/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2021 John Helly (j.c.helly@durham.ac.uk) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ /* Config parameters. */ #include /* Local headers. */ #include "cosmology.h" #include "gravity.h" #include "lightcone/lightcone.h" #include "lightcone/lightcone_particle_io.h" #include "lightcone/lightcone_replications.h" #include "part.h" #include "stars.h" #include "timeline.h" #ifndef SWIFT_LIGHTCONE_CROSSING_H #define SWIFT_LIGHTCONE_CROSSING_H /** * @brief Check if a particle crosses the lightcone during a drift. * * Here we don't assume anything about the particle type except * that it has a corresponding #gpart. The particle type is checked * if we decide to output the particle. * * Note that x and v_full are values at the start of the time step but * the particle has been drifted to the end of the time step when this * function is called. * * @param e the #engine struct * @param replication_list_array one replication list for each lightcone * @param x the position of the particle BEFORE it is drifted * @param v_full the velocity of the particle * @param gp pointer to the #gpart to check * @param dt_drift the time step size used to update the position * @param ti_old begining of the time step on the integer time line * @param ti_current end of the time step on the integer time line * @param cell_loc coordinates of the #cell containing the #gpart * */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void lightcone_check_particle_crosses( const struct engine *e, struct replication_list *replication_list_array, const double *x, const float *v_full, const struct gpart *gp, const double dt_drift, const integertime_t ti_old, const integertime_t ti_current, const double cell_loc[3]) { /* Does this particle type contribute to any lightcone outputs at this * redshift? */ if (e->lightcone_array_properties->check_type_for_crossing[gp->type] == 0) return; /* Check if we have any replications to search */ /* TODO: pre-calculate this for each cell to save time */ int nrep_tot = 0; const int nr_lightcones = e->lightcone_array_properties->nr_lightcones; for (int lightcone_nr = 0; lightcone_nr < nr_lightcones; lightcone_nr += 1) { nrep_tot += replication_list_array[lightcone_nr].nrep; } if (nrep_tot == 0) return; /* Unpack some variables we need */ const struct cosmology *c = e->cosmology; /* Determine expansion factor at start and end of the drift */ const double a_start = c->a_begin * exp(ti_old * c->time_base); const double a_end = c->a_begin * exp(ti_current * c->time_base); /* Find comoving distance to these expansion factors */ const double comoving_dist_start = cosmology_get_comoving_distance(c, a_start); const double comoving_dist_2_start = comoving_dist_start * comoving_dist_start; const double comoving_dist_end = cosmology_get_comoving_distance(c, a_end); const double comoving_dist_2_end = comoving_dist_end * comoving_dist_end; /* Thickness of the 'shell' between the lightcone surfaces at start and end of drift. We use this as a limit on how far a particle can drift (i.e. assume v < c).*/ const double boundary = comoving_dist_2_start - comoving_dist_2_end; /* Wrap particle starting coordinates to nearest it's parent cell */ const double boxsize = e->s->dim[0]; const double x_wrapped[3] = { box_wrap(x[0], cell_loc[0] - 0.5 * boxsize, cell_loc[0] + 0.5 * boxsize), box_wrap(x[1], cell_loc[1] - 0.5 * boxsize, cell_loc[1] + 0.5 * boxsize), box_wrap(x[2], cell_loc[2] - 0.5 * boxsize, cell_loc[2] + 0.5 * boxsize)}; /* Loop over lightcones to make */ for (int lightcone_nr = 0; lightcone_nr < nr_lightcones; lightcone_nr += 1) { /* Find the current lightcone and its replication list */ struct lightcone_props *props = e->lightcone_array_properties->lightcone + lightcone_nr; struct replication_list *replication_list = replication_list_array + lightcone_nr; /* Consistency check - are our limits on the drift endpoints good? */ if (ti_old < props->ti_old || ti_current > props->ti_current) error( "Particle drift is outside the range used to make replication list!"); /* Are there any replications to check at this timestep? */ const int nreps = replication_list->nrep; if (nreps == 0) continue; const struct replication *rep = replication_list->replication; /* Find observer position for