* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* 2016 John A. Regan (john.a.regan@durham.ac.uk)
* Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* MPI headers. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Switch off timers. */
#ifdef TIMER
#undef TIMER
/* This object's header. */
#include "cell.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "engine.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "multipole.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "tools.h"
/* Global variables. */
int cell_next_tag = 0;
/** List of cell pairs for sub-cell recursion. For any sid, the entries in
* this array contain the number of sub-cell pairs and the indices and sid
* of the sub-cell pairs themselves. */
struct cell_split_pair cell_split_pairs[13] = {
{1, /* ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) */
{{7, 0, 0}}},
{4, /* ( 1 , 1 , 0 ) */
{{6, 0, 1}, {7, 1, 1}, {6, 1, 0}, {7, 0, 2}}},
{1, /* ( 1 , 1 , -1 ) */
{{6, 1, 2}}},
{4, /* ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) */
{{5, 0, 3}, {7, 2, 3}, {5, 2, 0}, {7, 0, 6}}},
{16, /* ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) */
{{4, 0, 4},
{5, 0, 5},
{6, 0, 7},
{7, 0, 8},
{4, 1, 3},
{5, 1, 4},
{6, 1, 6},
{7, 1, 7},
{4, 2, 1},
{5, 2, 2},
{6, 2, 4},
{7, 2, 5},
{4, 3, 0},
{5, 3, 1},
{6, 3, 3},
{7, 3, 4}}},
{4, /* ( 1 , 0 , -1 ) */
{{4, 1, 5}, {6, 3, 5}, {4, 3, 2}, {6, 1, 8}}},
{1, /* ( 1 , -1 , 1 ) */
{{5, 2, 6}}},
{4, /* ( 1 , -1 , 0 ) */
{{4, 3, 6}, {5, 2, 8}, {4, 2, 7}, {5, 3, 7}}},
{1, /* ( 1 , -1 , -1 ) */
{{4, 3, 8}}},
{4, /* ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) */
{{3, 0, 9}, {7, 4, 9}, {3, 4, 0}, {7, 0, 8}}},
{16, /* ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) */
{{2, 0, 10},
{3, 0, 11},
{6, 0, 7},
{7, 0, 6},
{2, 1, 9},
{3, 1, 10},
{6, 1, 8},
{7, 1, 7},
{2, 4, 1},
{3, 4, 2},
{6, 4, 10},
{7, 4, 11},
{2, 5, 0},
{3, 5, 1},
{6, 5, 9},
{7, 5, 10}}},
{4, /* ( 0 , 1 , -1 ) */
{{2, 1, 11}, {6, 5, 11}, {2, 5, 2}, {6, 1, 6}}},
{16, /* ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) */
{{1, 0, 12},
{3, 0, 11},
{5, 0, 5},
{7, 0, 2},
{1, 2, 9},
{3, 2, 12},
{5, 2, 8},
{7, 2, 5},
{1, 4, 3},
{3, 4, 6},
{5, 4, 12},
{7, 4, 11},
{1, 6, 0},
{3, 6, 3},
{5, 6, 9},
{7, 6, 12}}}};
* @brief Get the size of the cell subtree.
* @param c The #cell.
int cell_get_tree_size(struct cell *c) {
/* Number of cells in this subtree. */
int count = 1;
/* Sum up the progeny if split. */
if (c->split)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) count += cell_get_tree_size(c->progeny[k]);
/* Return the final count. */
return count;
* @brief Link the cells recursively to the given #part array.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param parts The #part array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_parts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
if (c->hydro.parts != NULL)
error("Linking parts into a cell that was already linked");
c->hydro.parts = parts;
/* Fill the progeny recursively, depth-first. */
if (c->split) {
int offset = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
offset += cell_link_parts(c->progeny[k], &parts[offset]);
/* Return the total number of linked particles. */
return c->hydro.count;
* @brief Link the cells recursively to the given #gpart array.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param gparts The #gpart array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_gparts(struct cell *c, struct gpart *gparts) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
if (c->grav.parts != NULL)
error("Linking gparts into a cell that was already linked");
c->grav.parts = gparts;
c->grav.parts_rebuild = gparts;
/* Fill the progeny recursively, depth-first. */
if (c->split) {
int offset = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
offset += cell_link_gparts(c->progeny[k], &gparts[offset]);
/* Return the total number of linked particles. */
return c->grav.count;
* @brief Link the cells recursively to the given #spart array.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param sparts The #spart array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_sparts(struct cell *c, struct spart *sparts) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
if (c->stars.parts != NULL)
error("Linking sparts into a cell that was already linked");
c->stars.parts = sparts;
c->stars.parts_rebuild = sparts;
/* Fill the progeny recursively, depth-first. */
if (c->split) {
int offset = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
offset += cell_link_sparts(c->progeny[k], &sparts[offset]);
/* Return the total number of linked particles. */
return c->stars.count;
* @brief Link the cells recursively to the given #bpart array.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param bparts The #bpart array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_bparts(struct cell *c, struct bpart *bparts) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
if (c->black_holes.parts != NULL)
error("Linking bparts into a cell that was already linked");
c->black_holes.parts = bparts;
/* Fill the progeny recursively, depth-first. */
