* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
#if defined(HAVE_HDF5) && defined(WITH_MPI)
/* Some standard headers. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "distributed_io.h"
/* Local includes. */
#include "black_holes_io.h"
#include "chemistry_io.h"
#include "common_io.h"
#include "dimension.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gravity_io.h"
#include "gravity_properties.h"
#include "hydro_io.h"
#include "hydro_properties.h"
#include "io_compression.h"
#include "io_properties.h"
#include "memuse.h"
#include "output_list.h"
#include "output_options.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "part_type.h"
#include "sink_io.h"
#include "star_formation_io.h"
#include "stars_io.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "units.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "xmf.h"
/* Are we timing the i/o? */
/* Max number of entries that can be written for a given particle type */
static const int io_max_size_output_list = 100;
* @brief Writes a data array in given HDF5 group.
* @param e The #engine we are writing from.
* @param grp The group in which to write.
* @param fileName The name of the file in which the data is written
* @param partTypeGroupName The name of the group containing the particles in
* the HDF5 file.
* @param props The #io_props of the field to read
* @param N The number of particles to write.
* @param lossy_compression Level of lossy compression to use for this field.
* @param internal_units The #unit_system used internally
* @param snapshot_units The #unit_system used in the snapshots
* @todo A better version using HDF5 hyper-slabs to write the file directly from
* the part array will be written once the structures have been stabilized.
void write_distributed_array(
const struct engine* e, hid_t grp, const char* fileName,
const char* partTypeGroupName, const struct io_props props, const size_t N,
const enum lossy_compression_schemes lossy_compression,
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units) {
const ticks tic_total = getticks();
const size_t typeSize = io_sizeof_type(props.type);
const size_t num_elements = N * props.dimension;
/* message("Writing '%s' array...", props.name); */
/* Allocate temporary buffer */
void* temp = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("writebuff", (void**)&temp, IO_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT,
num_elements * typeSize) != 0)
error("Unable to allocate temporary i/o buffer");
ticks tic = getticks();
/* Copy the particle data to the temporary buffer */
io_copy_temp_buffer(temp, e, props, N, internal_units, snapshot_units);
message("Copying for '%s' took %.3f %s.", props.name,
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
/* Create data space */
hid_t h_space;
if (N > 0)
h_space = H5Screate(H5S_SIMPLE);
h_space = H5Screate(H5S_NULL);
if (h_space < 0)
error("Error while creating data space for field '%s'.", props.name);
/* Decide what chunk size to use based on compression */
int log2_chunk_size = 20;
int rank;
hsize_t shape[2];
hsize_t chunk_shape[2];
if (props.dimension > 1) {
rank = 2;
shape[0] = N;
shape[1] = props.dimension;
chunk_shape[0] = 1 << log2_chunk_size;
chunk_shape[1] = props.dimension;
} else {
rank = 1;
shape[0] = N;
shape[1] = 0;
chunk_shape[0] = 1 << log2_chunk_size;
chunk_shape[1] = 0;
/* Make sure the chunks are not larger than the dataset */
if (chunk_shape[0] > N) chunk_shape[0] = N;
/* Change shape of data space */
hid_t h_err = H5Sset_extent_simple(h_space, rank, shape, shape);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while changing data space shape for field '%s'.", props.name);
/* Dataset type */
hid_t h_type = H5Tcopy(io_hdf5_type(props.type));
/* Dataset properties */
hid_t h_prop = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
/* Create filters and set compression level if we have something to write */
char comp_buffer[32] = "None";
if (N > 0) {
/* Set chunk size */
h_err = H5Pset_chunk(h_prop, rank, chunk_shape);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while setting chunk size (%llu, %llu) for field '%s'.",
(unsigned long long)chunk_shape[0],
(unsigned long long)chunk_shape[1], props.name);
/* Are we imposing some form of lossy compression filter? */
if (lossy_compression != compression_write_lossless)
set_hdf5_lossy_compression(&h_prop, &h_type, lossy_compression,
props.name, comp_buffer);
/* Impose GZIP data compression */
if (e->snapshot_compression > 0) {
h_err = H5Pset_shuffle(h_prop);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while setting shuffling options for field '%s'.",
h_err = H5Pset_deflate(h_prop, e->snapshot_compression);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while setting compression options for field '%s'.",
/* Impose check-sum to verify data corruption */
h_err = H5Pset_fletcher32(h_prop);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while setting checksum options for field '%s'.", props.name);
/* Create dataset */
const hid_t h_data = H5Dcreate(grp, props.name, h_type, h_space, H5P_DEFAULT,
h_prop, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_data < 0) error("Error while creating dataspace '%s'.", props.name);
tic = getticks();
/* Write temporary buffer to HDF5 dataspace */
h_err = H5Dwrite(h_data, io_hdf5_type(props.type), h_space, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, temp);
if (h_err < 0) error("Error while writing data array '%s'.", props.name);
ticks toc = getticks();
float ms = clocks_from_ticks(toc - tic);
int megaBytes = N * props.dimension * typeSize / (1024 * 1024);
"H5Dwrite for '%s' (%d MB) on rank %d took %.3f %s (speed = %f MB/s).",
props.name, megaBytes, engine_rank, ms, clocks_getunit(),
megaBytes / (ms / 1000.));
/* Write unit conversion factors for this data set */
char buffer[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
units_cgs_conversion_string(buffer, snapshot_units, props.units,
float baseUnitsExp[5];
units_get_base_unit_exponents_array(baseUnitsExp, props.units);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_M exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_MASS]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_L exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_LENGTH]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_t exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TIME]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_I exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_CURRENT]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_T exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TEMPERATURE]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "h-scale exponent", 0.f);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "a-scale exponent", props.scale_factor_exponent);
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Expression for physical CGS units", buffer);
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Lossy compression filter", comp_buffer);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Value stored as physical", props.is_physical);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Property can be converted to comoving",
/* Write the actual number this conversion factor corresponds to */
const double factor =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(snapshot_units, props.units);
"Conversion factor to CGS (not including cosmological corrections)",
"Conversion factor to physical CGS (including cosmological corrections)",
factor * pow(e->cosmology->a, props.scale_factor_exponent));
if (strlen(props.description) == 0)
error("Invalid (empty) description of the field '%s'", props.name);
/* Write the full description */
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Description", props.description);
/* Free and close everything */
swift_free("writebuff", temp);
message("'%s' took %.3f %s.", props.name,
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
* @brief Prepares an array in the snapshot.
