/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2020 Loic Hausammann (loic.hausammann@epfl.ch) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SWIFT_SPHENIX_HYDRO_CSDS_H #define SWIFT_SPHENIX_HYDRO_CSDS_H /* Other Includes */ #include "csds_io.h" #include "hydro.h" #ifdef WITH_CSDS /** * @brief Compute the acceleration and writes it. * * @param p The #part * @param xp Its related #xpart * @param e The #engine * @param buffer Allocated buffer for writing the particle. * * @return Buffer after the bits written. */ INLINE static void *csds_hydro_convert_acc(const struct part *p, const struct xpart *xp, const struct engine *e, void *buffer) { /* Compute the acceleration due to hydro and gravity */ float *acc = (float *)buffer; /* The hydro and gravity do not have the same factors */ /* Convert everything into gravity acceleration */ const double factor = e->cosmology->a_factor_hydro_accel / e->cosmology->a_factor_grav_accel; acc[0] = p->a_hydro[0] * factor; acc[1] = p->a_hydro[1] * factor; acc[2] = p->a_hydro[2] * factor; if (p->gpart) { acc[0] += p->gpart->a_grav[0] + p->gpart->a_grav_mesh[0]; acc[1] += p->gpart->a_grav[1] + p->gpart->a_grav_mesh[1]; acc[2] += p->gpart->a_grav[2] + p->gpart->a_grav_mesh[2]; } return acc + 3; } /** * @brief Compute the secondary fields and writes them. * * @param p The #part * @param xp Its related #xpart * @param e The #engine * @param buffer Allocated buffer for writing the particle. * * @return Buffer after the bits written. */ INLINE static void *csds_hydro_convert_secondary(const struct part *p, const struct xpart *xp, const struct engine *e, void *buffer) { // Can be done directly into the buffer in order to avoid memcpy const float secondary[7] = { hydro_get_comoving_entropy(p, xp), hydro_get_comoving_pressure(p), p->viscosity.alpha * p->force.balsara, p->diffusion.alpha, p->diffusion.laplace_u, p->viscosity.div_v, p->viscosity.div_v_dt, }; memcpy(buffer, secondary, sizeof(secondary)); return buffer + sizeof(secondary); } /** * @brief Defines the fields to write in the CSDS. * * @param fields (output) The list of fields to write (already allocated). * * @return The number of fields. */ INLINE static int csds_hydro_define_fields(struct csds_field *fields) { /* Positions */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[0], "Coordinates", struct part, x, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Velocities */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[1], "Velocities", struct part, v, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Accelerations */ struct part p; csds_define_field_from_function_hydro( fields[2], "Accelerations", csds_hydro_convert_acc, sizeof(p.a_hydro)); /* Masses */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[3], "Masses", struct part, mass, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Smoothing lengths */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[4], "SmoothingLengths", struct part, h, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Internal energies */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[5], "InternalEnergies", struct part, u, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Particle IDs */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[6], "ParticleIDs", struct part, id, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Densities */ csds_define_hydro_standard_field(fields[7], "Densities", struct part, rho, /* saving_xpart */ 0); /* Grouped field */ csds_define_field_from_function_hydro(fields[8], "SPHENIXSecondaryFields", csds_hydro_convert_secondary, 7 * sizeof(float)); return 9; } #endif // WITH_CSDS #endif // SWIFT_SPHENIX_HYDRO_CSDS_H