/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk) * Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl) * 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk) * 2016 John A. Regan (john.a.regan@durham.ac.uk) * Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SWIFT_CELL_H #define SWIFT_CELL_H /* Config parameters. */ #include /* Includes. */ #include #include #include /* Local includes. */ #include "align.h" #include "cell_black_holes.h" #include "cell_grav.h" #include "cell_grid.h" #include "cell_hydro.h" #include "cell_rt.h" #include "cell_sinks.h" #include "cell_stars.h" #include "ghost_stats.h" #include "kernel_hydro.h" #include "multipole_struct.h" #include "part.h" #include "periodic.h" #include "sort_part.h" #include "space.h" #include "task.h" #include "timeline.h" /* Avoid cyclic inclusions */ struct engine; struct scheduler; struct replication_list; /* Max tag size set to 2^29 to take into account some MPI implementations * that use 2^31 as the upper bound on MPI tags and the fact that * cell_next_tag is multiplied by 2 when passed to an MPI function. * The maximum was lowered by a further factor of 2 to be on the safe side.*/ #define cell_max_tag (1 << 29) #define cell_align 128 /* Global variables. */ extern int cell_next_tag; /*! Counter for cell IDs (when exceeding max values for uniqueness) */ #if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH) extern unsigned long long last_cell_id; extern unsigned long long last_leaf_cell_id; #endif /* Struct to temporarily buffer the particle locations and bin id. */ struct cell_buff { double x[3]; int ind; } SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGN; /* Mini struct to link cells to tasks. Used as a linked list. */ struct link { /* The task pointer. */ struct task *t; /* The next pointer. */ struct link *next; }; /* Holds the pairs of progeny for each sid. */ struct cell_split_pair { int count; struct { int pid; int pjd; int sid; } pairs[16]; }; extern struct cell_split_pair cell_split_pairs[13]; /** * @brief Packed cell for information correct at rebuild time. * * Contains all the information for a tree walk in a non-local cell. */ struct pcell { /*! Hydro variables */ struct { /*! Number of #part in this cell. */ int count; /*! Maximal smoothing length. */ float h_max; /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for hydro tasks */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal integer beginning-of-timestep in this cell for hydro tasks */ integertime_t ti_beg_max; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #part in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_part; } hydro; /*! Gravity variables */ struct { /*! This cell's gravity-related tensors */ struct multipole m_pole; /*! Centre of mass. */ double CoM[3]; /*! Centre of mass at rebuild time. */ double CoM_rebuild[3]; /*! Upper limit of the CoM<->gpart distance. */ double r_max; /*! Upper limit of the CoM<->gpart distance at last rebuild. */ double r_max_rebuild; /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for gravity tasks */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal integer beginning-of-timestep in this cell for gravity tasks */ integertime_t ti_beg_max; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #gpart in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_part; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #multipole in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_multipole; /*! Number of #gpart in this cell. */ int count; } grav; /*! Stars variables */ struct { /*! Number of #spart in this cell. */ int count; /*! Maximal smoothing length. */ float h_max; /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for stars tasks */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #spart in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_part; } stars; /*! Black hole variables */ struct { /*! Number of #spart in this cell. */ int count; /*! Maximal smoothing length. */ float h_max; /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for black hole tasks */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #spart in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_part; } black_holes; /*! Sink variables */ struct { /*! Number of #sink in this cell. */ int count; /*! Maximal cut off radius. */ float h_max; /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for sinks tasks */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Integer time of the last drift of the #sink in this cell */ integertime_t ti_old_part; } sinks; /*! Grid variables */ struct { /*! self complete flag */ enum grid_completeness self_completeness; } grid; /*! RT variables */ struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell for RT tasks */ integertime_t ti_rt_end_min; /*! smallest RT time-step size in this cell */ integertime_t ti_rt_min_step_size; } rt; /*! Maximal depth in that part of the tree */ int maxdepth; /*! Relative indices of the cell's progeny. */ int progeny[8]; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /* Cell ID (for debugging) */ unsigned long long cellID; #endif } SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGN; /** * @brief Cell information at the end of a time-step. */ struct pcell_step { struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (hydro) */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal distance any #part has travelled since last rebuild */ float dx_max_part; } hydro; struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (gravity) */ integertime_t ti_end_min; } grav; struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (stars) */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal distance any #part has travelled since last rebuild */ float dx_max_part; } stars; struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (black_holes) */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal distance any #part has travelled since last rebuild */ float dx_max_part; } black_holes; struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (sinks) */ integertime_t ti_end_min; /*! Maximal distance any #part has travelled since last rebuild */ float dx_max_part; } sinks; struct { /*! Minimal integer end-of-timestep in this cell (rt) */ integertime_t ti_rt_end_min; /*! smallest RT time-step size in this cell */ integertime_t ti_rt_min_step_size; } rt; }; /** * @brief Cell information to propagate the new counts of star particles (star * variables). */ struct pcell_sf_stars { /* Distance by which the stars pointer has moved since the last rebuild */ ptrdiff_t delta_from_rebuild; /* Number of particles in the cell */ int count; /*! Maximum part movement in this cell since last construction. */ float dx_max_part; }; /** * @brief Cell information to propagate the new counts of star particles (grav * variables). */ struct pcell_sf_grav { /* Distance by which the gpart pointer has moved since the last rebuild */ ptrdiff_t delta_from_rebuild; /* Number of particles in the cell */ int count; }; /** * @brief Bitmasks for the cell flags. Beware when adding flags that you don't * exceed the size of the flags variable in the struct cell. */ enum cell_flags { cell_flag_split = (1UL << 0), cell_flag_do_hydro_drift = (1UL << 1), cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_drift = (1UL << 2), cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sort = (1UL << 3), cell_flag_do_hydro_limiter = (1UL << 4), cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_limiter = (1UL << 5), cell_flag_do_grav_drift = (1UL << 6), cell_flag_do_grav_sub_drift = (1UL << 7), cell_flag_do_stars_sub_sort = (1UL << 8), cell_flag_do_stars_drift = (1UL << 9), cell_flag_do_stars_sub_drift = (1UL << 10), cell_flag_do_bh_drift = (1UL << 11), cell_flag_do_bh_sub_drift = (1UL << 12), cell_flag_do_sink_drift = (1UL << 13), cell_flag_do_sink_sub_drift = (1UL << 14), cell_flag_do_stars_resort = (1UL << 15), cell_flag_has_tasks = (1UL << 16), cell_flag_do_hydro_sync = (1UL << 17), cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sync = (1UL << 18), cell_flag_unskip_self_grav_processed = (1UL << 19), cell_flag_unskip_pair_grav_processed = (1UL << 20), cell_flag_skip_rt_sort = (1UL << 21), /* skip rt_sort after a RT recv? */ cell_flag_do_rt_sub_sort = (1UL << 22), /* same as hydro_sub_sort for RT */ cell_flag_rt_requests_sort = (1UL << 23) /* was this sort requested by RT? */ }; /** * @brief Cell within the tree structure. * * Contains particles, links to tasks, a multipole object and counters. */ struct cell { /*! The cell location on the grid (corner nearest to the origin). */ double loc[3]; /*! The cell dimensions. */ double width[3]; /*! Pointers to the next level of cells. */ struct cell *progeny[8]; union { /*! Linking pointer for "memory management". */ struct cell *next; /*! Parent cell. */ struct cell *parent; }; /*! Pointer to the top-level cell in a hierarchy */ struct cell *top; /*! Super cell, i.e. the highest-level parent cell with *any* task */ struct cell *super; /*! Cell flags bit-mask. */ volatile uint32_t flags; /*! Hydro variables */ struct cell_hydro hydro; /*! Grav variables */ struct cell_grav grav; /*! Stars variables */ struct cell_stars stars; /*! Black hole variables */ struct cell_black_holes black_holes; /*! Sink particles variables */ struct cell_sinks sinks; /*! The grid variables */ struct cell_grid grid; /*! Radiative transfer variables */ struct cell_rt rt; #ifdef WITH_MPI /*! MPI variables */ struct { union { /* Single list of all send tasks associated with this cell. */ struct link *send; /* Single list of all recv tasks associated with this cell. */ struct link *recv; }; union { /* Single list of all pack tasks associated with this cell. */ struct link *pack; /* Single list of all unpack tasks associated with this cell. */ struct link *unpack; }; /*! Bit mask of the proxies this cell is registered with. */ unsigned long long int sendto; /*! Pointer to this cell's packed representation. */ struct pcell *pcell; /*! Size of the packed representation */ int pcell_size; /*! MPI tag associated with this cell */ int tag; } mpi; #endif /*! The first kick task */ struct task *kick1; /*! The second kick task */ struct task *kick2; /*! The task to compute time-steps */ struct task *timestep; /*! The task to limit the time-step of inactive particles */ struct task *timestep_limiter; /*! The task to synchronize the time-step of inactive particles hit by * feedback */ struct task *timestep_sync; /*! The task to recursively collect time-steps */ struct task *timestep_collect; #ifdef WITH_CSDS /*! The csds task */ struct task *csds; #endif /*! Minimum dimension, i.e. smallest edge of this cell (min(width)). */ float dmin; /*! When walking the tree and running loops at different level, this is * the minimal h that can be processed at this level */ float h_min_allowed; /*! When walking the tree and running loops at different level, this is * the maximal h that can be processed at this level */ float h_max_allowed; /*! ID of the previous owner, e.g. runner. */ short int owner; /*! ID of a threadpool thread that maybe associated with this cell. */ short int tpid; /*! ID of the node this cell lives on. */ int nodeID; /*! The depth of this cell in the tree. */ char depth; /*! Is this cell split ? */ char split; /*! The maximal depth of this cell and its progenies */ char maxdepth; #if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH) /* Cell ID (for debugging) */ long long cellID; #endif #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS /*! Number of tasks that are associated with this cell. */ short int nr_tasks; /*! The list of tasks that have been executed on this cell */ char tasks_executed[task_type_count]; /*! The list of sub-tasks that have been executed on this cell */ char subtasks_executed[task_type_count]; #endif struct ghost_stats ghost_statistics; } SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGN; /* Convert cell location to ID. */ #define cell_getid(cdim, i, j, k) \ ((int)(k) + (cdim)[2] * ((int)(j) + (cdim)[1] * (int)(i))) /* Function prototypes. */ void cell_split(struct cell *c, ptrdiff_t parts_offset, ptrdiff_t sparts_offset, ptrdiff_t bparts_offset, ptrdiff_t sinks_offset, struct cell_buff *buff, struct cell_buff *sbuff, struct cell_buff *bbuff, struct cell_buff *gbuff, struct cell_buff *sinkbuff); void cell_sanitize(struct cell *c, int treated); int cell_locktree(struct cell *c); void cell_unlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_glocktree(struct cell *c); void cell_gunlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_mlocktree(struct cell *c); void cell_munlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_slocktree(struct cell *c); void cell_sunlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_sink_locktree(struct cell *c); void cell_sink_unlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_blocktree(struct cell *c); void cell_bunlocktree(struct cell *c); int