* @param e The #engine we are writing from.
* @param grp The HDF5 grp to write to.
* @param fileName The name of the file we are writing to.
* @param xmfFile The (opened) XMF file we are appending to.
* @param partTypeGroupName The name of the group we are writing to.
* @param props The #io_props of the field to write.
* @param N_total The total number of particles to write in this array.
* @param snapshot_units The units used for the data in this snapshot.
void write_array_virtual(struct engine* e, hid_t grp, const char* fileName_base,
FILE* xmfFile, char* partTypeGroupName,
struct io_props props, long long N_total,
const long long* N_counts, const int num_ranks,
const int ptype,
const enum lossy_compression_schemes lossy_compression,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units) {
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1, 10, 0)
/* Create data space */
const hid_t h_space = H5Screate(H5S_SIMPLE);
if (h_space < 0)
error("Error while creating data space for field '%s'.", props.name);
int rank = 0;
hsize_t shape[2];
hsize_t source_shape[2];
hsize_t start[2] = {0, 0};
hsize_t count[2];
if (props.dimension > 1) {
rank = 2;
shape[0] = N_total;
shape[1] = props.dimension;
source_shape[0] = 0;
source_shape[1] = props.dimension;
count[0] = 0;
count[1] = props.dimension;
} else {
rank = 1;
shape[0] = N_total;
shape[1] = 0;
source_shape[0] = 0;
source_shape[1] = 0;
count[0] = 0;
count[1] = 0;
/* Change shape of data space */
hid_t h_err = H5Sset_extent_simple(h_space, rank, shape, NULL);
if (h_err < 0)
error("Error while changing data space shape for field '%s'.", props.name);
/* Dataset type */
hid_t h_type = H5Tcopy(io_hdf5_type(props.type));
/* Dataset properties */
hid_t h_prop = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
/* Are we imposing some form of lossy compression filter? */
char comp_buffer[32] = "None";
if (lossy_compression != compression_write_lossless)
sprintf(comp_buffer, "%s",
/* The name of the dataset to map to in the other files */
char source_dataset_name[256];
sprintf(source_dataset_name, "PartType%d/%s", ptype, props.name);
/* Construct a relative base name */
char fileName_relative_base[256];
int pos_last_slash = strlen(fileName_base) - 1;
for (/* */; pos_last_slash >= 0; --pos_last_slash)
if (fileName_base[pos_last_slash] == '/') break;
sprintf(fileName_relative_base, "%s", &fileName_base[pos_last_slash + 1]);
/* Create all the virtual mappings */
for (int i = 0; i < num_ranks; ++i) {
/* Get the number of particles of this type written on this rank */
count[0] = N_counts[i * swift_type_count + ptype];
/* Select the space in the virtual file */
h_err = H5Sselect_hyperslab(h_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, /*stride=*/NULL,
count, /*block=*/NULL);
if (h_err < 0) error("Error selecting hyper-slab in the virtual file");
/* Select the space in the (already existing) source file */
source_shape[0] = count[0];
hid_t h_source_space = H5Screate_simple(rank, source_shape, NULL);
if (h_source_space < 0) error("Error creating space in the source file");
char fileName[1024];
sprintf(fileName, "%s.%d.hdf5", fileName_relative_base, i);
/* Make the virtual link */
h_err = H5Pset_virtual(h_prop, h_space, fileName, source_dataset_name,
if (h_err < 0) error("Error setting the virtual properties");
/* Move to the next slab (i.e. next file) */
start[0] += count[0];
/* Create virtual dataset */
const hid_t h_data = H5Dcreate(grp, props.name, h_type, h_space, H5P_DEFAULT,
h_prop, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_data < 0) error("Error while creating dataspace '%s'.", props.name);
/* Write unit conversion factors for this data set */
char buffer[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
units_cgs_conversion_string(buffer, snapshot_units, props.units,
float baseUnitsExp[5];
units_get_base_unit_exponents_array(baseUnitsExp, props.units);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_M exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_MASS]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_L exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_LENGTH]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_t exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TIME]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_I exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_CURRENT]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "U_T exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TEMPERATURE]);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "h-scale exponent", 0.f);
io_write_attribute_f(h_data, "a-scale exponent", props.scale_factor_exponent);
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Expression for physical CGS units", buffer);
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Lossy compression filter", comp_buffer);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Value stored as physical", props.is_physical);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Property can be converted to comoving",
/* Write the actual number this conversion factor corresponds to */
const double factor =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(snapshot_units, props.units);
"Conversion factor to CGS (not including cosmological corrections)",
"Conversion factor to physical CGS (including cosmological corrections)",
factor * pow(e->cosmology->a, props.scale_factor_exponent));
if (strlen(props.description) == 0)
error("Invalid (empty) description of the field '%s'", props.name);
/* Write the full description */
io_write_attribute_s(h_data, "Description", props.description);
/* Add a line to the XMF */
if (xmfFile != NULL) {
char fileName[1024];
sprintf(fileName, "%s.hdf5", fileName_base);
xmf_write_line(xmfFile, fileName, /*distributed=*/1, partTypeGroupName,
props.name, N_total, props.dimension, props.type);
/* Close everything */
"Function cannot be called when the code is compiled with hdf5 older "
"than 1.10.0");
* @brief Prepares a file for a parallel write.
