* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk),
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local includes. */
#include "part_type.h"
/* Avoid cyclic inclusion problems */
struct cell;
struct space;
struct part;
struct gpart;
struct velociraptor_gpart_data;
struct spart;
struct bpart;
struct xpart;
struct sink;
struct io_props;
struct engine;
struct threadpool;
struct output_list;
struct output_options;
struct unit_system;
* @brief The different types of data used in the GADGET IC files.
* (This is admittedly a poor substitute to C++ templates...)
#if defined(HAVE_HDF5)
/* Library header */
hid_t io_hdf5_type(enum IO_DATA_TYPE type);
hsize_t io_get_number_element_in_attribute(hid_t attr);
hsize_t io_get_number_element_in_dataset(hid_t dataset);
void io_read_attribute(hid_t grp, const char* name, enum IO_DATA_TYPE type,
void* data);
void io_read_attribute_graceful(hid_t grp, const char* name,
enum IO_DATA_TYPE type, void* data);
void io_assert_valid_header_cosmology(hid_t h_grp, double a);
void io_read_array_attribute(hid_t grp, const char* name,
enum IO_DATA_TYPE type, void* data,
hsize_t number_element);
void io_read_array_dataset(hid_t grp, const char* name, enum IO_DATA_TYPE type,
void* data, hsize_t number_element);
void io_write_attribute(hid_t grp, const char* name, enum IO_DATA_TYPE type,
const void* data, int num);
void io_write_attribute_d(hid_t grp, const char* name, double data);
void io_write_attribute_f(hid_t grp, const char* name, float data);
void io_write_attribute_i(hid_t grp, const char* name, int data);
void io_write_attribute_b(hid_t grp, const char* name, int data);
void io_write_attribute_l(hid_t grp, const char* name, long data);
void io_write_attribute_ll(hid_t grp, const char* name, long long data);
void io_write_attribute_s(hid_t grp, const char* name, const char* str);
void io_write_meta_data(hid_t h_file, const struct engine* e,
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units,
const int fof);
void io_write_code_description(hid_t h_file);
void io_write_engine_policy(hid_t h_file, const struct engine* e);
void io_write_part_type_names(hid_t h_grp);
void io_write_cell_offsets(hid_t h_grp, const int cdim[3], const double dim[3],
const struct cell* cells_top, const int nr_cells,
const double width[3], const int nodeID,
const int distributed,
const int subsample[swift_type_count],
const float subsample_fraction[swift_type_count],
const int snap_num,
const long long global_counts[swift_type_count],
const long long global_offsets[swift_type_count],
const int to_write[swift_type_count],
const int num_fields[swift_type_count],
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units);
void io_read_unit_system(hid_t h_file, struct unit_system* ic_units,
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
int mpi_rank);
void io_write_unit_system(hid_t h_grp, const struct unit_system* us,
const char* groupName);
void io_copy_temp_buffer(void* temp, const struct engine* e,
const struct io_props props, size_t N,
const struct unit_system* internal_units,
const struct unit_system* snapshot_units);
#endif /* HAVE_HDF5 */
size_t io_sizeof_type(enum IO_DATA_TYPE type);
int io_is_double_precision(enum IO_DATA_TYPE type);
long long io_count_gas_to_write(const struct space* s, const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_dark_matter_to_write(const struct space* s,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_background_dark_matter_to_write(const struct space* s,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_stars_to_write(const struct space* s, const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_sinks_to_write(const struct space* s, const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_black_holes_to_write(const struct space* s,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
long long io_count_neutrinos_to_write(const struct space* s,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num);
void io_collect_parts_to_write(const struct part* restrict parts,
const struct xpart* restrict xparts,
struct part* restrict parts_written,
struct xpart* restrict xparts_written,
const int subsample, const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num, const size_t Nparts,
const size_t Nparts_written);
void io_collect_sinks_to_write(const struct sink* restrict sinks,
struct sink* restrict sinks_written,
const int subsample, const float subsample_ratio,
const int snap_num, const size_t Nsinks,
const size_t Nsinks_written);
void io_collect_sparts_to_write(const struct spart* restrict sparts,
struct spart* restrict sparts_written,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio, const int snap_num,
const size_t Nsparts,
const size_t Nsparts_written);
void io_collect_bparts_to_write(const struct bpart* restrict bparts,