cell_pack(struct cell *c, struct pcell *pc, const int with_gravity); int cell_unpack(struct pcell *pc, struct cell *c, struct space *s, const int with_gravity); void cell_pack_part_swallow(const struct cell *c, struct black_holes_part_data *data); void cell_unpack_part_swallow(struct cell *c, const struct black_holes_part_data *data); void cell_pack_bpart_swallow(const struct cell *c, struct black_holes_bpart_data *data); void cell_unpack_bpart_swallow(struct cell *c, const struct black_holes_bpart_data *data); int cell_pack_tags(const struct cell *c, int *tags); int cell_unpack_tags(const int *tags, struct cell *c); int cell_pack_grid_extra(const struct cell *c, enum grid_construction_level *info); int cell_unpack_grid_extra(const enum grid_construction_level *info, struct cell *c, struct cell *construction_level); int cell_pack_end_step(const struct cell *c, struct pcell_step *pcell); int cell_unpack_end_step(struct cell *c, const struct pcell_step *pcell); void cell_pack_timebin(const struct cell *const c, timebin_t *const t); void cell_unpack_timebin(struct cell *const c, timebin_t *const t); int cell_pack_multipoles(struct cell *c, struct gravity_tensors *m); int cell_unpack_multipoles(struct cell *c, struct gravity_tensors *m); int cell_pack_sf_counts(struct cell *c, struct pcell_sf_stars *pcell); int cell_unpack_sf_counts(struct cell *c, struct pcell_sf_stars *pcell); int cell_pack_grav_counts(struct cell *c, struct pcell_sf_grav *pcell); int cell_unpack_grav_counts(struct cell *c, struct pcell_sf_grav *pcell); int cell_get_tree_size(struct cell *c); int cell_link_parts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts); int cell_link_gparts(struct cell *c, struct gpart *gparts); int cell_link_sparts(struct cell *c, struct spart *sparts); int cell_link_bparts(struct cell *c, struct bpart *bparts); int cell_link_sinks(struct cell *c, struct sink *sinks); int cell_link_foreign_parts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts); int cell_link_foreign_gparts(struct cell *c, struct gpart *gparts); void cell_unlink_foreign_particles(struct cell *c); int cell_count_parts_for_tasks(const struct cell *c); int cell_count_gparts_for_tasks(const struct cell *c); void cell_clean_links(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_make_multipoles(struct cell *c, integertime_t ti_current, const struct gravity_props *const grav_props); void cell_check_multipole(struct cell *c, const struct gravity_props *const grav_props); void cell_check_foreign_multipole(const struct cell *c); void cell_clean(struct cell *c); void cell_check_part_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_check_gpart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_check_spart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_check_bpart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_check_sink_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_check_multipole_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_reset_task_counters(struct cell *c); int cell_unskip_hydro_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); int cell_unskip_stars_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s, const int with_star_formation, const int with_star_formation_sink); int cell_unskip_sinks_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); int cell_unskip_rt_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s, const int sub_cycle); int cell_unskip_black_holes_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); int cell_unskip_gravity_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_drift_part(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e, int force, struct replication_list *replication_list_in); void cell_drift_gpart(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e, int force, struct replication_list *replication_list); void cell_drift_spart(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e, int force, struct replication_list *replication_list); void cell_drift_sink(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e, int force); void cell_drift_bpart(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e, int force, struct replication_list *replication_list); void cell_drift_multipole(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e); void cell_drift_all_multipoles(struct cell *c, const struct engine *e); void cell_check_timesteps(const struct cell *c, const integertime_t ti_current, const timebin_t max_bin); void cell_store_pre_drift_values(struct cell *c); void cell_set_star_resort_flag(struct cell *c); void cell_activate_star_formation_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s, const int with_feedback); void cell_activate_star_formation_sink_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s, const int with_feedback); void cell_activate_sink_formation_tasks(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_subcell_hydro_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s, const int with_timestep_limiter); int cell_activate_subcell_grav_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_subcell_stars_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s, const int with_star_formation, const int with_star_formation_sink, const int with_timestep_sync); void cell_activate_subcell_sinks_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s, const int with_timestep_sync); void cell_activate_subcell_black_holes_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s, const int with_timestep_sync); void cell_activate_subcell_external_grav_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_subcell_rt_tasks(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj, struct scheduler *s, const int sub_cycle); void cell_set_no_rt_sort_flag_up(struct cell *c); void cell_activate_super_spart_drifts(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_super_sink_drifts(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_drift_part(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_drift_gpart(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_drift_spart(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_drift_sink(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_drift_bpart(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_sync_part(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_rt_sorts(struct cell *c, int sid, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_hydro_sorts(struct cell *c, int sid, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_stars_sorts(struct