* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Bert Vandenbroucke (bert.vandenbroucke@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
#include "minmax.h"
#include "part.h"
* ghost_stats functionality *
* @brief Entry for a single iteration in the ghost statistics table.
struct ghost_stats_entry {
/*! Number of particles processed during the iteration. */
int count;
/*! Number of particles in the iteration that had no neighbours. */
int count_no_ngb;
/*! Minimum initial smoothing length of the particles at the start of the
* iteration. */
float hmin;
/*! Maximum initial smoothing length of the particles at the start of the
* iteration. */
float hmax;
/*! Sum of the initial smoothing lengths, useful to compute averages in
* post-processing. */
double hsum;
/*! Sum of the initial smoothing lengths squared, useful to compute variances
* and standard deviations in post-processing. */
double hsum2;
* @brief Ghost statistics stored in a cell.
struct ghost_stats {
/* Hydro ghost statistics. */
struct ghost_stats_entry hydro[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1];
/* Stars ghost statistics. */
struct ghost_stats_entry stars[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1];
/* Black holes ghost statistics. */
struct ghost_stats_entry black_holes[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1];
/* ghost_stats_entry struct functions */
* @brief Reset the given ghost stats bin.
* @param bin Ghost stats bin to reset.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_reset_entry(
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bin) {
bin->count = 0;
bin->count_no_ngb = 0;
bin->hmin = FLT_MAX;
bin->hmax = 0.0f;
bin->hsum = 0.;
bin->hsum2 = 0.;
* @brief Write the given ghost stats bin to the given file.
* @param f File to write to.
* @param bin Ghost stats bin to write.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_print_entry(
FILE *f, const struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bin) {
if (bin->count > 0) {
fprintf(f, "\t%i\t%i\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g", bin->count, bin->count_no_ngb,
bin->hmin, bin->hmax, bin->hsum, bin->hsum2);
} else {
fprintf(f, "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0");
/* ghost_stats struct functions */
* @brief Reset all the entries in the ghost_stats struct.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_reset_entries(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
* @brief Account for the star particles that are still under consideration at
* the start of a ghost decision loop (so after the neighbour loop but before
* the smoothing length is updated).
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Iteration number in the high-level ghost iteration
* scheme.
* @param scount Number of star particles still under consideration (smoothing
* length has not converged yet or will do so during this iteration).
* @param sparts Star particle array.
* @param sid Indices of active star particles in the array.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_account_for_stars(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, int iteration_number, int scount,
struct spart *restrict sparts, int *sid) {
/* accumulate in highest bin, so we can spot out-of-bounds values */
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict sbin = &gstats->stars[binidx];
sbin->count += scount;
for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++) {
const float hi = sparts[sid[i]].h;
sbin->hmin = min(sbin->hmin, hi);
sbin->hmax = max(sbin->hmax, hi);
sbin->hsum += hi;
sbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Account for the properties of the a converged star particle.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param sp Star particle that has a converged smoothing length.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_converged_star(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, struct spart *restrict sp) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict sbin = &gstats->stars[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS];
const float hi = sp->h;
sbin->hmin = min(sbin->hmin, hi);
sbin->hmax = max(sbin->hmax, hi);
sbin->hsum += hi;
sbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Register the occurrence of a "no neighbour" event during the current
* star iteration step.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Number of the current iteration.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_star_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict sbin = &gstats->stars[binidx];
* @brief Register the occurrence of a converged star particle without
* neighbours.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_star_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict sbin = &gstats->stars[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS];
* @brief Account for the black hole particles that are still under
* consideration at the start of a ghost decision loop (so after the neighbour
* loop but before the smoothing length is updated).
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Iteration number in the high-level ghost iteration
* scheme.
* @param bcount Number of black hole particles still under consideration
* (smoothing length has not converged yet or will do so during this iteration).
* @param bparts Black hole particle array.
* @param sid Indices of active black hole particles in the array.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_account_for_black_holes(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number, int bcount,
struct bpart *restrict bparts, int *sid) {
/* accumulate in highest bin, so we can spot out-of-bounds values */
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bbin = &gstats->black_holes[binidx];
bbin->count += bcount;
for (int i = 0; i < bcount; i++) {
const float hi = bparts[sid[i]].h;
bbin->hmin = min(bbin->hmin, hi);
bbin->hmax = max(bbin->hmax, hi);
bbin->hsum += hi;
bbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Account for the properties of the a converged black hole particle.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param bp Black hole particle that has a converged smoothing length.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_converged_black_hole(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
struct bpart *restrict bp) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bbin =
const float hi = bp->h;
bbin->hmin = min(bbin->hmin, hi);
bbin->hmax = max(bbin->hmax, hi);
bbin->hsum += hi;
bbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Register the occurrence of a "no neighbour" event during the current
* black hole iteration step.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Number of the current iteration.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_black_hole_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bbin = &gstats->black_holes[binidx];
* @brief Register the occurrence of a converged black hole particle without
* neighbours.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_black_hole_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict bbin =
* @brief Account for the gas particles that are still under consideration at
* the start of a ghost decision loop (so after the neighbour loop but before
* the smoothing length is updated).
