Generates and evolves a disc-patch, where gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium with an imposed external gravitational force, using the equations from Creasey, Theuns & Bower, 2013, MNRAS, Volume 429, Issue 3, p.1922-1948. To generate ICs ready for a scientific run: 1) Recover a uniform glass file by running ''. 2) Generate pre-ICs by running the '' script. 3) Run SWIFT with an isothermal EoS, no cooling nor feedback, and the disc-patch potential switched on and using the parameters from 'disc-patch-icc.yml' 4) The ICs are then ready to be run for a science problem. Rename the last output to 'Disc-Patch-dynamic.hdf5'. These are now the ICs for the actual test. When running SWIFT with the parameters from 'disc-patch.yml' and an ideal gas EoS on these ICs the disc should stay in equilibrium. The solution can be checked using the '' script.