Initial conditions for the AGORA simulation presented in Roca-Fabrega et al. 2021. The initial conditions are generated by MUSIC (and thus the path to the binary should be set in The initial conditions are generated for AREPO and then converted into SWIFT compatible IC with a python3 script. We will use SWIFT to cancel the h- and a-factors from the ICs. The IC consists in a halo evolving to a virial mass of ∼ 1e12 Msun at z = 0 with a relatively quiescent merger history between z = 2 and 0. The cosmological parameters are taken from WMAP7/9+SNe+BAO. The target halo contains the highest-resolution dark matter particles particles of masses = 2.8e5 Msun. To run this example, SWIFT must be configured with the following options: ./configure --with-chemistry=GEAR_10 --with-cooling=grackle_0 --with-pressure-floor=GEAR --with-stars=GEAR --with-star-formation=GEAR --with-feedback=GEAR