* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* This object's header. */
#include "runner_doiact_grav.h"
/* Local includes. */
#include "active.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "gravity.h"
#include "gravity_cache.h"
#include "gravity_iact.h"
#include "inline.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "space_getsid.h"
#include "timers.h"
* @brief Clear the unskip flags of this cell.
* For inactive or foreign cells, we additionally need to recurse.
* @brief c The #cell of interest.
* @brief e The #engine (to check whether active or not).
static INLINE void runner_clear_grav_flags(struct cell *c,
const struct engine *e) {
if ((!cell_is_active_gravity(c, e) || c->nodeID != e->nodeID) && c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) runner_clear_grav_flags(c->progeny[k], e);
/* Remove the unskip flags. */
cell_clear_flag(c, cell_flag_unskip_self_grav_processed |
* @brief Recursively propagate the multipoles down the tree by applying the
* L2L and L2P kernels.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param c The #cell we are working on.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_grav_down(struct runner *r, struct cell *c, int timer) {
/* Some constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
if (c->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("c->multipole not drifted.");
if (c->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("c->field tensor not initialised");
if (c->split) {
/* Node case */
/* Add the field-tensor to all the 8 progenitors */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
struct cell *cp = c->progeny[k];
/* Do we have a progenitor with any active g-particles ? */
if (cp != NULL && cell_is_active_gravity(cp, e)) {
if (cp->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("cp->multipole not drifted.");
if (cp->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("cp->field tensor not initialised");
/* If the tensor received any contribution, push it down */
if (c->grav.multipole->pot.interacted) {
struct grav_tensor shifted_tensor;
/* Shift the field tensor */
gravity_L2L(&shifted_tensor, &c->grav.multipole->pot,
cp->grav.multipole->CoM, c->grav.multipole->CoM);
/* Add it to this level's tensor */
gravity_field_tensors_add(&cp->grav.multipole->pot, &shifted_tensor);
/* Recurse */
runner_do_grav_down(r, cp, 0);
} else {
/* Leaf case */
/* We can abort early if no interactions via multipole happened */
if (!c->grav.multipole->pot.interacted) return;
if (!cell_are_gpart_drifted(c, e)) error("Un-drifted gparts");
/* Lock the cell for the particle updates */
/* Cell properties */
struct gpart *gparts = c->grav.parts;
const int gcount = c->grav.count;
const struct grav_tensor *pot = &c->grav.multipole->pot;
const double CoM[3] = {c->grav.multipole->CoM[0], c->grav.multipole->CoM[1],
/* Apply accelerations to the particles */
for (int i = 0; i < gcount; ++i) {
/* Get a handle on the gpart */
struct gpart *gp = &gparts[i];
/* Update if active */
if (gpart_is_active(gp, e)) {
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gp->ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpart not drifted to current time");
if (c->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("c->field tensor not initialised");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(gp, e)) error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gp->initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
/* Apply the kernel */
gravity_L2P(pot, CoM, gp);
/* All done -> unlock the cell */
if (lock_unlock(&c->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_dograv_down);
* @brief Compute the fully Newtonian gravitational forces from particles
* one array onto the particles in another array
* This function *must* be called at the leaf level for particles i.
* @param gparts_i The particles receiving forces (at leaf level).
* @param gcount_i The number of particles receiving forces.
* @param gparts_j The particles giving forces (at any level).
* @param gcount_j The number of particles giving forces.
* @param e The #engine structure.
* @param grav_props The properties of the gravity scheme.
* @param cache_i The gravity cache to use to store the results in i.
* @param ci The (leaf-)cell containing the particles i.
* @param multi_j The multipole in cell j.
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pp_full_no_cache(
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const int gcount_i,
const struct gpart *restrict gparts_j, const int gcount_j,
const struct engine *e, const struct gravity_props *grav_props,
struct gravity_cache *cache_i, struct cell *ci,
const struct gravity_tensors *multi_j) {
/* Prepare the i cache */
const int gcount_padded_i = gcount_i - (gcount_i % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
if (cache_i->count < gcount_padded_i)
gravity_cache_init(cache_i, gcount_padded_i);
gravity_cache_zero_output(cache_i, gcount_padded_i);
if (ci->split) error("Using function above leaf level!");
/* Loop over sink particles */
for (int i = 0; i < gcount_i; ++i) {
struct gpart *gpi = &gparts_i[i];
/* Ignore inactive particles */
if (!gpart_is_active(gpi, e)) continue;
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gpi->ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gpi->initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
const float x_i = gpi->x[0];
const float y_i = gpi->x[1];
const float z_i = gpi->x[2];
const float h_i = gravity_get_softening(gpi, grav_props);
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration and potential */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Now, we can start the interactions for that particle */
/* Distance to the Multipole */
const float CoM_j[3] = {multi_j->CoM[0], multi_j->CoM[1], multi_j->CoM[2]};
const float dx_multi = CoM_j[0] - x_i;
const float dy_multi = CoM_j[1] - y_i;
const float dz_multi = CoM_j[2] - z_i;
const float r2_multi =
dx_multi * dx_multi + dy_multi * dy_multi + dz_multi * dz_multi;
/* Can we use the Mulipole here? */
if (gcount_j > 1 && gravity_M2P_accept(grav_props, gpi, multi_j, r2_multi,
/*periodic=*/1)) {
const float h_inv_i = 1.f / h_i;
/* Interact! */
float f_x, f_y, f_z, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pm_full(dx_multi, dy_multi, dz_multi, r2_multi, h_i,
h_inv_i, &multi_j->m_pole, &f_x, &f_y, &f_z,
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_x;
a_y += f_y;
a_z += f_z;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
accumulate_add_ll(&gparts_i[i].num_interacted, multi_j->m_pole.num_gpart);
/* Update the M2P interaction counter and forces. */
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[0], f_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[1], f_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[2], f_z);
} else {
/* Loop over source particles */
for (int j = 0; j < gcount_j; ++j) {
const struct gpart *gpj = &gparts_j[j];
/* Ignore inhibited particles */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(gpj, e)) continue;
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = gpj->x[0];
const float y_j = gpj->x[1];
const float z_j = gpj->x[2];
const float mass_j = gpj->mass;
const float h_j = gravity_get_softening(gpj, grav_props);
/* Compute the pairwise distance.
Note: no need for box wrap here! This is non-periodic */
const float dx = x_j - x_i;
const float dy = y_j - y_i;
const float dz = z_j - z_i;
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
if (gpj->time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gpj->ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_full(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, &f_ij,
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
/* Update the p2p interaction counter */
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
/* Store everything back in cache */
cache_i->a_x[i] += a_x;
cache_i->a_y[i] += a_y;
cache_i->a_z[i] += a_z;
cache_i->pot[i] += pot;
cache_i->active[i] = 1;
/* Write back to the particle data */
gravity_cache_write_back(cache_i, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i);
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
* @brief Compute the long-range truncated gravitational forces from particles
* one array onto the particles in another array
* This function *must* be called at the leaf level for particles i.
* @param gparts_i The particles receiving forces (at leaf level).