if (c->split) {
int offset = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
offset += cell_link_bparts(c->progeny[k], &bparts[offset]);
/* Return the total number of linked particles. */
return c->black_holes.count;
* @brief Link the cells recursively to the given #sink array.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param sinks The #sink array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_sinks(struct cell *c, struct sink *sinks) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
if (c->sinks.parts != NULL)
error("Linking sparts into a cell that was already linked");
c->sinks.parts = sinks;
c->sinks.parts_rebuild = sinks;
/* Fill the progeny recursively, depth-first. */
if (c->split) {
int offset = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
offset += cell_link_sinks(c->progeny[k], &sinks[offset]);
/* Return the total number of linked particles. */
return c->sinks.count;
* @brief Recurse down foreign cells until reaching one with hydro
* tasks; then trigger the linking of the #part array from that
* level.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param parts The #part array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_foreign_parts(struct cell *c, struct part *parts) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
/* Do we have a hydro task at this level? */
if (cell_get_recv(c, task_subtype_xv) != NULL) {
/* Recursively attach the parts */
const int counts = cell_link_parts(c, parts);
if (counts != c->hydro.count)
error("Something is wrong with the foreign counts");
return counts;
/* Go deeper to find the level where the tasks are */
if (c->split) {
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
count += cell_link_foreign_parts(c->progeny[k], &parts[count]);
return count;
} else {
return 0;
error("Calling linking of foregin particles in non-MPI mode.");
* @brief Recurse down foreign cells until reaching one with gravity
* tasks; then trigger the linking of the #gpart array from that
* level.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param gparts The #gpart array.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_link_foreign_gparts(struct cell *c, struct gpart *gparts) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Linking foreign particles in a local cell!");
/* Do we have a gravity task at this level? */
if (cell_get_recv(c, task_subtype_gpart) != NULL) {
/* Recursively attach the gparts */
const int counts = cell_link_gparts(c, gparts);
if (counts != c->grav.count)
error("Something is wrong with the foreign counts");
return counts;
} else {
c->grav.parts = gparts;
c->grav.parts_rebuild = gparts;
/* Go deeper to find the level where the tasks are */
if (c->split) {
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
count += cell_link_foreign_gparts(c->progeny[k], &gparts[count]);
return count;
} else {
return 0;
error("Calling linking of foregin particles in non-MPI mode.");
* @brief Recursively nullify all the particle pointers in a cell hierarchy.
* Should only be used on foreign cells!
* This will make any task or action running on these cells likely crash.
* Recreating the foreign links will be necessary.
* @param c The #cell to act on.
void cell_unlink_foreign_particles(struct cell *c) {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Unlinking foreign particles in a local cell!");
c->grav.parts = NULL;
c->hydro.parts = NULL;
c->stars.parts = NULL;
c->black_holes.parts = NULL;
c->sinks.parts = NULL;
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
* @brief Recursively count the number of #part in foreign cells that
* are in cells with hydro-related tasks.
* @param c The #cell.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_count_parts_for_tasks(const struct cell *c) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Counting foreign particles in a local cell!");
/* Do we have a hydro task at this level? */
if (cell_get_recv(c, task_subtype_xv) != NULL) {
return c->hydro.count;
if (c->split) {
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
count += cell_count_parts_for_tasks(c->progeny[k]);
return count;
} else {
return 0;
error("Calling linking of foregin particles in non-MPI mode.");
* @brief Recursively count the number of #gpart in foreign cells that
* are in cells with gravity-related tasks.
* @param c The #cell.
* @return The number of particles linked.
int cell_count_gparts_for_tasks(const struct cell *c) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
error("Counting foreign particles in a local cell!");
/* Do we have a gravity task at this level? */
if (cell_get_recv(c, task_subtype_gpart) != NULL) {
return c->grav.count;
if (c->split) {
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
count += cell_count_gparts_for_tasks(c->progeny[k]);
return count;
} else {
return 0;
error("Calling linking of foregin particles in non-MPI mode.");
* @brief Sanitizes the smoothing length values of cells by setting large
* outliers to more sensible values.
* Each cell with <1000 part will be processed. We limit h to be the size of
* the cell and replace 0s with a good estimate.
* @param c The cell.