struct bpart* restrict bparts_written,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio, const int snap_num,
const size_t Nbparts,
const size_t Nbparts_written);
void io_collect_gparts_to_write(const struct gpart* restrict gparts,
const struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data,
struct gpart* restrict gparts_written,
struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data_written,
const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio, const int snap_num,
const size_t Ngparts,
const size_t Ngparts_written, int with_stf);
void io_collect_gparts_background_to_write(
const struct gpart* restrict gparts,
const struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data,
struct gpart* restrict gparts_written,
struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data_written, const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio, const int snap_num, const size_t Ngparts,
const size_t Ngparts_written, int with_stf);
void io_collect_gparts_neutrino_to_write(
const struct gpart* restrict gparts,
const struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data,
struct gpart* restrict gparts_written,
struct velociraptor_gpart_data* vr_data_written, const int subsample,
const float subsample_ratio, const int snap_num, const size_t Ngparts,
const size_t Ngparts_written, int with_stf);
void io_prepare_dm_gparts(struct threadpool* tp, struct gpart* const gparts,
size_t Ndm);
void io_prepare_dm_background_gparts(struct threadpool* tp,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Ndm);
size_t io_count_dm_background_gparts(const struct gpart* const gparts,
size_t Ndm);
void io_prepare_dm_neutrino_gparts(struct threadpool* tp,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Ndm);
size_t io_count_dm_neutrino_gparts(const struct gpart* const gparts,
size_t Ndm);
void io_duplicate_hydro_gparts(struct threadpool* tp, struct part* const parts,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Ngas,
size_t Ndm);
void io_duplicate_stars_gparts(struct threadpool* tp,
struct spart* const sparts,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Nstars,
size_t Ndm);
void io_duplicate_sinks_gparts(struct threadpool* tp, struct sink* const sinks,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Nsinks,
size_t Ndm);
void io_duplicate_black_holes_gparts(struct threadpool* tp,
struct bpart* const bparts,
struct gpart* const gparts, size_t Nstars,
size_t Ndm);
void io_prepare_output_fields(struct output_options* output_options,
const int with_cosmology, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, int verbose);
void io_write_output_field_parameter(const char* filename, int with_cosmology,
int with_fof, int with_stf);
void io_make_snapshot_subdir(const char* dirname);
void io_get_snapshot_filename(char filename[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE],
char xmf_filename[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE],
const struct output_list* output_list,
const int snapshots_invoke_stf,
const int stf_count, const int snap_count,
const char* default_subdir, const char* subdir,
const char* default_basename,
const char* basename);
void io_set_ids_to_one(struct gpart* gparts, const size_t Ngparts);
void io_select_hydro_fields(const struct part* const parts,
const struct xpart* const xparts,
const int with_cosmology, const int with_cooling,
const int with_temperature, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, const int with_rt,
const struct engine* const e, int* const num_fields,
struct io_props* const list);
void io_select_dm_fields(const struct gpart* const gparts,
const struct velociraptor_gpart_data* gpart_group_data,
const int with_fof, const int with_stf,
const struct engine* const e, int* const num_fields,
struct io_props* const list);
void io_select_neutrino_fields(
const struct gpart* const gparts,
const struct velociraptor_gpart_data* gpart_group_data, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, const struct engine* const e, int* const num_fields,
struct io_props* const list);
void io_select_sink_fields(const struct sink* const sinks,
const int with_cosmology, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, const struct engine* const e,
int* const num_fields, struct io_props* const list);
void io_select_star_fields(const struct spart* const sparts,
const int with_cosmology, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, const int with_rt,
const struct engine* const e, int* const num_fields,
struct io_props* const list);
void io_select_bh_fields(const struct bpart* const bparts,
const int with_cosmology, const int with_fof,
const int with_stf, const struct engine* const e,
int* const num_fields, struct io_props* const list);
#endif /* SWIFT_COMMON_IO_H */