* @param e The #engine.
* @param fileName The file name to write to.
* @param N_total The total number of particles of each type to write.
* @param numFields The number of fields to write for each particle type.
* @param internal_units The #unit_system used internally.
* @param snapshot_units The #unit_system used in the snapshots.
* @param fof Is this a snapshot related to a stand-alone FOF call?
* @param subsample_any Are any fields being subsampled?
* @param subsample_fraction The subsampling fraction of each particle type.
void write_virtual_file(struct engine* e, const char* fileName_base,
const char* xmfFileName,
const long long N_total[swift_type_count],
const long long* N_counts, const int num_ranks,
const int to_write[swift_type_count],
const int numFields[swift_type_count],
char current_selection_name[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE],
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units, const int fof,
const int subsample_any,
const float subsample_fraction[swift_type_count]) {
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1, 10, 0)
struct output_options* output_options = e->output_options;
const int with_cosmology = e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology;
const int with_cooling = e->policy & engine_policy_cooling;
const int with_temperature = e->policy & engine_policy_temperature;
const int with_fof = e->policy & engine_policy_fof;
const int with_stf = (e->policy & engine_policy_structure_finding) &&
(e->s->gpart_group_data != NULL);
const int with_stf = 0;
const int with_rt = e->policy & engine_policy_rt;
FILE* xmfFile = 0;
int numFiles = 1;
/* First time, we need to create the XMF file */
if (e->snapshot_output_count == 0) xmf_create_file(xmfFileName);
/* Prepare the XMF file for the new entry */
xmfFile = xmf_prepare_file(xmfFileName);
char fileName[1024];
sprintf(fileName, "%s.hdf5", fileName_base);
/* Write the part of the XMF file corresponding to this
* specific output */
xmf_write_outputheader(xmfFile, fileName, e->time);
/* Set the minimal API version to avoid issues with advanced features */
hid_t h_props = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
herr_t err = H5Pset_libver_bounds(h_props, HDF5_LOWEST_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION,
if (err < 0) error("Error setting the hdf5 API version");
/* Open HDF5 file with the chosen parameters */
hid_t h_file = H5Fcreate(fileName, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, h_props);
if (h_file < 0) error("Error while opening file '%s'.", fileName);
/* Open header to write simulation properties */
/* message("Writing file header..."); */
hid_t h_grp =
H5Gcreate(h_file, "/Header", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_grp < 0) error("Error while creating file header\n");
/* Convert basic output information to snapshot units */
const double factor_time =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, UNIT_CONV_TIME);
const double factor_length =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH);
const double dblTime = e->time * factor_time;
const double dim[3] = {e->s->dim[0] * factor_length,
e->s->dim[1] * factor_length,
e->s->dim[2] * factor_length};
/* Print the relevant information and print status */
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "BoxSize", DOUBLE, dim, 3);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Time", DOUBLE, &dblTime, 1);
const int dimension = (int)hydro_dimension;
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Dimension", INT, &dimension, 1);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Redshift", DOUBLE, &e->cosmology->z, 1);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Scale-factor", DOUBLE, &e->cosmology->a, 1);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "Code", "SWIFT");
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "RunName", e->run_name);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "System", hostname());
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Shift", DOUBLE, e->s->initial_shift, 3);
/* Write out the particle types */
/* Write out the time-base */
if (with_cosmology) {
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dloga", e->time_base);
const double delta_t = cosmology_get_timebase(e->cosmology, e->ti_current);
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dt", delta_t);
} else {
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dloga", 0);
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dt", e->time_base);
/* Store the time at which the snapshot was written */
time_t tm = time(NULL);
struct tm* timeinfo = localtime(&tm);
char snapshot_date[64];
strftime(snapshot_date, 64, "%T %F %Z", timeinfo);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "SnapshotDate", snapshot_date);
/* GADGET-2 legacy values */
/* Number of particles of each type */
long long numParticlesThisFile[swift_type_count] = {0};
unsigned int numParticles[swift_type_count] = {0};
unsigned int numParticlesHighWord[swift_type_count] = {0};
for (int ptype = 0; ptype < swift_type_count; ++ptype) {
numParticles[ptype] = (unsigned int)N_total[ptype];
numParticlesHighWord[ptype] = (unsigned int)(N_total[ptype] >> 32);
if (numFields[ptype] == 0) {
numParticlesThisFile[ptype] = 0;
} else {
numParticlesThisFile[ptype] = N_total[ptype];
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_ThisFile", LONGLONG, numParticlesThisFile,
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_Total", UINT, numParticles,
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_Total_HighWord", UINT,
numParticlesHighWord, swift_type_count);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "TotalNumberOfParticles", LONGLONG, N_total,
double MassTable[swift_type_count] = {0};
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "MassTable", DOUBLE, MassTable, swift_type_count);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "InitialMassTable", DOUBLE,