* @param gcount_i The number of particles receiving forces.
* @param gparts_j The particles giving forces (at any level).
* @param gcount_j The number of particles giving forces.
* @param dim The size of the computational domain.
* @param e The #engine structure.
* @param grav_props The properties of the gravity scheme.
* @param cache_i The gravity cache to use to store the results in i.
* @param ci The (leaf-)cell containing the particles i.
* @param multi_j The multipole in cell j.
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pp_truncated_no_cache(
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const int gcount_i,
const struct gpart *restrict gparts_j, const int gcount_j,
const float dim[3], const struct engine *e,
const struct gravity_props *grav_props, struct gravity_cache *cache_i,
struct cell *ci, const struct gravity_tensors *multi_j) {
if (!e->s->periodic)
error("Calling truncated PP function in non-periodic setup.");
if (ci->split) error("Using function above leaf level!");
const float r_s_inv = grav_props->r_s_inv;
/* Prepare the i cache */
const int gcount_padded_i = gcount_i - (gcount_i % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
if (cache_i->count < gcount_padded_i)
gravity_cache_init(cache_i, gcount_padded_i);
gravity_cache_zero_output(cache_i, gcount_padded_i);
/* Loop over sink particles */
for (int i = 0; i < gcount_i; ++i) {
struct gpart *gpi = &gparts_i[i];
/* Ignore inactive particles */
if (!gpart_is_active(gpi, e)) continue;
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gpi->ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gpi->initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
const float x_i = gpi->x[0];
const float y_i = gpi->x[1];
const float z_i = gpi->x[2];
const float h_i = gravity_get_softening(gpi, grav_props);
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration and potential */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Now, we can start the interactions for that particle */
/* Distance to the Multipole */
const float CoM_j[3] = {multi_j->CoM[0], multi_j->CoM[1], multi_j->CoM[2]};
float dx_multi = CoM_j[0] - x_i;
float dy_multi = CoM_j[1] - y_i;
float dz_multi = CoM_j[2] - z_i;
/* Apply periodic BCs */
dx_multi = nearestf(dx_multi, dim[0]);
dy_multi = nearestf(dy_multi, dim[1]);
dz_multi = nearestf(dz_multi, dim[2]);
const float r2_multi =
dx_multi * dx_multi + dy_multi * dy_multi + dz_multi * dz_multi;
/* Can we use the Mulipole here? */
if (gcount_j > 1 && gravity_M2P_accept(grav_props, gpi, multi_j, r2_multi,
/*periodic=*/1)) {
const float h_inv_i = 1.f / h_i;
/* Interact! */
float f_x, f_y, f_z, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pm_truncated(dx_multi, dy_multi, dz_multi, r2_multi, h_i,
h_inv_i, r_s_inv, &multi_j->m_pole, &f_x,
&f_y, &f_z, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_x;
a_y += f_y;
a_z += f_z;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
accumulate_add_ll(&gparts_i[i].num_interacted, multi_j->m_pole.num_gpart);
/* Update the M2P interaction counter and forces. */
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[0], f_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[1], f_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_m2p[2], f_z);
} else {
/* Loop over source particles */
for (int j = 0; j < gcount_j; ++j) {
const struct gpart *gpj = &gparts_j[j];
/* Ignore inhibited particles */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(gpj, e)) continue;
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = gpj->x[0];
const float y_j = gpj->x[1];
const float z_j = gpj->x[2];
const float mass_j = gpj->mass;
const float h_j = gravity_get_softening(gpj, grav_props);
/* Compute the pairwise distance.
Note: no need for box wrap here! This is non-periodic */
float dx = x_j - x_i;
float dy = y_j - y_i;
float dz = z_j - z_i;
/* Correct for periodic BCs */
dx = nearestf(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearestf(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearestf(dz, dim[2]);
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
if (gpj->time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gpj->ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_truncated(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, r_s_inv,
&f_ij, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
/* Update the p2p interaction counter */
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[i].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
/* Store everything back in cache */
cache_i->a_x[i] += a_x;
cache_i->a_y[i] += a_y;
cache_i->a_z[i] += a_z;
cache_i->pot[i] += pot;
cache_i->active[i] = 1;
/* Write back to the particle data */
gravity_cache_write_back(cache_i, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i);
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
* @brief Compute the non-truncated gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the particles of the other cell.
* The calculation is performed non-symmetrically using the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structures. The loop over the j cache should auto-vectorize.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param cj_cache #gravity_cache contaning the source particles.
* @param gcount_i The number of particles in the cell i.
* @param gcount_padded_j The number of particles in the cell j padded to the
* vector length.
* @param periodic Is the calculation using periodic BCs ?
* @param dim The size of the simulation volume.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_i The #gpart in cell i (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_j The #gpart in cell j (for debugging checks only).
* @param gcount_j The number of particles in the cell j (for debugging checks
* only).
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pp_full(
struct gravity_cache *restrict ci_cache,
struct gravity_cache *restrict cj_cache, const int gcount_i,
const int gcount_j, const int gcount_padded_j, const int periodic,
const float dim[3], const struct engine *restrict e,
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const struct gpart *restrict gparts_j) {
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount_i; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!ci_cache->active[pid]) continue;
/* Skip particle that can use the multipole */
if (ci_cache->use_mpole[pid]) continue;
if (!gpart_is_active(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Inactive particle went through the cache");
const float x_i = ci_cache->x[pid];
const float y_i = ci_cache->y[pid];
const float z_i = ci_cache->z[pid];
const float h_i = ci_cache->epsilon[pid];
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration and potential */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->epsilon, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded_j, VEC_SIZE);
/* Loop over every particle in the other cell. */
for (int pjd = 0; pjd < gcount_padded_j; pjd++) {
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = cj_cache->x[pjd];
const float y_j = cj_cache->y[pjd];
const float z_j = cj_cache->z[pjd];
const float mass_j = cj_cache->m[pjd];
const float h_j = cj_cache->epsilon[pjd];
/* Compute the pairwise distance. */
float dx = x_j - x_i;
float dy = y_j - y_i;
float dz = z_j - z_i;
/* Correct for periodic BCs */
if (periodic) {
dx = nearestf(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearestf(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearestf(dz, dim[2]);
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (mass_j != 0.f && gparts_j[pjd].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (gparts_i[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.f) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
if (pjd < gcount_j && gparts_j[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current &&
!gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle we interact with was not inhibited */
if (pjd < gcount_j && gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e) &&
mass_j != 0.f)
error("Inhibited particle used as gravity source.");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts_i[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_full(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, &f_ij, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount_j && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
/* Update the p2p interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount_j && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
/* Store everything back in cache */
ci_cache->a_x[pid] += a_x;
ci_cache->a_y[pid] += a_y;
ci_cache->a_z[pid] += a_z;
ci_cache->pot[pid] += pot;
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
* @brief Compute the truncated gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the particles of the other cell.
* The calculation is performed non-symmetrically using the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structures. The loop over the j cache should auto-vectorize.
* This function only makes sense in periodic BCs.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param cj_cache #gravity_cache contaning the source particles.
