* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2021 John Helly (j.c.helly@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "lightcone/lightcone_map.h"
/* Local headers */
#include "align.h"
#include "common_io.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "memuse.h"
#include "restart.h"
/* HDF5 */
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
void lightcone_map_init(struct lightcone_map *map, const int nside,
const pixel_index_t total_nr_pix,
const pixel_index_t pix_per_rank,
const pixel_index_t local_nr_pix,
const pixel_index_t local_pix_offset,
const double r_min, const double r_max,
struct lightcone_map_type type) {
/*Store number of pixels in the map etc */
map->nside = nside;
map->total_nr_pix = total_nr_pix;
map->pix_per_rank = pix_per_rank;
map->local_nr_pix = local_nr_pix;
map->local_pix_offset = local_pix_offset;
/* Pixel data is initially not allocated */
map->data = NULL;
/* Store resolution parameter, shell size, units etc */
map->r_min = r_min;
map->r_max = r_max;
map->type = type;
/* Store factor used to retrieve values from the update buffer */
map->buffer_scale_factor_inv = 1.0 / (type.buffer_scale_factor);
/* Initialize total for consistency check */
map->total = 0.0;
* @brief Deallocate the lightcone_map pixel data
* @param map the #lightcone_map structure
void lightcone_map_clean(struct lightcone_map *map) {
if (map->data) lightcone_map_free_pixels(map);
* @brief Allocate (and maybe initialize) the lightcone_map pixel data
* @param map the #lightcone_map structure
* @param zero_pixels if true, set allocated pixels to zero
void lightcone_map_allocate_pixels(struct lightcone_map *map,
const int zero_pixels) {
if (swift_memalign("lightcone_map_pixels", (void **)&map->data,
sizeof(double) * map->local_nr_pix) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate lightcone map pixel data");
if (zero_pixels) {
for (pixel_index_t i = 0; i < map->local_nr_pix; i += 1) map->data[i] = 0.0;
void lightcone_map_free_pixels(struct lightcone_map *map) {
swift_free("lightcone_map_pixels", (void *)map->data);
map->data = NULL;
* @brief Dump lightcone_map struct to the output stream.
* @param map the #lightcone_map structure
* @param stream The stream to write to.
void lightcone_map_struct_dump(const struct lightcone_map *map, FILE *stream) {
/* Write the struct */
restart_write_blocks((void *)map, sizeof(struct lightcone_map), 1, stream,
"lightcone_map", "lightcone_map");
/* Write the pixel data if it is allocated */
if (map->data)
restart_write_blocks((void *)map->data, sizeof(double), map->local_nr_pix,
stream, "lightcone_map_data", "lightcone_map_data");
* @brief Restore lightcone_map struct from the input stream.
* @param map the #lightcone_map structure
* @param stream The stream to read from.
void lightcone_map_struct_restore(struct lightcone_map *map, FILE *stream) {
/* Read the struct */
restart_read_blocks((void *)map, sizeof(struct lightcone_map), 1, stream,
NULL, "lightcone_map");
/* Read the pixel data if it was allocated.
map->data from the restart file is not a valid pointer now but we can
check if it is not null to see if the pixel data block was written out. */
if (map->data) {
lightcone_map_allocate_pixels(map, /* zero_pixels = */ 0);
restart_read_blocks((void *)map->data, sizeof(double), map->local_nr_pix,
stream, NULL, "lightcone_map");
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
* @brief Write a lightcone map to a HDF5 file
* @param map the #lightcone_map structure
* @param loc a HDF5 file or group identifier to write to
* @param name the name of the dataset to create
void lightcone_map_write(struct lightcone_map *map, const hid_t loc_id,
const char *name,
const struct unit_system *internal_units,
const struct unit_system *snapshot_units,
const int collective, const int gzip_level,
const int chunk_size,
enum lossy_compression_schemes compression) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
int comm_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);
/* Find unit conversion factor for this quantity */
const double map_conversion_factor =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, map->type.units);
/* Convert units of pixel data if necessary */
if (map_conversion_factor != 1.0) {
for (pixel_index_t i = 0; i < map->local_nr_pix; i += 1)
map->data[i] *= map_conversion_factor;
/* Get conversion factor for shell radii */
const double length_conversion_factor =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH);
/* Create dataspace in memory corresponding to local pixels */
const hsize_t mem_dims[1] = {(hsize_t)map->local_nr_pix};
hid_t mem_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, mem_dims, NULL);
if (mem_space_id < 0) error("Unable to create memory dataspace");
/* Create dataspace corresponding to the part of the map in this file. */
hsize_t file_dims[1];
if (collective) {
/* For collective writes the file contains the full map */
file_dims[0] = (hsize_t)map->total_nr_pix;