cell *c, int sid, struct scheduler *s); void cell_activate_limiter(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s); void cell_clear_drift_flags(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_clear_limiter_flags(struct cell *c, void *data); void cell_set_super_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements, void *extra_data); void cell_grid_update_self_completeness(struct cell *c, int force); void cell_set_grid_completeness_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements, void *extra_data); void cell_set_grid_construction_level_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements, void *extra_data); void cell_grid_set_self_completeness_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements, void *extra_data); void cell_check_spart_pos(const struct cell *c, const struct spart *global_sparts); void cell_check_sort_flags(const struct cell *c); void cell_clear_stars_sort_flags(struct cell *c, const int unused_flags); void cell_clear_hydro_sort_flags(struct cell *c, const int unused_flags); int cell_has_tasks(struct cell *c); void cell_remove_part(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct part *p, struct xpart *xp); void cell_remove_gpart(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct gpart *gp); void cell_remove_spart(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct spart *sp); void cell_remove_sink(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct sink *sink); void cell_remove_bpart(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct bpart *bp); struct spart *cell_add_spart(struct engine *e, struct cell *c); struct gpart *cell_add_gpart(struct engine *e, struct cell *c); struct spart *cell_spawn_new_spart_from_part(struct engine *e, struct cell *c, const struct part *p, const struct xpart *xp); struct spart *cell_spawn_new_spart_from_sink(struct engine *e, struct cell *c, const struct sink *s); struct gpart *cell_convert_part_to_gpart(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct part *p, struct xpart *xp); struct gpart *cell_convert_spart_to_gpart(const struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct spart *sp); struct spart *cell_convert_part_to_spart(struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct part *p, struct xpart *xp); struct sink *cell_convert_part_to_sink(struct engine *e, struct cell *c, struct part *p, struct xpart *xp); void cell_reorder_extra_parts(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t parts_offset); void cell_reorder_extra_gparts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts, struct spart *sparts, struct sink *sinks, struct bpart *bparts); void cell_reorder_extra_sparts(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t sparts_offset); void cell_reorder_extra_sinks(struct cell *c, const ptrdiff_t sinks_offset); int cell_can_use_pair_mm(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj, const struct engine *e, const struct space *s, const int use_rebuild_data, const int is_tree_walk); /** * @brief Does a #cell contain no particle at all. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_is_empty( const struct cell *c) { return (c->hydro.count == 0 && c->grav.count == 0 && c->stars.count == 0 && c->black_holes.count == 0 && c->sinks.count == 0); } /** * @brief Compute the square of the minimal distance between any two points in * two cells of the same size * * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. * @param periodic Are we using periodic BCs? * @param dim The dimensions of the simulation volume */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double cell_min_dist2_same_size( const struct cell *restrict ci, const struct cell *restrict cj, const int periodic, const double dim[3]) { #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (ci->width[0] != cj->width[0]) error("Cells of different size!"); if (ci->width[1] != cj->width[1]) error("Cells of different size!"); if (ci->width[2] != cj->width[2]) error("Cells of different size!"); #endif const double cix_min = ci->loc[0]; const double ciy_min = ci->loc[1]; const double ciz_min = ci->loc[2]; const double cjx_min = cj->loc[0]; const double cjy_min = cj->loc[1]; const double cjz_min = cj->loc[2]; const double cix_max = ci->loc[0] + ci->width[0]; const double ciy_max = ci->loc[1] + ci->width[1]; const double ciz_max = ci->loc[2] + ci->width[2]; const double cjx_max = cj->loc[0] + cj->width[0]; const double cjy_max = cj->loc[1] + cj->width[1]; const double cjz_max = cj->loc[2] + cj->width[2]; if (periodic) { const double dx = min4(fabs(nearest(cix_min - cjx_min, dim[0])), fabs(nearest(cix_min - cjx_max, dim[0])), fabs(nearest(cix_max - cjx_min, dim[0])), fabs(nearest(cix_max - cjx_max, dim[0]))); const double dy = min4(fabs(nearest(ciy_min - cjy_min, dim[1])), fabs(nearest(ciy_min - cjy_max, dim[1])), fabs(nearest(ciy_max - cjy_min, dim[1])), fabs(nearest(ciy_max - cjy_max, dim[1]))); const double dz = min4(fabs(nearest(ciz_min - cjz_min, dim[2])), fabs(nearest(ciz_min - cjz_max, dim[2])), fabs(nearest(ciz_max - cjz_min, dim[2])), fabs(nearest(ciz_max - cjz_max, dim[2]))); return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } else { const double dx = min4(fabs(cix_min - cjx_min), fabs(cix_min - cjx_max), fabs(cix_max - cjx_min), fabs(cix_max - cjx_max)); const double dy = min4(fabs(ciy_min - cjy_min), fabs(ciy_min - cjy_max), fabs(ciy_max - cjy_min), fabs(ciy_max - cjy_max)); const double dz = min4(fabs(ciz_min - cjz_min), fabs(ciz_min - cjz_max), fabs(ciz_max - cjz_min), fabs(ciz_max - cjz_max)); return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } } /* Inlined functions (for speed). */ /** * @brief Can a sub-pair hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_pair_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note: We use the _old values as these might have been updated by a drift */ return c->split && ((kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_old + c->hydro.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subpair_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ return ((kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_active + c->hydro.