* @param gcount_i The number of particles in the cell i.
* @param gcount_padded_j The number of particles in the cell j padded to the
* vector length.
* @param dim The size of the simulation volume.
* @param r_s_inv The inverse of the gravity-mesh smoothing-scale.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_i The #gpart in cell i (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_j The #gpart in cell j (for debugging checks only).
* @param gcount_j The number of particles in the cell j (for debugging checks
* only).
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pp_truncated(
struct gravity_cache *restrict ci_cache,
struct gravity_cache *restrict cj_cache, const int gcount_i,
const int gcount_j, const int gcount_padded_j, const float dim[3],
const float r_s_inv, const struct engine *restrict e,
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const struct gpart *restrict gparts_j) {
if (!e->s->periodic)
error("Calling truncated PP function in non-periodic setup.");
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount_i; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!ci_cache->active[pid]) continue;
/* Skip particle that can use the multipole */
if (ci_cache->use_mpole[pid]) continue;
if (!gpart_is_active(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Inactive particle went through the cache");
const float x_i = ci_cache->x[pid];
const float y_i = ci_cache->y[pid];
const float z_i = ci_cache->z[pid];
const float h_i = ci_cache->epsilon[pid];
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration and potential */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, cj_cache->epsilon, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded_j, VEC_SIZE);
/* Loop over every particle in the other cell. */
for (int pjd = 0; pjd < gcount_padded_j; pjd++) {
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = cj_cache->x[pjd];
const float y_j = cj_cache->y[pjd];
const float z_j = cj_cache->z[pjd];
const float mass_j = cj_cache->m[pjd];
const float h_j = cj_cache->epsilon[pjd];
/* Compute the pairwise distance. */
float dx = x_j - x_i;
float dy = y_j - y_i;
float dz = z_j - z_i;
/* Correct for periodic BCs */
dx = nearestf(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearestf(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearestf(dz, dim[2]);
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (gparts_i[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (pjd < gcount_j && gparts_j[pjd].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
mass_j != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
if (pjd < gcount_j && gparts_j[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current &&
!gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle we interact with was not inhibited */
if (pjd < gcount_j && gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e) &&
mass_j != 0.f)
error("Inhibited particle used as gravity source.");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts_i[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_truncated(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, r_s_inv,
&f_ij, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount_j && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
/* Update the p2p interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount_j && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_j[pjd], e))
/* Store everything back in cache */
ci_cache->a_x[pid] += a_x;
ci_cache->a_y[pid] += a_y;
ci_cache->a_z[pid] += a_z;
ci_cache->pot[pid] += pot;
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
* @brief Compute the gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the multipole of the other cell.
* The calculation is performedusing the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structure. The loop over the i cache should auto-vectorize.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param gcount_padded_i The number of particles in the cell i padded to the
* vector length.
* @param CoM_j Position of the #multipole in #cell j.
* @param multi_j The #multipole in #cell j.
* @param periodic Is the calculation using periodic BCs ?
* @param dim The size of the simulation volume.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_i The #gpart in cell i (for debugging checks only).
* @param gcount_i The number of particles in the cell i (for debugging checks
* only).
* @param cj The #cell j (for debugging checks only).
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(
struct gravity_cache *ci_cache, const int gcount_padded_i,
const float CoM_j[3], const struct multipole *restrict multi_j,
const int periodic, const float dim[3], const struct engine *restrict e,
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const int gcount_i,
const struct cell *restrict cj) {
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, epsilon, ci_cache->epsilon,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_x, ci_cache->a_x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_y, ci_cache->a_y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_z, ci_cache->a_z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, pot, ci_cache->pot, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, active, ci_cache->active,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, use_mpole, ci_cache->use_mpole,
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded_i, VEC_SIZE);
const float multi_epsilon = multi_j->max_softening;
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
_OPENMP >= 201307
#pragma omp simd
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount_padded_i; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!active[pid]) continue;
/* Skip particle that cannot use the multipole */
if (!use_mpole[pid]) continue;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (gparts_i[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (pid < gcount_i && !gpart_is_active(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Active particle went through the cache");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts_i[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
if (pid >= gcount_i) error("Adding forces to padded particle");
const float x_i = x[pid];
const float y_i = y[pid];
const float z_i = z[pid];
/* Some powers of the softening length */
const float h_i = max(epsilon[pid], multi_epsilon);
const float h_inv_i = 1.f / h_i;
/* Distance to the Multipole */
float dx = CoM_j[0] - x_i;
float dy = CoM_j[1] - y_i;
float dz = CoM_j[2] - z_i;
/* Apply periodic BCs? */
if (periodic) {
dx = nearestf(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearestf(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearestf(dz, dim[2]);
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if (!gravity_M2P_accept(e->gravity_properties, &gparts_i[pid],
cj->grav.multipole, r2 * 1.01, periodic))
error("use_mpole[i] set when M2P accept fails");
/* Interact! */
float f_x, f_y, f_z, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pm_full(dx, dy, dz, r2, h_i, h_inv_i, multi_j, &f_x, &f_y,
&f_z, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x[pid] += f_x;
a_y[pid] += f_y;
a_z[pid] += f_z;
pot[pid] += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
if (pid < gcount_i)
/* Update the M2P interaction counter and forces. */
if (pid < gcount_i) {
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[0], f_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[1], f_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[2], f_z);
* @brief Compute the gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the multipole of the other cell.
* The calculation is performedusing the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structure. The loop over the i cache should auto-vectorize.
* This function only makes sense in periodic BCs.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param gcount_padded_i The number of particles in the cell i padded to the
* vector length.
* @param CoM_j Position of the #multipole in #cell j.
* @param multi_j The #multipole in #cell j.
* @param dim The size of the simulation volume.
* @param r_s_inv The inverse of the gravity-mesh smoothing-scale.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts_i The #gpart in cell i (for debugging checks only).
* @param gcount_i The number of particles in the cell i (for debugging checks
* only).
* @param cj The #cell j (for debugging checks only).
