/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk) * Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SWIFT_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS_CGS_H #define SWIFT_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS_CGS_H /** * @file physical_constants_cgs.h * @brief Physical constants in the rationalized-CGS unit system. * * The constants declared in this file should _NOT_ be used directly * Users should use the converted values in the phys_const structure * where all the constants are defined in the system of units specified * in the parameter file. * * Of special interest if the value of G which is 0.03% different from the * default value adopted by Gadget-2 (G = 6.672e-8). * * All values are taken from M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), * Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update. * http://pdg.lbl.gov/2019/reviews/rpp2018-rev-phys-constants.pdf * http://pdg.lbl.gov/2019/reviews/rpp2018-rev-astrophysical-constants.pdf * * The primordial Helium fraction is the value obtained by WMAP7. * * The case B recombination coefficient is taken from * Pequignot, Petitjean & Boisson, 1991, A&A, 251, 680 */ #ifdef SWIFT_USE_GADGET2_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS /*! Newton's gravitation constant [g^-1 cm^3 s^-2] */ const double const_newton_G_cgs = 6.672e-8; #else /*! Newton's gravitation constant [g^-1 cm^3 s^-2] */ const double const_newton_G_cgs = 6.67430e-8; #endif /*! Speed of light in vacuum [cm s^-1] */ const double const_speed_light_c_cgs = 2.99792458e10; /*! Planck's constant [g cm^2 s^-1] */ const double const_planck_h_cgs = 6.62607015e-27; /*! Planck's reduced constant [g cm^2 s^-1] */ const double const_planck_hbar_cgs = 1.054571817e-27; /*! Boltzmann's constant [g cm^2 s^-2 K^-1] */ const double const_boltzmann_k_cgs = 1.380649e-16; /*! Avogadro number [-] */ const double const_avogadro_number_cgs = 6.02214076e23; /*! Thomson cross-section [cm^2] */ const double const_thomson_cross_section_cgs = 6.6524587321e-25; /*! Stefan-Boltzmann constant [g s^-3 K^-4] */ const double const_stefan_boltzmann_cgs = 5.670374419e-5; /*! Elementary charge [A s] */ const double const_electron_charge_cgs = 1.602176634e-19; /*! Vacuum permeability [g cm s^-2 A^-2] */ const double const_vacuum_permeability_cgs = 1.2566370621219e-1; /* 4 pi / 100 */ /*! Electron-Volt [g cm^2 s^-2] */ const double const_electron_volt_cgs = 1.602176634e-12; /*! Mass of the electron [g] */ const double const_electron_mass_cgs = 9.1093837015e-28; /*! Mass of the proton [g] */ const double const_proton_mass_cgs = 1.67262192369e-24; /*! Tropical year [s] */ const double const_year_cgs = 3.15569251e7; /*! Astronomical unit [cm] */ const double const_astronomical_unit_cgs = 1.49597870700e13; #ifdef SWIFT_USE_GADGET2_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS /*! Parsec [cm] */ const double const_parsec_cgs = 3.085678e18; #else /*! Parsec [cm] */ const double const_parsec_cgs = 3.08567758149e18; #endif /*! Light-year [cm] */ const double const_light_year_cgs = 9.46063e17; /*! Solar radius [cm] */ const double const_solar_radius_cgs = 6.957e10; /*! Earth radius [cm] */ const double const_earth_radius_cgs = 6.3781e8; #ifdef SWIFT_USE_GADGET2_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS /*! Mass of the Sun [g] */ const double const_solar_mass_cgs = 1.989e33; #else /*! Mass of the Sun [g] */ const double const_solar_mass_cgs = 1.98841e33; #endif /*! Mass of the Earth [g] */ const double const_earth_mass_cgs = 5.97217e27; /*! Luminosity of the Sun [g cm^2 s^-3] */ const double const_solar_luminosity_cgs = 3.828e33; /*! Temperature of the CMB at present day [K] */ const double const_T_CMB_0_cgs = 2.7255; /*! Primordial Helium fraction (from WMAP7) [-] */ const double const_primordial_He_fraction_cgs = 0.248; #ifdef SWIFT_USE_GADGET2_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS /*! Reduced Hubble constant units (i.e. H_0 / h == 100 km / s / Mpc in CGS) * [s^-1] */ const double const_reduced_hubble_cgs = 3.2407789e-18; #else /*! Reduced Hubble constant units (i.e. H_0 / h == 100 km / s / Mpc in CGS) * [s^-1] */ const double const_reduced_hubble_cgs = 3.2407792894458e-18; #endif /*! Case B recombination coefficient for hydrogen at 10^4 K [cm^3 s^-1] */ const double const_caseb_recomb_cgs = 2.6e-13; #endif /* SWIFT_PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS_CGS_H */