/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2016 James Willis (james.s.willis@durham.ac.uk) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ /* Config parameters. */ #include /* This object's header. */ #include "runner_doiact_hydro_vec.h" #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) static const vector kernel_gamma2_vec = FILL_VEC(kernel_gamma2); /** * @brief Compute the vector remainder interactions from the secondary cache. * * @param int_cache (return) secondary #cache of interactions between two * particles. * @param icount Interaction count. * @param v_rhoSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the density * update on pi. * @param v_rho_dhSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the density * gradient update on pi. * @param v_wcountSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the wcount * update on pi. * @param v_wcount_dhSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the * wcount * gradient update on pi. * @param v_div_vSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the * divergence * update on pi. * @param v_curlvxSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of * vx update on pi. * @param v_curlvySum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of * vy update on pi. * @param v_curlvzSum (return) #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of * vz update on pi. * @param v_hi_inv #vector of 1/h for pi. * @param v_vix #vector of x velocity of pi. * @param v_viy #vector of y velocity of pi. * @param v_viz #vector of z velocity of pi. * @param icount_align (return) Interaction count after the remainder * interactions have been performed, should be a multiple of the vector length. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void calcRemInteractions( struct c2_cache *const int_cache, const int icount, vector *v_rhoSum, vector *v_rho_dhSum, vector *v_wcountSum, vector *v_wcount_dhSum, vector *v_div_vSum, vector *v_curlvxSum, vector *v_curlvySum, vector *v_curlvzSum, vector v_hi_inv, vector v_vix, vector v_viy, vector v_viz, int *icount_align) { /* Work out the number of remainder interactions and pad secondary cache. */ *icount_align = icount; int rem = icount % (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE); if (rem != 0) { int pad = (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE) - rem; *icount_align += pad; /* Initialise masks to true. */ mask_t int_mask, int_mask2; vec_init_mask_true(int_mask); vec_init_mask_true(int_mask2); /* Pad secondary cache so that there are no contributions in the interaction * function. */ for (int i = icount; i < *icount_align; i++) { int_cache->mq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->r2q[i] = 1.f; int_cache->dxq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->dyq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->dzq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->vxq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->vyq[i] = 0.f; int_cache->vzq[i] = 0.f; } /* Zero parts of mask that represent the padded values.*/ if (pad < VEC_SIZE) { vec_pad_mask(int_mask2, pad); } else { vec_pad_mask(int_mask, VEC_SIZE - rem); vec_zero_mask(int_mask2); } /* Perform remainder interaction and remove remainder from aligned * interaction count. */ *icount_align = icount - rem; runner_iact_nonsym_2_vec_density( &int_cache->r2q[*icount_align], &int_cache->dxq[*icount_align], &int_cache->dyq[*icount_align], &int_cache->dzq[*icount_align], v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &int_cache->vxq[*icount_align], &int_cache->vyq[*icount_align], &int_cache->vzq[*icount_align], &int_cache->mq[*icount_align], v_rhoSum, v_rho_dhSum, v_wcountSum, v_wcount_dhSum, v_div_vSum, v_curlvxSum, v_curlvySum, v_curlvzSum, int_mask, int_mask2, 1); } } /** * @brief Left-packs the values needed by an interaction into the secondary * cache (Supports AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instruction sets). * * @param mask Contains which particles need to interact. * @param pjd Index of the particle to store into. * @param v_r2 #vector of the separation between two particles squared. * @param v_dx #vector of the x separation between two particles. * @param v_dy #vector of the y separation between two particles. * @param v_dz #vector of the z separation between two particles. * @param cell_cache #cache of all particles in the cell. * @param int_cache (return) secondary #cache of interactions between two * particles. * @param icount Interaction count. * @param v_rhoSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the density update on * pi. * @param v_rho_dhSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the density gradient * update on pi. * @param v_wcountSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the wcount update on * pi. * @param v_wcount_dhSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the wcount * gradient * update on pi. * @param v_div_vSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the divergence update * on pi. * @param v_curlvxSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of vx * update * on pi. * @param v_curlvySum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of vy * update * on pi. * @param v_curlvzSum #vector holding the cumulative sum of the curl of vz * update * on pi. * @param v_hi_inv #vector of 1/h for pi. * @param v_vix #vector of x velocity of pi. * @param v_viy #vector of y velocity of pi. * @param v_viz #vector of z velocity of pi. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void storeInteractions( const int mask, const int pjd, vector *v_r2, vector *v_dx, vector *v_dy, vector *v_dz, const struct cache *const cell_cache, struct c2_cache *const int_cache, int *icount, vector *v_rhoSum, vector *v_rho_dhSum, vector *v_wcountSum, vector *v_wcount_dhSum, vector *v_div_vSum, vector *v_curlvxSum, vector *v_curlvySum, vector *v_curlvzSum, vector v_hi_inv, vector v_vix, vector v_viy, vector v_viz) { /* Left-pack values needed into the secondary cache using the interaction mask. */ #if defined(HAVE_AVX2) || defined(HAVE_AVX512_F) mask_t packed_mask; VEC_FORM_PACKED_MASK(mask, packed_mask); VEC_LEFT_PACK(v_r2->v, packed_mask, &int_cache->r2q[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(v_dx->v, packed_mask, &int_cache->dxq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(v_dy->v, packed_mask, &int_cache->dyq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(v_dz->v, packed_mask, &int_cache->dzq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(vec_load(&cell_cache->m[pjd]), packed_mask, &int_cache->mq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(vec_load(&cell_cache->vx[pjd]), packed_mask, &int_cache->vxq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(vec_load(&cell_cache->vy[pjd]), packed_mask, &int_cache->vyq[*icount]); VEC_LEFT_PACK(vec_load(&cell_cache->vz[pjd]), packed_mask, &int_cache->vzq[*icount]); /* Increment interaction count by number of bits set in mask. */ (*icount) += __builtin_popcount(mask); #else /* Quicker to do it serially in AVX rather than use intrinsics. */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (mask & (1 << bit_index)) { /* Add this interaction to the queue. */ int_cache->r2q[*icount] = v_r2->f[bit_index]; int_cache->dxq[*icount] = v_dx->f[bit_index]; int_cache->dyq[*icount] = v_dy->f[bit_index]; int_cache->dzq[*icount] = v_dz->f[bit_index]; int_cache->mq[*icount] = cell_cache->m[pjd + bit_index]; int_cache->vxq[*icount] = cell_cache->vx[pjd + bit_index]; int_cache->vyq[*icount] = cell_cache->vy[pjd + bit_index]; int_cache->vzq[*icount] = cell_cache->vz[pjd + bit_index]; (*icount)++; } } #endif /* defined(HAVE_AVX2) || defined(HAVE_AVX512_F) */ /* Flush the c2 cache if it has reached capacity. */ if (*icount >= (C2_CACHE_SIZE - (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE))) { int icount_align = *icount; /* Peform remainder interactions. */ calcRemInteractions(int_cache, *icount, v_rhoSum, v_rho_dhSum, v_wcountSum, v_wcount_dhSum, v_div_vSum, v_curlvxSum, v_curlvySum, v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &icount_align); mask_t int_mask, int_mask2; vec_init_mask_true(int_mask); vec_init_mask_true(int_mask2); /* Perform interactions. */ for (int j = 0; j < icount_align; j += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE)) { runner_iact_nonsym_2_vec_density( &int_cache->r2q[j], &int_cache->dxq[j], &int_cache->dyq[j], &int_cache->dzq[j], v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &int_cache->vxq[j], &int_cache->vyq[j], &int_cache->vzq[j], &int_cache->mq[j], v_rhoSum, v_rho_dhSum, v_wcountSum, v_wcount_dhSum, v_div_vSum, v_curlvxSum, v_curlvySum, v_curlvzSum, int_mask, int_mask2, 0); } /* Reset interaction count. */ *icount = 0; } } /** * @brief Populates the arrays max_index_i and max_index_j with the maximum * indices of * particles into their neighbouring cells. Also finds the first pi that * interacts with any particle in cj and the last pj that interacts with any * particle in ci. * * @param ci #cell pointer to ci * @param cj #cell pointer to cj * @param sort_i #sort_entry array for particle distance in ci * @param sort_j #sort_entry array for particle distance in cj * @param dx_max maximum particle movement allowed in cell * @param rshift cutoff shift * @param hi_max Maximal smoothing length in cell ci * @param hj_max Maximal smoothing length in cell cj * @param di_max Maximal position on the axis that can interact in cell ci * @param dj_min Minimal position on the axis that can interact in cell ci * @param max_index_i array to hold the maximum distances of pi particles into * #cell cj * @param max_index_j array to hold the maximum distances of pj particles into * #cell cj * @param init_pi first pi to interact with a pj particle * @param init_pj last pj to interact with a pi particle * @param max_active_bin The largest time-bin active during this step. * @param active_ci Is any particle in cell ci active? * @param active_cj Is any particle in cell cj active? */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void populate_max_index_density( const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj, const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i, const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j, const float dx_max, const float rshift, const double hi_max, const double hj_max, const double di_max, const double dj_min, int *max_index_i, int *max_index_j, int *init_pi, int *init_pj, const timebin_t max_active_bin, const int active_ci, const int active_cj) { const struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts; const struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; int first_pi = 0, last_pj = cj->hydro.count - 1; int temp, active_id; /* Only populate max_index array for local actve cells. */ if (active_ci) { /* Find the leftmost active particle in cell i that interacts with any * particle in cell j. */ first_pi = ci->hydro.count; active_id = first_pi - 1; while (first_pi > 0 && sort_i[first_pi - 1].d + dx_max + hi_max > dj_min) { first_pi--; /* Store the index of the particle if it is active. */ if (part_is_active_no_debug(&parts_i[sort_i[first_pi].i], max_active_bin)) active_id = first_pi; } /* Set the first active pi in range of any particle in cell j. */ first_pi = active_id; /* Find the maximum index into cell j for each particle in range in cell i. */ if (first_pi < ci->hydro.count) { /* Start from the first particle in cell j. */ temp = 0; const struct part *pi = &parts_i[sort_i[first_pi].i]; const float first_di = sort_i[first_pi].d + pi->h * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; /* Loop through particles in cell j until they are not in range of pi. * Make sure that temp stays between 0 and cj->hydro.count - 1.