* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "cell.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "memswap.h"
* @brief Sort the parts into eight bins along the given pivots.
* @param c The #cell array to be sorted.
* @param parts_offset Offset of the cell parts array relative to the
* space's parts array, i.e. c->hydro.parts - s->parts.
* @param sparts_offset Offset of the cell sparts array relative to the
* space's sparts array, i.e. c->stars.parts - s->stars.parts.
* @param bparts_offset Offset of the cell bparts array relative to the
* space's bparts array, i.e. c->black_holes.parts -
* s->black_holes.parts.
* @param sinks_offset Offset of the cell sink array relative to the
* space's sink array, i.e. c->sinks.parts - s->sinks.parts.
* @param buff A buffer with at least max(c->hydro.count, c->grav.count)
* entries, used for sorting indices.
* @param sbuff A buffer with at least max(c->stars.count, c->grav.count)
* entries, used for sorting indices for the sparts.
* @param bbuff A buffer with at least max(c->black_holes.count, c->grav.count)
* entries, used for sorting indices for the sparts.
* @param gbuff A buffer with at least max(c->hydro.count, c->grav.count)
* entries, used for sorting indices for the gparts.
* @param sinkbuff A buffer with at least max(c->sinks.count, c->grav.count)
* entries, used for sorting indices for the sinks.
void cell_split(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t parts_offset,
const ptrdiff_t sparts_offset, const ptrdiff_t bparts_offset,
const ptrdiff_t sinks_offset, struct cell_buff *restrict buff,
struct cell_buff *restrict sbuff,
struct cell_buff *restrict bbuff,
struct cell_buff *restrict gbuff,
struct cell_buff *restrict sinkbuff) {
const int count = c->hydro.count, gcount = c->grav.count,
scount = c->stars.count, bcount = c->black_holes.count,
sink_count = c->sinks.count;
struct part *parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
struct gpart *gparts = c->grav.parts;
struct spart *sparts = c->stars.parts;
struct bpart *bparts = c->black_holes.parts;
struct sink *sinks = c->sinks.parts;
const double pivot[3] = {c->loc[0] + c->width[0] / 2,
c->loc[1] + c->width[1] / 2,
c->loc[2] + c->width[2] / 2};
int bucket_count[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int bucket_offset[9];
/* Check that the buffs are OK. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
if (buff[k].x[0] != parts[k].x[0] || buff[k].x[1] != parts[k].x[1] ||
buff[k].x[2] != parts[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent buff contents.");
for (int k = 0; k < gcount; k++) {
if (gbuff[k].x[0] != gparts[k].x[0] || gbuff[k].x[1] != gparts[k].x[1] ||
gbuff[k].x[2] != gparts[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent gbuff contents.");
for (int k = 0; k < scount; k++) {
if (sbuff[k].x[0] != sparts[k].x[0] || sbuff[k].x[1] != sparts[k].x[1] ||
sbuff[k].x[2] != sparts[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent sbuff contents.");
for (int k = 0; k < bcount; k++) {
if (bbuff[k].x[0] != bparts[k].x[0] || bbuff[k].x[1] != bparts[k].x[1] ||
bbuff[k].x[2] != bparts[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent bbuff contents.");
for (int k = 0; k < sink_count; k++) {
if (sinkbuff[k].x[0] != sinks[k].x[0] ||
sinkbuff[k].x[1] != sinks[k].x[1] || sinkbuff[k].x[2] != sinks[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent sinkbuff contents.");
/* Fill the buffer with the indices. */
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
const int bid = (buff[k].x[0] >= pivot[0]) * 4 +
(buff[k].x[1] >= pivot[1]) * 2 + (buff[k].x[2] >= pivot[2]);
buff[k].ind = bid;
/* Set the buffer offsets. */
bucket_offset[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
bucket_offset[k] = bucket_offset[k - 1] + bucket_count[k - 1];
bucket_count[k - 1] = 0;
/* Run through the buckets, and swap particles to their correct spot. */
for (int bucket = 0; bucket < 8; bucket++) {
for (int k = bucket_offset[bucket] + bucket_count[bucket];
k < bucket_offset[bucket + 1]; k++) {
int bid = buff[k].ind;
if (bid != bucket) {
struct part part = parts[k];
struct xpart xpart = xparts[k];
struct cell_buff temp_buff = buff[k];
while (bid != bucket) {
int j = bucket_offset[bid] + bucket_count[bid]++;
while (buff[j].ind == bid) {
memswap(&parts[j], &part, sizeof(struct part));
memswap(&xparts[j], &xpart, sizeof(struct xpart));
memswap(&buff[j], &temp_buff, sizeof(struct cell_buff));
if (parts[j].gpart)
parts[j].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(j + parts_offset);
bid = temp_buff.ind;
parts[k] = part;
xparts[k] = xpart;
buff[k] = temp_buff;
if (parts[k].gpart)
