#!/bin/bash # Generate the initial conditions if they are not present. if [ ! -e small_cosmo_volume.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching initial conditions for the small cosmological volume example..." ./getIC.sh fi if [ ! -e UV_dust1_CR1_G1_shield1.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching cooling tables for the small cosmological volume example..." ./getPS2020CoolingTables.sh fi if [ ! -e photometry ] then echo "Fetching photometry tables for the small cosmological volume example..." ./getEaglePhotometryTable.sh fi if [ ! -e yieldtables ] then echo "Fetching yield tables for the small cosmological volume example..." ./getEagleYieldTable.sh fi if [ ! -e X_Ray_tables.13072021.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching X ray tables for the small cosmological volume example..." ./getXrayTables.sh fi # Run SWIFT ../../../swift --cosmology --eagle --lightcone --pin --threads=8 \ small_cosmo_volume.yml 2>&1 | tee output.log