*/ while (temp < cj->hydro.count - 1 && first_di > sort_j[temp].d) temp++; max_index_i[first_pi] = temp; /* Populate max_index_i for remaining particles that are within range. */ for (int i = first_pi + 1; i < ci->hydro.count; i++) { temp = max_index_i[i - 1]; pi = &parts_i[sort_i[i].i]; const float di = sort_i[i].d + pi->h * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; /* Make sure that temp stays between 0 and cj->hydro.count - 1.*/ while (temp < cj->hydro.count - 1 && di > sort_j[temp].d) temp++; max_index_i[i] = temp; } } else { /* Make sure that max index is set to first particle in cj.*/ max_index_i[ci->hydro.count - 1] = 0; } } else { /* Make sure that foreign cells are only read into the cache if the local * cell requires it. * Also ensure that it does not require any particles from cj. */ first_pi = ci->hydro.count - 1; max_index_i[ci->hydro.count - 1] = 0; } /* Only populate max_index array for local actve cells. */ if (active_cj) { /* Find the rightmost active particle in cell j that interacts with any * particle in cell i. */ last_pj = -1; active_id = last_pj; while (last_pj < cj->hydro.count && sort_j[last_pj + 1].d - hj_max - dx_max < di_max) { last_pj++; /* Store the index of the particle if it is active. */ if (part_is_active_no_debug(&parts_j[sort_j[last_pj].i], max_active_bin)) active_id = last_pj; } /* Set the last active pj in range of any particle in cell i. */ last_pj = active_id; /* Find the maximum index into cell i for each particle in range in cell j. */ if (last_pj >= 0) { /* Start from the last particle in cell i. */ temp = ci->hydro.count - 1; const struct part *pj = &parts_j[sort_j[last_pj].i]; const float last_dj = sort_j[last_pj].d - dx_max - pj->h * kernel_gamma + rshift; /* Loop through particles in cell i until they are not in range of pj. */ while (temp > 0 && last_dj < sort_i[temp].d) temp--; max_index_j[last_pj] = temp; /* Populate max_index_j for remaining particles that are within range. */ for (int i = last_pj - 1; i >= 0; i--) { temp = max_index_j[i + 1]; pj = &parts_j[sort_j[i].i]; const float dj = sort_j[i].d - dx_max - (pj->h * kernel_gamma) + rshift; while (temp > 0 && dj < sort_i[temp].d) temp--; max_index_j[i] = temp; } } else { /* Make sure that max index is set to last particle in ci.*/ max_index_j[0] = ci->hydro.count - 1; } } else { /* Make sure that foreign cells are only read into the cache if the local * cell requires it. * Also ensure that it does not require any particles from ci. */ last_pj = 0; max_index_j[0] = ci->hydro.count - 1; } *init_pi = first_pi; *init_pj = last_pj; } /** * @brief Populates the arrays max_index_i and max_index_j with the maximum * indices of * particles into their neighbouring cells. Also finds the first pi that * interacts with any particle in cj and the last pj that interacts with any * particle in ci. * * @param ci #cell pointer to ci * @param cj #cell pointer to cj * @param sort_i #sort_entry array for particle distance in ci * @param sort_j #sort_entry array for particle distance in cj * @param dx_max maximum particle movement allowed in cell * @param rshift cutoff shift * @param hi_max_raw Maximal smoothing length in cell ci * @param hj_max_raw Maximal smoothing length in cell cj * @param h_max Maximal smoothing length in both cells scaled by kernel_gamma * @param di_max Maximal position on the axis that can interact in cell ci * @param dj_min Minimal position on the axis that can interact in cell ci * @param max_index_i array to hold the maximum distances of pi particles into * #cell cj * @param max_index_j array to hold the maximum distances of pj particles into * #cell cj * @param init_pi first pi to interact with a pj particle * @param init_pj last pj to interact with a pi particle * @param max_active_bin The largest time-bin active during this step. * @param active_ci Is any particle in cell ci active? * @param active_cj Is any particle in cell cj active? */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void populate_max_index_force( const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj, const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i, const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j, const float dx_max, const float rshift, const double hi_max_raw, const double hj_max_raw, const double h_max, const double di_max, const double dj_min, int *max_index_i, int *max_index_j, int *init_pi, int *init_pj, const timebin_t max_active_bin, const int active_ci, const int active_cj) { const struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts; const struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; int first_pi = 0, last_pj = cj->hydro.count - 1; int temp, active_id; /* Only populate max_index array for local actve cells. */ if (active_ci) { /* Find the leftmost active particle in cell i that interacts with any * particle in cell j. */ first_pi = ci->hydro.count; active_id = first_pi - 1; while (first_pi > 0 && sort_i[first_pi - 1].d + dx_max + h_max > dj_min) { first_pi--; /* Store the index of the particle if it is active. */ if (part_is_active_no_debug(&parts_i[sort_i[first_pi].i], max_active_bin)) active_id = first_pi; } /* Set the first active pi in range of any particle in cell j. */ first_pi = active_id; /* Find the maximum index into cell j for each particle in range in cell i. */ if (first_pi < ci->hydro.count) { /* Start from the first particle in cell j. */ temp = 0; const struct part *pi = &parts_i[sort_i[first_pi].i]; const float first_di = sort_i[first_pi].d + max(pi->h, hj_max_raw) * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; /* Loop through particles in cell j until they are not in range of pi. * Make sure that temp stays between 0 and cj->hydro.count - 1.*/ while (temp < cj->hydro.count - 1 && first_di > sort_j[temp].d) temp++; max_index_i[first_pi] = temp; /* Populate max_index_i for remaining particles that are within range. */ for (int i = first_pi + 1; i < ci->hydro.count; i++) { temp = max_index_i[i - 1]; pi = &parts_i[sort_i[i].i]; const float di = sort_i[i].d + max(pi->h, hj_max_raw) * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; /* Make sure that temp stays between 0 and cj->hydro.count - 1.*/ while (temp < cj->hydro.count - 1 && di > sort_j[temp].d) temp++; max_index_i[i] = temp; } } else { /* Make sure that max index is set to first particle in cj.*/ max_index_i[ci->hydro.count - 1] = 0; } } else { /* Make sure that foreign cells are only read into the cache if the local * cell requires it. * Also ensure that it does not require any particles from cj. */ first_pi = ci->hydro.count - 1; max_index_i[ci->hydro.count - 1] = 0; } /* Only populate max_index array for local actve cells. */ if (active_cj) { /* Find the rightmost active particle in cell j that interacts with any * particle in cell i. */ last_pj = -1; active_id = last_pj; while (last_pj < cj->hydro.count && sort_j[last_pj + 1].d - h_max - dx_max < di_max) { last_pj++; /* Store the index of the particle if it is active. */ if (part_is_active_no_debug(&parts_j[sort_j[last_pj].i], max_active_bin)) active_id = last_pj; } /* Set the last active pj in range of any particle in cell i. */ last_pj = active_id; /* Find the maximum index into cell i for each particle in range in cell j. */ if (last_pj >= 0) { /* Start from the last particle in cell i. */ temp = ci->hydro.count - 1; const struct part *pj = &parts_j[sort_j[last_pj].i]; const float last_dj = sort_j[last_pj].d - dx_max - max(pj->h, hi_max_raw) * kernel_gamma + rshift; /* Loop through particles in cell i until they are not in range of pj. */ while (temp > 0 && last_dj < sort_i[temp].d) temp--; max_index_j[last_pj] = temp; /* Populate max_index_j for remaining particles that are within range. */ for (int i = last_pj - 1; i >= 0; i--) { temp = max_index_j[i + 1]; pj = &parts_j[sort_j[i].i]; const float dj = sort_j[i].d - dx_max - (max(pj->h, hi_max_raw) * kernel_gamma) + rshift; while (temp > 0 && dj < sort_i[temp].d) temp--; max_index_j[i] = temp; } } else { /* Make sure that max index is set to last particle in ci.