parts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(k + parts_offset);
/* Store the counts and offsets. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
c->progeny[k]->hydro.count = bucket_count[k];
c->progeny[k]->hydro.count_total = c->progeny[k]->hydro.count;
c->progeny[k]->hydro.parts = &c->hydro.parts[bucket_offset[k]];
c->progeny[k]->hydro.xparts = &c->hydro.xparts[bucket_offset[k]];
/* Check that the buffs are OK. */
for (int k = 1; k < count; k++) {
if (buff[k].ind < buff[k - 1].ind) error("Buff not sorted.");
if (buff[k].x[0] != parts[k].x[0] || buff[k].x[1] != parts[k].x[1] ||
buff[k].x[2] != parts[k].x[2])
error("Inconsistent buff contents (k=%i).", k);
/* Verify that _all_ the parts have been assigned to a cell. */
for (int k = 1; k < 8; k++)
if (&c->progeny[k - 1]->hydro.parts[c->progeny[k - 1]->hydro.count] !=
error("Particle sorting failed (internal consistency).");
if (c->progeny[0]->hydro.parts != c->hydro.parts)
error("Particle sorting failed (left edge).");
if (&c->progeny[7]->hydro.parts[c->progeny[7]->hydro.count] !=
error("Particle sorting failed (right edge).");
/* Verify a few sub-cells. */
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[0]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[0]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] >= pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[0]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] >= pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[0]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] >= pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=0).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[1]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[1]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] >= pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[1]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] >= pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[1]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] < pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=1).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[2]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[2]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] >= pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[2]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] < pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[2]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] >= pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=2).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[3]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[3]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] >= pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[3]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] < pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[3]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] < pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=3).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[4]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[4]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] < pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[4]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] >= pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[4]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] >= pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=4).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[5]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[5]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] < pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[5]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] >= pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[5]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] < pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=5).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[6]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[6]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] < pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[6]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] < pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[6]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] >= pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=6).");
for (int k = 0; k < c->progeny[7]->hydro.count; k++)
if (c->progeny[7]->hydro.parts[k].x[0] < pivot[0] ||
c->progeny[7]->hydro.parts[k].x[1] < pivot[1] ||
c->progeny[7]->hydro.parts[k].x[2] < pivot[2])
error("Sorting failed (progeny=7).");
/* Now do the same song and dance for the sparts. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) bucket_count[k] = 0;