e->s->initial_mean_mass_particles, swift_type_count);
unsigned int flagEntropy[swift_type_count] = {0};
flagEntropy[0] = writeEntropyFlag();
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Flag_Entropy_ICs", UINT, flagEntropy,
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumFilesPerSnapshot", INT, &numFiles, 1);
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "ThisFile", 0);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "SelectOutput", current_selection_name);
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "Virtual", 1);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "CanHaveTypes", INT, to_write, swift_type_count);
if (subsample_any) {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "OutputType", "SubSampled");
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "SubSampleFractions", FLOAT, subsample_fraction,
} else {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "OutputType", "FullVolume");
/* Close header */
/* Copy metadata from ICs to the file */
ic_info_write_hdf5(e->ics_metadata, h_file);
/* Write all the meta-data */
io_write_meta_data(h_file, e, internal_units, snapshot_units, fof);
/* Loop over all particle types */
for (int ptype = 0; ptype < swift_type_count; ptype++) {
/* Don't do anything if there are
* (a) no particles of this kind in this run, or
* (b) if we have disabled every field of this particle type. */
if (!to_write[ptype] || numFields[ptype] == 0) continue;
/* Add the global information for that particle type to
* the XMF meta-file */
xmf_write_groupheader(xmfFile, fileName, /*distributed=*/1, N_total[ptype],
(enum part_type)ptype);
/* Create the particle group in the file */
snprintf(partTypeGroupName, PARTICLE_GROUP_BUFFER_SIZE, "/PartType%d",
h_grp = H5Gcreate(h_file, partTypeGroupName, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
if (h_grp < 0)
error("Error while creating particle group %s.", partTypeGroupName);
/* Add an alias name for convenience */
snprintf(aliasName, PARTICLE_GROUP_BUFFER_SIZE, "/%sParticles",
hid_t h_err = H5Lcreate_soft(partTypeGroupName, h_grp, aliasName,
if (h_err < 0) error("Error while creating alias for particle group.\n");
/* Write the number of particles as an attribute */
io_write_attribute_ll(h_grp, "NumberOfParticles", N_total[ptype]);
io_write_attribute_ll(h_grp, "TotalNumberOfParticles", N_total[ptype]);
int num_fields = 0;
struct io_props list[io_max_size_output_list];
bzero(list, io_max_size_output_list * sizeof(struct io_props));
/* Write particle fields from the particle structure */
switch (ptype) {
case swift_type_gas:
io_select_hydro_fields(NULL, NULL, with_cosmology, with_cooling,
with_temperature, with_fof, with_stf, with_rt, e,
&num_fields, list);
case swift_type_dark_matter:
case swift_type_dark_matter_background:
io_select_dm_fields(NULL, NULL, with_fof, with_stf, e, &num_fields,
case swift_type_neutrino:
io_select_neutrino_fields(NULL, NULL, with_fof, with_stf, e,
&num_fields, list);
case swift_type_sink:
io_select_sink_fields(NULL, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf, e,
&num_fields, list);
case swift_type_stars:
io_select_star_fields(NULL, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf, with_rt,
e, &num_fields, list);
case swift_type_black_hole:
io_select_bh_fields(NULL, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf, e,
&num_fields, list);
error("Particle Type %d not yet supported. Aborting", ptype);
/* Verify we are not going to crash when writing below */
if (num_fields >= io_max_size_output_list)
error("Too many fields to write for particle type %d", ptype);
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
if (!list[i].is_used) error("List of field contains an empty entry!");
if (!list[i].dimension)
error("Dimension of field '%s' is <= 1!", list[i].name);
/* Did the user specify a non-standard default for the entire particle
* type? */
const enum lossy_compression_schemes compression_level_current_default =
output_options->select_output, current_selection_name,
(enum part_type)ptype, e->verbose);
/* Prepare everything that is not cancelled */
int num_fields_written = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
/* Did the user cancel this field? */
const enum lossy_compression_schemes compression_level =
output_options, current_selection_name, list[i].name,
(enum part_type)ptype, compression_level_current_default,
if (compression_level != compression_do_not_write) {
write_array_virtual(e, h_grp, fileName_base, xmfFile, partTypeGroupName,
list[i], N_total[ptype], N_counts, num_ranks, ptype,
compression_level, snapshot_units);
/* Only write this now that we know exactly how many fields there are. */
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "NumberOfFields", num_fields_written);
/* Close particle group */
/* Close this particle group in the XMF file as well */
xmf_write_groupfooter(xmfFile, (enum part_type)ptype);
/* Write LXMF file descriptor */
xmf_write_outputfooter(xmfFile, e->snapshot_output_count, e->time);
/* Close the file */
"Function cannot be called when the code is compiled with hdf5 older "
"than 1.10.0");
* @brief Writes a snapshot distributed into multiple files.
* @param e The engine containing all the system.
* @param internal_units The #unit_system used internally
* @param snapshot_units The #unit_system used in the snapshots
* @param fof Is this a snapshot related to a stand-alone FOF call?
* @param mpi_rank The rank number of the calling MPI rank.
* @param mpi_size the number of MPI ranks.
* @param comm The communicator used by the MPI ranks.
* @param info The MPI information object.
* Creates a series of HDF5 output files (1 per MPI node) as a snapshot.
* Writes the particles contained in the engine.
* If such files already exist, it is erased and replaced by the new one.
* The companion XMF file is also updated accordingly.