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_pm_truncated(
struct gravity_cache *ci_cache, const int gcount_padded_i,
const float CoM_j[3], const struct multipole *restrict multi_j,
const float dim[3], const float r_s_inv, const struct engine *restrict e,
struct gpart *restrict gparts_i, const int gcount_i,
const struct cell *restrict cj) {
if (!e->s->periodic)
error("Calling truncated PP function in non-periodic setup.");
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, epsilon, ci_cache->epsilon,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_x, ci_cache->a_x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_y, ci_cache->a_y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, a_z, ci_cache->a_z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, pot, ci_cache->pot, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, active, ci_cache->active,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(int, use_mpole, ci_cache->use_mpole,
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded_i, VEC_SIZE);
const float multi_epsilon = multi_j->max_softening;
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
_OPENMP >= 201307
#pragma omp simd
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount_padded_i; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!active[pid]) continue;
/* Skip particle that cannot use the multipole */
if (!use_mpole[pid]) continue;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (gparts_i[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (pid < gcount_i && !gpart_is_active(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Active particle went through the cache");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts_i[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts_i[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts_i[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
if (pid >= gcount_i) error("Adding forces to padded particle");
const float x_i = x[pid];
const float y_i = y[pid];
const float z_i = z[pid];
/* Some powers of the softening length */
const float h_i = max(epsilon[pid], multi_epsilon);
const float h_inv_i = 1.f / h_i;
/* Distance to the Multipole */
float dx = CoM_j[0] - x_i;
float dy = CoM_j[1] - y_i;
float dz = CoM_j[2] - z_i;
/* Apply periodic BCs */
dx = nearestf(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearestf(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearestf(dz, dim[2]);
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if (!gravity_M2P_accept(e->gravity_properties, &gparts_i[pid],
cj->grav.multipole, r2 * 1.01, /*periodic=*/1))
error("use_mpole[i] set when M2P accept fails");
/* Interact! */
float f_x, f_y, f_z, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pm_truncated(dx, dy, dz, r2, h_i, h_inv_i, r_s_inv,
multi_j, &f_x, &f_y, &f_z, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x[pid] += f_x;
a_y[pid] += f_y;
a_z[pid] += f_z;
pot[pid] += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter */
if (pid < gcount_i)
/* Update the M2P interaction counter and forces. */
if (pid < gcount_i) {
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[0], f_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[1], f_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts_i[pid].a_grav_m2p[2], f_z);
* @brief Computes the interaction of all the particles in a cell with all the
* particles of another cell.
* This function switches between the full potential and the truncated one
* depending on needs. It will also use the M2P (multipole) interaction
* for the subset of particles in either cell for which the distance criterion
* is valid.
* This function starts by constructing the require #gravity_cache for both
* cells and then call the specialised functions doing the actual work on
* the caches. It then write the data back to the particles.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The other #cell.
* @param symmetric Are we updating both cells (1) or just ci (0) ?
* @param allow_mpole Are we allowing the use of M2P interactions ?
void runner_dopair_grav_pp(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj,
const int symmetric, const int allow_mpole) {
/* Recover some useful constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const float dim[3] = {(float)e->mesh->dim[0], (float)e->mesh->dim[1],
const float r_s_inv = e->mesh->r_s_inv;
const double min_trunc = e->mesh->r_cut_min;
/* Record activity status */
const int ci_active =
cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e) && (ci->nodeID == e->nodeID);
const int cj_active =
cell_is_active_gravity(cj, e) && (cj->nodeID == e->nodeID);
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!ci_active && !cj_active) return;
if (!ci_active && !symmetric) return;
/* Check that we are not doing something stupid */
if (ci->split || cj->split) error("Running P-P on splitable cells");
/* Let's start by checking things are drifted */
if (!cell_are_gpart_drifted(ci, e)) error("Un-drifted gparts");
if (!cell_are_gpart_drifted(cj, e)) error("Un-drifted gparts");
if (cj_active && ci->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("Un-drifted multipole");
if (ci_active && cj->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("Un-drifted multipole");
/* Caches to play with */
struct gravity_cache *const ci_cache = &r->ci_gravity_cache;
struct gravity_cache *const cj_cache = &r->cj_gravity_cache;
/* Shift to apply to the particles in each cell */
const double shift_i[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
const double shift_j[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
/* Recover the multipole info and shift the CoM locations */
const float rmax_i = ci->grav.multipole->r_max;
const float rmax_j = cj->grav.multipole->r_max;
const struct multipole *multi_i = &ci->grav.multipole->m_pole;
const struct multipole *multi_j = &cj->grav.multipole->m_pole;
const float CoM_i[3] = {(float)(ci->grav.multipole->CoM[0] - shift_i[0]),
(float)(ci->grav.multipole->CoM[1] - shift_i[1]),
(float)(ci->grav.multipole->CoM[2] - shift_i[2])};
const float CoM_j[3] = {(float)(cj->grav.multipole->CoM[0] - shift_j[0]),
(float)(cj->grav.multipole->CoM[1] - shift_j[1]),
(float)(cj->grav.multipole->CoM[2] - shift_j[2])};
/* Start by constructing particle caches */
/* Computed the padded counts */
const int gcount_i = ci->grav.count;
const int gcount_j = cj->grav.count;
const int gcount_padded_i = gcount_i - (gcount_i % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
const int gcount_padded_j = gcount_j - (gcount_j % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
const int allow_multipole_i = allow_mpole && ci->grav.count > 1;
const int allow_multipole_j = allow_mpole && cj->grav.count > 1;
/* Fill the caches */
gravity_cache_populate(e->max_active_bin, allow_multipole_j, periodic, dim,
ci_cache, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i, gcount_padded_i,
shift_i, CoM_j, cj->grav.multipole, ci,
gravity_cache_populate(e->max_active_bin, allow_multipole_i, periodic, dim,
cj_cache, cj->grav.parts, gcount_j, gcount_padded_j,
shift_j, CoM_i, ci->grav.multipole, cj,
/* Can we use the Newtonian version or do we need the truncated one ? */
if (!periodic) {
/* Not periodic -> Can always use Newtonian potential */
/* Let's updated the active cell(s) only */
if (ci_active) {
/* First the P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_full(ci_cache, cj_cache, gcount_i, gcount_j,
gcount_padded_j, periodic, dim, e,
ci->grav.parts, cj->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_j)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(ci_cache, gcount_padded_i, CoM_j, multi_j,
periodic, dim, e, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i,
if (cj_active && symmetric) {
/* First the P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_full(cj_cache, ci_cache, gcount_j, gcount_i,
gcount_padded_i, periodic, dim, e,
cj->grav.parts, ci->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_i)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(cj_cache, gcount_padded_j, CoM_i, multi_i,
periodic, dim, e, cj->grav.parts, gcount_j,
} else { /* Periodic BC */
/* Get the relative distance between the CoMs */
double dx[3] = {CoM_j[0] - CoM_i[0], CoM_j[1] - CoM_i[1],
CoM_j[2] - CoM_i[2]};
/* Correct for periodic BCs */
dx[0] = nearestf(dx[0], dim[0]);
dx[1] = nearestf(dx[1], dim[1]);
dx[2] = nearestf(dx[2], dim[2]);
const double r2 = dx[0] * dx[0] + dx[1] * dx[1] + dx[2] * dx[2];
/* Get the maximal distance between any two particles */
const double max_r = sqrt(r2) + rmax_i + rmax_j;
/* Do we need to use the truncated interactions ? */
if (max_r > min_trunc) {
/* Periodic but far-away cells must use the truncated potential */
/* Let's updated the active cell(s) only */
if (ci_active) {
/* First the (truncated) P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_truncated(ci_cache, cj_cache, gcount_i, gcount_j,
gcount_padded_j, dim, r_s_inv, e,
ci->grav.parts, cj->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_j)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_truncated(ci_cache, gcount_padded_i, CoM_j,
multi_j, dim, r_s_inv, e,
ci->grav.parts, gcount_i, cj);
if (cj_active && symmetric) {
/* First the (truncated) P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_truncated(cj_cache, ci_cache, gcount_j, gcount_i,
gcount_padded_i, dim, r_s_inv, e,
cj->grav.parts, ci->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_i)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_truncated(cj_cache, gcount_padded_j, CoM_i,
multi_i, dim, r_s_inv, e,
cj->grav.parts, gcount_j, ci);
} else {
/* Periodic but close-by cells can use the full Newtonian potential */
/* Let's updated the active cell(s) only */
if (ci_active) {
/* First the (Newtonian) P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_full(ci_cache, cj_cache, gcount_i, gcount_j,
gcount_padded_j, periodic, dim, e,
ci->grav.parts, cj->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_j)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(ci_cache, gcount_padded_i, CoM_j, multi_j,
periodic, dim, e, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i,
if (cj_active && symmetric) {
/* First the (Newtonian) P2P */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_full(cj_cache, ci_cache, gcount_j, gcount_i,
gcount_padded_i, periodic, dim, e,
cj->grav.parts, ci->grav.parts);
/* Then the M2P */
if (allow_multipole_i)
runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(cj_cache, gcount_padded_j, CoM_i, multi_i,
periodic, dim, e, cj->grav.parts, gcount_j,
/* Write back to the particles in ci */
if (ci_active) {
gravity_cache_write_back(ci_cache, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i);
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
/* Write back to the particles in cj */
if (cj_active && symmetric) {
gravity_cache_write_back(cj_cache, cj->grav.parts, gcount_j);
if (lock_unlock(&cj->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
* @brief Compute the gravitational forces from particles in #cell cj onto
* particles in #cell ci without using a cache for cj.