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subpair2_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ return ((kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max + c->hydro.dx_max_part) < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_self_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return c->split && (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subself_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_active < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a hydro task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subself2_hydro_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return c->split && (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair star task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param ci The #cell with stars. * @param cj The #cell with hydro parts. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_pair_stars_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note: We use the _old values as these might have been updated by a drift */ return c->split && ((kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max_old + c->stars.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair stars task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subpair_stars_task(const struct cell *c) { /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ return ((kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max_active + c->stars.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self stars task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_self_stars_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return c->split && (kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self stars task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_subself_stars_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return (kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max_active < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair sink task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param ci The #cell with stars. * @param cj The #cell with hydro parts. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_pair_sinks_task(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note: We use the _old values as these might have been updated by a drift */ return ci->split && cj->split && ((kernel_gamma * ci->sinks.h_max_old + ci->sinks.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * ci->dmin) && ((kernel_gamma * cj->hydro.h_max_old + cj->hydro.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * cj->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-pair black hole task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param ci The #cell with black holes. * @param cj The #cell with hydro parts. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_pair_black_holes_task(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts have moved */ /* smaller than the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note: We use the _old values as these might have been updated by a drift */ return ci->split && cj->split && ((kernel_gamma * ci->black_holes.h_max_old + ci->black_holes.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * ci->dmin) && ((kernel_gamma * cj->hydro.h_max_old + cj->hydro.dx_max_part_old) < 0.5f * cj->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self black hole task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_self_black_holes_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return c->split && (kernel_gamma * c->black_holes.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a sub-self sinks task recurse to a lower level based * on the status of the particles in the cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_recurse_in_self_sinks_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and not smaller than the smoothing length? */ return c->split && (kernel_gamma * c->sinks.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max_old < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a pair hydro task associated with a cell be split into smaller * sub-tasks. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_split_pair_hydro_task( const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius with some leeway smaller than */ /* the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note that since tasks are create after a rebuild no need to take */ /* into account any part motion (i.e. dx_max == 0 here) */ return c->split && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->black_holes.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a self hydro task associated with a cell be split into smaller * sub-tasks. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_split_self_hydro_task( const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split ? */ /* If so, is the cut-off radius with some leeway smaller than */ /* the sub-cell sizes ? */ /* Note: No need for more checks here as all the sub-pairs and sub-self */ /* tasks will be created. So no need to check for h_max */ return c->split && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->hydro.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->stars.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin) && (space_stretch * kernel_gamma * c->black_holes.h_max < 0.5f * c->dmin); } /** * @brief Can a pair gravity task associated with a cell be split into smaller * sub-tasks. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_split_pair_gravity_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and still far from the leaves ? */ return c->split && ((c->maxdepth - c->depth) > space_subdepth_diff_grav); } /** * @brief Can a self gravity task associated with a cell be split into smaller * sub-tasks. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_split_self_gravity_task(const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split and still far from the leaves ? */ return c->split && ((c->maxdepth - c->depth) > space_subdepth_diff_grav); } /** * @brief Can a self FOF task associated with a cell be split into smaller * sub-tasks. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_can_split_self_fof_task( const struct cell *c) { /* Is the cell split ? */ return c->split && c->grav.count > 5000 && ((c->maxdepth - c->depth) > space_subdepth_diff_grav); } /** * @brief Have gas particles in a pair of cells moved too much and require a * rebuild * ? * * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static int cell_need_rebuild_for_hydro_pair(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts in both cells have */ /* moved larger than the cell size ? */ /* Note ci->dmin == cj->dmin */ if (kernel_gamma * max(ci->hydro.h_max, cj->hydro.h_max) + ci->hydro.dx_max_part + cj->hydro.dx_max_part > cj->dmin) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Have gas particles in a pair of cells moved too much, invalidating the * completeness criterion for ci? * * This function returns true the grid completeness criterion from the * perspective of ci (the #cell for which the grid will be constructed) is no * longer valid. * * NOTE: This function assumes that the self_completeness flags are up to date. * NOTE: This whether a cell needs a rebuild for a grid construction pair is an * asymmetric property, so it should always be checked both ways! * * @param ci The first #cell. This is the cell for which the grid will be * constructed. * @param cj The second #cell. This is the neighbouring cell whose particles are * used as ghost particles. * @return Whether completeness of ci is invalidated by the pair (ci, cj). */ __attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static int cell_grid_pair_invalidates_completeness(struct cell *ci, struct cell *cj) { /* Check completeness criteria */ /* NOTE: Both completeness flags should already be updated at this point */ const int ci_self_complete = ci->grid.self_completeness == grid_complete; const int cj_self_complete = cj->grid.self_completeness == grid_complete; if (!ci_self_complete) return 1; #ifdef SHADOWSWIFT_RELAXED_COMPLETENESS /* If if ci is self-complete and cj is not, but its maximal search radius is * sufficiently small, we still consider the pair (ci, cj) complete. * NOTE: ci->dmin == cj->dmin */ if (!cj_self_complete && kernel_gamma * ci->hydro.h_max > 0.5 * cj->dmin) return 1; #else if (!ci_self_complete || !cj_self_complete) return 1; #endif return 0; } /** * @brief Have star particles in a pair of cells moved too much and require a * rebuild? * * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static int cell_need_rebuild_for_stars_pair(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts in both cells have */ /* moved larger than the cell size ? */ /* Note ci->dmin == cj->dmin */ if (kernel_gamma * max(ci->stars.h_max, cj->hydro.h_max) + ci->stars.dx_max_part + cj->hydro.dx_max_part > cj->dmin) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Have sink particles in a pair of cells moved too much and require a * rebuild? * * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static int cell_need_rebuild_for_sinks_pair(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts in both cells have */ /* moved larger than the cell size ? */ /* Note ci->dmin == cj->dmin */ if (max(kernel_gamma * ci->sinks.h_max, kernel_gamma * cj->hydro.h_max) + ci->sinks.dx_max_part + cj->hydro.dx_max_part > cj->dmin) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Have star particles in a pair of cells moved too much and require a * rebuild? * * @param ci The first #cell. * @param cj The second #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static int cell_need_rebuild_for_black_holes_pair(const struct cell *ci, const struct cell *cj) { /* Is the cut-off radius plus the max distance the parts in both cells have */ /* moved larger than the cell size ? */ /* Note ci->dmin == cj->dmin */ if (kernel_gamma * max(ci->black_holes.h_max, cj->hydro.h_max) + ci->black_holes.dx_max_part + cj->hydro.dx_max_part > cj->dmin) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Add a unique tag to a cell, mostly for MPI communications. * * This function locks the cell so that tags can be added concurrently. * * @param c The #cell to tag. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_ensure_tagged( struct cell *c) { #ifdef WITH_MPI lock_lock(&c->hydro.lock); if (c->mpi.tag < 0 && (c->mpi.tag = atomic_inc(&cell_next_tag)) > cell_max_tag) error("Ran out of cell tags."); if (lock_unlock(&c->hydro.lock) != 0) { error("Failed to unlock cell."); } #else error("SWIFT was not compiled with MPI enabled."); #endif // WITH_MPI } /** * @brief Allocate hydro sort memory for cell. * * @param c The #cell that will require sorting. * @param flags Cell flags. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_malloc_hydro_sorts( struct cell *c, const int flags) { const int count = c->hydro.count; /* Have we already allocated something? */ if (c->hydro.sort != NULL) { /* Start by counting how many dimensions we need and how many we already have */ const int num_arrays_wanted = intrinsics_popcount(c->hydro.sort_allocated | flags); const int num_already_allocated = intrinsics_popcount(c->hydro.sort_allocated); /* Do we already have what we want? */ if (num_arrays_wanted == num_already_allocated) return; /* Allocate memory for the new array */ struct sort_entry *new_array = NULL; if ((new_array = (struct sort_entry *)swift_malloc( "hydro.sort", sizeof(struct sort_entry) * num_arrays_wanted * (count + 1))) == NULL) error("Failed to allocate sort memory."); /* Now, copy the already existing arrays */ int from = 0; int to = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) { if (c->hydro.sort_allocated & (1 << j)) { memcpy(&new_array[to * (count + 1)], &c->hydro.sort[from * (count + 1)], sizeof(struct sort_entry) * (count + 1)); ++from; ++to; } else if (flags & (1 << j)) { ++to; c->hydro.sort_allocated |= (1 << j); } } /* Swap the pointers */ swift_free("hydro.sort", c->hydro.sort); c->hydro.sort = new_array; } else { c->hydro.sort_allocated = flags; /* Start by counting how many dimensions we need */ const int num_arrays = intrinsics_popcount(flags); /* If there is anything, allocate enough memory */ if (num_arrays) { if ((c->hydro.sort = (struct sort_entry *)swift_malloc( "hydro.sort", sizeof(struct sort_entry) * num_arrays * (count + 1))) == NULL) error("Failed to allocate sort memory."); } } } /** * @brief Free hydro sort memory for cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_free_hydro_sorts( struct cell *c) { #ifdef NONE_SPH /* Nothing to do as we have no particles and hence no sorts */ #else if (c->hydro.sort != NULL) { swift_free("hydro.sort", c->hydro.sort); c->hydro.sort = NULL; c->hydro.sort_allocated = 0; } #endif } /** * @brief Returns the array of sorted indices for the gas particles of a given * cell along agiven direction. * * @param c The #cell. * @param sid the direction id. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static struct sort_entry * cell_get_hydro_sorts(const struct cell *c, const int sid) { #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (sid >= 13 || sid < 0) error("Invalid sid!"); if (!