void write_output_distributed(struct engine* e,
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units,
const int fof, const int mpi_rank,
const int mpi_size, MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info) {
hid_t h_file = 0, h_grp = 0;
int numFiles = mpi_size;
const struct part* parts = e->s->parts;
const struct xpart* xparts = e->s->xparts;
const struct gpart* gparts = e->s->gparts;
const struct sink* sinks = e->s->sinks;
const struct spart* sparts = e->s->sparts;
const struct bpart* bparts = e->s->bparts;
struct output_options* output_options = e->output_options;
struct output_list* output_list = e->output_list_snapshots;
const int with_cosmology = e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology;
const int with_cooling = e->policy & engine_policy_cooling;
const int with_temperature = e->policy & engine_policy_temperature;
const int with_fof = e->policy & engine_policy_fof;
const int with_DM_background = e->s->with_DM_background;
const int with_DM = e->s->with_DM;
const int with_neutrinos = e->s->with_neutrinos;
const int with_rt = e->policy & engine_policy_rt;
const int with_hydro = (e->policy & engine_policy_hydro) ? 1 : 0;
const int with_stars = (e->policy & engine_policy_stars) ? 1 : 0;
const int with_black_hole = (e->policy & engine_policy_black_holes) ? 1 : 0;
const int with_sink = (e->policy & engine_policy_sinks) ? 1 : 0;
const int with_stf = (e->policy & engine_policy_structure_finding) &&
(e->s->gpart_group_data != NULL);
const int with_stf = 0;
/* Number of particles currently in the arrays */
const size_t Ntot = e->s->nr_gparts;
const size_t Ngas = e->s->nr_parts;
const size_t Nsinks = e->s->nr_sinks;
const size_t Nstars = e->s->nr_sparts;
const size_t Nblackholes = e->s->nr_bparts;
/* Determine if we are writing a reduced snapshot, and if so which
* output selection type to use */
char current_selection_name[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE] =
if (output_list) {
/* Users could have specified a different Select Output scheme for each
* snapshot. */
output_list_get_current_select_output(output_list, current_selection_name);
int snap_count = -1;
int number_digits = -1;
if (output_list && output_list->alternative_labels_on) {
snap_count = output_list->snapshot_labels[snap_count];
number_digits = 0;
} else if (e->snapshot_invoke_stf) {
snap_count = e->stf_output_count;
number_digits = 4;
} else {
snap_count = e->snapshot_output_count;
number_digits = 4;
/* Directory and file name */
char dirName[1024];
char fileName[1024];
char fileName_base[1024];
char snapshot_subdir_name[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
char snapshot_base_name[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
output_options_get_basename(output_options, current_selection_name,
e->snapshot_subdir, e->snapshot_base_name,
snapshot_subdir_name, snapshot_base_name);
fileName, xmfFileName, output_list, e->snapshot_invoke_stf,
e->stf_output_count, e->snapshot_output_count, e->snapshot_subdir,
snapshot_subdir_name, e->snapshot_base_name, snapshot_base_name);
/* Are we using a sub-dir? */
if (strnlen(e->snapshot_subdir, PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE) > 0) {
sprintf(dirName, "%s/%s_%0*d", snapshot_subdir_name, snapshot_base_name,
number_digits, snap_count);
sprintf(fileName, "%s/%s_%0*d/%s_%0*d.%d.hdf5", snapshot_subdir_name,
snapshot_base_name, number_digits, snap_count, snapshot_base_name,
number_digits, snap_count, mpi_rank);
sprintf(fileName_base, "%s/%s_%0*d/%s_%0*d", snapshot_subdir_name,
snapshot_base_name, number_digits, snap_count, snapshot_base_name,
number_digits, snap_count);
} else {
sprintf(dirName, "%s_%0*d", snapshot_base_name, number_digits, snap_count);
sprintf(fileName, "%s_%0*d/%s_%0*d.%d.hdf5", snapshot_base_name,
number_digits, snap_count, snapshot_base_name, number_digits,
snap_count, mpi_rank);
sprintf(fileName_base, "%s_%0*d/%s_%0*d", snapshot_base_name, number_digits,
snap_count, snapshot_base_name, number_digits, snap_count);
/* Create the directory */
if (mpi_rank == 0) safe_checkdir(snapshot_subdir_name, /*create=*/1);
if (mpi_rank == 0) safe_checkdir(dirName, /*create=*/1);
/* Do we want to sub-sample any of the arrays */
int subsample[swift_type_count];
float subsample_fraction[swift_type_count];
for (int i = 0; i < swift_type_count; ++i) {
subsample[i] = 0;
subsample_fraction[i] = 1.f;
output_options, current_selection_name, e->snapshot_subsample,
e->snapshot_subsample_fraction, subsample, subsample_fraction);
/* Is any particle type being subsampled? */
int subsample_any = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < swift_type_count; ++i) {
subsample_any += subsample[i];
if (!subsample[i]) subsample_fraction[i] = 1.f;
/* Number of particles that we will write */
size_t Ngas_written, Ndm_written, Ndm_background, Ndm_neutrino,
Nsinks_written, Nstars_written, Nblackholes_written;
if (subsample[swift_type_gas]) {
Ngas_written = io_count_gas_to_write(e->s, /*subsample=*/1,
} else {
Ngas_written =
e->s->nr_parts - e->s->nr_inhibited_parts - e->s->nr_extra_parts;
if (subsample[swift_type_stars]) {
Nstars_written = io_count_stars_to_write(
e->s, /*subsample=*/1, subsample_fraction[swift_type_stars],
} else {
Nstars_written =
e->s->nr_sparts - e->s->nr_inhibited_sparts - e->s->nr_extra_sparts;
if (subsample[swift_type_black_hole]) {
Nblackholes_written = io_count_black_holes_to_write(
e->s, /*subsample=*/1, subsample_fraction[swift_type_black_hole],
} else {
Nblackholes_written =
e->s->nr_bparts - e->s->nr_inhibited_bparts - e->s->nr_extra_bparts;
if (subsample[swift_type_sink]) {
Nsinks_written = io_count_sinks_to_write(
e->s, /*subsample=*/1, subsample_fraction[swift_type_sink],
} else {
Nsinks_written =
e->s->nr_sinks - e->s->nr_inhibited_sinks - e->s->nr_extra_sinks;
Ndm_written = io_count_dark_matter_to_write(
e->s, subsample[swift_type_dark_matter],
subsample_fraction[swift_type_dark_matter], e->snapshot_output_count);
if (with_DM_background) {
Ndm_background = io_count_background_dark_matter_to_write(
e->s, subsample[swift_type_dark_matter_background],
} else {
Ndm_background = 0;
if (with_neutrinos) {
Ndm_neutrino = io_count_neutrinos_to_write(
e->s, subsample[swift_type_neutrino],
subsample_fraction[swift_type_neutrino], e->snapshot_output_count);
} else {
Ndm_neutrino = 0;
/* Compute offset in the file and total number of particles */
long long N[swift_type_count] = {
Ngas_written, Ndm_written, Ndm_background, Nsinks_written,
Nstars_written, Nblackholes_written, Ndm_neutrino};
/* Gather the total number of particles to write */
long long N_total[swift_type_count] = {0};
MPI_Allreduce(N, N_total, swift_type_count, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM, comm);
/* Collect the number of particles written by each rank */
long long* N_counts =
(long long*)malloc(mpi_size * swift_type_count * sizeof(long long));
MPI_Gather(N, swift_type_count, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, N_counts, swift_type_count,
MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, 0, comm);
/* List what fields to write.