*/ max_index_j[0] = ci->hydro.count - 1; } } else { /* Make sure that foreign cells are only read into the cache if the local * cell requires it. * Also ensure that it does not require any particles from ci. */ last_pj = 0; max_index_j[0] = ci->hydro.count - 1; } *init_pi = first_pi; *init_pj = last_pj; } /** * @brief Populates the array max_index_i with the maximum * index of * particles into the neighbouring cell. Also finds the first/last pj that * interacts with any particle in ci. * * @param count_i The number of particles in ci. * @param count_j The number of particles in cj. * @param parts_i The #part to interact with @c cj. * @param ind The list of indices of particles in @c ci to interact with. * @param total_ci_shift The shift vector to apply to the particles in ci. * @param dxj Maximum particle movement allowed in cell cj. * @param di_shift_correction The correction to di after the particles have been * shifted to the frame of cell ci. * @param runner_shift_x The runner_shift in the x direction. * @param runner_shift_y The runner_shift in the y direction. * @param runner_shift_z The runner_shift in the z direction. * @param sort_j #sort_entry array for particle distance in cj * @param max_index_i array to hold the maximum distances of pi particles into * #cell cj * @param flipped Flag to check whether the cells have been flipped or not. * @return first_pj/last_pj first or last pj to interact with any particle in ci * depending whether the cells have been flipped or not. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int populate_max_index_subset( const int count_i, const int count_j, struct part *restrict parts_i, int *restrict ind, const double *total_ci_shift, const float dxj, const double di_shift_correction, const double runner_shift_x, const double runner_shift_y, const double runner_shift_z, const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j, int *max_index_i, const int flipped) { /* The cell is on the right so read the particles * into the cache from the start of the cell. */ if (!flipped) { /* Find the rightmost particle in cell j that interacts with any * particle in cell i. */ int last_pj = 0; for (int pid = 0; pid < count_i; pid++) { struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[ind[pid]]; const float pix = pi->x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]; const float piy = pi->x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]; const float piz = pi->x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]; const float hi = pi->h; const double di = hi * kernel_gamma + dxj + pix * runner_shift_x + piy * runner_shift_y + piz * runner_shift_z + di_shift_correction; for (int pjd = last_pj; pjd < count_j && sort_j[pjd].d < di; pjd++) last_pj++; max_index_i[pid] = last_pj; } return last_pj; } /* The cell is on the left so read the particles * into the cache from the end of the cell. */ else { int first_pj = count_j - 1; for (int pid = 0; pid < count_i; pid++) { struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[ind[pid]]; const float pix = pi->x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]; const float piy = pi->x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]; const float piz = pi->x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]; const float hi = pi->h; const double di = -hi * kernel_gamma - dxj + pix * runner_shift_x + piy * runner_shift_y + piz * runner_shift_z + di_shift_correction; for (int pjd = first_pj; pjd > 0 && di < sort_j[pjd].d; pjd--) first_pj--; max_index_i[pid] = first_pj; } return first_pj; } } #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION && GADGET2_SPH */ /** * @brief Compute the cell self-interaction (non-symmetric) using vector * intrinsics with one particle pi at a time. * * @param r The #runner. * @param c The #cell. */ void runner_doself1_density_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *restrict c) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) /* Get some local variables */ const struct engine *e = r->e; struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts; const int count = c->hydro.count; TIMER_TIC; /* Anything to do here? */ if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) return; /* Check that everybody was drifted here */ if (!cell_are_part_drifted(c, e)) error("Interacting undrifted cell."); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */ if (parts[i].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts[i], e)) error("Particle pi not drifted to current time"); } #endif /* Get the particle cache from the runner and re-allocate * the cache if it is not big enough for the cell. */ struct cache *restrict cell_cache = &r->ci_cache; if (cell_cache->count < count) cache_init(cell_cache, count); /* Read the particles from the cell and store them locally in the cache. */ const int count_align = cache_read_particles(c, cell_cache); /* Create secondary cache to store particle interactions. */ struct c2_cache int_cache; /* Loop over the particles in the cell. */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) { /* Get a pointer to the ith particle. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts[pid]; /* Is the i^th particle active? */ if (!part_is_active(pi, e)) continue; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(cell_cache->x[pid]); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(cell_cache->y[pid]); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(cell_cache->z[pid]); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(cell_cache->h[pid]); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(cell_cache->vx[pid]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(cell_cache->vy[pid]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(cell_cache->vz[pid]); /* Some useful mulitples of h */ const float hi = cell_cache->h[pid]; const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); const vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); /* The number of interactions for pi and the padded version of it to * make it a multiple of VEC_SIZE. */ int icount = 0, icount_align = 0; /* Find all of particle pi's interacions and store needed values in the * secondary cache.*/ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_align; pjd += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE)) { /* Load 2 sets of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cell_cache->x[pjd]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cell_cache->y[pjd]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cell_cache->z[pjd]); const vector v_pjx2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->x[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); const vector v_pjy2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->y[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); const vector v_pjz2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->z[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; vector v_dx_2, v_dy_2, v_dz_2, v_r2_2; v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dx_2.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx2.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dy_2.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy2.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_dz_2.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz2.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_mul(v_dx_2.v, v_dx_2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_fma(v_dy_2.v, v_dy_2.v, v_r2_2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_fma(v_dz_2.v, v_dz_2.v, v_r2_2.v); /* Form a mask from r2 < hig2 and r2 > 0.*/ mask_t v_doi_mask, v_doi_mask2; mask_t v_doi_mask_self_check, v_doi_mask2_self_check; /* Form r2 > 0 mask and r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask_self_check, vec_cmp_gt(v_r2.v, vec_setzero())); vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hig2.v)); /* Form r2 > 0 mask and r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask2_self_check, vec_cmp_gt(v_r2_2.v, vec_setzero())); vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask2, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2_2.v, v_hig2.v)); /* Combine two masks and form integer masks. */ const int doi_mask = vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask_self_check); const int doi_mask2 = vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask2) & vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask2_self_check); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (doi_mask & (1 << bit_index)) { if (parts[pjd + bit_index].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache!"); } } } for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (doi_mask2 & (1 << bit_index)) { if (parts[pjd + VEC_SIZE + bit_index].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache2!"); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (doi_mask & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts[pjd + bit_index].id; ++pi->num_ngb_density; } if (doi_mask2 & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts[pjd + VEC_SIZE + bit_index].id; ++pi->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions left pack interaction values into c2 * cache. */ if (doi_mask) { storeInteractions(doi_mask, pjd, &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, cell_cache, &int_cache, &icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz); } if (doi_mask2) { storeInteractions(doi_mask2, pjd + VEC_SIZE, &v_r2_2, &v_dx_2, &v_dy_2, &v_dz_2, cell_cache, &int_cache, &icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz); } } /* Perform padded vector remainder interactions if any are present. */ calcRemInteractions(&int_cache, icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &icount_align); /* Initialise masks to true in case remainder interactions have been * performed. */ mask_t int_mask, int_mask2; vec_init_mask_true(int_mask); vec_init_mask_true(int_mask2); /* Perform interaction with NUM_VEC_PROC vectors. */ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < icount_align; pjd += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE)) { runner_iact_nonsym_2_vec_density( &int_cache.r2q[pjd], &int_cache.dxq[pjd], &int_cache.dyq[pjd], &int_cache.dzq[pjd], v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &int_cache.vxq[pjd], &int_cache.vyq[pjd], &int_cache.vzq[pjd], &int_cache.mq[pjd], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, int_mask, int_mask2, 0); } /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pi->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pi->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pi->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pi->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pi->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pi->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pi->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pi->density.rot_v[2]); /* Reset interaction count. */ icount = 0; } /* loop over all particles. */ TIMER_TOC(timer_doself_density); #else error("Incorrectly calling vectorized Gadget-2 functions!"); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ } /** * @brief Compute the interactions between a cell pair, but only for the * given indices in ci. (Vectorised) * * @param r The #runner. * @param c The first #cell. * @param parts The #part to interact. * @param ind The list of indices of particles in @c c to interact with. * @param pi_count The number of particles in @c ind. */ void runner_doself_subset_density_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *restrict c, struct part *restrict parts, int *restrict ind, int pi_count) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) const int count = c->hydro.count; TIMER_TIC; /* Get the particle cache from the runner and re-allocate * the cache if it is not big enough for the cell. */ struct cache *restrict cell_cache = &r->ci_cache; if (cell_cache->count < count) cache_init(cell_cache, count); /* Read the particles from the cell and store them locally in the cache. */ const int count_align = cache_read_particles_subset_self(c, cell_cache); /* Create secondary cache to store particle interactions. */ struct c2_cache int_cache; /* Loop over the subset of particles in the parts that need updating. */ for (int pid = 0; pid < pi_count; pid++) { /* Get a pointer to the ith particle. */ struct part *pi = &parts[ind[pid]]; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS const struct engine *e = r->e; if (!part_is_active(pi, e)) error("Inactive particle in subset function!"); #endif const float hi = pi->h; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(pi->x[0] - c->loc[0]); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(pi->x[1] - c->loc[1]); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(pi->x[2] - c->loc[2]); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(hi); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(pi->v[0]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(pi->v[1]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(pi->v[2]); const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); /* Get the inverse of hi. */ vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); /* The number of interactions for pi and the padded version of it to * make it a multiple of VEC_SIZE. */ int icount = 0, icount_align = 0; /* Find all of particle pi's interacions and store needed values in the * secondary cache.*/ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_align; pjd += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE)) { /* Load 2 sets of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cell_cache->x[pjd]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cell_cache->y[pjd]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cell_cache->z[pjd]); const vector v_pjx2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->x[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); const vector v_pjy2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->y[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); const vector v_pjz2 = vector_load(&cell_cache->z[pjd + VEC_SIZE]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; vector v_dx_2, v_dy_2, v_dz_2, v_r2_2; /* p_i - p_j */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dx_2.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx2.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dy_2.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy2.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_dz_2.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz2.v); /* r2 = dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 */ v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_mul(v_dx_2.v, v_dx_2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_fma(v_dy_2.v, v_dy_2.v, v_r2_2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); v_r2_2.v = vec_fma(v_dz_2.v, v_dz_2.v, v_r2_2.v); /* Form a mask from r2 < hig2 and r2 > 0.*/ mask_t v_doi_mask, v_doi_mask_self_check, v_doi_mask2, v_doi_mask2_self_check; /* Form r2 > 0 mask and r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask_self_check, vec_cmp_gt(v_r2.v, vec_setzero())); vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hig2.v)); /* Form r2 > 0 mask and r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask2_self_check, vec_cmp_gt(v_r2_2.v, vec_setzero())); vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask2, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2_2.v, v_hig2.v)); /* Combine two masks and form integer masks. */ const int doi_mask = vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask_self_check); const int doi_mask2 = vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask2) & vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask2_self_check); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_i = c->hydro.parts; if (doi_mask & (1 << bit_index)) { if (parts_i[pjd + bit_index].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache!"); } } } for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_i = c->hydro.parts; if (doi_mask2 & (1 << bit_index)) { if (parts_i[pjd + VEC_SIZE + bit_index].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache2!"); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_i = c->hydro.parts; if (doi_mask & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts_i[pjd + bit_index].id; ++pi->num_ngb_density; } if (doi_mask2 & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts_i[pjd + VEC_SIZE + bit_index].id; ++pi->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions left pack interaction values into c2 * cache. */ if (doi_mask) { storeInteractions(doi_mask, pjd, &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, cell_cache, &int_cache, &icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz); } if (doi_mask2) { storeInteractions(doi_mask2, pjd + VEC_SIZE, &v_r2_2, &v_dx_2, &v_dy_2, &v_dz_2, cell_cache, &int_cache, &icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz); } } /* Perform padded vector remainder interactions if any are present. */ calcRemInteractions(&int_cache, icount, &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &icount_align); /* Initialise masks to true in case remainder interactions have been * performed. */ mask_t int_mask, int_mask2; vec_init_mask_true(int_mask); vec_init_mask_true(int_mask2); /* Perform interaction with 2 vectors. */ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < icount_align; pjd += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE)) { runner_iact_nonsym_2_vec_density( &int_cache.r2q[pjd], &int_cache.dxq[pjd], &int_cache.dyq[pjd], &int_cache.dzq[pjd], v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &int_cache.vxq[pjd], &int_cache.vyq[pjd], &int_cache.vzq[pjd], &int_cache.mq[pjd], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, int_mask, int_mask2, 0); } /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in particle pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pi->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pi->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pi->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pi->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pi->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pi->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pi->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pi->density.rot_v[2]); /* Reset interaction count. */ icount = 0; } /* loop over all particles. */ TIMER_TOC(timer_doself_subset); #else error("Incorrectly calling vectorized Gadget-2 functions!"); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ } /** * @brief Compute the force cell self-interaction (non-symmetric) using vector * intrinsics with one particle pi at a time. * * @param r The #runner. * @param c The #cell. */ void runner_doself2_force_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *restrict c) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) const struct engine *e = r->e; const struct cosmology *restrict cosmo = e->cosmology; struct part *restrict parts = c->hydro.parts; const int count = c->hydro.count; TIMER_TIC; /* Early abort? */ if (!cell_is_active_hydro(c, e)) return; if (!cell_are_part_drifted(c, e)) error("Interacting undrifted cell."); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */ if (parts[i].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts[i], e)) error("Particle pi not drifted to current time"); } #endif /* Get the particle cache from the runner and re-allocate * the cache if it is not big enough for the cell. */ struct cache *restrict cell_cache = &r->ci_cache; if (cell_cache->count < count) cache_init(cell_cache, count); /* Read the particles from the cell and store them locally in the cache. */ const int count_align = cache_read_force_particles(c, cell_cache); /* Cosmological terms */ const float a = cosmo->a; const float H = cosmo->H; /* Loop over the particles in the cell. */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) { /* Get a pointer to the ith particle. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts[pid]; /* Is the i^th particle active? */ if (!part_is_active(pi, e)) continue; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(cell_cache->x[pid]); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(cell_cache->y[pid]); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(cell_cache->z[pid]); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(cell_cache->h[pid]); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(cell_cache->vx[pid]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(cell_cache->vy[pid]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(cell_cache->vz[pid]); const vector v_rhoi = vector_set1(cell_cache->rho[pid]); const vector v_grad_hi = vector_set1(cell_cache->grad_h[pid]); const vector v_pOrhoi2 = vector_set1(cell_cache->pOrho2[pid]); const vector v_balsara_i = vector_set1(cell_cache->balsara[pid]); const vector v_ci = vector_set1(cell_cache->soundspeed[pid]); /* Some useful powers of h */ const float hi = cell_cache->h[pid]; const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); const vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_a_hydro_xSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_ySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_zSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_h_dtSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_sigSum = vector_set1(pi->force.v_sig); vector v_entropy_dtSum = vector_setzero(); /* Find all of particle pi's interacions and store needed values in the * secondary cache.