* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* MPI headers. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* This object's header. */
#include "queue.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "atomic.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "memswap.h"
* @brief Push the task at the given index up the heap until it is either at the
* top or smaller than its parent.
* @param q The task #queue.
* @param ind The index of the task to be sifted-down in the queue.
* @return The new index of the entry.
int queue_bubble_up(struct queue *q, int ind) {
/* Set some pointers we will use often. */
struct queue_entry *entries = q->entries;
const float w = entries[ind].weight;
/* While we are not yet at the top of the heap... */
while (ind > 0) {
/* Check if the parent is larger and bail if not.. */
const int parent = (ind - 1) / 2;
if (w < entries[parent].weight) break;
/* Parent is not larger, so swap. */
memswap(&entries[ind], &entries[parent], sizeof(struct queue_entry));
ind = parent;
return ind;
* @brief Push the task at the given index down the heap until both its children
* have a smaller weight.
* @param q The task #queue.
* @param ind The index of the task to be sifted-down in the queue.
* @return The new index of the entry.
int queue_sift_down(struct queue *q, int ind) {
/* Set some pointers we will use often. */
struct queue_entry *entries = q->entries;
const int qcount = q->count;
const float w = entries[ind].weight;
/* While we still have at least one child... */
while (1) {
/* Check if we still have children. */
int child = 2 * ind + 1;
if (child >= qcount) break;
/* Which of both children is the largest? */
if (child + 1 < qcount && entries[child + 1].weight > entries[child].weight)
child += 1;
/* Do we want to swap with the largest child? */
if (entries[child].weight > w) {
memswap(&entries[ind], &entries[child], sizeof(struct queue_entry));
ind = child;
} else
return ind;
* @brief Enqueue all tasks in the incoming DEQ.
* @param q The #queue, assumed to be locked.
void queue_get_incoming(struct queue *q) {
struct queue_entry *entries = q->entries;
/* Loop over the incoming DEQ. */
while (1) {
/* Is there a next element? */
const int ind = q->first_incoming % queue_incoming_size;
if (q->tid_incoming[ind] < 0) break;
/* Get the next offset off the DEQ. */
const int offset = atomic_swap(&q->tid_incoming[ind], -1);
/* Does the queue need to be grown? */
if (q->count == q->size) {
struct queue_entry *temp;
q->size *= queue_sizegrow;
if ((temp = (struct queue_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct queue_entry) *
q->size)) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate new indices.");
memcpy(temp, entries, sizeof(struct queue_entry) * q->count);
q->entries = entries = temp;
/* Drop the task at the end of the queue. */
entries[q->count].tid = offset;
entries[q->count].weight = q->tasks[offset].weight;
q->count += 1;
/* Re-heap by bubbling up the new (last) element. */
queue_bubble_up(q, q->count - 1);
/* Check the queue's consistency. */
for (int k = 1; k < q->count; k++)
if (entries[(k - 1) / 2].weight < entries[k].weight)
error("Queue heap is disordered.");
* @brief Insert a used tasks into the given queue.
* @param q The #queue.
* @param t The #task.
void queue_insert(struct queue *q, struct task *t) {
/* Get an index in the DEQ. */
const int ind = atomic_inc(&q->last_incoming) % queue_incoming_size;
/* Spin until the new offset can be stored. */
while (atomic_cas(&q->tid_incoming[ind], -1, t - q->tasks) != -1) {
/* Try to get the queue lock, non-blocking, ensures that at
least somebody is working on this queue. */
if (lock_trylock(&q->lock) == 0) {
/* Clean up the incoming DEQ. */
/* Release the queue lock. */
if (lock_unlock(&q->lock) != 0) {
error("Unlocking the qlock failed.\n");
/* Increase the incoming count. */
* @brief Initialize the given queue.
* @param q The #queue.