* @param treated Has the cell already been sanitized at this level ?
void cell_sanitize(struct cell *c, int treated) {
const int count = c->hydro.count;
const int scount = c->stars.count;
struct part *parts = c->hydro.parts;
struct spart *sparts = c->stars.parts;
float h_max = 0.f;
float h_max_active = 0.f;
float stars_h_max = 0.f;
float stars_h_max_active = 0.f;
/* Treat cells will <1000 particles */
if (count < 1000 && !treated) {
/* Get an upper bound on h */
const float upper_h_max = c->dmin / (1.2f * kernel_gamma);
/* Apply it */
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (parts[i].h == 0.f || parts[i].h > upper_h_max)
parts[i].h = upper_h_max;
for (int i = 0; i < scount; ++i) {
if (sparts[i].h == 0.f || sparts[i].h > upper_h_max)
sparts[i].h = upper_h_max;
/* Recurse and gather the new h_max values */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
/* Recurse */
cell_sanitize(c->progeny[k], (count < 1000));
/* And collect */
h_max = max(h_max, c->progeny[k]->hydro.h_max);
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->hydro.h_max_active);
stars_h_max = max(stars_h_max, c->progeny[k]->stars.h_max);
stars_h_max_active =
max(stars_h_max_active, c->progeny[k]->stars.h_max_active);
} else {
/* Get the new value of h_max (note all particles are active) */
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) h_max = max(h_max, parts[i].h);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
h_max_active = max(h_max_active, parts[i].h);
for (int i = 0; i < scount; ++i)
stars_h_max = max(stars_h_max, sparts[i].h);
for (int i = 0; i < scount; ++i)
stars_h_max_active = max(stars_h_max_active, sparts[i].h);
/* Record the change */
c->hydro.h_max = h_max;
c->hydro.h_max_active = h_max_active;
c->stars.h_max = stars_h_max;
c->stars.h_max_active = stars_h_max_active;
* @brief Cleans the links in a given cell.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data Unused parameter
void cell_clean_links(struct cell *c, void *data) {
c->hydro.density = NULL;
c->hydro.gradient = NULL;
c->hydro.force = NULL;
c->hydro.limiter = NULL;
c->rt.rt_gradient = NULL;
c->rt.rt_transport = NULL;
c->grav.grav = NULL;
c->grav.mm = NULL;
c->stars.density = NULL;
c->stars.prepare1 = NULL;
c->stars.prepare2 = NULL;
c->stars.feedback = NULL;
c->sinks.swallow = NULL;
c->sinks.density = NULL;
c->sinks.do_sink_swallow = NULL;
c->sinks.do_gas_swallow = NULL;
c->black_holes.density = NULL;
c->black_holes.swallow = NULL;
c->black_holes.do_gas_swallow = NULL;
c->black_holes.do_bh_swallow = NULL;
c->black_holes.feedback = NULL;
* @brief Checks that the #part in a cell are at the
* current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_part_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->hydro.count == 0) return;
if (c->hydro.ti_old_part != ti_drift)
error("Cell in an incorrect time-zone! c->hydro.ti_old=%lld ti_drift=%lld",
c->hydro.ti_old_part, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count; ++i)
if (c->hydro.parts[i].ti_drift != ti_drift &&
c->hydro.parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_inhibited)
error("part in an incorrect time-zone! p->ti_drift=%lld ti_drift=%lld",
c->hydro.parts[i].ti_drift, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count; ++i) {
const struct part *p = &c->hydro.parts[i];
if (p->depth_h == c->depth) {
if (!(p->h >= c->h_min_allowed && p->h < c->h_max_allowed) && c->split) {
"depth_h set incorrectly! c->depth=%d p->depth_h=%d h=%e h_min=%e "
c->depth, p->depth_h, p->h, c->h_min_allowed, c->h_max_allowed);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Checks that the #gpart in a cell are at the
* current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_gpart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->grav.count == 0) return;
if (c->grav.ti_old_part != ti_drift)
"Cell in an incorrect time-zone! c->grav.ti_old_part=%lld "
c->grav.ti_old_part, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->grav.count; ++i)
if (c->grav.parts[i].ti_drift != ti_drift &&
c->grav.parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_inhibited)
error("g-part in an incorrect time-zone! gp->ti_drift=%lld ti_drift=%lld",
c->grav.parts[i].ti_drift, ti_drift);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Checks that the #sink in a cell are at the
* current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_sink_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->sinks.count == 0) return;