*/ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_align; pjd += VEC_SIZE) { /* Load 1 set of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cell_cache->x[pjd]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cell_cache->y[pjd]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cell_cache->z[pjd]); const vector hj = vector_load(&cell_cache->h[pjd]); /* (hj * gamma)^2 */ vector hjg2; hjg2.v = vec_mul(vec_mul(hj.v, hj.v), kernel_gamma2_vec.v); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); /* Form r2 > 0 mask. * This is used to avoid self-interctions */ mask_t v_doi_mask_self_check; vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask_self_check, vec_cmp_gt(v_r2.v, vec_setzero())); /* Form a mask from r2 < hig2 mask and r2 < hjg2 mask. * This is writen as r2 < max(hig2, hjg2) */ mask_t v_doi_mask; vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, vec_fmax(v_hig2.v, hjg2.v))); /* Combine both masks. */ vec_combine_masks(v_doi_mask, v_doi_mask_self_check); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((pjd + bit_index < count) && (parts[pjd + bit_index].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts[pjd + bit_index].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_force < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_force[pi->num_ngb_force] = parts[pjd + bit_index].id; ++pi->num_ngb_force; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask)) { /* 1 / hj */ const vector v_hj_inv = vec_reciprocal(hj); /* To stop floating point exceptions when particle separations are 0. * Note that the results for r2==0 are masked out but may still raise * an FPE as only the final operaion is masked, not the whole math * operations sequence. */ v_r2.v = vec_add(v_r2.v, vec_set1(FLT_MIN)); runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_force( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, v_rhoi, v_grad_hi, v_pOrhoi2, v_balsara_i, v_ci, &cell_cache->vx[pjd], &cell_cache->vy[pjd], &cell_cache->vz[pjd], &cell_cache->rho[pjd], &cell_cache->grad_h[pjd], &cell_cache->pOrho2[pjd], &cell_cache->balsara[pjd], &cell_cache->soundspeed[pjd], &cell_cache->m[pjd], v_hi_inv, v_hj_inv, a, H, &v_a_hydro_xSum, &v_a_hydro_ySum, &v_a_hydro_zSum, &v_h_dtSum, &v_sigSum, &v_entropy_dtSum, v_doi_mask); } } /* Loop over all other particles. */ VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_xSum, pi->a_hydro[0]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_ySum, pi->a_hydro[1]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_zSum, pi->a_hydro[2]); VEC_HADD(v_h_dtSum, pi->force.h_dt); VEC_HADD(v_entropy_dtSum, pi->entropy_dt); VEC_HMAX(v_sigSum, pi->force.v_sig); } /* loop over all particles. */ TIMER_TOC(timer_doself_force); #else error("Incorrectly calling vectorized Gadget-2 functions!"); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ } /** * @brief Compute the density interactions between a cell pair (non-symmetric) * using vector intrinsics. * * @param r The #runner. * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. * @param sid The direction of the pair * @param shift The shift vector to apply to the particles in ci. */ void runner_dopair1_density_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, const int sid, const double *shift) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) const struct engine *restrict e = r->e; const timebin_t max_active_bin = e->max_active_bin; TIMER_TIC; /* Check whether cells are local to the node. */ const int ci_local = (ci->nodeID == e->nodeID); const int cj_local = (cj->nodeID == e->nodeID); /* Get the cutoff shift. */ double rshift = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) rshift += shift[k] * runner_shift[sid][k]; /* Pick-out the sorted lists. */ const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i = cell_get_hydro_sorts(ci, sid); const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j = cell_get_hydro_sorts(cj, sid); /* Get some other useful values. */ const int count_i = ci->hydro.count; const int count_j = cj->hydro.count; const double hi_max = ci->hydro.h_max * kernel_gamma - rshift; const double hj_max = cj->hydro.h_max * kernel_gamma; struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts; struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; const double di_max = sort_i[count_i - 1].d - rshift; const double dj_min = sort_j[0].d; const float dx_max = (ci->hydro.dx_max_sort + cj->hydro.dx_max_sort); const int active_ci = cell_is_active_hydro(ci, e) && ci_local; const int active_cj = cell_is_active_hydro(cj, e) && cj_local; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count_i; pid++) if (parts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts_i[pid], e)) error("Particle pi not drifted to current time"); for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_j; pjd++) if (parts_j[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts_j[pjd], e)) error("Particle pj not drifted to current time"); #endif /* Count number of particles that are in range and active*/ int numActive = 0; if (active_ci) { for (int pid = count_i - 1; pid >= 0 && sort_i[pid].d + hi_max + dx_max > dj_min; pid--) { const struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[sort_i[pid].i]; if (part_is_active_no_debug(pi, max_active_bin)) { numActive++; break; } } } if (!numActive && active_cj) { for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_j && sort_j[pjd].d - hj_max - dx_max < di_max; pjd++) { const struct part *restrict pj = &parts_j[sort_j[pjd].i]; if (part_is_active_no_debug(pj, max_active_bin)) { numActive++; break; } } } /* Return if there are no active particles within range */ if (numActive == 0) return; /* Get both particle caches from the runner and re-allocate * them if they are not big enough for the cells. */ struct cache *restrict ci_cache = &r->ci_cache; struct cache *restrict cj_cache = &r->cj_cache; if (ci_cache->count < count_i) cache_init(ci_cache, count_i); if (cj_cache->count < count_j) cache_init(cj_cache, count_j); /* Get a direct pointer to the index arrays */ int first_pi, last_pj; swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, max_index_i, r->ci_cache.max_index, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT); swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, max_index_j, r->cj_cache.max_index, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT); /* Find particles maximum index into cj, max_index_i[] and ci, max_index_j[]. * Also find the first pi that interacts with any particle in cj and the last * pj that interacts with any particle in ci. */ populate_max_index_density(ci, cj, sort_i, sort_j, dx_max, rshift, hi_max, hj_max, di_max, dj_min, max_index_i, max_index_j, &first_pi, &last_pj, max_active_bin, active_ci, active_cj); /* Limits of the outer loops. */ const int first_pi_loop = first_pi; const int last_pj_loop_end = last_pj + 1; /* Take the max/min of both values calculated to work out how many particles * to read into the cache. */ last_pj = max(last_pj, max_index_i[count_i - 1]); first_pi = min(first_pi, max_index_j[0]); /* Read the required particles into the two caches. */ cache_read_two_partial_cells_sorted(ci, cj, ci_cache, cj_cache, sort_i, sort_j, shift, &first_pi, &last_pj); /* Get the number of particles read into the ci cache. */ const int ci_cache_count = count_i - first_pi; if (active_ci) { /* Loop over the parts in ci until nothing is within range in cj. */ for (int pid = count_i - 1; pid >= first_pi_loop; pid--) { /* Get a hold of the ith part in ci. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[sort_i[pid].i]; if (!part_is_active_no_debug(pi, max_active_bin)) continue; /* Set the cache index. */ const int ci_cache_idx = pid - first_pi; /* Skip this particle if no particle in cj is within range of it. */ const float hi = ci_cache->h[ci_cache_idx]; const double di_test = sort_i[pid].d + hi * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; if (di_test < dj_min) continue; /* Determine the exit iteration of the interaction loop. */ const int exit_iteration_end = max_index_i[pid] + 1; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(ci_cache->x[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(ci_cache->y[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(ci_cache->z[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(hi); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(ci_cache->vx[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(ci_cache->vy[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(ci_cache->vz[ci_cache_idx]); const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); /* Get the inverse of hi. */ const vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); /* Loop over the parts in cj. Making sure to perform an iteration of the * loop even if exit_iteration_align is zero and there is only one * particle to interact with.