->t->ci, 1);
if (scount) {
"Smoothing length failed to converge for the following sink "
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
struct sink *sp = &sinks[sid[i]];
warning("ID: %lld, h: %g, wcount: %g", sp->id, sp->h,
error("Smoothing length failed to converge on %i particles.", scount);
/* Be clean */
/* We need one more quick loop over the sinks to run prepare_swallow */
for (int i = 0; i < c->sinks.count; i++) {
/* Get a direct pointer on the part. */
struct sink *sp = &sinks[i];
if (sink_is_active(sp, e)) {
/* Get particle time-step */
double dt;
if (with_cosmology) {
const integertime_t ti_step = get_integer_timestep(sp->time_bin);
const integertime_t ti_begin =
get_integer_time_begin(e->ti_current - 1, sp->time_bin);
dt = cosmology_get_delta_time(e->cosmology, ti_begin,
ti_begin + ti_step);
} else {
dt = get_timestep(sp->time_bin, e->time_base);
/* Calculate the accretion rate and accreted mass this timestep, for use
* in swallow loop */
sink_prepare_swallow(sp, e->sink_properties, e->physical_constants,
e->cosmology, e->cooling_func, e->entropy_floor,
e->time, with_cosmology, dt, e->ti_current);
/* Update h_max */
c->sinks.h_max = h_max;
c->sinks.h_max_active = h_max_active;
for (int i = 0; i < c->sinks.count; ++i) {
const struct sink *sp = &c->sinks.parts[i];
const float h = c->sinks.parts[i].h;
if (sink_is_inhibited(sp, e)) continue;
if (h > c->sinks.h_max)
error("Particle has h larger than h_max (id=%lld)", sp->id);
if (sink_is_active(sp, e) && h > c->sinks.h_max_active)
error("Active particle has h larger than h_max_active (id=%lld)", sp->id);
/* The ghost may not always be at the top level.
* Therefore we need to update h_max between the super- and top-levels */
if (c->sinks.density_ghost) {
for (struct cell *tmp = c->parent; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->parent) {
atomic_max_f(&tmp->sinks.h_max, h_max);
atomic_max_f(&tmp->sinks.h_max_active, h_max_active);
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_do_sinks_ghost);