if (c->sinks.ti_old_part != ti_drift)
"Cell in an incorrect time-zone! c->sinks.ti_old_part=%lld "
c->sinks.ti_old_part, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->sinks.count; ++i)
if (c->sinks.parts[i].ti_drift != ti_drift &&
c->sinks.parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_inhibited)
"sink-part in an incorrect time-zone! sink->ti_drift=%lld "
c->sinks.parts[i].ti_drift, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->sinks.count; ++i) {
const struct sink *sp = &c->sinks.parts[i];
if (sp->depth_h == c->depth) {
if (!(sp->h >= c->h_min_allowed && sp->h < c->h_max_allowed) &&
c->split) {
"depth_h set incorrectly! c->depth=%d sp->depth_h=%d h=%e h_min=%e "
c->depth, sp->depth_h, sp->h, c->h_min_allowed, c->h_max_allowed);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Checks that the #spart in a cell are at the
* current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_spart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->stars.count == 0) return;
if (c->stars.ti_old_part != ti_drift)
"Cell in an incorrect time-zone! c->stars.ti_old_part=%lld "
c->stars.ti_old_part, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->stars.count; ++i)
if (c->stars.parts[i].ti_drift != ti_drift &&
c->stars.parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_inhibited)
error("s-part in an incorrect time-zone! sp->ti_drift=%lld ti_drift=%lld",
c->stars.parts[i].ti_drift, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->stars.count; ++i) {
const struct spart *p = &c->stars.parts[i];
if (p->depth_h == c->depth) {
if (!(p->h >= c->h_min_allowed && p->h < c->h_max_allowed) && c->split) {
"depth_h set incorrectly! c->depth=%d p->depth_h=%d h=%e h_min=%e "
c->depth, p->depth_h, p->h, c->h_min_allowed, c->h_max_allowed);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Checks that the #bpart in a cell are at the
* current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_bpart_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->black_holes.count == 0) return;
if (c->black_holes.ti_old_part != ti_drift)
"Cell in an incorrect time-zone! c->black_holes.ti_old_part=%lld "
c->black_holes.ti_old_part, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->black_holes.count; ++i)
if (c->black_holes.parts[i].ti_drift != ti_drift &&
c->black_holes.parts[i].time_bin != time_bin_inhibited)
error("s-part in an incorrect time-zone! sp->ti_drift=%lld ti_drift=%lld",
c->black_holes.parts[i].ti_drift, ti_drift);
for (int i = 0; i < c->black_holes.count; ++i) {
const struct bpart *bp = &c->black_holes.parts[i];
if (bp->depth_h == c->depth) {
if (!(bp->h >= c->h_min_allowed && bp->h < c->h_max_allowed) &&
c->split) {
"depth_h set incorrectly! c->depth=%d p->depth_h=%d h=%e h_min=%e "
c->depth, bp->depth_h, bp->h, c->h_min_allowed, c->h_max_allowed);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Checks that the multipole of a cell is at the current point in time
* Calls error() if the cell is not at the current time.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param data The current time on the integer time-line
void cell_check_multipole_drift_point(struct cell *c, void *data) {
const integertime_t ti_drift = *(integertime_t *)data;
/* Only check local cells */
if (c->nodeID != engine_rank) return;
/* Only check cells with content */
if (c->grav.count == 0) return;
if (c->grav.ti_old_multipole != ti_drift)
"Cell multipole in an incorrect time-zone! "
"c->grav.ti_old_multipole=%lld "
"ti_drift=%lld (depth=%d, node=%d)",
c->grav.ti_old_multipole, ti_drift, c->depth, c->nodeID);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Resets all the individual cell task counters to 0.
* Should only be used for debugging purposes.
* @param c The #cell to reset.
void cell_reset_task_counters(struct cell *c) {
for (int t = 0; t < task_type_count; ++t) c->tasks_executed[t] = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < task_subtype_count; ++t) c->subtasks_executed[t] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) cell_reset_task_counters(c->progeny[k]);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Recursively construct all the multipoles in a cell hierarchy.
* @param c The #cell.
* @param ti_current The current integer time.
* @param grav_props The properties of the gravity scheme.
