This directory contains data files for comparisons. - Multifrequency static variable temperature Stromgren Sphere with pure hydrogen at 100 Myr after the star turns on: The full multifrequency solution is taken from the TT1D result in Figure 4 in doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18032.x Left column in all the followings: Radius in unit of Stromgren Radius (rs = 5.4 kpc) Right column in TTT1D_Stromgren100Myr.txt: Temperature in log10([K]) Right column in xTT1D_Stromgren100Myr.txt: Hydrogen Neutral fraction in log10 - Multifrequency static variable temperature Stromgren Sphere with 75% hydrogen and 25% helium (in mass) at 100 Myr after the star turns on: The full multifrequency solution is taken from the TT1D result in Figure 9 in doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18032.x Left column in all the followings: Radius in unit of Stromgren Radius (rs = 5.4 kpc) Right column in TTT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: Temperature in log10([K]) Right column in xHITT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: HI fraction in log10(n_HI/n_H), where n_H is hydrogen number density Right column in xHIITT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: HII fraction in log10(n_HII/n_H) Right column in xHeITT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: HeI fraction in log10(n_HeI/n_H) Right column in xHeIITT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: HeII fraction in log10(n_HeII/n_H) Right column in xHeIIITT1D_Stromgren100Myr_HHe.txt: HeIII fraction in log10(n_HeIII/n_H)