 * This file is part of SWIFT.
 * Copyright (c) 2019 Josh Borrow (joshua.borrow@durham.ac.uk)
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/* Configuration file */
#include <config.h>

/* Global headers */
#if defined(HAVE_HDF5)
#include <hdf5.h>

/* Local headers */
#include "common_io.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "inline.h"

 * @file Gadget2/hydro_parameters.h
 * @brief Follows the Gadget-2 version of SPH. (default parameters)
 *        This file defines a number of things that are used in
 *        hydro_properties.c as defaults for run-time parameters
 *        as well as a number of compile-time parameters.

/* Viscosity parameters -- FIXED -- MUST BE DEFINED AT COMPILE-TIME */

/* Cosmology default beta=3.0.
 * Alpha can be set in the parameter file.
 * Beta is defined as in e.g. Price (2010) Eqn (103) */
#define const_viscosity_beta 3.0f

/* The viscosity that the particles are reset to after being hit by a
 * feedback event. This should be set to the same value as the
 * hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha in fixed schemes, and likely
 * to hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha_max in variable schemes. */
#define hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha_feedback_reset 0.8f

/* Viscosity paramaters -- Defaults; can be changed at run-time */

/* The "initial" hydro viscosity, or the fixed value for non-variable
 * schemes. This usually takes the value 0.8. */
#define hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha 0.8f

/* Structs that store the relevant variables */

/*! Artificial viscosity parameters */
struct viscosity_global_data {
  /*! For the fixed, simple case. Also used to set the initial AV
      coefficient for variable schemes. */
  float alpha;

/*! Thermal diffusion parameters */
struct diffusion_global_data {};

/* Functions for reading from parameter file */

/* Forward declartions */
struct swift_params;
struct phys_const;
struct unit_system;

/* Viscosity */

 * @brief Initialises the viscosity parameters in the struct from
 *        the parameter file, or sets them to defaults.
 * @param params: the pointer to the swift_params file
 * @param us: pointer to the internal unit system
 * @param phys_const: pointer to the physical constants system
 * @param viscosity: pointer to the viscosity_global_data struct to be filled.
static INLINE void viscosity_init(struct swift_params* params,
                                  const struct unit_system* us,
                                  const struct phys_const* phys_const,
                                  struct viscosity_global_data* viscosity) {

  /* Read the artificial viscosity parameters from the file, if they exist,
   * otherwise set them to the defaults defined above. */

  viscosity->alpha = parser_get_opt_param_float(
      params, "SPH:viscosity_alpha", hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha);

 * @brief Initialises a viscosity struct to sensible numbers for mocking
 *        purposes.
 * @param viscosity: pointer to the viscosity_global_data struct to be filled.
static INLINE void viscosity_init_no_hydro(
    struct viscosity_global_data* viscosity) {
  viscosity->alpha = hydro_props_default_viscosity_alpha;

 * @brief Prints out the viscosity parameters at the start of a run.
 * @param viscosity: pointer to the viscosity_global_data struct found in
 *                   hydro_properties
static INLINE void viscosity_print(
    const struct viscosity_global_data* viscosity) {
  message("Artificial viscosity parameters set to alpha: %.3f",

#if defined(HAVE_HDF5)
 * @brief Prints the viscosity information to the snapshot when writing.
 * @param h_grpsph: the SPH group in the ICs to write attributes to.
 * @param viscosity: pointer to the viscosity_global_data struct.
static INLINE void viscosity_print_snapshot(
    hid_t h_grpsph, const struct viscosity_global_data* viscosity) {

  io_write_attribute_f(h_grpsph, "Alpha viscosity", viscosity->alpha);
  io_write_attribute_f(h_grpsph, "Beta viscosity", const_viscosity_beta);

/* Diffusion */

 * @brief Initialises the diffusion parameters in the struct from
 *        the parameter file, or sets them to defaults.
 * @param params: the pointer to the swift_params file
 * @param us: pointer to the internal unit system
 * @param phys_const: pointer to the physical constants system
 * @param diffusion: pointer to the diffusion struct to be filled.
static INLINE void diffusion_init(struct swift_params* params,
                                  const struct unit_system* us,
                                  const struct phys_const* phys_const,
                                  struct diffusion_global_data* diffusion) {}

 * @brief Initialises a diffusion struct to sensible numbers for mocking
 *        purposes.
 * @param diffusion: pointer to the diffusion_global_data struct to be filled.
static INLINE void diffusion_init_no_hydro(
    struct diffusion_global_data* diffusion) {}

 * @brief Prints out the diffusion parameters at the start of a run.
 * @param diffusion: pointer to the diffusion_global_data struct found in
 *                   hydro_properties
static INLINE void diffusion_print(
    const struct diffusion_global_data* diffusion) {}

#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
 * @brief Prints the diffusion information to the snapshot when writing.
 * @param h_grpsph: the SPH group in the ICs to write attributes to.
 * @param diffusion: pointer to the diffusion_global_data struct.
static INLINE void diffusion_print_snapshot(
    hid_t h_grpsph, const struct diffusion_global_data* diffusion) {}