* Note that we want to want to write a 0-size dataset for some species
* in case future snapshots will contain them (e.g. star formation) */
const int to_write[swift_type_count] = {
with_hydro, with_DM, with_DM_background, with_sink,
with_stars, with_black_hole, with_neutrinos
/* Use a single Lustre stripe with a rank-based OST offset? */
if (e->snapshot_lustre_OST_count != 0) {
/* Use a random offset to avoid placing things in the same OSTs. We do
* this to keep the use of OSTs balanced, much like using -1 for the
* stripe. */
int offset = rand() % e->snapshot_lustre_OST_count;
MPI_Bcast(&offset, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
char string[1200];
sprintf(string, "lfs setstripe -c 1 -i %d %s",
((e->nodeID + offset) % e->snapshot_lustre_OST_count), fileName);
const int result = system(string);
if (result != 0) {
message("lfs setstripe command returned error code %d", result);
/* Set the minimal API version to avoid issues with advanced features */
hid_t h_props = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
herr_t err = H5Pset_libver_bounds(h_props, HDF5_LOWEST_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION,
if (err < 0) error("Error setting the hdf5 API version");
/* Open file */
/* message("Opening file '%s'.", fileName); */
h_file = H5Fcreate(fileName, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, h_props);
if (h_file < 0) error("Error while opening file '%s'.", fileName);
/* Open header to write simulation properties */
/* message("Writing file header..."); */
h_grp = H5Gcreate(h_file, "/Header", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_grp < 0) error("Error while creating file header\n");
/* Convert basic output information to snapshot units */
const double factor_time =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, UNIT_CONV_TIME);
const double factor_length =
units_conversion_factor(internal_units, snapshot_units, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH);
const double dblTime = e->time * factor_time;
const double dim[3] = {e->s->dim[0] * factor_length,
e->s->dim[1] * factor_length,
e->s->dim[2] * factor_length};
/* Print the relevant information and print status */
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "BoxSize", DOUBLE, dim, 3);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Time", DOUBLE, &dblTime, 1);
const int dimension = (int)hydro_dimension;
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Dimension", INT, &dimension, 1);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Redshift", DOUBLE, &e->cosmology->z, 1);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Scale-factor", DOUBLE, &e->cosmology->a, 1);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "Code", "SWIFT");
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "RunName", e->run_name);
/* We write rank 0's hostname so that it is uniform across all files. */
char systemname[256] = {0};
if (mpi_rank == 0) sprintf(systemname, "%s", hostname());
MPI_Bcast(systemname, 256, MPI_CHAR, 0, comm);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "System", systemname);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Shift", DOUBLE, e->s->initial_shift, 3);
/* Write out the particle types */
/* Write out the time-base */
if (with_cosmology) {
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dloga", e->time_base);
const double delta_t = cosmology_get_timebase(e->cosmology, e->ti_current);
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dt", delta_t);
} else {
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dloga", 0);
io_write_attribute_d(h_grp, "TimeBase_dt", e->time_base);
/* Store the time at which the snapshot was written */
time_t tm = time(NULL);
struct tm* timeinfo = localtime(&tm);
char snapshot_date[64];
strftime(snapshot_date, 64, "%T %F %Z", timeinfo);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "SnapshotDate", snapshot_date);
/* GADGET-2 legacy values: Number of particles of each type */
long long numParticlesThisFile[swift_type_count] = {0};
unsigned int numParticles[swift_type_count] = {0};
unsigned int numParticlesHighWord[swift_type_count] = {0};
/* Total number of fields to write per ptype */
int numFields[swift_type_count] = {0};
for (int ptype = 0; ptype < swift_type_count; ++ptype) {
numParticles[ptype] = (unsigned int)N_total[ptype];
numParticlesHighWord[ptype] = (unsigned int)(N_total[ptype] >> 32);
numFields[ptype] = output_options_get_num_fields_to_write(
output_options, current_selection_name, ptype);
if (numFields[ptype] == 0) {
numParticlesThisFile[ptype] = 0;
} else {
numParticlesThisFile[ptype] = N[ptype];
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_ThisFile", LONGLONG, numParticlesThisFile,
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_Total", UINT, numParticles,
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumPart_Total_HighWord", UINT,
numParticlesHighWord, swift_type_count);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "TotalNumberOfParticles", LONGLONG, N_total,
double MassTable[swift_type_count] = {0};
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "MassTable", DOUBLE, MassTable, swift_type_count);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "InitialMassTable", DOUBLE,
e->s->initial_mean_mass_particles, swift_type_count);
unsigned int flagEntropy[swift_type_count] = {0};
flagEntropy[0] = writeEntropyFlag();
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "Flag_Entropy_ICs", UINT, flagEntropy,
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "NumFilesPerSnapshot", numFiles);
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "ThisFile", mpi_rank);
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "SelectOutput", current_selection_name);
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "Virtual", 0);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "CanHaveTypes", INT, to_write, swift_type_count);
if (subsample_any) {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "OutputType", "SubSampled");
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "SubSampleFractions", FLOAT, subsample_fraction,
} else {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "OutputType", "FullVolume");
/* Close header */
/* Copy metadata from ICs to the file */
ic_info_write_hdf5(e->ics_metadata, h_file);
/* Write all the meta-data */
io_write_meta_data(h_file, e, internal_units, snapshot_units, fof);
/* Now write the top-level cell structure