void cell_make_multipoles(struct cell *c, integertime_t ti_current,
const struct gravity_props *const grav_props) {
/* Reset everything */
if (c->split) {
/* Start by recursing */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_make_multipoles(c->progeny[k], ti_current, grav_props);
/* Compute CoM of all progenies */
double CoM[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
double vel[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
float max_delta_vel[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
float min_delta_vel[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
double mass = 0.;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
const struct gravity_tensors *m = c->progeny[k]->grav.multipole;
mass += m->m_pole.M_000;
CoM[0] += m->CoM[0] * m->m_pole.M_000;
CoM[1] += m->CoM[1] * m->m_pole.M_000;
CoM[2] += m->CoM[2] * m->m_pole.M_000;
vel[0] += m->m_pole.vel[0] * m->m_pole.M_000;
vel[1] += m->m_pole.vel[1] * m->m_pole.M_000;
vel[2] += m->m_pole.vel[2] * m->m_pole.M_000;
max_delta_vel[0] = max(m->m_pole.max_delta_vel[0], max_delta_vel[0]);
max_delta_vel[1] = max(m->m_pole.max_delta_vel[1], max_delta_vel[1]);
max_delta_vel[2] = max(m->m_pole.max_delta_vel[2], max_delta_vel[2]);
min_delta_vel[0] = min(m->m_pole.min_delta_vel[0], min_delta_vel[0]);
min_delta_vel[1] = min(m->m_pole.min_delta_vel[1], min_delta_vel[1]);
min_delta_vel[2] = min(m->m_pole.min_delta_vel[2], min_delta_vel[2]);
/* Final operation on the CoM and bulk velocity */
const double mass_inv = 1. / mass;
c->grav.multipole->CoM[0] = CoM[0] * mass_inv;
c->grav.multipole->CoM[1] = CoM[1] * mass_inv;
c->grav.multipole->CoM[2] = CoM[2] * mass_inv;
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.vel[0] = vel[0] * mass_inv;
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.vel[1] = vel[1] * mass_inv;
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.vel[2] = vel[2] * mass_inv;
/* Min max velocity along each axis */
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.max_delta_vel[0] = max_delta_vel[0];
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.max_delta_vel[1] = max_delta_vel[1];
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.max_delta_vel[2] = max_delta_vel[2];
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.min_delta_vel[0] = min_delta_vel[0];
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.min_delta_vel[1] = min_delta_vel[1];
c->grav.multipole->m_pole.min_delta_vel[2] = min_delta_vel[2];
/* Now shift progeny multipoles and add them up */
struct multipole temp;
double r_max = 0.;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) {
const struct cell *cp = c->progeny[k];
const struct multipole *m = &cp->grav.multipole->m_pole;
/* Contribution to multipole */
gravity_M2M(&temp, m, c->grav.multipole->CoM, cp->grav.multipole->CoM);
gravity_multipole_add(&c->grav.multipole->m_pole, &temp);
/* Upper limit of max CoM<->gpart distance */
const double dx =
c->grav.multipole->CoM[0] - cp->grav.multipole->CoM[0];
const double dy =
c->grav.multipole->CoM[1] - cp->grav.multipole->CoM[1];
const double dz =
c->grav.multipole->CoM[2] - cp->grav.multipole->CoM[2];
const double r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
r_max = max(r_max, cp->grav.multipole->r_max + sqrt(r2));
/* Alternative upper limit of max CoM<->gpart distance */
const double dx = c->grav.multipole->CoM[0] > c->loc[0] + c->width[0] * 0.5
? c->grav.multipole->CoM[0] - c->loc[0]
: c->loc[0] + c->width[0] - c->grav.multipole->CoM[0];
const double dy = c->grav.multipole->CoM[1] > c->loc[1] + c->width[1] * 0.5
? c->grav.multipole->CoM[1] - c->loc[1]
: c->loc[1] + c->width[1] - c->grav.multipole->CoM[1];
const double dz = c->grav.multipole->CoM[2] > c->loc[2] + c->width[2] * 0.5
? c->grav.multipole->CoM[2] - c->loc[2]
: c->loc[2] + c->width[2] - c->grav.multipole->CoM[2];
/* Take minimum of both limits */
c->grav.multipole->r_max = min(r_max, sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
/* Compute the multipole power */
} else {
if (c->grav.count > 0) {
gravity_P2M(c->grav.multipole, c->grav.parts, c->grav.count, grav_props);
/* Compute the multipole power */
} else {
/* No gparts in that leaf cell */
/* Set the values to something sensible */
c->grav.multipole->CoM[0] = c->loc[0] + c->width[0] * 0.5;
c->grav.multipole->CoM[1] = c->loc[1] + c->width[1] * 0.5;
c->grav.multipole->CoM[2] = c->loc[2] + c->width[2] * 0.5;
c->grav.multipole->r_max = 0.;
/* Also update the values at rebuild time */
c->grav.multipole->r_max_rebuild = c->grav.multipole->r_max;
c->grav.multipole->CoM_rebuild[0] = c->grav.multipole->CoM[0];
c->grav.multipole->CoM_rebuild[1] = c->grav.multipole->CoM[1];
c->grav.multipole->CoM_rebuild[2] = c->grav.multipole->CoM[2];
c->grav.ti_old_multipole = ti_current;
* @brief Recursively verify that the multipoles are the sum of their progenies.
* This function does not check whether the multipoles match the particle
* content as we may not have received the particles.
* @param c The #cell to recursively search and verify.
void cell_check_foreign_multipole(const struct cell *c) {
if (c->split) {
double M_000 = 0.;
long long num_gpart = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
const struct cell *cp = c->progeny[k];
if (cp != NULL) {
/* Check the mass */
M_000 += cp->grav.multipole->m_pole.M_000;
/* Check the number of particles */
num_gpart += cp->grav.multipole->m_pole.num_gpart;
/* Now recurse */
if (num_gpart != c->grav.multipole->m_pole.num_gpart)
error("Sum of particles in progenies does not match");
if (fabs(M_000 / c->grav.multipole->m_pole.M_000 - 1.) > 1e-2)
error("Mass in progenies does not match!");
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Computes the multi-pole brutally and compare to the
* recursively computed one.
