* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2021 John Helly (j.c.helly@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "chemistry.h"
#include "common_io.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "io_compression.h"
#include "part_type.h"
#include "stars.h"
#include "units.h"
/* Forward declarations */
struct gpart;
struct part;
struct xpart;
struct spart;
struct bpart;
struct lightcone_props;
struct engine;
* Struct to describe an output field in the lightcone
struct lightcone_io_field {
/* Name */
/* Type of the field */
enum IO_DATA_TYPE type;
/* Dimension (1D, 3D, ...) */
int dimension;
/* Offset to this field in the data struct */
size_t offset;
/* Units of this quantity */
enum unit_conversion_factor units;
/* Scale-factor exponent to apply for unit conversion to physical */
float scale_factor_exponent;
/* Lossy compression to use for this field */
enum lossy_compression_schemes compression;
/* Pointer to the next field */
struct lightcone_io_field *next;
* Struct to store a linked list of lightcone_io_props
struct lightcone_io_field_list {
/* Pointer to the first field */
struct lightcone_io_field *first;
/* Pointer to the last field */
struct lightcone_io_field *last;
/* Number of fields */
int num_fields;
* @brief Gas particle data for lightcone output
struct lightcone_gas_data {
long long id;
double x[3];
float vel[3];
float mass;
float a;
float h;
float rho;
float temperature;
float smoothed_metal_mass_fraction[chemistry_element_count];
float metal_mass_fraction_total;
float smoothed_metal_mass_fraction_total;
#ifdef COOLING_PS2020
double electron_density;
double ycompton;
#ifdef WITH_FOF
long long group_id;
#if defined(TRACERS_EAGLE) || defined(TRACERS_FLAMINGO)
float last_AGN_injection_scale_factor;
float sfr;
int lightcone_store_gas(const struct engine *e, struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct gpart *gp, const struct part *p,
const struct xpart *xp, const double a_cross,
const double x_cross[3],
struct lightcone_gas_data *data);
* @brief Dark matter particle data for lightcone output
struct lightcone_dark_matter_data {
long long id;
double x[3];
float vel[3];
float mass;
float a;
int lightcone_store_dark_matter(const struct engine *e,
struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct gpart *gp, const double a_cross,
const double x_cross[3],
struct lightcone_dark_matter_data *data);
* @brief Star particle data for lightcone output
struct lightcone_stars_data {
long long id;
double x[3];
float vel[3];
float mass;
float a;
#ifdef WITH_FOF
long long group_id;
float mass_init;
float birth_scale_factor;
float birth_density;
float luminosities[luminosity_bands_count];
float smoothed_metal_mass_fraction[chemistry_element_count];
float metal_mass_fraction_total;
float smoothed_metal_mass_fraction_total;
#if defined(TRACERS_EAGLE) || defined(TRACERS_FLAMINGO)
float last_AGN_injection_scale_factor;
int lightcone_store_stars(const struct engine *e, struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct gpart *gp, const struct spart *sp,
const double a_cross, const double x_cross[3],
struct lightcone_stars_data *data);
* @brief Black hole particle data for lightcone output
struct lightcone_black_hole_data {
long long id;
double x[3];
float vel[3];
float mass;
float a;
float subgrid_mass;
float formation_scale_factor;
float accretion_rate;
float total_accreted_mass;
float last_minor_merger_scale_factor;
float last_major_merger_scale_factor;
int number_of_mergers;
float last_AGN_event_scale_factor;
int AGN_number_of_AGN_events;
int AGN_number_of_energy_injections;
float last_high_Eddington_fraction_scale_factor;
int cumulative_number_seeds;
#ifdef WITH_FOF
long long group_id;
int lightcone_store_black_hole(const struct engine *e,
struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct gpart *gp, const struct bpart *bp,
const double a_cross, const double x_cross[3],
struct lightcone_black_hole_data *data);
* @brief Neutrino particle data for lightcone output
struct lightcone_neutrino_data {
long long id;
double x[3];
float vel[3];
float mass;
float weight;
float a;
int lightcone_store_neutrino(const struct engine *e,
struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct gpart *gp, const double a_cross,
const double x_cross[3],
struct lightcone_neutrino_data *data);
void lightcone_write_particles(struct lightcone_props *props,
const struct unit_system *internal_units,
const struct unit_system *snapshot_units,
int ptype, hid_t file_id);
inline static size_t lightcone_io_struct_size(int ptype) {
switch (ptype) {
case swift_type_dark_matter:
case swift_type_dark_matter_background:
return sizeof(struct lightcone_dark_matter_data);
case swift_type_gas:
return sizeof(struct lightcone_gas_data);
case swift_type_stars:
return sizeof(struct lightcone_stars_data);
case swift_type_black_hole:
return sizeof(struct lightcone_black_hole_data);
case swift_type_neutrino:
return sizeof(struct lightcone_neutrino_data);
error("Unhandled particle type");
return 0;
void lightcone_io_field_list_init(struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_field_list_clean(struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_field_list_append(struct lightcone_io_field_list *list,
char *name, enum IO_DATA_TYPE type,
int dimension, size_t offset,
enum unit_conversion_factor units,
float scale_factor_exponent,
char *compression);
void lightcone_io_append_gas_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_append_dark_matter_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_append_dark_matter_background_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_append_stars_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_append_black_hole_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);
void lightcone_io_append_neutrino_output_fields(
struct lightcone_io_field_list *list);