/* Fill the buffer with the indices. */
for (int k = 0; k < scount; k++) {
const int bid = (sbuff[k].x[0] > pivot[0]) * 4 +
(sbuff[k].x[1] > pivot[1]) * 2 + (sbuff[k].x[2] > pivot[2]);
sbuff[k].ind = bid;
/* Set the buffer offsets. */
bucket_offset[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
bucket_offset[k] = bucket_offset[k - 1] + bucket_count[k - 1];
bucket_count[k - 1] = 0;
/* Run through the buckets, and swap particles to their correct spot. */
for (int bucket = 0; bucket < 8; bucket++) {
for (int k = bucket_offset[bucket] + bucket_count[bucket];
k < bucket_offset[bucket + 1]; k++) {
int bid = sbuff[k].ind;
if (bid != bucket) {
struct spart spart = sparts[k];
struct cell_buff temp_buff = sbuff[k];
while (bid != bucket) {
int j = bucket_offset[bid] + bucket_count[bid]++;
while (sbuff[j].ind == bid) {
memswap(&sparts[j], &spart, sizeof(struct spart));
memswap(&sbuff[j], &temp_buff, sizeof(struct cell_buff));
if (sparts[j].gpart)
sparts[j].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(j + sparts_offset);
bid = temp_buff.ind;
sparts[k] = spart;
sbuff[k] = temp_buff;
if (sparts[k].gpart)
sparts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(k + sparts_offset);
/* Store the counts and offsets. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
c->progeny[k]->stars.count = bucket_count[k];
c->progeny[k]->stars.count_total = c->progeny[k]->stars.count;
c->progeny[k]->stars.parts = &c->stars.parts[bucket_offset[k]];
c->progeny[k]->stars.parts_rebuild = c->progeny[k]->stars.parts;
/* Now do the same song and dance for the bparts. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) bucket_count[k] = 0;
/* Fill the buffer with the indices. */
for (int k = 0; k < bcount; k++) {
const int bid = (bbuff[k].x[0] > pivot[0]) * 4 +
(bbuff[k].x[1] > pivot[1]) * 2 + (bbuff[k].x[2] > pivot[2]);
bbuff[k].ind = bid;
/* Set the buffer offsets. */
bucket_offset[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
bucket_offset[k] = bucket_offset[k - 1] + bucket_count[k - 1];
bucket_count[k - 1] = 0;
/* Run through the buckets, and swap particles to their correct spot. */
for (int bucket = 0; bucket < 8; bucket++) {
for (int k = bucket_offset[bucket] + bucket_count[bucket];
k < bucket_offset[bucket + 1]; k++) {
int bid = bbuff[k].ind;
if (bid != bucket) {
struct bpart bpart = bparts[k];
struct cell_buff temp_buff = bbuff[k];
while (bid != bucket) {
int j = bucket_offset[bid] + bucket_count[bid]++;
while (bbuff[j].ind == bid) {
memswap(&bparts[j], &bpart, sizeof(struct bpart));
memswap(&bbuff[j], &temp_buff, sizeof(struct cell_buff));
if (bparts[j].gpart)
bparts[j].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(j + bparts_offset);
bid = temp_buff.ind;
bparts[k] = bpart;
bbuff[k] = temp_buff;
if (bparts[k].gpart)
bparts[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(k + bparts_offset);
/* Store the counts and offsets. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
c->progeny[k]->black_holes.count = bucket_count[k];
c->progeny[k]->black_holes.count_total = c->progeny[k]->black_holes.count;
c->progeny[k]->black_holes.parts = &c->black_holes.parts[bucket_offset[k]];
/* Now do the same song and dance for the sinks. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) bucket_count[k] = 0;
/* Fill the buffer with the indices. */
for (int k = 0; k < sink_count; k++) {
const int bid = (sinkbuff[k].x[0] > pivot[0]) * 4 +
(sinkbuff[k].x[1] > pivot[1]) * 2 +
(sinkbuff[k].x[2] > pivot[2]);
sinkbuff[k].ind = bid;
/* Set the buffer offsets. */
bucket_offset[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
bucket_offset[k] = bucket_offset[k - 1] + bucket_count[k - 1];
bucket_count[k - 1] = 0;
/* Run through the buckets, and swap particles to their correct spot. */
for (int bucket = 0; bucket < 8; bucket++) {
for (int k = bucket_offset[bucket] + bucket_count[bucket];
k < bucket_offset[bucket + 1]; k++) {
int bid = sinkbuff[k].ind;
if (bid != bucket) {
struct sink sink = sinks[k];
struct cell_buff temp_buff = sinkbuff[k];
while (bid != bucket) {
int j = bucket_offset[bid] + bucket_count[bid]++;
while (sinkbuff[j].ind == bid) {
memswap(&sinks[j], &sink, sizeof(struct sink));
memswap(&sinkbuff[j], &temp_buff, sizeof(struct cell_buff));
if (sinks[j].gpart)
sinks[j].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(j + sinks_offset);
bid = temp_buff.ind;
sinks[k] = sink;
sinkbuff[k] = temp_buff;
if (sinks[k].gpart)
sinks[k].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(k + sinks_offset);
/* Store the counts and offsets. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