* @param tasks List of tasks to which the queue indices refer to.
void queue_init(struct queue *q, struct task *tasks) {
/* Allocate the task list if needed. */
q->size = queue_sizeinit;
if ((q->entries = (struct queue_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct queue_entry) *
q->size)) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate queue entries.");
/* Set the tasks pointer. */
q->tasks = tasks;
/* Init counters. */
q->count = 0;
/* Init the queue lock. */
if (lock_init(&q->lock) != 0) error("Failed to init queue lock.");
/* Init the incoming DEQ. */
if ((q->tid_incoming = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * queue_incoming_size)) ==
error("Failed to allocate queue incoming buffer.");
for (int k = 0; k < queue_incoming_size; k++) {
q->tid_incoming[k] = -1;
q->first_incoming = 0;
q->last_incoming = 0;
q->count_incoming = 0;
* @brief Get a task free of dependencies and conflicts.
* @param q The task #queue.
* @param prev The previous #task extracted from this #queue.
* @param blocking Block until access to the queue is granted.
struct task *queue_gettask(struct queue *q, const struct task *prev,
int blocking) {
swift_lock_type *qlock = &q->lock;
struct task *res = NULL;
/* Grab the task lock. */
if (blocking) {
if (lock_lock(qlock) != 0) error("Locking the qlock failed.\n");
} else {
if (lock_trylock(qlock) != 0) return NULL;
/* Fill any tasks from the incoming DEQ. */
/* If there are no tasks, leave immediately. */
if (q->count == 0) {
return NULL;
/* Set some pointers we will use often. */
struct queue_entry *entries = q->entries;
struct task *qtasks = q->tasks;
const int old_qcount = q->count;
/* Loop over the queue entries. */
int ind;
for (ind = 0; ind < old_qcount; ind++) {
/* Try to lock the next task. */
if (task_lock(&qtasks[entries[ind].tid])) break;
/* Should we de-prioritize this task? */
// MATTHIEU: We now have more than 64 tasks so the bit-wise
// operation here is problematic.
// However, the mask was such that this condition is always true anyway.
if (1 /* (1ULL << qtasks[entries[ind].tid].type) & */
/* queue_lock_fail_reweight_mask */) {
/* Scale the task's weight. */
entries[ind].weight *= queue_lock_fail_reweight_factor;
/* Send it down the binary heap. */
if (queue_sift_down(q, ind) != ind) ind -= 1;
/* Did we get a task? */
if (ind < old_qcount) {
/* Another one bites the dust. */
const int qcount = q->count -= 1;
/* Get a pointer on the task that we want to return. */
res = &qtasks[entries[ind].tid];
/* Swap this task with the last task and re-heap. */
if (ind < qcount) {
entries[ind] = entries[qcount];
ind = queue_bubble_up(q, ind);
ind = queue_sift_down(q, ind);
} else
res = NULL;
/* Check the queue's consistency. */
for (int k = 1; k < q->count; k++)
if (entries[(k - 1) / 2].weight < entries[k].weight)
error("Queue heap is disordered.");
/* Release the task lock. */
if (lock_unlock(qlock) != 0) error("Unlocking the qlock failed.\n");
/* Take the money and run. */
return res;
void queue_clean(struct queue *q) {
* @brief Dump a formatted list of tasks in the queue to the given file stream.
* @param nodeID the node id of this rank.
* @param index a number for this queue, added to the output.
* @param file the FILE stream, should opened for write.
* @param q The task #queue.
void queue_dump(int nodeID, int index, FILE *file, struct queue *q) {
swift_lock_type *qlock = &q->lock;
/* Grab the queue lock. */
if (lock_lock(qlock) != 0) error("Locking the qlock failed.\n");
/* Fill any tasks from the incoming DEQ. */
/* Loop over the queue entries. */
for (int k = 0; k < q->count; k++) {
struct task *t = &q->tasks[q->entries[k].tid];
fprintf(file, "%d %d %d %s %s %.2f\n", nodeID, index, k,
taskID_names[t->type], subtaskID_names[t->subtype], t->weight);
/* Release the task lock. */
if (lock_unlock(qlock) != 0) error("Unlocking the qlock failed.\n");