* This function does not update the particles in cj. It also does not
* make use of the field tensors in ci.
* The function recurses to the leaf level in ci (not cj!) and then either uses
* M2P or P2P when too close.
* @param r The #runner object.
* @param ci The cell containing particles to update.
* @param cj The cell containing the particles sourcing the gravity.
void runner_dopair_grav_pp_no_cache(struct runner *r, struct cell *restrict ci,
const struct cell *restrict cj) {
/* Recover some useful constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const float dim[3] = {(float)e->mesh->dim[0], (float)e->mesh->dim[1],
/* Record activity status */
const int ci_active =
cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e) && (ci->nodeID == e->nodeID);
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!ci_active) return;
if (ci->grav.count == 0 || cj->grav.count == 0) return;
/* Recurse? */
if (ci->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (ci->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_dopair_grav_pp_no_cache(r, ci->progeny[k], cj);
} else {
/* Can we use the Newtonian version or do we need the truncated one ? */
if (!periodic) {
ci->grav.parts, ci->grav.count, cj->grav.parts, cj->grav.count, e,
e->gravity_properties, &r->ci_gravity_cache, ci, cj->grav.multipole);
} else {
ci->grav.parts, ci->grav.count, cj->grav.parts, cj->grav.count, dim,
e, e->gravity_properties, &r->ci_gravity_cache, ci,
* @brief Compute the non-truncated gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the particles of the other cell.
* The calculation is performed non-symmetrically using the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structures. The loop over the j cache should auto-vectorize.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param gcount The number of particles in the cell.
* @param gcount_padded The number of particles in the cell padded to the
* vector length.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts The #gpart in the cell (for debugging checks only).
static INLINE void runner_doself_grav_pp_full(
struct gravity_cache *restrict ci_cache, const int gcount,
const int gcount_padded, const struct engine *e, struct gpart *gparts) {
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!ci_cache->active[pid]) continue;
const float x_i = ci_cache->x[pid];
const float y_i = ci_cache->y[pid];
const float z_i = ci_cache->z[pid];
const float h_i = ci_cache->epsilon[pid];
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->epsilon, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded, VEC_SIZE);
/* Loop over every other particle in the cell. */
for (int pjd = 0; pjd < gcount_padded; pjd++) {
/* No self interaction */
if (pid == pjd) continue;
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = ci_cache->x[pjd];
const float y_j = ci_cache->y[pjd];
const float z_j = ci_cache->z[pjd];
const float mass_j = ci_cache->m[pjd];
const float h_j = ci_cache->epsilon[pjd];
/* Compute the pairwise (square) distance. */
/* Note: no need for periodic wrapping inside a cell */
const float dx = x_j - x_i;
const float dy = y_j - y_i;
const float dz = z_j - z_i;
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (gparts[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (pjd < gcount && gparts[pjd].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
mass_j != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
if (pjd < gcount && gparts[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current &&
!gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle we interact with was not inhibited */
if (pjd < gcount && gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e) && mass_j != 0.f)
error("Inhibited particle used as gravity source.");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_full(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, &f_ij, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
/* Update the P2P interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
/* Store everything back in cache */
ci_cache->a_x[pid] += a_x;
ci_cache->a_y[pid] += a_y;
ci_cache->a_z[pid] += a_z;
ci_cache->pot[pid] += pot;
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
* @brief Compute the truncated gravity interactions between all particles
* of a cell and the particles of the other cell.
* The calculation is performed non-symmetrically using the pre-filled
* #gravity_cache structures. The loop over the j cache should auto-vectorize.
* This function only makes sense in periodic BCs.
* @param ci_cache #gravity_cache contaning the particles to be updated.
* @param gcount The number of particles in the cell.
* @param gcount_padded The number of particles in the cell padded to the
* vector length.
* @param r_s_inv The inverse of the gravity-mesh smoothing-scale.
* @param e The #engine (for debugging checks only).
* @param gparts The #gpart in the cell (for debugging checks only).
static INLINE void runner_doself_grav_pp_truncated(
struct gravity_cache *restrict ci_cache, const int gcount,
const int gcount_padded, const float r_s_inv, const struct engine *e,
struct gpart *gparts) {
if (!e->s->periodic)
error("Calling truncated PP function in non-periodic setup.");
/* Loop over all particles in ci... */
for (int pid = 0; pid < gcount; pid++) {
/* Skip inactive particles */
if (!ci_cache->active[pid]) continue;
const float x_i = ci_cache->x[pid];
const float y_i = ci_cache->y[pid];
const float z_i = ci_cache->z[pid];
const float h_i = ci_cache->epsilon[pid];
/* Local accumulators for the acceleration and potential */
float a_x = 0.f, a_y = 0.f, a_z = 0.f, pot = 0.f;
/* Make the compiler understand we are in happy vectorization land */
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_align_information(float, ci_cache->epsilon, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_assume_size(gcount_padded, VEC_SIZE);
/* Loop over every other particle in the cell. */
for (int pjd = 0; pjd < gcount_padded; pjd++) {
/* No self interaction */
if (pid == pjd) continue;
/* Get info about j */
const float x_j = ci_cache->x[pjd];
const float y_j = ci_cache->y[pjd];
const float z_j = ci_cache->z[pjd];
const float mass_j = ci_cache->m[pjd];
const float h_j = ci_cache->epsilon[pjd];
/* Compute the pairwise (square) distance. */
/* Note: no need for periodic wrapping inside a cell */
const float dx = x_j - x_i;
const float dy = y_j - y_i;
const float dz = z_j - z_i;
const float r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Pick the maximal softening length of i and j */
const float h = max(h_i, h_j);
const float h2 = h * h;
const float h_inv = 1.f / h;
const float h_inv_3 = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
/* The gravity_cache are sometimes allocated with more
place than required => flag with mass=0 */
if (gparts[pid].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
ci_cache->m[pid] != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (pjd < gcount && gparts[pjd].time_bin == time_bin_not_created &&
mass_j != 0.) {
error("Found an extra gpart in the gravity interaction");
if (r2 == 0.f && h2 == 0.)