* We use a global offset of 0 here. This means that the cells will write
* their offset with respect to the start of the file they belong to and
* not a global offset */
long long global_offsets[swift_type_count] = {0};
h_grp = H5Gcreate(h_file, "/Cells", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_grp < 0) error("Error while creating cells group");
/* Write the location of the particles in the arrays */
io_write_cell_offsets(h_grp, e->s->cdim, e->s->dim, e->s->cells_top,
e->s->nr_cells, e->s->width, mpi_rank,
/*distributed=*/1, subsample, subsample_fraction,
e->snapshot_output_count, N_total, global_offsets,
to_write, numFields, internal_units, snapshot_units);
/* Loop over all particle types */
for (int ptype = 0; ptype < swift_type_count; ptype++) {
/* Don't do anything if there are
* (a) no particles of this kind in this run, or
* (b) if we have disabled every field of this particle type. */
if (!to_write[ptype] || numFields[ptype] == 0) continue;
/* Open the particle group in the file */
snprintf(partTypeGroupName, PARTICLE_GROUP_BUFFER_SIZE, "/PartType%d",
h_grp = H5Gcreate(h_file, partTypeGroupName, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
if (h_grp < 0) error("Error while creating particle group.\n");
/* Add an alias name for convenience */
snprintf(aliasName, PARTICLE_GROUP_BUFFER_SIZE, "/%sParticles",
hid_t h_err = H5Lcreate_soft(partTypeGroupName, h_grp, aliasName,
if (h_err < 0) error("Error while creating alias for particle group.\n");
/* Write the number of particles as an attribute */
io_write_attribute_ll(h_grp, "NumberOfParticles", N[ptype]);
io_write_attribute_ll(h_grp, "TotalNumberOfParticles", N_total[ptype]);
int num_fields = 0;
struct io_props list[io_max_size_output_list];
bzero(list, io_max_size_output_list * sizeof(struct io_props));
size_t Nparticles = 0;
struct part* parts_written = NULL;
struct xpart* xparts_written = NULL;
struct gpart* gparts_written = NULL;
struct velociraptor_gpart_data* gpart_group_data_written = NULL;
struct sink* sinks_written = NULL;
struct spart* sparts_written = NULL;
struct bpart* bparts_written = NULL;
/* Write particle fields from the particle structure */
switch (ptype) {
case swift_type_gas: {
if (Ngas == Ngas_written) {
/* No inhibted particles: easy case */
Nparticles = Ngas;
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_hydro_fields(parts, xparts, with_cosmology, with_cooling,
with_temperature, with_fof, with_stf, with_rt,
e, &num_fields, list);
} else {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Ngas_written;
/* Allocate temporary arrays */
if (swift_memalign("parts_written", (void**)&parts_written,
Ngas_written * sizeof(struct part)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for parts");
if (swift_memalign("xparts_written", (void**)&xparts_written,
Ngas_written * sizeof(struct xpart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for xparts");
/* Collect the particles we want to write */
parts, xparts, parts_written, xparts_written,
subsample[swift_type_gas], subsample_fraction[swift_type_gas],
e->snapshot_output_count, Ngas, Ngas_written);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_hydro_fields(parts_written, xparts_written, with_cosmology,
with_cooling, with_temperature, with_fof,
with_stf, with_rt, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_dark_matter: {
if (Ntot == Ndm_written) {
/* This is a DM-only run without background or inhibited particles
* or neutrinos */
Nparticles = Ntot;
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_dm_fields(gparts, e->s->gpart_group_data, with_fof,
with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} else {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Ndm_written;
/* Allocate temporary array */
if (swift_memalign("gparts_written", (void**)&gparts_written,
Ndm_written * sizeof(struct gpart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for gparts");
if (with_stf) {
if (swift_memalign(
"gpart_group_written", (void**)&gpart_group_data_written,
Ndm_written * sizeof(struct velociraptor_gpart_data)) != 0)
"Error while allocating temporary memory for gparts STF "
/* Collect the non-inhibited DM particles from gpart */
gparts, e->s->gpart_group_data, gparts_written,
gpart_group_data_written, subsample[swift_type_dark_matter],
e->snapshot_output_count, Ntot, Ndm_written, with_stf);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_dm_fields(gparts_written, gpart_group_data_written,
with_fof, with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_dark_matter_background: {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Ndm_background;
/* Allocate temporary array */
if (swift_memalign("gparts_written", (void**)&gparts_written,
Ndm_background * sizeof(struct gpart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporart memory for gparts");
if (with_stf) {
if (swift_memalign(
"gpart_group_written", (void**)&gpart_group_data_written,
Ndm_background * sizeof(struct velociraptor_gpart_data)) != 0)
"Error while allocating temporart memory for gparts STF "
/* Collect the non-inhibited DM particles from gpart */
gparts, e->s->gpart_group_data, gparts_written,
e->snapshot_output_count, Ntot, Ndm_background, with_stf);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_dm_fields(gparts_written, gpart_group_data_written, with_fof,
with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_neutrino: {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Ndm_neutrino;
/* Allocate temporary array */
if (swift_memalign("gparts_written", (void**)&gparts_written,
Ndm_neutrino * sizeof(struct gpart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporart memory for gparts");
if (with_stf) {
if (swift_memalign(
"gpart_group_written", (void**)&gpart_group_data_written,
Ndm_neutrino * sizeof(struct velociraptor_gpart_data)) != 0)
"Error while allocating temporart memory for gparts STF "
/* Collect the non-inhibited DM particles from gpart */
gparts, e->s->gpart_group_data, gparts_written,
gpart_group_data_written, subsample[swift_type_neutrino],
subsample_fraction[swift_type_neutrino], e->snapshot_output_count,
Ntot, Ndm_neutrino, with_stf);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_neutrino_fields(gparts_written, gpart_group_data_written,
with_fof, with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_sink: {
if (Nsinks == Nsinks_written) {
/* No inhibted particles: easy case */
Nparticles = Nsinks;
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_sink_fields(sinks, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf, e,