* @param c Cell to act upon
* @param grav_props The properties of the gravity scheme.
void cell_check_multipole(struct cell *c,
const struct gravity_props *const grav_props) {
struct gravity_tensors ma;
const double tolerance = 1e-3; /* Relative */
/* First recurse */
if (c->split)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_check_multipole(c->progeny[k], grav_props);
if (c->grav.count > 0) {
/* Brute-force calculation */
gravity_P2M(&ma, c->grav.parts, c->grav.count, grav_props);
/* Now compare the multipole expansion */
if (!gravity_multipole_equal(&ma, c->grav.multipole, tolerance)) {
message("Multipoles are not equal at depth=%d! tol=%f", c->depth,
message("Correct answer:");
message("Recursive multipole:");
/* Check that the upper limit of r_max is good enough */
if (!(1.1 * c->grav.multipole->r_max >= ma.r_max)) {
error("Upper-limit r_max=%e too small. Should be >=%e.",
c->grav.multipole->r_max, ma.r_max);
} else if (c->grav.multipole->r_max * c->grav.multipole->r_max >
3. * c->width[0] * c->width[0]) {
error("r_max=%e larger than cell diagonal %e.", c->grav.multipole->r_max,
sqrt(3. * c->width[0] * c->width[0]));
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
* @brief Frees up the memory allocated for this #cell.
* @param c The #cell.
void cell_clean(struct cell *c) {
/* Hydro */
/* Stars */
/* Grid */
/* Recurse */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k]) cell_clean(c->progeny[k]);
* @brief Clear the drift flags on the given cell.
void cell_clear_drift_flags(struct cell *c, void *data) {
cell_clear_flag(c, cell_flag_do_hydro_drift | cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_drift |
cell_flag_do_grav_drift | cell_flag_do_grav_sub_drift |
cell_flag_do_bh_drift | cell_flag_do_bh_sub_drift |
cell_flag_do_stars_drift |
cell_flag_do_stars_sub_drift |
cell_flag_do_sink_drift | cell_flag_do_sink_sub_drift);
* @brief Clear the limiter flags on the given cell.
void cell_clear_limiter_flags(struct cell *c, void *data) {
cell_flag_do_hydro_limiter | cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_limiter);
* @brief Set the super-cell pointers for all cells in a hierarchy.
* @param c The top-level #cell to play with.
* @param super Pointer to the deepest cell with tasks in this part of the
* tree.
* @param with_hydro Are we running with hydrodynamics on?
* @param with_grav Are we running with gravity on?
void cell_set_super(struct cell *c, struct cell *super, const int with_hydro,
const int with_grav) {
/* Are we in a cell which is either the hydro or gravity super? */
if (super == NULL && ((with_hydro && c->hydro.super != NULL) ||
(with_grav && c->grav.super != NULL)))
super = c;
/* Set the super-cell */
c->super = super;
/* Recurse */
if (c->split)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_set_super(c->progeny[k], super, with_hydro, with_grav);
* @brief Set the super-cell pointers for all cells in a hierarchy.
* @param c The top-level #cell to play with.
* @param super_hydro Pointer to the deepest cell with tasks in this part of
* the tree.
void cell_set_super_hydro(struct cell *c, struct cell *super_hydro) {
/* Are we in a cell with some kind of self/pair task ? */
if (super_hydro == NULL && c->hydro.density != NULL) super_hydro = c;
/* Set the super-cell */
c->hydro.super = super_hydro;
/* Recurse */
if (c->split)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_set_super_hydro(c->progeny[k], super_hydro);
* @brief Set the super-cell pointers for all cells in a hierarchy.
* @param c The top-level #cell to play with.
* @param super_gravity Pointer to the deepest cell with tasks in this part of
* the tree.
void cell_set_super_gravity(struct cell *c, struct cell *super_gravity) {
/* Are we in a cell with some kind of self/pair task ? */
if (super_gravity == NULL && (c->grav.grav != NULL || c->grav.mm != NULL))
super_gravity = c;
/* Set the super-cell */
c->grav.super = super_gravity;
/* Recurse */
if (c->split)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_set_super_gravity(c->progeny[k], super_gravity);
* @brief Mapper function to set the super pointer of the cells.
* @param map_data The top-level cells.
* @param num_elements The number of top-level cells.