} else {
/* For distributed writes the file contains the local pixels only */
file_dims[0] = (hsize_t)map->local_nr_pix;
hid_t file_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, file_dims, NULL);
if (file_space_id < 0) error("Unable to create file dataspace");
/* Select the part of the dataset in the file to write to */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (collective) {
const pixel_index_t pixel_offset = map->local_pix_offset;
const hsize_t start[1] = {(hsize_t)pixel_offset};
const hsize_t count[1] = {(hsize_t)map->local_nr_pix};
if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count,
NULL) < 0)
error("Unable to select part of file dataspace to write to");
if (collective)
error("Writing lightcone maps with collective I/O requires parallel HDF5");
/* Property list for creating the dataset */
hid_t prop_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
/* Data type to write in the file */
hid_t dtype_id = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
/* In non-collective mode we may want to enable compression, which requires
a chunked dataset layout. If no compression filters are in use we use
a contiguous layout. */
if (!collective) {
/* Set lossy compression, if requested. This might change the
output data type and add to the property list. */
char filter_name[32];
set_hdf5_lossy_compression(&prop_id, &dtype_id, compression, name,
/* Set lossless compression */
if (gzip_level > 0) {
if (H5Pset_deflate(prop_id, gzip_level) < 0)
error("Unable to set HDF5 deflate filter for healpix map");
/* Set the chunk size, but only if we're using filters */
if (H5Pget_nfilters(prop_id) > 0) {
hsize_t dim[1];
if (map->local_nr_pix > chunk_size) {
dim[0] = (hsize_t)chunk_size;
} else {
dim[0] = (hsize_t)map->local_nr_pix;
if (H5Pset_chunk(prop_id, 1, dim) < 0)
error("Unable to set HDF5 chunk size for healpix map");
/* Create the dataset */
hid_t dset_id = H5Dcreate(loc_id, name, dtype_id, file_space_id, H5P_DEFAULT,
prop_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (dset_id < 0) error("Unable to create dataset %s", name);
/* Write attributes */
io_write_attribute_i(dset_id, "nside", map->nside);
io_write_attribute_ll(dset_id, "number_of_pixels",
(long long)map->total_nr_pix);
io_write_attribute_s(dset_id, "pixel_ordering_scheme", "ring");
io_write_attribute_d(dset_id, "comoving_inner_radius",
map->r_min * length_conversion_factor);
io_write_attribute_d(dset_id, "comoving_outer_radius",
map->r_max * length_conversion_factor);
/* Write unit conversion factors for this data set */
char buffer[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
units_cgs_conversion_string(buffer, snapshot_units, map->type.units, 0.f);
float baseUnitsExp[5];
units_get_base_unit_exponents_array(baseUnitsExp, map->type.units);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_M exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_MASS]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_L exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_LENGTH]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_t exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TIME]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_I exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_CURRENT]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_T exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TEMPERATURE]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "h-scale exponent", 0.f);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "a-scale exponent", 0.f);
io_write_attribute_s(dset_id, "Expression for physical CGS units", buffer);
io_write_attribute_b(dset_id, "Value stored as physical", 0);
io_write_attribute_b(dset_id, "Property can be converted to comoving", 1);
/* Write the actual number this conversion factor corresponds to */
const double cgs_factor =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(snapshot_units, map->type.units);
"Conversion factor to CGS (not including cosmological corrections)",
/* Consistency check: will write out expected sum over pixels */
double total = map->total;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
MPI_Allreduce(&map->total, &total, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
total *= map_conversion_factor;
io_write_attribute_d(dset_id, "expected_sum", total);
/* Set up property list for the write */
hid_t h_plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
#if defined(WITH_MPI)
if (collective) {
if (H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(h_plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) < 0)
error("Unable to set collective transfer mode");
if (collective)
error("Writing lightcone maps with MPI requires parallel HDF5");
/* Write the data */
if (H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_space_id, file_space_id,
h_plist_id, map->data) < 0)
error("Unable to write dataset %s", name);
/* Tidy up */
#endif /* HAVE_HDF5*/