# Define the system of units to use internally. InternalUnitSystem: UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98841e43 # 10^10 M_sun UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e24 # 1 Mpc UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # 1 km/s UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # Amperes UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # Kelvin Cosmology: # WMAP9 cosmology Omega_cdm: 0.2305 Omega_lambda: 0.724 Omega_b: 0.0455 h: 0.703 a_begin: 0.019607843 # z_ini = 50. a_end: 1.0 # z_end = 0. # Parameters governing the time integration TimeIntegration: dt_min: 1e-6 dt_max: 1e-2 # Parameters for the self-gravity scheme Gravity: eta: 0.025 MAC: adaptive theta_cr: 0.7 epsilon_fmm: 0.001 comoving_DM_softening: 0.0889 # 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation: 88.9 kpc max_physical_DM_softening: 0.0889 # 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation: 88.9 kpc comoving_baryon_softening: 0.0889 # 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation: 88.9 kpc max_physical_baryon_softening: 0.0889 # 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation: 88.9 kpc mesh_side_length: 64 # Parameters of the hydro scheme SPH: resolution_eta: 1.2348 # "48 Ngb" with the cubic spline kernel h_min_ratio: 0.1 CFL_condition: 0.1 initial_temperature: 7075. # (1 + z_ini)^2 * 2.72K minimal_temperature: 100. # Parameters governing the snapshots Snapshots: subdir: snapshots basename: snap delta_time: 1.02 scale_factor_first: 0.02 compression: 4 # Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics Statistics: delta_time: 1.01 scale_factor_first: 0.02 Scheduler: max_top_level_cells: 8 cell_split_size: 50 # Parameters related to the initial conditions InitialConditions: file_name: small_cosmo_volume.hdf5 periodic: 1 cleanup_h_factors: 1 cleanup_velocity_factors: 1 generate_gas_in_ics: 1 # Generate gas particles from the DM-only ICs cleanup_smoothing_lengths: 1 # Since we generate gas, make use of the (expensive) cleaning-up procedure. # Parameters for the EAGLE "equation of state" EAGLEEntropyFloor: Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 0.1 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Jeans_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor can kick in. Jeans_temperature_norm_K: 8000 # Temperature of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. Jeans_gamma_effective: 1.3333333 # Slope the of the EAGLE Jeans limiter entropy floor Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3: 1e-5 # Physical density above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor kicks in expressed in Hydrogen atoms per cm^3. Cool_over_density_threshold: 10. # Overdensity above which the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor can kick in. Cool_temperature_norm_K: 8000 # Temperature of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor at the density threshold expressed in Kelvin. Cool_gamma_effective: 1. # Slope the of the EAGLE Cool limiter entropy floor