* @param extra_data Unused parameter.
void cell_set_super_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements, void *extra_data) {
const struct engine *e = (const struct engine *)extra_data;
const int with_hydro = (e->policy & engine_policy_hydro);
const int with_grav = (e->policy & engine_policy_self_gravity) ||
(e->policy & engine_policy_external_gravity);
for (int ind = 0; ind < num_elements; ind++) {
struct cell *c = &((struct cell *)map_data)[ind];
/* All top-level cells get an MPI tag. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Super-pointer for hydro */
if (with_hydro) cell_set_super_hydro(c, NULL);
/* Super-pointer for gravity */
if (with_grav) cell_set_super_gravity(c, NULL);
/* Super-pointer for common operations */
cell_set_super(c, NULL, with_hydro, with_grav);
* @brief Does this cell or any of its children have any task ?
* We use the timestep-related tasks to probe this as these always
* exist in a cell hierarchy that has any kind of task.
* @param c The #cell to probe.
int cell_has_tasks(struct cell *c) {
#ifdef WITH_MPI
return (c->timestep_collect != NULL || c->mpi.recv != NULL);
return (c->timestep_collect != NULL);
* @brief Resets all the sorting properties for the stars in a given cell
* hierarchy.
* The clear_unused_flags argument can be used to additionally clean up all
* the flags demanding a sort for the given cell. This should be used with
* caution as it will prevent the sort tasks from doing anything on that cell
* until these flags are reset.
* @param c The #cell to clean.
* @param clear_unused_flags Do we also clean the flags demanding a sort?
void cell_clear_stars_sort_flags(struct cell *c, const int clear_unused_flags) {
/* Clear the flags that have not been reset by the sort task? */
if (clear_unused_flags) {
c->stars.requires_sorts = 0;
c->stars.do_sort = 0;
cell_clear_flag(c, cell_flag_do_stars_sub_sort);
/* Indicate that the cell is not sorted and cancel the pointer sorting
* arrays.
c->stars.sorted = 0;
/* Recurse if possible */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_clear_stars_sort_flags(c->progeny[k], clear_unused_flags);
* @brief Resets all the sorting properties for the hydro in a given cell
* hierarchy.
* The clear_unused_flags argument can be used to additionally clean up all
* the flags demanding a sort for the given cell. This should be used with
* caution as it will prevent the sort tasks from doing anything on that cell
* until these flags are reset.
* @param c The #cell to clean.
* @param clear_unused_flags Do we also clean the flags demanding a sort?
void cell_clear_hydro_sort_flags(struct cell *c, const int clear_unused_flags) {
/* Clear the flags that have not been reset by the sort task? */
if (clear_unused_flags) {
c->hydro.do_sort = 0;
c->hydro.requires_sorts = 0;
cell_clear_flag(c, cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sort);
/* Indicate that the cell is not sorted and cancel the pointer sorting
* arrays.
c->hydro.sorted = 0;
/* Recurse if possible */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_clear_hydro_sort_flags(c->progeny[k], clear_unused_flags);
* @brief Recursively checks that all particles in a cell have a time-step
void cell_check_timesteps(const struct cell *c, const integertime_t ti_current,
const timebin_t max_bin) {
if (c->hydro.ti_end_min == 0 && c->grav.ti_end_min == 0 &&
c->stars.ti_end_min == 0 && c->black_holes.ti_end_min == 0 &&
c->sinks.ti_end_min == 0 && c->rt.ti_rt_end_min == 0 && c->nr_tasks > 0)
error("Cell without assigned time-step");
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_check_timesteps(c->progeny[k], ti_current, max_bin);
} else {
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank)
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count; ++i)
if (c->hydro.parts[i].time_bin == 0)
error("Particle without assigned time-bin");
/* Other checks not relevent when starting-up */
if (ti_current == 0) return;
integertime_t ti_end_min = max_nr_timesteps;
integertime_t ti_beg_max = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c->hydro.count; ++i) {
const struct part *p = &c->hydro.parts[i];
if (p->time_bin == time_bin_inhibited) continue;
if (p->time_bin == time_bin_not_created) continue;
integertime_t ti_end, ti_beg;
if (p->time_bin <= max_bin) {
integertime_t time_step = get_integer_timestep(p->time_bin);
ti_end = get_integer_time_end(ti_current, p->time_bin) + time_step;
ti_beg = get_integer_time_begin(ti_current + 1, p->time_bin);
} else {
ti_end = get_integer_time_end(ti_current, p->time_bin);
ti_beg = get_integer_time_begin(ti_current + 1, p->time_bin);
