* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Stuart McAlpine (stuart.mcalpine@helsinki.fi)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef SWIFT_LOS_H
#define SWIFT_LOS_H
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local includes. */
#include "io_properties.h"
/* Pre-declarations */
struct engine;
* @brief Maps the LOS axis geometry to the simulation axis geometry.
* Sigtlines will always shoot down the los_direction_z,
* which can map to x,y or z of the simulation geometry.
* The remainng two axes, los_direction_x/y, then create
* the plane orthogonal to the LOS direction. The random
* sightline positions are created on this plane.
enum los_direction { simulation_x_axis, simulation_y_axis, simulation_z_axis };
* @brief Properties of a single line-of-sight
struct line_of_sight {
/*! Simulation axis the LOS shoots down. */
enum los_direction zaxis;
/*! The two remaining axes defining the plane orthogonal to the sightline. */
enum los_direction xaxis, yaxis;
/*! Sightline position along los_direction_x. */
double Xpos;
/*! Sightline position along los_direction_y. */
double Ypos;
/*! Number of parts in LOS. */
int particles_in_los_total;
/*! Number of parts in LOS on this node. */
int particles_in_los_local;
/*! Is the simulation periodic? */
int periodic;
/*! Dimensions of the space. */
double dim[3];
/*! How many top level cells does ths LOS intersect? */
int num_intersecting_top_level_cells;
/*! The min--max range to consider for parts in LOS. */
double range_when_shooting_down_axis[2];
* @brief Properties of the line-of-sight computation
struct los_props {
/*! Number of sightlines shooting down simulation z axis. */
int num_along_z;
/*! Number of sightlines shooting down simulation x axis. */
int num_along_x;
/*! Number of sightlines shooting down simulation y axis. */
int num_along_y;
/*! Total number of sightlines. */
int num_tot;
/*! The min--max range along the simulation x axis random sightlines are
* allowed. */
double allowed_losrange_x[2];
/*! The min--max range along the simulation y axis random sightlines are
* allowed. */
double allowed_losrange_y[2];
/*! The min--max range along the simulation z axis random sightlines are
* allowed. */
double allowed_losrange_z[2];
/*! The min--max range to consider when LOS is shooting down each simulation
* axis. */
double range_when_shooting_down_axis[3][2];
/*! Base name for line of sight HDF5 files. */
char basename[200];
void print_los_info(const struct line_of_sight *Los, const int i);
void do_line_of_sight(struct engine *e);
void los_init(const double dim[3], struct los_props *los_params,
struct swift_params *params);
void los_io_output_check(const struct engine *e);
void los_struct_dump(const struct los_props *internal_los, FILE *stream);
void los_struct_restore(const struct los_props *internal_los, FILE *stream);
#endif /* SWIFT_LOS_H */