&num_fields, list);
} else {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Nsinks_written;
/* Allocate temporary arrays */
if (swift_memalign("sinks_written", (void**)&sinks_written,
Nsinks_written * sizeof(struct sink)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for sinks");
/* Collect the particles we want to write */
sinks, sinks_written, subsample[swift_type_sink],
subsample_fraction[swift_type_sink], e->snapshot_output_count,
Nsinks, Nsinks_written);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_sink_fields(sinks_written, with_cosmology, with_fof,
with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_stars: {
if (Nstars == Nstars_written) {
/* No inhibted particles: easy case */
Nparticles = Nstars;
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_star_fields(sparts, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf,
with_rt, e, &num_fields, list);
} else {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Nstars_written;
/* Allocate temporary arrays */
if (swift_memalign("sparts_written", (void**)&sparts_written,
Nstars_written * sizeof(struct spart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for sparts");
/* Collect the particles we want to write */
sparts, sparts_written, subsample[swift_type_stars],
subsample_fraction[swift_type_stars], e->snapshot_output_count,
Nstars, Nstars_written);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_star_fields(sparts_written, with_cosmology, with_fof,
with_stf, with_rt, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
case swift_type_black_hole: {
if (Nblackholes == Nblackholes_written) {
/* No inhibted particles: easy case */
Nparticles = Nblackholes;
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_bh_fields(bparts, with_cosmology, with_fof, with_stf, e,
&num_fields, list);
} else {
/* Ok, we need to fish out the particles we want */
Nparticles = Nblackholes_written;
/* Allocate temporary arrays */
if (swift_memalign("bparts_written", (void**)&bparts_written,
Nblackholes_written * sizeof(struct bpart)) != 0)
error("Error while allocating temporary memory for bparts");
/* Collect the particles we want to write */
bparts, bparts_written, subsample[swift_type_black_hole],
e->snapshot_output_count, Nblackholes, Nblackholes_written);
/* Select the fields to write */
io_select_bh_fields(bparts_written, with_cosmology, with_fof,
with_stf, e, &num_fields, list);
} break;
error("Particle Type %d not yet supported. Aborting", ptype);
/* Verify we are not going to crash when writing below */
if (num_fields >= io_max_size_output_list)
error("Too many fields to write for particle type %d", ptype);
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
if (!list[i].is_used) error("List of field contains an empty entry!");
if (!list[i].dimension)
error("Dimension of field '%s' is <= 1!", list[i].name);
/* Did the user specify a non-standard default for the entire particle
* type? */
const enum lossy_compression_schemes compression_level_current_default =
output_options->select_output, current_selection_name,
(enum part_type)ptype, e->verbose);
/* Write everything that is not cancelled */
int num_fields_written = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
/* Did the user cancel this field? */
const enum lossy_compression_schemes compression_level =
output_options, current_selection_name, list[i].name,
(enum part_type)ptype, compression_level_current_default,
if (compression_level != compression_do_not_write) {
write_distributed_array(e, h_grp, fileName, partTypeGroupName, list[i],
Nparticles, compression_level, internal_units,
/* Only write this now that we know exactly how many fields there are. */
io_write_attribute_i(h_grp, "NumberOfFields", num_fields_written);
/* Free temporary arrays */
if (parts_written) swift_free("parts_written", parts_written);
if (xparts_written) swift_free("xparts_written", xparts_written);
if (gparts_written) swift_free("gparts_written", gparts_written);
if (gpart_group_data_written)
swift_free("gpart_group_written", gpart_group_data_written);
if (sinks_written) swift_free("sinks_written", sinks_written);
if (sparts_written) swift_free("sparts_written", sparts_written);
if (bparts_written) swift_free("bparts_written", bparts_written);
/* Close particle group */
/* message("Done writing particles..."); */
/* Close file */
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1, 10, 0)
/* Write the virtual meta-file */
if (mpi_rank == 0)
write_virtual_file(e, fileName_base, xmfFileName, N_total, N_counts,
mpi_size, to_write, numFields, current_selection_name,
internal_units, snapshot_units, fof, subsample_any,
/* Make sure nobody is allowed to progress until rank 0 is done. */
/* Now write the top-level cell structure in the virtual file
* but this time, it is *not* distributed. i.e. all the offsets are
* in the virtual file */
hid_t h_file_cells = 0, h_grp_cells = 0;
if (mpi_rank == 0) {
char fileName_virtual[1030];
sprintf(fileName_virtual, "%s.hdf5", fileName_base);
h_props = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
err = H5Pset_libver_bounds(h_props, HDF5_LOWEST_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION,
if (err < 0) error("Error setting the hdf5 API version");
/* Open the snapshot on rank 0 */
h_file_cells = H5Fopen(fileName_virtual, H5F_ACC_RDWR, h_props);
if (h_file_cells < 0)
error("Error while opening file '%s' on rank %d.", fileName_virtual,
/* Create the group we want in the file */
h_grp_cells = H5Gcreate(h_file_cells, "/Cells", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
if (h_grp_cells < 0) error("Error while creating cells group");
/* We need to recompute the offsets since they are now with respect
* to a single file. */
for (int i = 0; i < swift_type_count; ++i) global_offsets[i] = 0;
MPI_Exscan(N, global_offsets, swift_type_count, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM,
/* Write the location of the particles in the arrays */
io_write_cell_offsets(h_grp_cells, e->s->cdim, e->s->dim, e->s->cells_top,
e->s->nr_cells, e->s->width, mpi_rank,
/*distributed=*/0, subsample, subsample_fraction,
e->snapshot_output_count, N_total, global_offsets,
to_write, numFields, internal_units, snapshot_units);
/* Close everything */
if (mpi_rank == 0) {
/* Free the counts-per-rank array */
/* Make sure nobody is allowed to progress until everyone is done. */
if (e->snapshot_invoke_stf) e->stf_output_count++;
#endif /* HAVE_HDF5 && WITH_MPI */