ti_end_min = min(ti_end, ti_end_min);
ti_beg_max = max(ti_beg, ti_beg_max);
/* Only check cells that have at least one non-inhibited particle */
if (count > 0) {
if (count != c->hydro.count) {
/* Note that we use a < as the particle with the smallest time-bin
might have been swallowed. This means we will run this cell with
0 active particles but that's not wrong */
if (ti_end_min < c->hydro.ti_end_min)
"Non-matching ti_end_min. Cell=%lld true=%lld ti_current=%lld "
c->hydro.ti_end_min, ti_end_min, ti_current, c->depth);
} else /* Normal case: nothing was swallowed/converted */ {
if (ti_end_min != c->hydro.ti_end_min)
"Non-matching ti_end_min. Cell=%lld true=%lld ti_current=%lld "
c->hydro.ti_end_min, ti_end_min, ti_current, c->depth);
if (ti_beg_max != c->hydro.ti_beg_max)
"Non-matching ti_beg_max. Cell=%lld true=%lld ti_current=%lld "
c->hydro.ti_beg_max, ti_beg_max, ti_current, c->depth);
error("Calling debugging code without debugging flag activated.");
void cell_check_spart_pos(const struct cell *c,
const struct spart *global_sparts) {
/* Recurse */
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL)
cell_check_spart_pos(c->progeny[k], global_sparts);
struct spart *sparts = c->stars.parts;
const int count = c->stars.count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const struct spart *sp = &sparts[i];
if ((sp->x[0] < c->loc[0] / space_stretch) ||
(sp->x[1] < c->loc[1] / space_stretch) ||
(sp->x[2] < c->loc[2] / space_stretch) ||
(sp->x[0] >= (c->loc[0] + c->width[0]) * space_stretch) ||
(sp->x[1] >= (c->loc[1] + c->width[1]) * space_stretch) ||
(sp->x[2] >= (c->loc[2] + c->width[2]) * space_stretch))
error("spart not in its cell!");
if (sp->time_bin != time_bin_not_created &&
sp->time_bin != time_bin_inhibited) {
const struct gpart *gp = sp->gpart;
if (gp == NULL && sp->time_bin != time_bin_not_created)
error("Unlinked spart!");
if (&global_sparts[-gp->id_or_neg_offset] != sp)
error("Incorrectly linked spart!");
error("Calling a degugging function outside debugging mode.");
* @brief Checks that a cell and all its progenies have cleared their sort
* flags.
* Should only be used for debugging purposes.
* @param c The #cell to check.
void cell_check_sort_flags(const struct cell *c) {
const int do_hydro_sub_sort = cell_get_flag(c, cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sort);
const int do_stars_sub_sort = cell_get_flag(c, cell_flag_do_stars_sub_sort);
if (do_hydro_sub_sort)
"cell %lld has a hydro sub_sort flag set. Node=%d depth=%d maxdepth=%d",
c->cellID, c->nodeID, c->depth, c->maxdepth);
if (do_stars_sub_sort)
"cell %lld has a stars sub_sort flag set. Node=%d depth=%d maxdepth=%d",
c->cellID, c->nodeID, c->depth, c->maxdepth);
if (c->split) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (c->progeny[k] != NULL) cell_check_sort_flags(c->progeny[k]);
* @brief Can we use the MM interactions fo a given pair of cells?
* The two cells have to be different!
* @param ci The first #cell.
* @param cj The second #cell.
* @param e The #engine.
* @param s The #space.
* @param use_rebuild_data Are we considering the data at the last tree-build
* (1) or current data (0)?
* @param is_tree_walk Are we calling this in the tree walk (1) or for the
* top-level task construction (0)?
int cell_can_use_pair_mm(const struct cell *restrict ci,
const struct cell *restrict cj, const struct engine *e,
const struct space *s, const int use_rebuild_data,
const int is_tree_walk) {
const struct gravity_props *props = e->gravity_properties;
const int periodic = s->periodic;
const double dim[3] = {s->dim[0], s->dim[1], s->dim[2]};
/* Check for trivial cases */
if (is_tree_walk && ci->grav.count <= 1) return 0;
if (is_tree_walk && cj->grav.count <= 1) return 0;
/* Recover the multipole information */
const struct gravity_tensors *restrict multi_i = ci->grav.multipole;
const struct gravity_tensors *restrict multi_j = cj->grav.multipole;
double dx, dy, dz;
/* Get the distance between the CoMs */
if (use_rebuild_data) {
dx = multi_i->CoM_rebuild[0] - multi_j->CoM_rebuild[0];
dy = multi_i->CoM_rebuild[1] - multi_j->CoM_rebuild[1];
dz = multi_i->CoM_rebuild[2] - multi_j->CoM_rebuild[2];
} else {
dx = multi_i->CoM[0] - multi_j->CoM[0];
dy = multi_i->CoM[1] - multi_j->CoM[1];
dz = multi_i->CoM[2] - multi_j->CoM[2];
/* Apply BC */
if (periodic) {
dx = nearest(dx, dim[0]);
dy = nearest(dy, dim[1]);
dz = nearest(dz, dim[2]);
const double r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
return gravity_M2L_accept_symmetric(props, multi_i, multi_j, r2,
use_rebuild_data, periodic);