* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* @file hydro_properties.h
* @brief Contains all the constants and parameters of the hydro scheme
/* Config parameters. */
#if defined(HAVE_HDF5)
/* Local includes. */
#include "hydro_parameters.h"
#include "restart.h"
/* Forward declarations */
struct cosmology;
struct swift_params;
struct gravity_props;
struct phys_const;
struct unit_system;
* @brief Contains all the constants and parameters of the hydro scheme
struct hydro_props {
/* ------ Smoothing lengths parameters ---------- */
/*! Resolution parameter */
float eta_neighbours;
/*! Target weightd number of neighbours (for info only)*/
float target_neighbours;
/*! Smoothing length tolerance */
float h_tolerance;
/*! Tolerance on neighbour number (for info only)*/
float delta_neighbours;
/*! Maximal smoothing length (internal units) */
float h_max;
/*! Minimal smoothing length expressed as ratio to softening length */
float h_min_ratio;
/*! Minimal smoothing length (internal units) */
float h_min;
/*! Maximal number of iterations to converge h */
int max_smoothing_iterations;
/* ------ Neighbour number definition ------------ */
/*! Are we using the mass-weighted definition of neighbour number? */
int use_mass_weighted_num_ngb;
/* ------ Time integration parameters ------------ */
/*! Time integration properties */
float CFL_condition;
/*! Maximal change of h over one time-step */
float log_max_h_change;
/* ------ Temperature parameters ----------------- */
/*! Minimal temperature allowed */
float minimal_temperature;
/*! Minimal physical internal energy per unit mass (internal units) */
float minimal_internal_energy;
/*! Initial temperature */
float initial_temperature;
/*! Initial physical internal energy per unit mass (internal units) */
float initial_internal_energy;
/*! Primordial hydrogen mass fraction for initial energy conversion */
float hydrogen_mass_fraction;
/*! Temperature of the neutral to ionized transition of Hydrogen */
float hydrogen_ionization_temperature;
/*! Mean molecular weight below hydrogen ionization temperature */
float mu_neutral;
/*! Mean molecular weight above hydrogen ionization temperature */
float mu_ionised;
/* ------ Particle splitting parameters ---------- */
/*! Is particle splitting activated? */
int particle_splitting;
/*! Mass above which particles get split (internal units) */
float particle_splitting_mass_threshold;
/*! Are we generating random IDs when splitting particles? */
int generate_random_ids;
/*! Are we logging the particle splits beyond the limit in a file before
* reseting? */
int log_extra_splits_in_file;
/* ------ Viscosity and diffusion ---------------- */
/*! Artificial viscosity parameters */
struct viscosity_global_data viscosity;
/*! Thermal diffusion parameters */
struct diffusion_global_data diffusion;
/* ------ MHD properties ------------------------- */
/*! MHD parameters */
struct mhd_global_data mhd;
void hydro_props_print(const struct hydro_props *p);
void hydro_props_init(struct hydro_props *p,
const struct phys_const *phys_const,
const struct unit_system *us,
struct swift_params *params);
void hydro_props_update(struct hydro_props *p, const struct gravity_props *gp,
const struct cosmology *cosmo);
#if defined(HAVE_HDF5)
void hydro_props_print_snapshot(hid_t h_grpsph, const struct hydro_props *p);
/* Dump/restore. */
void hydro_props_struct_dump(const struct hydro_props *p, FILE *stream);
void hydro_props_struct_restore(const struct hydro_props *p, FILE *stream);
/* Setup for tests */
void hydro_props_init_no_hydro(struct hydro_props *p);