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Iteration number in the high-level ghost iteration
* scheme.
* @param count Number of gas particles still under consideration (smoothing
* length has not converged yet or will do so during this iteration).
* @param parts Gas particle array.
* @param sid Indices of active gas particles in the array.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_account_for_hydro(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, int iteration_number, int count,
struct part *restrict parts, int *pid) {
/* accumulate in highest bin, so we can spot out-of-bounds values */
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict hbin = &gstats->hydro[binidx];
hbin->count += count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const float hi = parts[pid[i]].h;
hbin->hmin = min(hbin->hmin, hi);
hbin->hmax = max(hbin->hmax, hi);
hbin->hsum += hi;
hbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Account for the properties of the a converged gas particle.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param p Gas particle that has a converged smoothing length.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_converged_hydro(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, struct part *restrict p) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict hbin = &gstats->hydro[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS];
const float hi = p->h;
hbin->hmin = min(hbin->hmin, hi);
hbin->hmax = max(hbin->hmax, hi);
hbin->hsum += hi;
hbin->hsum2 += hi * hi;
* @brief Register the occurrence of a "no neighbour" event during the current
* hydro iteration step.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
* @param iteration_number Number of the current iteration.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_hydro_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {
int binidx = min(iteration_number, SWIFT_GHOST_STATS - 1);
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict hbin = &gstats->hydro[binidx];
* @brief Register the occurrence of a converged gas particle without
* neighbours.
* @param gstats Ghost stats struct to update.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_hydro_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {
struct ghost_stats_entry *restrict hbin = &gstats->hydro[SWIFT_GHOST_STATS];
* @brief Write the header of a ghost statistics file.
* @param f File to write to.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_write_header(
FILE *f) {
fprintf(f, "# Ghost statistics\n");
fprintf(f, "# Values listed in blocks per particle type\n");
fprintf(f, "# Order of types: hydro, stars, black holes\n");
fprintf(f, "# Number of blocks per type: %i\n", SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1);
fprintf(f, "# Number of values per block: 6\n");
fprintf(f, "# Last block contains converged values\n");
fprintf(f, "# Fields per block:\n");
fprintf(f, "# - count: i4\n");
fprintf(f, "# - no neighbour count: i4\n");
fprintf(f, "# - min h: f4\n");
fprintf(f, "# - max h: f4\n");
fprintf(f, "# - sum h: f8\n");
fprintf(f, "# - sum h^2: f8\n");
fprintf(f, "# First column is cellID\n");
fprintf(f, "# Cells with no values are omitted\n");
* @brief Write the ghost statistics for the given cell to the given file.
* @param f File to write to.
* @param gstats Ghost statistics to write.
* @param cellID Cell ID to use to identify the cell.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_write_cell_stats(
FILE *f, const struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
const long long cellID) {
if (gstats->hydro[0].count + gstats->stars[0].count > 0) {
fprintf(f, "%lld", cellID);
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
ghost_stats_print_entry(f, &gstats->hydro[b]);
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
ghost_stats_print_entry(f, &gstats->stars[b]);
for (int b = 0; b < SWIFT_GHOST_STATS + 1; ++b) {
ghost_stats_print_entry(f, &gstats->black_holes[b]);
fprintf(f, "\n");
* cell interface *
struct cell;
void cell_reset_ghost_histograms(struct cell *c);
void cell_write_ghost_stats(FILE *f, const struct cell *c,
const long long cellID);
* space interface *
struct space;
void space_reset_ghost_histograms(struct space *s);
void space_write_ghost_stats(const struct space *s, int j);
struct ghost_stats {};
/* stars */
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_account_for_stars(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, int iteration_number, int scount,
struct spart *restrict sparts, int *sid) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_converged_star(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, struct spart *restrict sp) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_star_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_star_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {}
/* black holes */
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_account_for_black_holes(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number, int bcount,
struct bpart *restrict bparts, int *sid) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_converged_black_hole(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
struct bpart *restrict bp) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_black_hole_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_black_hole_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {}
/* hydro */
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_account_for_hydro(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, int iteration_number, int count,
struct part *restrict parts, int *pid) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void ghost_stats_converged_hydro(
struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats, struct part *restrict p) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_hydro_iteration(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats,
int iteration_number) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
ghost_stats_no_ngb_hydro_converged(struct ghost_stats *restrict gstats) {}
/// cell interface
struct cell;
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_reset_ghost_histograms(
struct cell *c) {}
/// space interface
struct space;
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void space_reset_ghost_histograms(
struct space *s) {}
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void space_write_ghost_stats(
const struct space *s, int j) {}
#endif /* SWIFT_GHOST_STATS */