A demo of making initial conditions for a planetary impact simulation using SEAGen and WoMa [1,2], starting by creating separate target and impactor planet models and running standard "settling" simulations. See WoMa's documentation and tutorial at https://github.com/srbonilla/WoMa for more info. First, the target and impactor planet profiles and particles are generated using WoMa. Second, a "settling" simulation is run for each body in isolation to allow any final relaxation of the particles to occur. Third, the settled particles are loaded and given initial positions and velocities to set up the impact scenario. The resulting initial conditions can be used by the DemoImpact example. See its README.md for more info, and to run the impact simulation. Pre-made impact initial conditions can also be downloaded directly. The set up for these planets and the collision scenario is described in [3] (see S2 and Fig. A1, etc). These bodies use ANEOS equations of state that include entropies, so for settling simulations the entropy of each particle can be kept fixed to ensure adiabatic settling without viscosity heating etc. The resolution, set by the number of ~equal-mass particles, can be controlled by the `N` variables at the start of the scripts, with examples included for 10^5 (default), 10^6, and 10^7 particles. In the .yml input files for different resolutions, in addition to the different file names, the gravitational softening set by max_physical_baryon_softening is set to approximately the minimum inter-particle separation. See the planetary and other sections of the SWIFT documentation for details on the other .yml input parameters and other simulation options. [1] Kegerreis et al. 2019, MNRAS 487:4 [2] Ruiz-Bonilla et al. 2021, MNRAS 500:3 [3] Kegerreis et al. 2022, ApJL 937:2 L40 This example requires the code to be configured to use the planetary hydrodynamics scheme and planetary equations of state, and fixed entropy: --with-hydro=planetary --with-equation-of-state=planetary --enable-planetary-fixed-entropy