error("Interacting particles with 0 distance and 0 softening.");
/* Check that particles have been drifted to the current time */
if (gparts[pid].ti_drift != e->ti_current)
error("gpi not drifted to current time");
if (pjd < gcount && gparts[pjd].ti_drift != e->ti_current &&
!gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
error("gpj not drifted to current time");
/* Check that we are not updated an inhibited particle */
if (gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pid], e))
error("Updating an inhibited particle!");
/* Check that the particle we interact with was not inhibited */
if (pjd < gcount && gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e) && mass_j != 0.f)
error("Inhibited particle used as gravity source.");
/* Check that the particle was initialised */
if (gparts[pid].initialised == 0)
error("Adding forces to an un-initialised gpart.");
/* Interact! */
float f_ij, pot_ij;
runner_iact_grav_pp_truncated(r2, h2, h_inv, h_inv_3, mass_j, r_s_inv,
&f_ij, &pot_ij);
/* Store it back */
a_x += f_ij * dx;
a_y += f_ij * dy;
a_z += f_ij * dz;
pot += pot_ij;
/* Update the interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
/* Update the P2P interaction counter if it's not a padded gpart */
if (pjd < gcount && !gpart_is_inhibited(&gparts[pjd], e))
/* Store everything back in cache */
ci_cache->a_x[pid] += a_x;
ci_cache->a_y[pid] += a_y;
ci_cache->a_z[pid] += a_z;
ci_cache->pot[pid] += pot;
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[0], a_x);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[1], a_y);
accumulate_add_f(&gparts[pid].a_grav_p2p[2], a_z);
* @brief Computes the interaction of all the particles in a cell with all the
* other ones.
* This function switches between the full potential and the truncated one
* depending on needs.
* This function starts by constructing the require #gravity_cache for the
* cell and then call the specialised functions doing the actual work on
* the cache. It then write the data back to the particles.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param c The #cell.
void runner_doself_grav_pp(struct runner *r, struct cell *c) {
/* Recover some useful constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const float r_s_inv = e->mesh->r_s_inv;
const double min_trunc = e->mesh->r_cut_min;
if (c->grav.count == 0) error("Doing self gravity on an empty cell !");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity(c, e)) return;
/* Check that we are not doing something stupid */
if (c->split) error("Running P-P on a splitable cell");
/* Do we need to start by drifting things ? */
if (!cell_are_gpart_drifted(c, e)) error("Un-drifted gparts");
/* Start by constructing a cache for the particles */
struct gravity_cache *const ci_cache = &r->ci_gravity_cache;
/* Shift to apply to the particles in the cell */
const double loc[3] = {c->loc[0] + 0.5 * c->width[0],
c->loc[1] + 0.5 * c->width[1],
c->loc[2] + 0.5 * c->width[2]};
/* Computed the padded counts */
const int gcount = c->grav.count;
const int gcount_padded = gcount - (gcount % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
/* Fill the cache */
gravity_cache_populate_no_mpole(e->max_active_bin, ci_cache, c->grav.parts,
gcount, gcount_padded, loc, c,
/* Can we use the Newtonian version or do we need the truncated one ? */
if (!periodic) {
/* Not periodic -> Can always use Newtonian potential */
runner_doself_grav_pp_full(ci_cache, gcount, gcount_padded, e,
} else {
/* Get the maximal distance between any two particles */
const double max_r = 2. * c->grav.multipole->r_max;
/* Do we need to use the truncated interactions ? */
if (max_r > min_trunc) {
/* Periodic but far-away cells must use the truncated potential */
runner_doself_grav_pp_truncated(ci_cache, gcount, gcount_padded, r_s_inv,
e, c->grav.parts);
} else {
/* Periodic but close-by cells can use the full Newtonian potential */
runner_doself_grav_pp_full(ci_cache, gcount, gcount_padded, e,
/* Write back to the particles */
gravity_cache_write_back(ci_cache, c->grav.parts, gcount);
if (lock_unlock(&c->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
* @brief Computes the interaction of the field tensor and multipole
* of two cells symmetrically.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The second #cell.
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_mm_symmetric(struct runner *r,
struct cell *restrict ci,
struct cell *restrict cj) {
/* Some constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct gravity_props *props = e->gravity_properties;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const double dim[3] = {e->mesh->dim[0], e->mesh->dim[1], e->mesh->dim[2]};
const float r_s_inv = e->mesh->r_s_inv;
/* Anything to do here? */
if ((!cell_is_active_gravity_mm(ci, e) || ci->nodeID != engine_rank) ||
(!cell_is_active_gravity_mm(cj, e) || cj->nodeID != engine_rank))
error("Invalid state in symmetric M-M calculation!");
/* Short-cut to the multipole */
const struct multipole *multi_i = &ci->grav.multipole->m_pole;
const struct multipole *multi_j = &cj->grav.multipole->m_pole;
if (ci == cj) error("Interacting a cell with itself using M2L");
if (multi_i->num_gpart == 0)
error("Multipole i does not seem to have been set.");
if (multi_j->num_gpart == 0)
error("Multipole j does not seem to have been set.");
if (ci->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("ci->grav tensor not initialised.");
if (ci->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("cj->grav tensor not initialised.");
if (ci->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
"Undrifted multipole ci->grav.ti_old_multipole=%lld ci->nodeID=%d "
"cj->nodeID=%d e->ti_current=%lld",
ci->grav.ti_old_multipole, ci->nodeID, cj->nodeID, e->ti_current);
if (cj->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
"Undrifted multipole cj->grav.ti_old_multipole=%lld cj->nodeID=%d "
"ci->nodeID=%d e->ti_current=%lld",
cj->grav.ti_old_multipole, cj->nodeID, ci->nodeID, e->ti_current);
/* Lock the multipoles
* Note we impose a hierarchy to solve the dining philosopher problem */
if (ci < cj) {
} else {
/* Let's interact at this level */
gravity_M2L_symmetric(&ci->grav.multipole->pot, &cj->grav.multipole->pot,
multi_i, multi_j, ci->grav.multipole->CoM,
cj->grav.multipole->CoM, props, periodic, dim, r_s_inv);
/* Unlock the multipoles */
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.mlock) != 0) error("Failed to unlock multipole");
if (lock_unlock(&cj->grav.mlock) != 0) error("Failed to unlock multipole");
* @brief Computes the interaction of the field tensor in a cell with the
* multipole of another cell.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param ci The #cell with field tensor to interact.