*/ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < exit_iteration_end; pjd += VEC_SIZE) { /* Get the cache index to the jth particle. */ const int cj_cache_idx = pjd; vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (cj_cache_idx % VEC_SIZE != 0 || cj_cache_idx < 0 || cj_cache_idx + (VEC_SIZE - 1) > (last_pj + 1 + VEC_SIZE)) { error("Unaligned read!!! cj_cache_idx=%d, last_pj=%d", cj_cache_idx, last_pj); } #endif /* Load 1 set of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); mask_t v_doi_mask; /* Form r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hig2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((pjd + bit_index < count_j) && (parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id; ++pi->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask)) runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_density( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->m[cj_cache_idx], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_doi_mask); } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pi->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pi->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pi->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pi->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pi->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pi->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pi->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pi->density.rot_v[2]); } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ } if (active_cj) { /* Loop over the parts in cj until nothing is within range in ci. */ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < last_pj_loop_end; pjd++) { /* Get a hold of the jth part in cj. */ struct part *restrict pj = &parts_j[sort_j[pjd].i]; if (!part_is_active_no_debug(pj, max_active_bin)) continue; /* Set the cache index. */ const int cj_cache_idx = pjd; /* Skip this particle if no particle in ci is within range of it. */ const float hj = cj_cache->h[cj_cache_idx]; const double dj_test = sort_j[pjd].d - hj * kernel_gamma - dx_max; if (dj_test > di_max) continue; /* Determine the exit iteration of the interaction loop. */ const int exit_iteration = max_index_j[pjd]; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_set1(cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_set1(cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_set1(cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_hj = vector_set1(hj); const vector v_vjx = vector_set1(cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_vjy = vector_set1(cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_vjz = vector_set1(cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx]); const float hjg2 = hj * hj * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hjg2 = vector_set1(hjg2); /* Get the inverse of hj. */ vector v_hj_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hj); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); /* Convert exit iteration to cache indices. */ int exit_iteration_align = exit_iteration - first_pi; /* Pad the exit iteration align so cache reads are aligned. */ const int rem = exit_iteration_align % VEC_SIZE; if (exit_iteration_align < VEC_SIZE) { exit_iteration_align = 0; } else exit_iteration_align -= rem; /* Loop over the parts in ci. */ for (int ci_cache_idx = exit_iteration_align; ci_cache_idx < ci_cache_count; ci_cache_idx += VEC_SIZE) { #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (ci_cache_idx % VEC_SIZE != 0 || ci_cache_idx < 0 || ci_cache_idx + (VEC_SIZE - 1) > (count_i - first_pi + VEC_SIZE)) { error( "Unaligned read!!! ci_cache_idx=%d, first_pi=%d, " "count_i=%d", ci_cache_idx, first_pi, count_i); } #endif vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; /* Load 2 sets of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pix = vector_load(&ci_cache->x[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piy = vector_load(&ci_cache->y[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piz = vector_load(&ci_cache->z[ci_cache_idx]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pjx.v, v_pix.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_pjy.v, v_piy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_pjz.v, v_piz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); mask_t v_doj_mask; /* Form r2 < hig2 mask. */ vec_create_mask(v_doj_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hjg2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index < count_i) && (parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i] .time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pj->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pj->ids_ngbs_density[pj->num_ngb_density] = parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i].id; ++pj->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask)) runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_density( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_hj_inv, v_vjx, v_vjy, v_vjz, &ci_cache->vx[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->vy[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->vz[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->m[ci_cache_idx], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_doj_mask); } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pj. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pj->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pj->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pj->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pj->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pj->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pj->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pj->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pj->density.rot_v[2]); } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ } TIMER_TOC(timer_dopair_density); #else error("Incorrectly calling vectorized Gadget-2 functions!"); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ } /** * @brief Compute the interactions between a cell pair, but only for the * given indices in ci. (Vectorised) * * @param r The #runner. * @param ci The first #cell. * @param parts_i The #part to interact with @c cj. * @param ind The list of indices of particles in @c ci to interact with. * @param count The number of particles in @c ind. * @param cj The second #cell. * @param sid The direction of the pair. * @param flipped Flag to check whether the cells have been flipped or not. * @param shift The shift vector to apply to the particles in ci. */ void runner_dopair_subset_density_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *restrict ci, struct part *restrict parts_i, int *restrict ind, int count, struct cell *restrict cj, const int sid, const int flipped, const double *shift) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) TIMER_TIC; const int count_j = cj->hydro.count; /* Pick-out the sorted lists. */ const struct sort_entry *sort_j = cell_get_hydro_sorts(cj, sid); const float dxj = cj->hydro.dx_max_sort; /* Get both particle caches from the runner and re-allocate * them if they are not big enough for the cells. */ struct cache *restrict cj_cache = &r->cj_cache; if (cj_cache->count < count_j) cache_init(cj_cache, count_j); /* Pull each runner_shift from memory. */ const double runner_shift_x = runner_shift[sid][0]; const double runner_shift_y = runner_shift[sid][1]; const double runner_shift_z = runner_shift[sid][2]; const double total_ci_shift[3] = { ci->loc[0] + shift[0], ci->loc[1] + shift[1], ci->loc[2] + shift[2]}; /* Calculate the correction to di after the particles have been shifted to the * frame of cell ci. */ const double di_shift_correction = ci->loc[0] * runner_shift_x + ci->loc[1] * runner_shift_y + ci->loc[2] * runner_shift_z; double rshift = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) rshift += shift[k] * runner_shift[sid][k]; int *restrict max_index_i SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN; max_index_i = r->ci_cache.max_index; /* Parts are on the left? */ if (!flipped) { int last_pj = populate_max_index_subset( count, count_j, parts_i, ind, total_ci_shift, dxj, di_shift_correction, runner_shift_x, runner_shift_y, runner_shift_z, sort_j, max_index_i, 0); /* Read the particles from the cell and store them locally in the cache. */ cache_read_particles_subset_pair(cj, cj_cache, sort_j, 0, &last_pj, ci->loc, 0); const double dj_min = sort_j[0].d; /* Loop over the parts_i. */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) { /* Get a hold of the ith part in ci. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[ind[pid]]; const float pix = pi->x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]; const float piy = pi->x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]; const float piz = pi->x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]; const float hi = pi->h; const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; /* Skip this particle if no particle in cj is within range of it. */ const double di = hi * kernel_gamma + dxj + pix * runner_shift_x + piy * runner_shift_y + piz * runner_shift_z + di_shift_correction; if (di < dj_min) continue; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(pix); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(piy); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(piz); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(hi); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(pi->v[0]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(pi->v[1]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(pi->v[2]); const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); /* Get the inverse of hi. */ vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); int exit_iteration_end = max_index_i[pid] + 1; /* Loop over the parts in cj. */ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < exit_iteration_end; pjd += VEC_SIZE) { /* Get the cache index to the jth particle. */ const int cj_cache_idx = pjd; vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; /* Load 1 set of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); /* Form r2 < hig2 mask. */ mask_t v_doi_mask; vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hig2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((pjd + bit_index < count_j) && (parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) { pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id; } ++pi->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask)) runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_density( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->m[cj_cache_idx], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_doi_mask); } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pi->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pi->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pi->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pi->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pi->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pi->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pi->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pi->density.rot_v[2]); } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ } /* Parts are on the right. */ else { int first_pj = populate_max_index_subset( count, count_j, parts_i, ind, total_ci_shift, dxj, di_shift_correction, runner_shift_x, runner_shift_y, runner_shift_z, sort_j, max_index_i, 1); /* Read the particles from the cell and store them locally in the cache. */ cache_read_particles_subset_pair(cj, cj_cache, sort_j, &first_pj, 0, ci->loc, 1); /* Get the number of particles read into the ci cache. */ const int cj_cache_count = count_j - first_pj; const double dj_max = sort_j[count_j - 1].d; /* Loop over the parts_i. */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count; pid++) { /* Get a hold of the ith part in ci. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[ind[pid]]; const float pix = pi->x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]; const float piy = pi->x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]; const float piz = pi->x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]; const float hi = pi->h; const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; /* Skip this particle if no particle in cj is within range of it. */ const double di = -hi * kernel_gamma - dxj + pix * runner_shift_x + piy * runner_shift_y + piz * runner_shift_z + di_shift_correction; if (di > dj_max) continue; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(pix); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(piy); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(piz); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(hi); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(pi->v[0]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(pi->v[1]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(pi->v[2]); const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); /* Get the inverse of hi. */ vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_rhoSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_rho_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcountSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_wcount_dhSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_div_vSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvxSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_curlvzSum = vector_setzero(); int exit_iteration = max_index_i[pid]; /* Convert exit iteration to cache indices. */ int exit_iteration_align = exit_iteration - first_pj; /* Pad the exit iteration align so cache reads are aligned. */ const int rem = exit_iteration_align % VEC_SIZE; if (exit_iteration_align < VEC_SIZE) { exit_iteration_align = 0; } else exit_iteration_align -= rem; /* Loop over the parts in cj. */ for (int cj_cache_idx = exit_iteration_align; cj_cache_idx < cj_cache_count; cj_cache_idx += VEC_SIZE) { vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; /* Load 1 set of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); /* Form r2 < hig2 mask. */ mask_t v_doi_mask; vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_hig2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((cj_cache_idx + bit_index < count_j) && (parts_j[sort_j[cj_cache_idx + first_pj + bit_index].i] .time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_j[sort_j[cj_cache_idx + first_pj + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_density < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) { pi->ids_ngbs_density[pi->num_ngb_density] = parts_j[sort_j[cj_cache_idx + first_pj + bit_index].i].id; } ++pi->num_ngb_density; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask)) runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_density( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_hi_inv, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, &cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->m[cj_cache_idx], &v_rhoSum, &v_rho_dhSum, &v_wcountSum, &v_wcount_dhSum, &v_div_vSum, &v_curlvxSum, &v_curlvySum, &v_curlvzSum, v_doi_mask); } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_rhoSum, pi->rho); VEC_HADD(v_rho_dhSum, pi->density.rho_dh); VEC_HADD(v_wcountSum, pi->density.wcount); VEC_HADD(v_wcount_dhSum, pi->density.wcount_dh); VEC_HADD(v_div_vSum, pi->density.div_v); VEC_HADD(v_curlvxSum, pi->density.rot_v[0]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvySum, pi->density.rot_v[1]); VEC_HADD(v_curlvzSum, pi->density.rot_v[2]); } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ } TIMER_TOC(timer_dopair_subset); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ } /** * @brief Compute the force interactions between a cell pair (non-symmetric) * using vector intrinsics. * * @param r The #runner. * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. * @param sid The direction of the pair * @param shift The shift vector to apply to the particles in ci. */ void runner_dopair2_force_vec(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, const int sid, const double *shift) { #if defined(WITH_VECTORIZATION) && defined(GADGET2_SPH) const struct engine *restrict e = r->e; const struct cosmology *restrict cosmo = e->cosmology; const timebin_t max_active_bin = e->max_active_bin; TIMER_TIC; /* Check whether cells are local to the node. */ const int ci_local = (ci->nodeID == e->nodeID); const int cj_local = (cj->nodeID == e->nodeID); /* Get the cutoff shift. */ double rshift = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) rshift += shift[k] * runner_shift[sid][k]; /* Pick-out the sorted lists. */ const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i = cell_get_hydro_sorts(ci, sid); const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j = cell_get_hydro_sorts(cj, sid); /* Get some other useful values. */ const int count_i = ci->hydro.count; const int count_j = cj->hydro.count; const double hi_max = ci->hydro.h_max * kernel_gamma; const double hj_max = cj->hydro.h_max * kernel_gamma; const double hi_max_raw = ci->hydro.h_max; const double hj_max_raw = cj->hydro.h_max; struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts; struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts; const double di_max = sort_i[count_i - 1].d - rshift; const double dj_min = sort_j[0].d; const float dx_max = (ci->hydro.dx_max_sort + cj->hydro.dx_max_sort); const int active_ci = cell_is_active_hydro(ci, e) && ci_local; const int active_cj = cell_is_active_hydro(cj, e) && cj_local; /* Cosmological terms */ const float a = cosmo->a; const float H = cosmo->H; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */ for (int pid = 0; pid < count_i; pid++) if (parts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts_i[pid], e)) error("Particle pi not drifted to current time"); for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_j; pjd++) if (parts_j[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current && !part_is_inhibited(&parts_j[pjd], e)) error("Particle pj not drifted to current time"); #endif /* Check if any particles are active and in range */ int numActive = 0; /* Use the largest smoothing length to make sure that no interactions are * missed. */ const double h_max = max(hi_max, hj_max); if (active_ci) { for (int pid = count_i - 1; pid >= 0 && sort_i[pid].d + h_max + dx_max > dj_min; pid--) { const struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[sort_i[pid].i]; if (part_is_active_no_debug(pi, max_active_bin)) { numActive++; break; } } } if (!numActive && active_cj) { for (int pjd = 0; pjd < count_j && sort_j[pjd].d - h_max - dx_max < di_max; pjd++) { const struct part *restrict pj = &parts_j[sort_j[pjd].i]; if (part_is_active_no_debug(pj, max_active_bin)) { numActive++; break; } } } /* Return if no active particle in range */ if (numActive == 0) return; /* Get both particle caches from the runner and re-allocate * them if they are not big enough for the cells. */ struct cache *restrict ci_cache = &r->ci_cache; struct cache *restrict cj_cache = &r->cj_cache; if (ci_cache->count < count_i) cache_init(ci_cache, count_i); if (cj_cache->count < count_j) cache_init(cj_cache, count_j); /* Get a direct pointer to the index arrays */ int first_pi, last_pj; swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, max_index_i, r->ci_cache.max_index, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT); swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, max_index_j, r->cj_cache.max_index, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT); /* Find particles maximum distance into cj, max_di[] and ci, max_dj[]. */ /* Also find the first pi that interacts with any particle in cj and the last * pj that interacts with any particle in ci. */ populate_max_index_force(ci, cj, sort_i, sort_j, dx_max, rshift, hi_max_raw, hj_max_raw, h_max, di_max, dj_min, max_index_i, max_index_j, &first_pi, &last_pj, max_active_bin, active_ci, active_cj); /* Limits of the outer loops. */ const int first_pi_loop = first_pi; const int last_pj_loop_end = last_pj + 1; /* Take the max/min of both values calculated to work out how many particles * to read into the cache. */ last_pj = max(last_pj, max_index_i[count_i - 1]); first_pi = min(first_pi, max_index_j[0]); /* Read the required particles into the two caches. */ cache_read_two_partial_cells_sorted_force(ci, cj, ci_cache, cj_cache, sort_i, sort_j, shift, &first_pi, &last_pj); /* Get the number of particles read into the ci cache. */ const int ci_cache_count = count_i - first_pi; if (active_ci) { /* Loop over the parts in ci until nothing is within range in cj. */ for (int pid = count_i - 1; pid >= first_pi_loop; pid--) { /* Get a hold of the ith part in ci. */ struct part *restrict pi = &parts_i[sort_i[pid].i]; if (!part_is_active(pi, e)) continue; /* Set the cache index. */ const int ci_cache_idx = pid - first_pi; /* Skip this particle if no particle in cj is within range of it. */ const float hi = ci_cache->h[ci_cache_idx]; const double di_test = sort_i[pid].d + max(hi, hj_max_raw) * kernel_gamma + dx_max - rshift; if (di_test < dj_min) continue; /* Determine the exit iteration of the interaction loop. */ const int exit_iteration_end = max_index_i[pid] + 1; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pix = vector_set1(ci_cache->x[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piy = vector_set1(ci_cache->y[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piz = vector_set1(ci_cache->z[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_hi = vector_set1(hi); const vector v_vix = vector_set1(ci_cache->vx[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_viy = vector_set1(ci_cache->vy[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_viz = vector_set1(ci_cache->vz[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_rhoi = vector_set1(ci_cache->rho[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_grad_hi = vector_set1(ci_cache->grad_h[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_pOrhoi2 = vector_set1(ci_cache->pOrho2[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_balsara_i = vector_set1(ci_cache->balsara[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_ci = vector_set1(ci_cache->soundspeed[ci_cache_idx]); const float hig2 = hi * hi * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hig2 = vector_set1(hig2); /* Get the inverse of hi. */ vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_a_hydro_xSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_ySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_zSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_h_dtSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_sigSum = vector_set1(pi->force.v_sig); vector v_entropy_dtSum = vector_setzero(); /* Loop over the parts in cj. Making sure to perform an iteration of the * loop even if exit_iteration_align is zero and there is only one * particle to interact with.