  run_name: StromgrenSphere-3D

# Define the system of units to use internally. 
  UnitMass_in_cgs:     1.98841586e+33 # 1 M_Sol
  UnitLength_in_cgs:   3.08567758e21 # kpc in cm
  UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1.e5 # km/s
  UnitCurrent_in_cgs:  1.
  UnitTemp_in_cgs:     1. # K

# Parameters governing the time integration
  max_nr_rt_subcycles: 16
  time_begin: 0.      # The starting time of the simulation (in internal units).
  time_end:   0.512   # end time
  dt_min:     1.e-12  # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
  dt_max:     1.e-03  # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).

# Parameters governing the snapshots
  basename:            output # Common part of the name of output files
  time_first:          0.     # Time of the first output (in internal units)
  delta_time:          0.001 # Time between snapshots

# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
  time_first:          0.
  delta_time:          1e-3 # Time between statistics output

# Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme
  resolution_eta:        1.2348   # Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel).
  CFL_condition:         0.8      # Courant-Friedrich-Levy condition for time integration.
  minimal_temperature:   10      # Kelvin

# Parameters related to the initial conditions
  file_name:  ./stromgrenSphere-3D.hdf5     # The file to read
  periodic:   1                             # periodic ICs. 

  resolution_eta:       1.2348        # (Optional) Target smoothing length in units of the mean inter-particle separation (1.2348 == 48Ngbs with the cubic spline kernel). Defaults to the SPH value.

  f_reduce_c: 0.01                                    # reduce the speed of light for the RT solver by multiplying c with this factor
  CFL_condition: 0.9
  photon_groups_Hz: [3.288e15, 5.945e15, 13.157e15] # Lower photon frequency group bin edges in Hz. Needs to have exactly N elements, where N is the configured number of bins --with-RT=GEAR_N
  stellar_luminosity_model: const                   # Which model to use to determine the stellar luminosities.
  const_stellar_luminosities_LSol: [1.764e+04, 3.631e+04, 8.037e+03 ] # (Conditional) constant star luminosities for each photon frequency group to use if stellar_luminosity_model:const is set, in units of Solar Luminosity.
  hydrogen_mass_fraction:  1.00                       # total hydrogen (H + H+) mass fraction in the metal-free portion of the gas
  set_equilibrium_initial_ionization_mass_fractions: 0   # (Optional) set the initial ionization fractions depending on gas temperature assuming ionization equilibrium.
  set_initial_ionization_mass_fractions: 1            # (Optional) manually overwrite initial mass fraction of each species (using the values you set below)
  mass_fraction_HI: 0.999999                          # (Conditional) If overwrite_initial_ionization_fractions=1, needed to set initial HI mass fractions to this value
  mass_fraction_HII: 1.e-6                            # (Conditional) If overwrite_initial_ionization_fractions=1, needed to set initial HII mass fractions to this value
  mass_fraction_HeI: 0.                               # (Conditional) If overwrite_initial_ionization_fractions=1, needed to set initial HeI mass fractions to this value
  mass_fraction_HeII: 0.                              # (Conditional) If overwrite_initial_ionization_fractions=1, needed to set initial HeII mass fractions to this value
  mass_fraction_HeIII: 0.                             # (Conditional) If overwrite_initial_ionization_fractions=1, needed to set initial HeIII mass fractions to this value
  stellar_spectrum_type: 1                            # Which radiation spectrum to use. 0: constant from 0 until some max frequency set by stellar_spectrum_const_max_frequency_Hz. 1: blackbody spectrum.
  stellar_spectrum_blackbody_temperature_K: 1.e5      # (Conditional) if stellar_spectrum_type=1, use this temperature (in K) for the blackbody spectrum.
  stars_max_timestep: 6.26e-5                         # (Optional) restrict the maximal timestep of stars to this value (in internal units)

  cred: 2.99792458e3                                 # value of reduced speed of light for the RT solver in code unit
  CFL_condition: 0.1                                  # CFL condition for RT, independent of hydro 
  chi:  [0, 0, 0, 0]                                     # (Optional) initial opacity in code unit for all gas particles
  photon_groups_Hz: [3.288e15, 5.945e15, 13.157e15]   # Photon frequency group bin edges in Hz. Needs to be 1 less than the number of groups (N) requested during the configuration (--with-RT=SPHM1RT_N). Outer edges of zero and infinity are assumed.
  use_const_emission_rates: 1                         # (Optional) use constant emission rates for stars as defined with star_emission_rates parameter 
  star_emission_rates: [1e-32, 1.05e11, 2.16e11, 4.80e10]     # (Optional) constant star emission rates (internal unit: energy/time) for each photon frequency group to use if use_constant_emission_rates is set. # = 5e48 photons/sec and BB1e5
  stellar_spectrum_type: 1                            # Which radiation spectrum to use. 0: constant from 0 until some max frequency set by stellar_spectrum_const_max_frequency_Hz. 1: blackbody spectrum.
  stars_max_timestep: 7.812500e-06                    # (Optional) restrict the maximal timestep of stars to this value (in internal units). Set to negative to turn off.
  stellar_spectrum_blackbody_temperature_K: 1.e5      # (Conditional) if stellar_spectrum_type=1, use this temperature (in K) for the blackbody spectrum. 
  skip_thermochemistry: 0                             # (Optional) skip the thermochemistry. This is intended only for debugging and testing the radiation transport, as it breaks the purpose of RT.
  init_mass_fraction_metal:     0.                    # (Optional) Inital mass fraction of particle mass in *all* metals (if it is set, the initial fraction will be over-written.)
  init_mass_fraction_Hydrogen:  1.0                   # (Conditional) (if init_mass_fraction_metal != -1.0f) Inital mass fraction of particle mass in Hydrogen
  init_mass_fraction_Helium:    0.0                   # (Conditional) (if init_mass_fraction_metal != -1.0f) Inital mass fraction of particle mass in Helium
  coolingon:              1                           # (Optional) switch for cooling (and photoheating), but photo-ionization will be ongoing even if coolingon==0 
  useabundances:              1                       # (Optional) use the species abundances below, instead of reading from initial condition
  init_species_abundance_e:        1e-5               # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) free electron abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  init_species_abundance_HI:       0.99999            # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) HI abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  init_species_abundance_HII:      1e-5               # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) HII abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  init_species_abundance_HeI:      0.0                # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) HeI abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  init_species_abundance_HeII:     0.0                # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) HeII abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  init_species_abundance_HeIII:    0.0                # (Conditional) (if useabundances==1) HeIII abundances (in unit hydrogen number density:nH)
  relativeTolerance:          1e-3                    # (Optional) Relative tolerance for SPHM1RT thermo-chemistry intergration
  absoluteTolerance:          1e-10                   # (Optional) Absolute tolerance for SPHM1RT thermo-chemistry integration
  explicitTolerance:          0.1                     # (Optional) Tolerance below which we use the explicit solution in SPHM1RT thermo-chemistry
  ionizing_photon_energy_erg: [3.0208e-11, 5.61973e-11, 1.05154e-10]  # (Optional) ionizing photon energy in erg averaged within frequency bins