* @param cj The #cell with the multipole.
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_mm_nonsym(struct runner *r,
struct cell *restrict ci,
struct cell *restrict cj) {
/* Some constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const struct gravity_props *props = e->gravity_properties;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const double dim[3] = {e->mesh->dim[0], e->mesh->dim[1], e->mesh->dim[2]};
const float r_s_inv = e->mesh->r_s_inv;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity_mm(ci, e) || ci->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Short-cut to the multipole */
const struct multipole *multi_j = &cj->grav.multipole->m_pole;
if (ci == cj) error("Interacting a cell with itself using M2L");
if (multi_j->num_gpart == 0)
error("Multipole does not seem to have been set.");
if (ci->grav.multipole->pot.ti_init != e->ti_current)
error("ci->grav tensor not initialised.");
if (cj->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
"Undrifted multipole cj->grav.ti_old_multipole=%lld cj->nodeID=%d "
"ci->nodeID=%d e->ti_current=%lld",
cj->grav.ti_old_multipole, cj->nodeID, ci->nodeID, e->ti_current);
/* Lock the multipoles
* Note we impose a hierarchy to solve the dining philosopher problem */
if (ci < cj) {
} else {
/* Let's interact at this level */
gravity_M2L_nonsym(&ci->grav.multipole->pot, multi_j, ci->grav.multipole->CoM,
cj->grav.multipole->CoM, props, periodic, dim, r_s_inv);
/* Unlock the multipoles */
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.mlock) != 0) error("Failed to unlock multipole");
if (lock_unlock(&cj->grav.mlock) != 0) error("Failed to unlock multipole");
* @brief Call the M-M calculation on two cells if active.
* @param r The #runner object.
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The second #cell.
static INLINE void runner_dopair_grav_mm(struct runner *r,
struct cell *restrict ci,
struct cell *restrict cj) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
/* What do we need to do? */
const int do_i =
cell_is_active_gravity_mm(ci, e) && (ci->nodeID == e->nodeID);
const int do_j =
cell_is_active_gravity_mm(cj, e) && (cj->nodeID == e->nodeID);
/* Do we need drifting first? */
if (ci->grav.ti_old_multipole < e->ti_current) cell_drift_multipole(ci, e);
if (cj->grav.ti_old_multipole < e->ti_current) cell_drift_multipole(cj, e);
/* Interact! */
if (do_i && do_j)
runner_dopair_grav_mm_symmetric(r, ci, cj);
else if (do_i)
runner_dopair_grav_mm_nonsym(r, ci, cj);
else if (do_j)
runner_dopair_grav_mm_nonsym(r, cj, ci);
* @brief Computes all the M-M interactions between all the well-separated (at
* rebuild) pairs of progenies of the two cells.
* @param r The #runner thread.
* @param flags The task flag containing the list of well-separated pairs as a
* bit-field.
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The second #cell.
void runner_dopair_grav_mm_progenies(struct runner *r, const long long flags,
struct cell *restrict ci,
struct cell *restrict cj) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
/* Clear the flags */
runner_clear_grav_flags(ci, e);
runner_clear_grav_flags(cj, e);
/* Loop over all pairs of progenies */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (ci->progeny[i] != NULL) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (cj->progeny[j] != NULL) {
struct cell *cpi = ci->progeny[i];
struct cell *cpj = cj->progeny[j];
const int flag = i * 8 + j;
/* Did we agree to use an M-M interaction here at the last rebuild? */
if (flags & (1ULL << flag)) runner_dopair_grav_mm(r, cpi, cpj);
void runner_dopair_recursive_grav_pm(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci,
const struct cell *cj) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
/* Clear the flags */
runner_clear_grav_flags(ci, e);
/* Some constants */
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const float dim[3] = {(float)e->mesh->dim[0], (float)e->mesh->dim[1],
const float r_s_inv = e->mesh->r_s_inv;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!(cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e) && ci->nodeID == e->nodeID)) return;
/* Early abort? */
if (ci->grav.count == 0 || cj->grav.count == 0)
error("Doing pair gravity on an empty cell !");
/* Sanity check */
if (ci == cj) error("Pair interaction between a cell and itself.");
if (cj->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("cj->grav.multipole not drifted.");
/* Can we recurse further? */
if (ci->split) {
/* Loop over ci's children */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (ci->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_dopair_recursive_grav_pm(r, ci->progeny[k], cj);
/* Ok, let's do the interaction here */
} else {
/* Start by constructing particle caches */
/* Cache to play with */
struct gravity_cache *const ci_cache = &r->ci_gravity_cache;
/* Computed the padded counts */
const int gcount_i = ci->grav.count;
const int gcount_padded_i = gcount_i - (gcount_i % VEC_SIZE) + VEC_SIZE;
/* Recover the multipole info and the CoM locations */
const struct multipole *multi_j = &cj->grav.multipole->m_pole;
const float CoM_j[3] = {(float)(cj->grav.multipole->CoM[0]),
if (cj->grav.count == 1)
error("Constructing cache for M2P interaction with multipole of size 0!");
/* Fill the cache */
e->max_active_bin, periodic, dim, ci_cache, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i,
gcount_padded_i, ci, CoM_j, cj->grav.multipole, e->gravity_properties);
/* Can we use the Newtonian version or do we need the truncated one ? */
if (!periodic) {
runner_dopair_grav_pm_full(ci_cache, gcount_padded_i, CoM_j, multi_j,
periodic, dim, e, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i,
} else {
runner_dopair_grav_pm_truncated(ci_cache, gcount_padded_i, CoM_j, multi_j,
dim, r_s_inv, e, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i,
/* Write back to the particles */
gravity_cache_write_back(ci_cache, ci->grav.parts, gcount_i);
if (lock_unlock(&ci->grav.plock) != 0) error("Error unlocking cell");
* @brief Computes the interaction of all the particles in a cell with all the
* particles of another cell.
* This function will try to recurse as far down the tree as possible and only
* default to direct summation if there is no better option.
* If using periodic BCs, we will abort the recursion if th distance between the
* cells is larger than the set threshold.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The other #cell.