(c->hydro.sort_allocated & (1 << sid))) error("Sort not allocated along direction %d", sid); #endif /* We need to find at what position in the meta-array of sorts where the corresponding sid has been allocated since there might be gaps as we only allocated the directions that are in use. We create a mask with all the bits before the sid's one set to 1 and apply it on the list of allocated directions. We then count the number of bits that are in the results to obtain the position of the correspondin sid in the meta-array */ const int j = intrinsics_popcount(c->hydro.sort_allocated & ((1 << sid) - 1)); /* Return the corresponding array */ return &c->hydro.sort[j * (c->hydro.count + 1)]; } /** * @brief Allocate stars sort memory for cell. * * @param c The #cell that will require sorting. * @param flags Cell flags. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_malloc_stars_sorts( struct cell *c, const int flags) { const int count = c->stars.count; /* Have we already allocated something? */ if (c->stars.sort != NULL) { /* Start by counting how many dimensions we need and how many we already have */ const int num_arrays_wanted = intrinsics_popcount(c->stars.sort_allocated | flags); const int num_already_allocated = intrinsics_popcount(c->stars.sort_allocated); /* Do we already have what we want? */ if (num_arrays_wanted == num_already_allocated) return; /* Allocate memory for the new array */ struct sort_entry *new_array = NULL; if ((new_array = (struct sort_entry *)swift_malloc( "stars.sort", sizeof(struct sort_entry) * num_arrays_wanted * (count + 1))) == NULL) error("Failed to allocate sort memory."); /* Now, copy the already existing arrays */ int from = 0; int to = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) { if (c->stars.sort_allocated & (1 << j)) { memcpy(&new_array[to * (count + 1)], &c->stars.sort[from * (count + 1)], sizeof(struct sort_entry) * (count + 1)); ++from; ++to; } else if (flags & (1 << j)) { ++to; c->stars.sort_allocated |= (1 << j); } } /* Swap the pointers */ swift_free("stars.sort", c->stars.sort); c->stars.sort = new_array; } else { c->stars.sort_allocated = flags; /* Start by counting how many dimensions we need */ const int num_arrays = intrinsics_popcount(flags); /* If there is anything, allocate enough memory */ if (num_arrays) { if ((c->stars.sort = (struct sort_entry *)swift_malloc( "stars.sort", sizeof(struct sort_entry) * num_arrays * (count + 1))) == NULL) error("Failed to allocate sort memory."); } } } /** * @brief Free stars sort memory for cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_free_stars_sorts( struct cell *c) { #ifdef STARS_NONE /* Nothing to do as we have no particles and hence no sorts */ #else if (c->stars.sort != NULL) { swift_free("stars.sort", c->stars.sort); c->stars.sort = NULL; c->stars.sort_allocated = 0; } #endif } /** * @brief Returns the array of sorted indices for the star particles of a given * cell along agiven direction. * * @param c The #cell. * @param sid the direction id. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static struct sort_entry * cell_get_stars_sorts(const struct cell *c, const int sid) { #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (sid >= 13 || sid < 0) error("Invalid sid!"); if (!(c->stars.sort_allocated & (1 << sid))) error("Sort not allocated along direction %d", sid); #endif /* We need to find at what position in the meta-array of sorts where the corresponding sid has been allocated since there might be gaps as we only allocated the directions that are in use. We create a mask with all the bits before the sid's one set to 1 and apply it on the list of allocated directions. We then count the number of bits that are in the results to obtain the position of the correspondin sid in the meta-array */ const int j = intrinsics_popcount(c->stars.sort_allocated & ((1 << sid) - 1)); /* Return the corresponding array */ return &c->stars.sort[j * (c->stars.count + 1)]; } /** * @brief Free grid memory for cell. * * @param c The #cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_free_grid( struct cell *c) { #ifndef MOVING_MESH /* Nothing to do as we have no tessellations */ #else #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (c->grid.construction_level != c && c->grid.voronoi != NULL) error("Grid allocated, but not on grid construction level!"); #endif if (c->grid.construction_level == c) { if (c->grid.voronoi != NULL) { voronoi_destroy(c->grid.voronoi); c->grid.voronoi = NULL; } } #endif } void cell_free_grid_rec(struct cell *c); /** * @brief Set the given flag for the given cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_set_flag( struct cell *c, const uint32_t flag) { atomic_or(&c->flags, flag); } /** * @brief Clear the given flag for the given cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cell_clear_flag( struct cell *c, const uint32_t flag) { atomic_and(&c->flags, ~flag); } /** * @brief Get the given flag for the given cell. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int cell_get_flag( const struct cell *c, const uint32_t flag) { return (c->flags & flag) > 0; } /** * @brief Check if a cell has a recv task of the given subtype. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static struct task *cell_get_recv( const struct cell *c, enum task_subtypes subtype) { #ifdef WITH_MPI struct link *l = c->mpi.recv; while (l != NULL && l->t->subtype != subtype) l = l->next; return (l != NULL) ? l->t : NULL; #else return NULL; #endif } /** * @brief Generate the cell ID for top level cells. Only used for debugging. * * Cell IDs are stored in the long long `cell->cellID`. Top level cells get * their index according to their location on the top level grid. * We have 15 bits set aside in `cell->cellID` for the top level cells. Hence * if we have more that 32^3 top level cells, the cell IDs won't be guaranteed * to be unique and reproducible between two runs, but only unique. * * @param c #cell to work with * @param cdim number of cells in each dimension * @param dim spatial extent. * @param iwidth inverse of top cell width */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void cell_assign_top_level_cell_index( struct cell *c, int cdim[3], double dim[3], double iwidth[3]) { #if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH) if (c->depth != 0) { error("assigning top level cell index to cell with depth > 0"); } else { if (cdim[0] * cdim[1] * cdim[2] > 32 * 32 * 32) { /* print warning only once */ if (last_cell_id == 1ULL) { message( "WARNING: Got %d x %d