*/ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < exit_iteration_end; pjd += VEC_SIZE) { /* Get the cache index to the jth particle. */ const int cj_cache_idx = pjd; vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; vector v_hjg2; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (cj_cache_idx % VEC_SIZE != 0 || cj_cache_idx < 0 || cj_cache_idx + (VEC_SIZE - 1) > (last_pj + 1 + VEC_SIZE)) { error("Unaligned read!!! cj_cache_idx=%d, last_pj=%d", cj_cache_idx, last_pj); } #endif /* Load 2 sets of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_load(&cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_load(&cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_load(&cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_hj = vector_load(&cj_cache->h[cj_cache_idx]); v_hjg2.v = vec_mul(vec_mul(v_hj.v, v_hj.v), kernel_gamma2_vec.v); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pix.v, v_pjx.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_piy.v, v_pjy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_piz.v, v_pjz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); mask_t v_doi_mask; /* Form a mask from r2 < hig2 mask and r2 < hjg2 mask. */ vector v_h2; v_h2.v = vec_fmax(v_hig2.v, v_hjg2.v); vec_create_mask(v_doi_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_h2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((pjd + bit_index < count_j) && (parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pi->num_ngb_force < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pi->ids_ngbs_force[pi->num_ngb_force] = parts_j[sort_j[pjd + bit_index].i].id; ++pi->num_ngb_force; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doi_mask)) { vector v_hj_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hj); runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_force( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_vix, v_viy, v_viz, v_rhoi, v_grad_hi, v_pOrhoi2, v_balsara_i, v_ci, &cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->rho[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->grad_h[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->pOrho2[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->balsara[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->soundspeed[cj_cache_idx], &cj_cache->m[cj_cache_idx], v_hi_inv, v_hj_inv, a, H, &v_a_hydro_xSum, &v_a_hydro_ySum, &v_a_hydro_zSum, &v_h_dtSum, &v_sigSum, &v_entropy_dtSum, v_doi_mask); } } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pi. */ VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_xSum, pi->a_hydro[0]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_ySum, pi->a_hydro[1]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_zSum, pi->a_hydro[2]); VEC_HADD(v_h_dtSum, pi->force.h_dt); VEC_HMAX(v_sigSum, pi->force.v_sig); VEC_HADD(v_entropy_dtSum, pi->entropy_dt); } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ } if (active_cj) { /* Loop over the parts in cj until nothing is within range in ci. */ for (int pjd = 0; pjd < last_pj_loop_end; pjd++) { /* Get a hold of the jth part in cj. */ struct part *restrict pj = &parts_j[sort_j[pjd].i]; if (!part_is_active(pj, e)) continue; /* Set the cache index. */ const int cj_cache_idx = pjd; /* Skip this particle if no particle in ci is within range of it. */ const float hj = cj_cache->h[cj_cache_idx]; const double dj_test = sort_j[pjd].d - max(hj, hi_max_raw) * kernel_gamma - dx_max; if (dj_test > di_max) continue; /* Determine the exit iteration of the interaction loop. */ const int exit_iteration = max_index_j[pjd]; /* Fill particle pi vectors. */ const vector v_pjx = vector_set1(cj_cache->x[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjy = vector_set1(cj_cache->y[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pjz = vector_set1(cj_cache->z[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_hj = vector_set1(hj); const vector v_vjx = vector_set1(cj_cache->vx[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_vjy = vector_set1(cj_cache->vy[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_vjz = vector_set1(cj_cache->vz[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_rhoj = vector_set1(cj_cache->rho[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_grad_hj = vector_set1(cj_cache->grad_h[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_pOrhoj2 = vector_set1(cj_cache->pOrho2[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_balsara_j = vector_set1(cj_cache->balsara[cj_cache_idx]); const vector v_cj = vector_set1(cj_cache->soundspeed[cj_cache_idx]); const float hjg2 = hj * hj * kernel_gamma2; const vector v_hjg2 = vector_set1(hjg2); /* Get the inverse of hj. */ vector v_hj_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hj); /* Reset cumulative sums of update vectors. */ vector v_a_hydro_xSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_ySum = vector_setzero(); vector v_a_hydro_zSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_h_dtSum = vector_setzero(); vector v_sigSum = vector_set1(pj->force.v_sig); vector v_entropy_dtSum = vector_setzero(); /* Convert exit iteration to cache indices. */ int exit_iteration_align = exit_iteration - first_pi; /* Pad the exit iteration align so cache reads are aligned. */ const int rem = exit_iteration_align % VEC_SIZE; if (exit_iteration_align < VEC_SIZE) { exit_iteration_align = 0; } else exit_iteration_align -= rem; /* Loop over the parts in ci. */ for (int ci_cache_idx = exit_iteration_align; ci_cache_idx < ci_cache_count; ci_cache_idx += VEC_SIZE) { #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (ci_cache_idx % VEC_SIZE != 0 || ci_cache_idx < 0) { error("Unaligned read!!! ci_cache_idx=%d", ci_cache_idx); } #endif vector v_hig2; vector v_dx, v_dy, v_dz, v_r2; /* Load 2 sets of vectors from the particle cache. */ const vector v_pix = vector_load(&ci_cache->x[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piy = vector_load(&ci_cache->y[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_piz = vector_load(&ci_cache->z[ci_cache_idx]); const vector v_hi = vector_load(&ci_cache->h[ci_cache_idx]); v_hig2.v = vec_mul(vec_mul(v_hi.v, v_hi.v), kernel_gamma2_vec.v); /* Compute the pairwise distance. */ v_dx.v = vec_sub(v_pjx.v, v_pix.v); v_dy.v = vec_sub(v_pjy.v, v_piy.v); v_dz.v = vec_sub(v_pjz.v, v_piz.v); v_r2.v = vec_mul(v_dx.v, v_dx.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dy.v, v_dy.v, v_r2.v); v_r2.v = vec_fma(v_dz.v, v_dz.v, v_r2.v); mask_t v_doj_mask; /* Form a mask from r2 < hig2 mask and r2 < hjg2 mask. */ vector v_h2; v_h2.v = vec_fmax(v_hjg2.v, v_hig2.v); vec_create_mask(v_doj_mask, vec_cmp_lt(v_r2.v, v_h2.v)); #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Verify that we have no inhibited particles in the interaction cache */ for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if ((ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index < count_i) && (parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i] .time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited)) { error("Inhibited particle in interaction cache! id=%lld", parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i].id); } } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_INTERACTIONS_SPH for (int bit_index = 0; bit_index < VEC_SIZE; bit_index++) { if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask) & (1 << bit_index)) { if (pj->num_ngb_force < MAX_NUM_OF_NEIGHBOURS) pj->ids_ngbs_force[pj->num_ngb_force] = parts_i[sort_i[ci_cache_idx + first_pi + bit_index].i].id; ++pj->num_ngb_force; } } #endif /* If there are any interactions perform them. */ if (vec_is_mask_true(v_doj_mask)) { vector v_hi_inv = vec_reciprocal(v_hi); runner_iact_nonsym_1_vec_force( &v_r2, &v_dx, &v_dy, &v_dz, v_vjx, v_vjy, v_vjz, v_rhoj, v_grad_hj, v_pOrhoj2, v_balsara_j, v_cj, &ci_cache->vx[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->vy[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->vz[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->rho[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->grad_h[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->pOrho2[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->balsara[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->soundspeed[ci_cache_idx], &ci_cache->m[ci_cache_idx], v_hj_inv, v_hi_inv, a, H, &v_a_hydro_xSum, &v_a_hydro_ySum, &v_a_hydro_zSum, &v_h_dtSum, &v_sigSum, &v_entropy_dtSum, v_doj_mask); } } /* loop over the parts in ci. */ /* Perform horizontal adds on vector sums and store result in pj. */ VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_xSum, pj->a_hydro[0]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_ySum, pj->a_hydro[1]); VEC_HADD(v_a_hydro_zSum, pj->a_hydro[2]); VEC_HADD(v_h_dtSum, pj->force.h_dt); VEC_HMAX(v_sigSum, pj->force.v_sig); VEC_HADD(v_entropy_dtSum, pj->entropy_dt); } /* loop over the parts in cj. */ TIMER_TOC(timer_dopair_density); } #else error("Incorrectly calling vectorized Gadget-2 functions!"); #endif /* WITH_VECTORIZATION */ }