* @param gettimer Are we timing this ?
void runner_dopair_recursive_grav(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci,
struct cell *cj, const int gettimer) {
const struct engine *e = r->e;
/* Clear the flags */
runner_clear_grav_flags(ci, e);
runner_clear_grav_flags(cj, e);
/* Some constants */
const int nodeID = e->nodeID;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const double dim[3] = {e->mesh->dim[0], e->mesh->dim[1], e->mesh->dim[2]};
const double max_distance = e->mesh->r_cut_max;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!((cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e) && ci->nodeID == nodeID) ||
(cell_is_active_gravity(cj, e) && cj->nodeID == nodeID)))
const int gcount_i = ci->grav.count;
const int gcount_j = cj->grav.count;
/* Early abort? */
if (gcount_i == 0 || gcount_j == 0)
error("Doing pair gravity on an empty cell !");
/* Sanity check */
if (ci == cj) error("Pair interaction between a cell and itself.");
if (cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e) &&
ci->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("ci->grav.multipole not drifted.");
if (cell_is_active_gravity(cj, e) &&
cj->grav.ti_old_multipole != e->ti_current)
error("cj->grav.multipole not drifted.");
/* Recover the multipole information */
struct gravity_tensors *const multi_i = ci->grav.multipole;
struct gravity_tensors *const multi_j = cj->grav.multipole;
/* Get the distance between the CoMs */
double dx = multi_i->CoM[0] - multi_j->CoM[0];
double dy = multi_i->CoM[1] - multi_j->CoM[1];
double dz = multi_i->CoM[2] - multi_j->CoM[2];
/* Apply BC */
if (periodic) {
dx = nearest(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearest(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearest(dz, dim[2]);
const double r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/* Minimal distance between any 2 particles in the two cells */
const double r_lr_check = sqrt(r2) - (multi_i->r_max + multi_j->r_max);
/* Are we beyond the distance where the truncated forces are 0? */
if (periodic && r_lr_check > max_distance) {
if (cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e))
if (cell_is_active_gravity(cj, e))
/* Need to account for the interactions we missed */
if (cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e))
if (cell_is_active_gravity(cj, e))
/* OK, we actually need to compute this pair. Let's find the cheapest
* option... */
if (ci->grav.count <= 1 || cj->grav.count <= 1) {
/* We have two cheap cells. Go P-P. */
runner_dopair_grav_pp_no_cache(r, ci, cj);
runner_dopair_grav_pp_no_cache(r, cj, ci);
/* Can we use M-M interactions ? */
} else if (gravity_M2L_accept_symmetric(e->gravity_properties, multi_i,
multi_j, r2,
/* use_rebuild_sizes=*/0, periodic)) {
/* Go M-M */
runner_dopair_grav_mm(r, ci, cj);
/* Did we reach the bottom? */
} else if (!ci->split && !cj->split) {
/* We have two leaves. Go P-P. */
runner_dopair_grav_pp(r, ci, cj, /*symmetric*/ 1, /*allow_mpoles=*/1);
} else {
/* Alright, we'll have to split and recurse. */
/* We know at least one of ci and cj is splittable */
const double ri_max = multi_i->r_max;
const double rj_max = multi_j->r_max;
/* Split the larger of the two cells and start over again */
if (ri_max > rj_max) {
/* Can we actually split that interaction ? */
if (ci->split) {
/* Loop over ci's children */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (ci->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_dopair_recursive_grav(r, ci->progeny[k], cj, 0);
} else {
/* cj is split */
/* MATTHIEU: This could maybe be replaced by P-M interactions ? */
/* Loop over cj's children */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (cj->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_dopair_recursive_grav(r, ci, cj->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* Can we actually split that interaction ? */
if (cj->split) {
/* Loop over cj's children */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (cj->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_dopair_recursive_grav(r, ci, cj->progeny[k], 0);
} else {
/* ci is split */
/* MATTHIEU: This could maybe be replaced by P-M interactions ? */
/* Loop over ci's children */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (ci->progeny[k] != NULL)
runner_dopair_recursive_grav(r, ci->progeny[k], cj, 0);
if (gettimer) TIMER_TOC(timer_dosub_pair_grav);
* @brief Computes the interaction of all the particles in a cell.
* This function will try to recurse as far down the tree as possible and only
* default to direct summation if there is no better option.
* @param r The #runner.
* @param c The first #cell.
* @param gettimer Are we timing this ?
void runner_doself_recursive_grav(struct runner *r, struct cell *c,
const int gettimer) {
/* Some constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
/* Clear the flags */
runner_clear_grav_flags(c, e);
/* Early abort? */
if (c->grav.count == 0) error("Doing self gravity on an empty cell !");
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity(c, e)) return;
/* If the cell is split, interact each progeny with itself, and with
each of its siblings. */
if (c->split) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (c->progeny[j] != NULL) {
runner_doself_recursive_grav(r, c->progeny[j], 0);
for (int k = j + 1; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
runner_dopair_recursive_grav(r, c->progeny[j], c->progeny[k], 0);
/* If the cell is not split, then just go for it... */
else {
runner_doself_grav_pp(r, c);
if (gettimer) TIMER_TOC(timer_dosub_self_grav);
* @brief Performs all M-M interactions between a given top-level cell and all
* the other top-levels that are far enough.
* @param r The thread #runner.
* @param ci The #cell of interest.
* @param timer Are we timing this ?
void runner_do_grav_long_range(struct runner *r, struct cell *ci,
const int timer) {
/* Some constants */
const struct engine *e = r->e;
const int periodic = e->mesh->periodic;
const double dim[3] = {e->mesh->dim[0], e->mesh->dim[1], e->mesh->dim[2]};
const double max_distance2 = e->mesh->r_cut_max * e->mesh->r_cut_max;
/* Recover the list of top-level cells */
struct cell *cells = e->s->cells_top;
int *cells_with_particles = e->s->cells_with_particles_top;
const int nr_cells_with_particles = e->s->nr_cells_with_particles;
/* Anything to do here? */
if (!cell_is_active_gravity(ci, e)) return;
if (ci->nodeID != engine_rank)
error("Non-local cell in long-range gravity task!");
/* Check multipole has been drifted */
if (ci->grav.ti_old_multipole < e->ti_current) cell_drift_multipole(ci, e);
/* Get this cell's multipole information */
struct gravity_tensors *const multi_i = ci->grav.multipole;
/* Find this cell's top-level (great-)parent */
struct cell *top = ci;
while (top->parent != NULL) top = top->parent;
/* Loop over all the top-level cells and go for a M-M interaction if
* well-separated */
for (int n = 0; n < nr_cells_with_particles; ++n) {
/* Handle on the top-level cell and it's gravity business*/
struct cell *cj = &cells[cells_with_particles[n]];
struct gravity_tensors *const multi_j = cj->grav.multipole;
/* Avoid self contributions */
if (top == cj) continue;
/* Skip empty cells */
if (multi_j->m_pole.M_000 == 0.f) continue;
/* Can we escape early in the periodic BC case? */
if (periodic) {
/* Minimal distance between any pair of particles */
const double min_radius2 =
cell_min_dist2_same_size(top, cj, periodic, dim);
/* Are we beyond the distance where the truncated forces are 0 ?*/
if (min_radius2 > max_distance2) {
/* Need to account for the interactions we missed */
/* Need to account for the interactions we missed */
/* Record that this multipole received a contribution */
multi_i->pot.interacted = 1;
/* We are done here. */
if (cell_can_use_pair_mm(top, cj, e, e->s, /*use_rebuild_data=*/1,
/*is_tree_walk=*/0)) {
/* Call the PM interaction fucntion on the active sub-cells of ci */
runner_dopair_grav_mm_nonsym(r, ci, cj);
// runner_dopair_recursive_grav_pm(r, ci, cj);
/* Record that this multipole received a contribution */
multi_i->pot.interacted = 1;
} /* We are in charge of this pair */
} /* Loop over top-level cells */
if (timer) TIMER_TOC(timer_dograv_long_range);