c->progeny[k]->sinks.count = bucket_count[k];
c->progeny[k]->sinks.count_total = c->progeny[k]->sinks.count;
c->progeny[k]->sinks.parts = &c->sinks.parts[bucket_offset[k]];
c->progeny[k]->sinks.parts_rebuild = c->progeny[k]->sinks.parts;
/* Finally, do the same song and dance for the gparts. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) bucket_count[k] = 0;
/* Fill the buffer with the indices. */
for (int k = 0; k < gcount; k++) {
const int bid = (gbuff[k].x[0] > pivot[0]) * 4 +
(gbuff[k].x[1] > pivot[1]) * 2 + (gbuff[k].x[2] > pivot[2]);
gbuff[k].ind = bid;
/* Set the buffer offsets. */
bucket_offset[0] = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
bucket_offset[k] = bucket_offset[k - 1] + bucket_count[k - 1];
bucket_count[k - 1] = 0;
/* Run through the buckets, and swap particles to their correct spot. */
for (int bucket = 0; bucket < 8; bucket++) {
for (int k = bucket_offset[bucket] + bucket_count[bucket];
k < bucket_offset[bucket + 1]; k++) {
int bid = gbuff[k].ind;
if (bid != bucket) {
struct gpart gpart = gparts[k];
struct cell_buff temp_buff = gbuff[k];
while (bid != bucket) {
int j = bucket_offset[bid] + bucket_count[bid]++;
while (gbuff[j].ind == bid) {
memswap_unaligned(&gparts[j], &gpart, sizeof(struct gpart));
memswap(&gbuff[j], &temp_buff, sizeof(struct cell_buff));
if (gparts[j].type == swift_type_gas) {
parts[-gparts[j].id_or_neg_offset - parts_offset].gpart =
} else if (gparts[j].type == swift_type_stars) {
sparts[-gparts[j].id_or_neg_offset - sparts_offset].gpart =
} else if (gparts[j].type == swift_type_sink) {
sinks[-gparts[j].id_or_neg_offset - sinks_offset].gpart =
} else if (gparts[j].type == swift_type_black_hole) {
bparts[-gparts[j].id_or_neg_offset - bparts_offset].gpart =
bid = temp_buff.ind;
gparts[k] = gpart;
gbuff[k] = temp_buff;
if (gparts[k].type == swift_type_gas) {
parts[-gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset - parts_offset].gpart = &gparts[k];
} else if (gparts[k].type == swift_type_stars) {
sparts[-gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset - sparts_offset].gpart =
} else if (gparts[k].type == swift_type_sink) {
sinks[-gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset - sinks_offset].gpart = &gparts[k];
} else if (gparts[k].type == swift_type_black_hole) {
bparts[-gparts[k].id_or_neg_offset - bparts_offset].gpart =
/* Store the counts and offsets. */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
c->progeny[k]->grav.count = bucket_count[k];
c->progeny[k]->grav.count_total = c->progeny[k]->grav.count;
c->progeny[k]->grav.parts = &c->grav.parts[bucket_offset[k]];
c->progeny[k]->grav.parts_rebuild = c->progeny[k]->grav.parts;
* @brief Re-arrange the #part in a top-level cell such that all the extra
* ones for on-the-fly creation are located at the end of the array.
* @param c The #cell to sort.
* @param parts_offset The offset between the first #part in the array and the
* first #part in the global array in the space structure (for re-linking).
void cell_reorder_extra_parts(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t parts_offset) {
struct part *parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct xpart *xparts = c->hydro.xparts;
const int count_real = c->hydro.count;
if (c->depth != 0 || c->nodeID != engine_rank)
error("This function should only be called on local top-level cells!");
int first_not_extra = count_real;
/* Find extra particles */
for (int i = 0; i < count_real; ++i) {
if (parts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* Find the first non-extra particle after the end of the
real particles */
while (parts[first_not_extra].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
if (first_not_extra >= count_real + space_extra_parts)
error("Looking for extra particles beyond this cell's range!");
/* Swap everything, including g-part pointer */
memswap(&parts[i], &parts[first_not_extra], sizeof(struct part));
memswap(&xparts[i], &xparts[first_not_extra], sizeof(struct xpart));
if (parts[i].gpart)
parts[i].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(i + parts_offset);
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count_total; ++i) {
if (parts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created && i < c->hydro.count) {
error("Extra particle before the end of the regular array");
if (parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_not_created && i >= c->hydro.count) {
error("Regular particle after the end of the regular array");
* @brief Re-arrange the #spart in a top-level cell such that all the extra
* ones for on-the-fly creation are located at the end of the array.
* @param c The #cell to sort.