x %d top level cells. " "Cell IDs are only guaranteed to be " "reproduceably unique if count is < 32^3", cdim[0], cdim[1], cdim[2]); } /* Do this in same line. Otherwise, bad things happen. */ c->cellID = atomic_inc(&last_cell_id); } else { int i = (int)(c->loc[0] * iwidth[0] + 0.5); int j = (int)(c->loc[1] * iwidth[1] + 0.5); int k = (int)(c->loc[2] * iwidth[2] + 0.5); c->cellID = (unsigned long long)(cell_getid(cdim, i, j, k) + 1); } /* in both cases, keep track of first prodigy index */ atomic_inc(&last_leaf_cell_id); } #endif } /** * @brief Generate the cell ID for progeny cells. Only used for debugging. * * Cell IDs are stored in the unsigned long long `cell->cellID`. * We have 15 bits set aside in `cell->cellID` for the top level cells, with * 49 remaining. Each progeny cell gets a unique ID by inheriting * its parent ID and adding 3 bits on the left side, which are set according * to the progeny's location within its parent cell. Finally, a 1 is set as the * leading bit such that all recursive children with index (000) are still * recognized as such. This allows us to give IDs to 16 levels of depth * uniquely. * If the depth exceeds 16, we use the old scheme where we just add up a * counter, which is not a reproducible way of giving IDs to cells, but * guarantees uniqueness. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void cell_assign_cell_index( struct cell *c, const struct cell *parent) { #if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH) if (c->depth == 0) error("assigning progeny cell index to top level cell."); if (c->depth > 16 || last_cell_id > 1ULL) { /* last_cell_id > 1 => too many top level cells for clever IDs */ if (last_cell_id == 1ULL) { /* warning not yet printed; do it only once */ message( "WARNING: Got depth %d > 16." "IDs are only guaranteed unique if depth <= 16", c->depth); last_cell_id += 1ULL; } /* Do this in same line. Otherwise, bad things happen. */ c->cellID = atomic_inc(&last_leaf_cell_id); } else { /* we're good to go for unique IDs */ /* first inherit the parent's ID */ unsigned long long child_id = parent->cellID; /* if parent isn't top level cell, we have to * remove the marker (leading 1) of the previous depth first, * as we're going to add 3 bits for this new depth at that * position in the variable now. So turn that leading 1 into a 0 */ if (c->depth > 1) child_id &= ~(1ULL << ((c->depth - 1) * 3 + 15)); /* Now add marker (leading 1) for this depth 3 bits further to the left*/ child_id |= 1ULL << (15 + c->depth * 3); /* get progeny index in parent cell */ unsigned long long local_id = 0LL; if (c->loc[0] > parent->loc[0]) local_id |= 1LL; if (c->loc[1] > parent->loc[1]) local_id |= 2LL; if (c->loc[2] > parent->loc[2]) local_id |= 4LL; local_id <<= (15 + (c->depth - 1) * 3); /* add progeny index to cell index */ child_id |= local_id; c->cellID = child_id; } #endif } /** * @brief Set the depth_h field of a #part. * * @param p The #part. * @param leaf_cell The leaf cell where the particle is located. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) static INLINE void cell_set_part_h_depth( struct part *p, const struct cell *leaf_cell) { const float h = p->h; const struct cell *c = leaf_cell; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (leaf_cell->split) error("Running on an unsplit cell!"); #endif /* Case where h is much smaller than the leaf cell itself */ if (h < c->h_min_allowed) { p->depth_h = c->depth; return; } /* Climb the tree to find the correct level */ while (c != NULL) { if (h >= c->h_min_allowed && h < c->h_max_allowed) { p->depth_h = c->depth; return; } c = c->parent; } #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS error("Could not find an appropriate depth!"); #endif } /** * @brief Set the depth_h field of a #sink. * * @param sp The #sink. * @param leaf_cell The leaf cell where the particle is located. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) static INLINE void cell_set_sink_h_depth( struct sink *sp, const struct cell *leaf_cell) { const float h = sp->h; const struct cell *c = leaf_cell; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (leaf_cell->split) error("Running on an unsplit cell!"); #endif /* Case where h is much smaller than the leaf cell itself */ if (h < c->h_min_allowed) { sp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } /* Climb the tree to find the correct level */ while (c != NULL) { if (h >= c->h_min_allowed && h < c->h_max_allowed) { sp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } c = c->parent; } #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS error("Could not find an appropriate depth!"); #endif } /** * @brief Set the depth_h field of a #spart. * * @param sp The #spart. * @param leaf_cell The leaf cell where the particle is located. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) static INLINE void cell_set_spart_h_depth( struct spart *sp, const struct cell *leaf_cell) { const float h = sp->h; const struct cell *c = leaf_cell; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (leaf_cell->split) error("Running on an unsplit cell!"); #endif /* Case where h is much smaller than the leaf cell itself */ if (h < c->h_min_allowed) { sp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } /* Climb the tree to find the correct level */ while (c != NULL) { if (h >= c->h_min_allowed && h < c->h_max_allowed) { sp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } c = c->parent; } #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS error("Could not find an appropriate depth!"); #endif } /** * @brief Set the depth_h field of a #bpart. * * @param bp The #bpart. * @param leaf_cell The leaf cell where the particle is located. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) static INLINE void cell_set_bpart_h_depth( struct bpart *bp, const struct cell *leaf_cell) { const float h = bp->h; const struct cell *c = leaf_cell; #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS if (leaf_cell->split) error("Running on an unsplit cell!"); #endif /* Case where h is much smaller than the leaf cell itself */ if (h < c->h_min_allowed) { bp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } /* Climb the tree to find the correct level */ while (c != NULL) { if (h >= c->h_min_allowed && h < c->h_max_allowed) { bp->depth_h = c->depth; return; } c = c->parent; } #ifdef SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS error("Could not find an appropriate depth!"); #endif } #endif /* SWIFT_CELL_H */