this lightcone */ const double *observer_position = props->observer_position; /* Does this drift overlap the lightcone redshift range? If not, nothing to * do. */ if ((a_start > props->a_max) || (a_end < props->a_min)) continue; /* Get wrapped position relative to observer */ const double x_wrapped_rel[3] = {x_wrapped[0] - observer_position[0], x_wrapped[1] - observer_position[1], x_wrapped[2] - observer_position[2]}; /* Loop over periodic copies of the volume: Here we're looking for cases where a periodic copy of the particle is closer to the observer than the lightcone surface at the start of the drift, and further away than the lightcone surface at the end of the drift. I.e. the surface of the lightcone has swept over the particle as it contracts towards the observer. */ for (int i = 0; i < nreps; i += 1) { /* If all particles in this periodic replica are beyond the lightcone surface at the earlier time, then they already crossed the lightcone. Since the replications are in ascending order of rmin we don't need to check any more. */ if (rep[i].rmin2 > comoving_dist_2_start) break; /* If all particles in this periodic replica start their drifts inside the lightcone surface, and are sufficiently far inside that their velocity can't cause them to cross the lightcone, then we don't need to consider this replication */ if (rep[i].rmax2 + boundary < comoving_dist_2_end) continue; /* Get the coordinates of this periodic copy of the gpart relative to the * observer */ const double x_start[3] = { x_wrapped_rel[0] + rep[i].coord[0], x_wrapped_rel[1] + rep[i].coord[1], x_wrapped_rel[2] + rep[i].coord[2], }; /* Get distance squared from the observer at start of drift */ const double r2_start = x_start[0] * x_start[0] + x_start[1] * x_start[1] + x_start[2] * x_start[2]; /* If particle is initially beyond the lightcone surface, it can't cross */ if (r2_start > comoving_dist_2_start) continue; /* Get position of this periodic copy at the end of the drift */ const double x_end[3] = { x_start[0] + dt_drift * v_full[0], x_start[1] + dt_drift * v_full[1], x_start[2] + dt_drift * v_full[2], }; /* Get distance squared from the observer at end of drift */ const double r2_end = x_end[0] * x_end[0] + x_end[1] * x_end[1] + x_end[2] * x_end[2]; /* If particle is still within the lightcone surface at the end of the drift, it didn't cross*/ if (r2_end < comoving_dist_2_end) continue; /* This periodic copy of the gpart crossed the lightcone during this drift. Now need to estimate when it crossed within the timestep. If r is the distance from the observer to this periodic copy of the particle, and it crosses after a fraction f of the drift: r_cross = r_start + (r_end - r_start) * f and if R is the comoving distance to the lightcone surface R_cross = R_start + (R_end - R_start) * f The particle crosses the lightcone when r_cross = R_cross, so r_start + (r_end - r_start) * f = R_start + (R_end - R_start) * f Solving for f: f = (r_start - R_start) / (R_end - R_start - r_end + r_start) */ const double f = (sqrt(r2_start) - comoving_dist_start) / (comoving_dist_end - comoving_dist_start - sqrt(r2_end) + sqrt(r2_start)); /* f should always be in the range 0-1 */ const double eps = 1.0e-5; if ((f < 0.0 - eps) || (f > 1.0 + eps)) error("Particle interpolated outside time step!"); /* Compute position at crossing */ const double x_cross[3] = { x_start[0] + dt_drift * f * v_full[0], x_start[1] + dt_drift * f * v_full[1], x_start[2] + dt_drift * f * v_full[2], }; /* Get distance squared at crossing */ const double r2_cross = (x_cross[0] * x_cross[0] + x_cross[1] * x_cross[1] + x_cross[2] * x_cross[2]); /* Compute expansion factor at crossing */ const double a_cross = cosmology_scale_factor_at_comoving_distance(c, sqrt(r2_cross)); /* Add this particle to the particle output buffer if it's in the redshift * range */ if (r2_cross >= props->r2_min_for_type[gp->type] && r2_cross <= props->r2_max_for_type[gp->type] && props->use_type[gp->type]) lightcone_buffer_particle(props, e, gp, a_cross, x_cross); /* Buffer this particle's contribution to the healpix maps */ if (props->shell_nr_max >= props->shell_nr_min) lightcone_buffer_map_update(props, e, gp, a_cross, x_cross); } /* Next periodic replication*/ } /* Next lightcone */ } #endif /* SWIFT_LIGHTCONE_CROSSING_H */