* @param sparts_offset The offset between the first #spart in the array and
* the first #spart in the global array in the space structure (for
* re-linking).
void cell_reorder_extra_sparts(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t sparts_offset) {
struct spart *sparts = c->stars.parts;
const int count_real = c->stars.count;
if (c->depth != 0 || c->nodeID != engine_rank)
error("This function should only be called on local top-level cells!");
int first_not_extra = count_real;
/* Find extra particles */
for (int i = 0; i < count_real; ++i) {
if (sparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* Find the first non-extra particle after the end of the
real particles */
while (sparts[first_not_extra].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
if (first_not_extra >= count_real + space_extra_sparts)
error("Looking for extra particles beyond this cell's range!");
/* Swap everything, including g-part pointer */
memswap(&sparts[i], &sparts[first_not_extra], sizeof(struct spart));
if (sparts[i].gpart)
sparts[i].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(i + sparts_offset);
sparts[first_not_extra].gpart = NULL;
if (sparts[first_not_extra].time_bin != time_bin_not_created)
error("Incorrect swap occured!");
for (int i = 0; i < c->stars.count_total; ++i) {
if (sparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created && i < c->stars.count) {
error("Extra particle before the end of the regular array");
if (sparts[i].time_bin != time_bin_not_created && i >= c->stars.count) {
error("Regular particle after the end of the regular array");
* @brief Re-arrange the #sink in a top-level cell such that all the extra
* ones for on-the-fly creation are located at the end of the array.
* @param c The #cell to sort.
* @param sinks_offset The offset between the first #sink in the array and
* the first #sink in the global array in the space structure (for
* re-linking).
void cell_reorder_extra_sinks(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t sinks_offset) {
struct sink *sinks = c->sinks.parts;
const int count_real = c->sinks.count;
if (c->depth != 0 || c->nodeID != engine_rank)
error("This function should only be called on local top-level cells!");
int first_not_extra = count_real;
/* Find extra particles */
for (int i = 0; i < count_real; ++i) {
if (sinks[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* Find the first non-extra particle after the end of the
real particles */
while (sinks[first_not_extra].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
if (first_not_extra >= count_real + space_extra_sinks)
error("Looking for extra particles beyond this cell's range!");
/* Swap everything, including g-part pointer */
memswap(&sinks[i], &sinks[first_not_extra], sizeof(struct sink));
if (sinks[i].gpart)
sinks[i].gpart->id_or_neg_offset = -(i + sinks_offset);
sinks[first_not_extra].gpart = NULL;
if (sinks[first_not_extra].time_bin != time_bin_not_created)
error("Incorrect swap occured!");
for (int i = 0; i < c->sinks.count_total; ++i) {
if (sinks[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created && i < c->sinks.count) {
error("Extra particle before the end of the regular array");
if (sinks[i].time_bin != time_bin_not_created && i >= c->sinks.count) {
error("Regular particle after the end of the regular array");
* @brief Re-arrange the #gpart in a top-level cell such that all the extra
* ones for on-the-fly creation are located at the end of the array.
* @param c The #cell to sort.
* @param parts The global array of #part (for re-linking).
* @param sparts The global array of #spart (for re-linking).
* @param sinks The global array of #sink (for re-linking).
void cell_reorder_extra_gparts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts,
struct spart *sparts, struct sink *sinks,
struct bpart *bparts) {
struct gpart *gparts = c->grav.parts;
const int count_real = c->grav.count;
if (c->depth != 0 || c->nodeID != engine_rank)
error("This function should only be called on local top-level cells!");
int first_not_extra = count_real;
/* Find extra particles */
for (int i = 0; i < count_real; ++i) {
if (gparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* Find the first non-extra particle after the end of the
real particles */
while (gparts[first_not_extra].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
if (first_not_extra >= count_real + space_extra_gparts)
error("Looking for extra particles beyond this cell's range!");
/* Swap everything (including pointers) */
memswap_unaligned(&gparts[i], &gparts[first_not_extra],
sizeof(struct gpart));
if (gparts[i].type == swift_type_gas) {
parts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &gparts[i];
} else if (gparts[i].type == swift_type_sink) {
sinks[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &gparts[i];
} else if (gparts[i].type == swift_type_stars) {
sparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &gparts[i];
} else if (gparts[i].type == swift_type_black_hole) {
bparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].gpart = &gparts[i];
for (int i = 0; i < c->grav.count_total; ++i) {
if (gparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created && i < c->grav.count) {
error("Extra particle before the end of the regular array");
if (gparts[i].time_bin != time_bin_not_created && i >= c->grav.count) {
error("Regular particle after the end of the regular array");